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  1. For how long, though? There's a lot of histrionics at the moment - including emotional misreadings of what they said yesterday. The prohibition on those old storm cast will be summer 2025 - and it should only apply to tournaments and events. The units will all have rules, all have playability.
  2. Does anyone worry though this will be as messy as 10th edition 40k was?
  3. Jack, is it possible to create a thread with all your stls in one place? And/or create a cults page?
  4. But has gw ever released a game of this scale, with that many minis, in a year - alongside all their other products?
  5. But this is GMG's modus operandi. It's *every* video he does. GW know this and continue to send him everything. He's never been punished before, and this has happened too - people making pdfs from his videos in that one week (now two week) preorder window.
  6. Now if only someone would do this for heresy!
  7. Exactly, this was why I shared them - but I also find it interesting they have an "out"; if artillery can be modelled as you like, then ... So can other things
  8. Or imagine fantasy versions of rak'gol, hrud (when not space skaven), and other minor races!
  9. To be fair it is also a century before too.
  10. I like to think of it like final fantasy - where they are totally different worlds or universes wherein recurrent tropes connect each piece of media as the same franchise/intellectual property. I also really wish they had done this with AoS - just made it (for example) the FF10 to WFB's FF9. Not a sequel, not an end, just a new world with same elements, names, etc.
  11. The thing is, all the things that made 6th edition bretonnia "bad" or "grey" are still there - the latest loremasters includes lots of the very icky elements of their society, which makes them feel rather skavenblight dinge! It does include very wfrp mentions of freemen in the society - the merchants, scholars, etc - and other tidbits from the four editions. But front and centre is serfdom, and its ills.
  12. GB prices, from the retailer resources page (the form Asia Export Order Form 01.01.2024)
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