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21 minutes ago, Wobbly said:

A thing that has given me reason to speculate and ponder is the symbol on the cover of the second book of the Dawnbringers series. If I´m not mistaken that represents specifically Ironjawz!

A Ironjawz focus for the lore/story in the book? More Ironjawz kits? Just chosen because of the revealed Maw-Grunta, so a more general Orruk/Destruction driven content?

Not that I dare to go hogwild when it comes to hints and teases from GW...as they keep on surprising me.



This was confirmed on the preview stream and the maw grunta will be part of that release. This leads me to think the other 2 books will focus on order and death with some factions getting a few more units with the respective book. 

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22 minutes ago, Baz said:

This was confirmed on the preview stream and the maw grunta will be part of that release. This leads me to think the other 2 books will focus on order and death with some factions getting a few more units with the respective book. 

I hope that FS will get some update with new kits.

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18 hours ago, DinoJon said:

I was exhausted and I forget that today is Sunday!



Outlander Beastmaster Millisaurs

Age of Sigmar
Seraphon Battletome - Slann, Saurus, Skink riders, Astrolith, Salamander and much more
Cities Battletome + Infrantry + Cavalry
Mistery book Winter
Generals Handbook 2023 S1
Dawnbringer: Harbringers
Dawnbringer: Orruks?
Dawnbringer: 3
Dawnbringer: 4
Harbringer of Order - Fireslayers box + Harbringer
Harbringer of Chaos - Nurgle box + Harbringer
Harbringer of Destruction - Gloomspite box + Harbringer
Harbringer of Death - Flesh Eaters box + Harbringer

Nightmare's Quest - FeC vs SCE
Pyramid kit
Underworlds meets Warcry starter Soulblight vs SCE
4 Warbands (Order vs Destro)
2 Warbands (Order vs Death)
2 Warbands (who knows)

Death Note's Warband
Rival Deck 1
Chaos Warband
Starter Set
Core Box
Destro Warband
Rival Deck 2

Horus Heresy
Despoilers upgrade kit
Daemon Assassin
The F* Vindicator
Campaign book
Legion Arquitor with Spicula
Legion Arquitor with Mortar
Glaive with Volkite carronade
Fellblade with Accelerator Cannon
Falchion with Volcano Cannon
Damocles Command Rhino
Tank commanders
Librarian Consul
Plastic Lancer
Horus Hero
Fist Hero

An infinite roadmap... sorry, it is so big

Warhammer 40k
Black Library Sargeant Astra Militarum Minska
Leviathan Army Box
Crusade - Tyrannic War
Chapter Approved (Mission Deck)
Index Cards
Space Marines Codex - Launch Complete army
Tyranids Codex - Launch Complete Army
Adeptus Mechanicus
Dark Angels
Adeptus Custodes
T'au Empire
Chaos Space Marines

Kill Team 
Votann vs Beastmen
Ashes of Fate with tons of plastic

Nazghûl and the Hobbits

Adeptus Titanicus

Old World
Bretonnian Paladin
Tomb Kings Hero

Blood Bowl
Skinks duo


Edited by Nezzhil
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So when we got malign portents heralds of the 4 the Lord Ordinator, Knight of Shrouds and the Fungoid cave shaman all led to new armies and model waves within a year. Only the dark oath chief didn’t - although she may have been part of the early design work for warcry. 

we know FEC big release is coming and their herald ties to that. 

but this makes me wonder if Fyreslayers and Nurgle will be getting wave 2s in the vein of this upcoming orruk warclans one

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59 minutes ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

So when we got malign portents heralds of the 4 the Lord Ordinator, Knight of Shrouds and the Fungoid cave shaman all led to new armies and model waves within a year. Only the dark oath chief didn’t - although she may have been part of the early design work for warcry. 

we know FEC big release is coming and their herald ties to that. 

but this makes me wonder if Fyreslayers and Nurgle will be getting wave 2s in the vein of this upcoming orruk warclans one

Yeah I was wondering if maybe this will lead to Nurgle getting some more Mortals, as currently it is just big boys on foot and on flies. I really hope we will see the Order of the Fly given model representation. The Knightly Orders of Nurgle seem to be in a lot of books but have no models which is rather odd!

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Thinking about something now, would be swell if I could get a @Whitefang react on this - maybe the four harbingers revealed today are also harbinging some new units for those four factions?

Edit: I see y'all are already talking about it, so this might even have legs ha!


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Man. The Harbinger of Decay all but seals my collection of a nurgle army. I've hummed and Hah'd over what to collect after falling out of love with my long-stalled out Mawtribes army.

One thing I didn't see mentioned at all, was the lore blurb about the lore revolving around him.

"Dour and humourless – in contrast to the Grandfather’s usual joyful entourage – they lead Rotbringer cohorts known as Shudderhoods, joylessly committed to undertaking unholy labours in the Plague Lord’s name."

Honestly. Its really refreshing to have a traditionally eccentric or silly faction tighten up for a serious/ dour role in the fiction. Farting nurglings and over the top joyful nurgle dialogue just aren't my thing, and they get so done to death... Same with Orcs and their cockney shenanigans, or their comedy.

It dominates the zeitgeist of the online community, and in Nurgle's case really undermines the whole pathos of what I feel it means to fall too, or be engaged by, the embodiment of despair and hopelessness that Nurgle is supposed to represent as a Chaos God.

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8 minutes ago, Shankelton said:

Man. The Harbinger of Decay all but seals my collection of a nurgle army. I've hummed and Hah'd over what to collect after falling out of love with my long-stalled out Mawtribes army.

