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22 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Any new units for the Fire Stunties is good!! Especially Warcry as theyre very creative in that system!!

It does limit  the possibilities a bit. It can't be big and the unit will probably be on foot. 

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2 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

It does limit  the possibilities a bit. It can't be big and the unit will probably be on foot. 

Doesn't necessarily mean they're going to be the only release! Female Duardin Magmadroth trainers with Minidroths is another possibility. Seraphon got a ton of kits outside of Warcry and then 2/3 more in their Warcry Warband too!

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36 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

Pretty early for an "end of edition" series, so maybe a "middle of edition" campaign.


Speaking of which, I am very happy to see the narrative advance but just a bit concerned of it being spread over 4 books. I am surely starved for stuff happening, not sure I am 170€ starved.

Yeah, and that in a period of 6 months and that's without a single mini bought. It's a very expensive DLC business model with a very short use of it (ignoring the fluff). And than in spring 2024 there will be probably campaign books preparing for the new edition. Lol, a couple of hundred euro's on books alone in little more than 12 months. Price wise it feels a bit to much. That said if all the mini's will be of the same quality as those previewed yesterday we will be spoiled. 🙂

26 minutes ago, Snarff said:

Doesn't necessarily mean they're going to be the only release! Female Duardin Magmadroth trainers with Minidroths is another possibility. Seraphon got a ton of kits outside of Warcry and then 2/3 more in their Warcry Warband too!

That's true, it's possible. But I don't know if the comparison with Seraphon is valid. There were rumours of a big Seraphon release for a long time, in the same way there are now rumours for a big FeC release after CoS. Love the grimhold-exile and Rabble-rowza that is previewed, but these could be mini's they already had when they designed those ranges, but decided not to release them.

While Sir Jerrion, the harbringer of decay and the Maw-Grunta feel really like very new scupts. Compared with those sculpts, the Grimhold-exile feels more like it was designed 8 years ago together with the rest of FS range.

Anyway I hope one of those order Warcry warband is an Akhelian warband, maybe Ishlaen dismounted guard.

Edited by Tonhel
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4 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

GW giving Fyreslayers another ginger lad. Meanwhile IDK still don't have a crab hero. 

With Fyreslayers getting 2 releases in a single edition, I feel like anything can happen. IDK are too cool not to expand upon, and Harbingers promises models for 12+ factions, I can't see them not getting at least another hero too.

And if we can believe the Whitefang like (and it's not just them agreeing with the sentiment), there might even be a third FS release this edition. In that case, the sky is the limit.

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13 minutes ago, Snarff said:

With Fyreslayers getting 2 releases in a single edition, I feel like anything can happen. IDK are too cool not to expand upon, and Harbingers promises models for 12+ factions, I can't see them not getting at least another hero too.

And if we can believe the Whitefang like (and it's not just them agreeing with the sentiment), there might even be a third FS release this edition. In that case, the sky is the limit.

As deepkin player myself I think armies like Fyreslayers and Ironjawz deserve new models more then us becase they were one of first AoS armies, Deepkin is quite new and they have decent roster. But giving them Warcry warband would be cool especially now when they act as units in AoS and have decent rules and that could give them some more options. 

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2 hours ago, Marcvs said:

Pretty early for an "end of edition" series, so maybe a "middle of edition" campaign.

Isn't AoS 4.0 likely to come out in a little over a year? If so, it's not that early. Broken Realms Morathi came out in November 2020 and Dominion came out in June 2021, do about seven months between them. Depending on when Dawnbringer book 1 comes out, might be similar.

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7 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

Isn't AoS 4.0 likely to come out in a little over a year? If so, it's not that early. Broken Realms Morathi came out in November 2020 and Dominion came out in June 2021, do about seven months between them. Depending on when Dawnbringer book 1 comes out, might be similar.

On stream they said Dawbringers book 1: Harbingers is 'very very soon' and all the summer roadmap releases are only a few weeks away. Would be early for a 4.0 lead-up End of Edition event, but would also be too late to do one after this one probably.

Edited by Snarff
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Seeing some speculation here that doesn’t make much sense to me.

I’ll be shocked if Dawnbringers is not the end of edition narrative. It doesn’t need to be some world changing event - we know one fails. Maybe it’s the new big bad of 4th that causes it to fail? My money is on Chaos Dwarfs in Aqshy causing that one to fail.

