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5 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I understood future Bretonnia as a funny way of saying FEC, but still I am not sure what is the second one 😁

And don't forget metal. They said metal too, which is super odd.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh makes sense, but ya what is the second one?

The metal part I thought made sense at first since they would just be using all of the old metal, resin, and plastic models that they found in storage and selling them at crazy prices. One of the new knight models I am pretty sure is resin. So seeing the pegasus leak being new and in plastic just makes TOW even more of an enigma.

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15 hours ago, RyantheFett said:

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh makes sense, but ya what is the second one?

The metal part I thought made sense at first since they would just be using all of the old metal, resin, and plastic models that they found in storage and selling them at crazy prices. One of the new knight models I am pretty sure is resin. So seeing the pegasus leak being new and in plastic just makes TOW even more of an enigma.

I mean, imho this is the only way Fantasy would have realistically been brought back as a Specialist Game/Horus Heresy replacement.

For a first wave to test the waters, a semi-substantual release with presumably a few plastic and mostly FW characters and plastic units rounding out and probably replacing the very worst of the old ones that will make up most of the range for the games' first years is pretty average (and as GW doesn't strike me as a company that keeps vast amounts of decade old stock in finite warehouse space, I'm 99% sure that all old kits will be newly cast in the original/remade molds).

If it sells really really well, more plastic kits come, more factions come, and one day it might HH itself back into a main game.

If not, we'll see how much good will the higher ups have for keeping the project afloat.

That being said, I'm definitely doing a small (500 points AoS/40k equivalent) force of Tomb Kings and some Bretons and getting whatever books they put out (Necromunda/Heresy style narrative books after probable initial "Armies of X" ones?). Too cool to miss out on them. Would have (and will probably do) a Kislev army if they released it at launch, although imho it's still not impossible that it's relatively quite early on the pipeline based on the large amount of initial attention it got. Same for Cathay, although that seems more like an "if" than a "when" sadly.

Edited by Asbestress
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16 hours ago, Feii said:

I don't think GW does that so frequently. 

Whole* second wave Slaanesh release was super weak. Kragnos was Failnos until he got erratad. 

Idk honestly, I prefer stronger new models than unplayable mess because the bean counters at GW will see lower sales for an army and don't equate it with bad rules. 

New range of Nighthaunt is pathetic, lady of vines and the guys with wings are terrible, the wolves in gloomspite, goku hero, banner hero, calligrave, kangaroos and twins in lumineth, slaneesh, as you said, kruleboyz, most of new sculpts from stormcast, Lauka, vengorians and the 3rd edition vampire, etc.


So in the last years new models are awful and old ones are the best.

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4 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

Ok what if the last 7 RE's are all FEC?

Have my doubts with these 2 but it could be possible i guess.


These look like FEC for sure.


Edit: Cant seem to figure out which could be new Orruk models.

The second pic looks like blood bowl to me, although it could maybe be an armored troll? 4 & 6 could be on almost anything, as its just pictures of a base. they could even be the same model. wouldn't be out of place on a kruleboyz model, or just as terrain.
3 & 7 could be FEC or bonesplitterz I think.
5 looks like it might be FEC to me, mostly because of the candles, although it looks a bit like a bird foot so it could maybe be tzeentch?
the first image looks like a kruleboy arm to me, but its got a spike through it so I've got no idea.

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1 minute ago, Draznak said:

Looks like a guardsmen and a vampire noblewoman. I know the helmet’s shadow makes it look like an elgi, but the sword’s crosshairs is literally shaped like a bone which equals death.

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I'm surprised they're not going big and bold with these free minis. They're lovely for us that are already invested in the setting but more like the Vindicare would of been better. If they're doing it with Vindicare style models then yearly is great, if they're continuing with these sort them maybe quarterly models would be better. I'm not a subscriber but if it's another vampire model I definitely will try and get hold of one

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