One thing I didn't see mentioned at all, was the lore blurb about the lore revolving around him.

"Dour and humourless – in contrast to the Grandfather’s usual joyful entourage – they lead Rotbringer cohorts known as Shudderhoods, joylessly committed to undertaking unholy labours in the Plague Lord’s name."

Honestly. Its really refreshing to have a traditionally eccentric or silly faction tighten up for a serious/ dour role in the fiction. Farting nurglings and over the top joyful nurgle dialogue just aren't my thing, and they get so done to death... Same with Orcs and their cockney shenanigans, or their comedy.

It dominates the zeitgeist of the online community, and in Nurgle's case really undermines the whole pathos of what I feel it means to fall too, or be engaged by, the embodiment of despair and hopelessness that Nurgle is supposed to represent as a Chaos God.

Is nurgle meant to represent dispair and hopelessness? I've always seen it that nurgle is a god who sees the joy of the life cycle. 

All life dies and decays and from that decay, new life emerges which in turn dies and decay. 

For nurgle, the new life is that of rancid, horrific and terrible disease and plague, but that's by the by! 

While the desperate may turn to Nurgle out of hopelessness and dispair and that could be in part what attracts his attention I wouldn't say that's what he represents. 

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3 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

Is nurgle meant to represent dispair and hopelessness? I've always seen it that nurgle is a god who sees the joy of the life cycle. 

All life dies and decays and from that decay, new life emerges which in turn dies and decay. 

For nurgle, the new life is that of rancid, horrific and terrible disease and plague, but that's by the by! 

While the desperate may turn to Nurgle out of hopelessness and dispair and that could be in part what attracts his attention I wouldn't say that's what he represents. 

TBF, the chaos gods are pretty motley! They can be interpreted in a variety of ways depending on the person doing the interpreting (both in setting, and us as an outsider looking in). So its not wrong if you consider Nurgle to be the eternal gardener, or the lord of Plague and Disease on the mortal plane.

Liber Chaotica: Nurgle had a pretty awesome passage that I tend to lean on for how I frame Nurgle. Wish I could afford a copy, since its OOP and like $500  on ebay, but that's neither here no there! Included the old reddit link to the excerpt if you feel like giving it a read!


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Gods in the real world often had more than one thing they were interested in. 

For as long as I can remember, Warhammer’s Nurgle has embodied two slightly contradictory things - statis  where things don’t change and decay which is a process of changing.

Cleaving to Nurgle out of despair to be saved from famine or disease isn’t uncommon in the background.

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The joy of nurgle is a manic one from wallowing in dispair, eventually his worshippers give in and see the joy in their suffering. To me nurgle is a stockholm syndrome god, his "gifts" are torture and a slow death, his "joy" is masking the suffering. He loves life and rebirth and the concept of his "children" but he doesnt love you individually just your role in the cycle. The harbingers of decay are there to keep the cycle going and are probably closer to nurgles true goals.

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1 hour ago, Shankelton said:

Man. The Harbinger of Decay all but seals my collection of a nurgle army. I've hummed and Hah'd over what to collect after falling out of love with my long-stalled out Mawtribes army.

One thing I didn't see mentioned at all, was the lore blurb about the lore revolving around him.

"Dour and humourless – in contrast to the Grandfather’s usual joyful entourage – they lead Rotbringer cohorts known as Shudderhoods, joylessly committed to undertaking unholy labours in the Plague Lord’s name."

Honestly. Its really refreshing to have a traditionally eccentric or silly faction tighten up for a serious/ dour role in the fiction. Farting nurglings and over the top joyful nurgle dialogue just aren't my thing, and they get so done to death... Same with Orcs and their cockney shenanigans, or their comedy.

It dominates the zeitgeist of the online community, and in Nurgle's case really undermines the whole pathos of what I feel it means to fall too, or be engaged by, the embodiment of despair and hopelessness that Nurgle is supposed to represent as a Chaos God.

Yep, this has always been my issue with Nurgle. 

I'm all for having a bit of fun in the setting, but it seems like Nurgle fans either want to embrace the gruesome and grimdark, or name their characters things like "Farty McButtface" and his army called the "Disgusting Avalance of Poo." 

FANTASTIC to get something a little more serious in the faction. 

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1 minute ago, RileyArlic said:

Yep, this has always been my issue with Nurgle. 

I'm all for having a bit of fun in the setting, but it seems like Nurgle fans either want to embrace the gruesome and grimdark, or name their characters things like "Farty McButtface" and his army called the "Disgusting Avalance of Poo." 

FANTASTIC to get something a little more serious in the faction. 

Yes i would love to see some more grimdark Nurgle releases to go along with the Harbinger of Decay.

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19 minutes ago, petitionercity said:

Does Dawnbringers look like the gathering storm/broken realms/ark of omen-style end of edition series of books? Or something else?

Pretty early for an "end of edition" series, so maybe a "middle of edition" campaign.


Speaking of which, I am very happy to see the narrative advance but just a bit concerned of it being spread over 4 books. I am surely starved for stuff happening, not sure I am 170€ starved.

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35 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:


@Beliman @Public Universal Duardin @Clan's Cynic @Snarff 


On the hero: Always happy to see more Fyreslayers! Any support for an old army is good, even if it isn't exactly what the army needs. Not completely sold on the design though, it feels like instead of going in the crazy AoS direction they toned it down to old world levels. Though I guess it would make sense if it is just a Vulkite that survived last. Love the hammers, don't love the lack of eyebrows lol.

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