Also, it seems clear to me Dawnbringers will be 5 books. The Harbingers is the intro and then we know there’s a Destruction one in the fall and there’s a harbinger for each Grand Alliance. Seems like after the initial one, there will be a book for each Grand Alliance. So there’s probably a narrative book not on the roadmap, which would make sense for it being the end of edition campaign. I’m guessing the realm will shift to whichever realm has the Dawnbringers fail.

I’d guess the harbinger factions all see updates (a battletome for FEC). Nurgle makes sense to appear in Ghyran and Fyreslayers in Aqshy. FEC and Gloomspite would make more sense to me Ghyran, but could be either.

On top of that, we already know Warclans is getting something. Whitefang has hinted at Sylvaneth getting Kurnothi. So that’s 6 factions. 

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32 minutes ago, dmorley21 said:

Seeing some speculation here that doesn’t make much sense to me.

I’ll be shocked if Dawnbringers is not the end of edition narrative. It doesn’t need to be some world changing event - we know one fails. Maybe it’s the new big bad of 4th that causes it to fail? My money is on Chaos Dwarfs in Aqshy causing that one to fail.

Also, it seems clear to me Dawnbringers will be 5 books. The Harbingers is the intro and then we know there’s a Destruction one in the fall and there’s a harbinger for each Grand Alliance. Seems like after the initial one, there will be a book for each Grand Alliance. So there’s probably a narrative book not on the roadmap, which would make sense for it being the end of edition campaign. I’m guessing the realm will shift to whichever realm has the Dawnbringers fail.

I’d guess the harbinger factions all see updates (a battletome for FEC). Nurgle makes sense to appear in Ghyran and Fyreslayers in Aqshy. FEC and Gloomspite would make more sense to me Ghyran, but could be either.

On top of that, we already know Warclans is getting something. Whitefang has hinted at Sylvaneth getting Kurnothi. So that’s 6 factions. 

What if it's Chaos Dwarves in Aqshy that cause that crusade to succeed. It's about to flounder without supplies and the Chaos Dwarves are the ones who save them, trading them goods and protection in exchange for a place in their city. It creates tension within the order grand alliance that there's a chaos worshipping faction that can be reasoned with properly and opens narrative hooks for Chaos beyond them just conquering and sacking cities.

Then the Ghyran crusade fails because it awakens Kurnoth, causing him to attack and destroy them as that area of Ghyran becomes more wild, gathering the Kuronothi to his side.

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You make some good points but isn't it a bit early for an end of edition narrative ? I agree that a big narrative event with books and minis is a bit fishy but Dawnbringers would be the earliest end of edition campaign ever if that's the case, those usually start in winter. 

And there's also the Gnarlwood story arc that needs to be resolved, I would be very surprised if the Eye of Chotec didn't go boom.

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1 minute ago, EonChao said:

What if it's Chaos Dwarves in Aqshy that cause that crusade to succeed. It's about to flounder without supplies and the Chaos Dwarves are the ones who save them, trading them goods and protection in exchange for a place in their city. It creates tension within the order grand alliance that there's a chaos worshipping faction that can be reasoned with properly and opens narrative hooks for Chaos beyond them just conquering and sacking cities.

Then the Ghyran crusade fails because it awakens Kurnoth, causing him to attack and destroy them as that area of Ghyran becomes more wild, gathering the Kuronothi to his side.

Kurnoth awakening to lead a wild hunt against the crusade in ghyran is my bet as well. 

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5 hours ago, Ogregut said:

Is nurgle meant to represent dispair and hopelessness? I've always seen it that nurgle is a god who sees the joy of the life cycle. 

All life dies and decays and from that decay, new life emerges which in turn dies and decay. 

For nurgle, the new life is that of rancid, horrific and terrible disease and plague, but that's by the by! 

While the desperate may turn to Nurgle out of hopelessness and dispair and that could be in part what attracts his attention I wouldn't say that's what he represents. 

Yes, Nurgle is empowered by despair. The anathema to Tzeentch. The overtly comical and jolly Nurgle of recent times is not to my taste either… I‘m seriously considering getting the herald to just paint him up. 

I shall use this chance to tell you about my biggest sin… I‘ve owned a Death Guard unit around 22 years ago… and I liked them! It had a wonderful champion with a powerfist and gasmask. The shame I feel is still eating away at my soul! 😭😭😭 

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4 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

I suspect that one of the Warcry warbands is Fyreslayer. Three order warbands are a lot

Yeah, I had the same thought. Three order armies have already gotten Warcry bands, leaving 6, and three more means half of the remaining order factions likely getting a warband this year. 50% is not bad odds for Fyreslayers, and honestly they lend themselves to Warcry pretty well as an army anyway.

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