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Everything posted by JonnyTheKing

  1. The FEC FAQ made me sad and ruined my day @Whitefang can you make me happy and tell me if there are any rumblings of Chaos Dwarves coming in the future for AoS? 🥹
  2. It is also way too early and the stats need time to settle
  3. Think the two warbands are worth it or should I just take 3 more pigs?
  4. I’ll kick this off then with a list that I’d love some thoughts on! Allegiance: Ironjawz - Warclan: Bloodtoofs - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line - Triumphs: Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (480)* - Boss Choppa and Rip-tooth fist - Artefact: Armour of Gork - Mount Trait: Fast 'Un Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (480)** - Boss Choppa and Rip-tooth fist - Artefact: Destroyer Orruk Warchanter (115)* - Warbeat: Fixin' Beat Orruk Warchanter (115)** - Warbeat: Killa Beat Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (90)* - Lore of the Weird: Da Great Big Green Hand of Gork 3 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (170)** - Jagged Gore-hackas 3 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (170)** - Jagged Gore-hackas 3 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (170)** - Jagged Gore-hackas 4 x Ironskull's Boyz (80)** 3 x Morgok's Krushas (90)** *Command Entourage - Magnificent **Battle Regiment Total: 1960 / 2000 Reinforced Units: 0 / 4 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 116 Drops: 4 usual plan that this kind of list has, decided that the two Underworlds bands could be cool for objective holders/screens if needed, they also don’t give up Broken Ranks like Ardboyz screens
  5. Can someone explain how the wound allocation core rule interacts with the Harvester, getting myself a bit confused, do I have to allocate and roll for each guy one at a time while allocating the wounds or do I remove all guys at once and roll for them together? Would appreciate if someone could explain the process for this, thanks!
  6. Found a unit of Shootas as a decent alternative to Hobgrotz too
  7. The complaints were more how boring and unfun they can be tbf Hopefully once a few battletomes come out the meta will go in a nice direction, someone throw a rope for GG and Beasts plz
  8. I found they struggle with the ones that require you to shift stuff off objectives
  9. I played recently with a heavy Nurgle Daemon list against Lumineth, actually a Lumineth game I didn’t want to die of boredom in surprisingly due to Nurgle having defences against Lumineth’s problematic rules. Was a very close game but ultimately lost, discovered Nurgle struggle to complete a couple of the battle tactics which really hurts for them, however their durability now is insane with the changes to Plaguebearers and 2 of their Heralds becoming amazing. Lumineth really struggled to shift my army and GUOs as always are beasts Really enjoying how Nurgle play at the moment but they do perhaps need a slight boost in damage when their new book comes out, excited to get some more games against other armies in with Nurgle
  10. Played a couple games against Lumineth, some of the most unfun games I had in AoS ever sadly, super NPE now, played a game with my Khorne against Slaves that was fun, monsters are great now
  11. I’m glad they decided to keep the problem Lumineth units basically the same, very nice
  12. Honestly Khorne is in such a poor state without Slaves units I don’t think it could get much worse, the Battletome is severely showing it’s age so all the little changes are welcome IMO for them For my Orruks I think things are looking great
  13. I don’t see it, saw the same conversations in the 40K crowd when 9th was getting shown off and nobody did it, turns out the increase in points doesn’t change too much and actually helps players stay in the 2 hour limit at tournies
  14. I reckon it could lead to a big monster heavy meta potentially
  15. Yeah I agree, but what I’m getting at is with more smaller units that need more reinforcement points to reinforce to a level able to deal with these threats it may increase the power level of certain units who have a harder time getting countered now
  16. I feel like the reinforcements could lead to shenanigans for certain units, as mentioned above like 3 or 4 40 man Marauder units could be a problem for some armies to deal with but it could also fix issues such as Tzeentch flamers, Salamanders etc perhaps
  17. I think the reinforcement rule could be cool if implemented in a good way? Kinda interested?
  18. So far I like what has been shown of our swampy brothers, wish they didn't have a Destruction version of a Lumineth rule but I won't turn down easy mortal wounds I guess... I just want to see what other spells we get and hopefully new units! I think we will get a wolf rider style unit and a Nob style unit too, maybe another named hero?
  19. I think it’s going to be better or worse depending on how CP intensive certain armies are
  20. Back to the topic at hand, I wonder if battletomes will have unique secondaries, I think 40K does? I’m nowhere near a codex right now
  21. I’m just worried about shooting as a whole sadly, my little Blood Warriors just waddle up the board and get shot 😢
  22. No risk if you’re behind a warden screen (which you will be) Are we still pretending Sentinels aren’t OP? (and most likely more so now)
  23. Hopefully Kruleboyz are a fun army to go against, I don’t want to be Lumineth in which everyone and their mother hates going against you because of how boring your army is
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