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1 minute ago, EntMan said:

Fear not Skaven, Beastmen, Fireslayer etc players! GW is starting to show love to ignored factions and fill gaps with new and exciting niches within armies in 40k at least!



More Tyranid parts on this mini than Fyreslayers minis this edition.

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5 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Fear not Skaven, Beastmen, Fireslayer etc players! GW is starting to show love to ignored factions and fill gaps with new and exciting niches within armies in 40k at least!



Not surprised. Just dissapointed. I wonder if Space Marine players get fed up with having so many options?

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1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

I am wondering: Why is the general assumption that Destruction should get Models in the Age of the Beast?

afaik they stand for destruction and against civilization - they do not stand for beasts.

Granted, they tend to be feral in their assaults, yet quite far from beasts imo.

Beastmen would be the first that come to mind as well as bestial subfactions (Avengorii, Flesh Eaters, maybe)

Because the Edition was based around them.

Alarielles Right of Life spurned on and helped monsters grow and create, unleashing Kragnos in the process and in turn made a massive WAAAGH! and all forces of Destruction heard this WAAAGH! And stampeded on Excelsis.

It helped the Kruelboyz crawl out of the swamp and then....nothing.

Its kind of like if we got the Necroquake but Death didnt get any updates at all besides, whats basically the Soulblight update in terms of minis.

The narrative hopefully is building towards 4.0 in the next Narrative event.

I agree it shouldve affected all Beastly races so Beasts of Chaos if anything shouldve been updated but no. 

At least we got Seraphon and potentially FEC.

Warcry is currently set in Ghur and unless the last unrevealed Warband, if we get 10, isnt Destruction then?

I love AOS but sometimes Destruction feels like the most neglected Alliance.

This Edition we got;

Orruk Warclans - Kruelboyz.

Gloomspite Gitz - Snarlfang unit. Hero.

Sons of Behemat - Upgrade Sprue.

Ogor Mawtribes - Hero.

All in an Edition thst presenter themselves hyped up as Destructions year, which could be on them and less GW.*

It just is a bit disheartening that itll potentially be another 6 years if GW does the same cycle of atagonists for Editions untill its Destructions time in Da Bad Moon again.

Im holding off on saying it wasnt truly a great Edition for Destruction releases untill after the next 'Broken Realms' event!!


*Adam Troke is a lovely bloke but his dismissal of AOS sometimes feels like 'Woah that was cool, lets move on to talk about Primaris Captain #24 for the next 10 minutes'.

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2 hours ago, EntMan said:

Fear not Skaven, Beastmen, Fireslayer etc players! GW is starting to show love to ignored factions and fill gaps with new and exciting niches within armies in 40k at least!



This is the kind of release favoritism that pushed me out of 40k.

Edited by The Red King
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I've been thinking about the grand alliances and how they each find space within them for various armies. Obviously Order is lots of ideas from WFB reimagined for AoS. It's distinct cultures based around popular fantasy tropes that have just as much reason to go to war with each other as ally.

Death is horror tropes. Nighthaunt are ghosts, Bonereapers are skeletons, Flesh-eater courts are cannibals and Soulblight are focused on movie monsters.

Chaos is an extrapolation of GW's own years of development of the concept. All four gods, beastmen, and slaves all being their own armies whereas in the past they would just have been one, and Skaven being properly aligned.

But Destruction is a bit of an odd one. It plays off of traditional fantasy tropes: orcs, goblins, trolls, ogres and giants but those aren't necessarily elements of destruction in previous media, they're more the other or the outsider in a starkly different and seemingly more primitive culture, or minions of the real danger. Even in WFB they kind of struggled to fit into the grand scheme of things in the larger war against chaos, being more akin to a hurricane that could hit anyone than an actual credible power in the setting.

And GW has tried to lean into that with AoS and it works, but it also probably makes it harder to develop them out as a group of factions. It's easy for us to say "Make an Ironjawz ranged unit," or "a mega gargant matriarch shaman," but the game is studio led and I wonder if maybe the current designers are struggling to get a grasp on their vision for where to take destruction as factions. 

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9 minutes ago, EonChao said:

And GW has tried to lean into that with AoS and it works, but it also probably makes it harder to develop them out as a group of factions. It's easy for us to say "Make an Ironjawz ranged unit," or "a mega gargant matriarch shaman," but the game is studio led and I wonder if maybe the current designers are struggling to get a grasp on their vision for where to take destruction as factions. 

They could concentrate on doing new kits for old things and they'll be already full for at least an edition.
Gitmob,Gorgers,Yetis,Troggoth hag and so on...
They are not struggling they just have favoritism, see the whole "Votann debacle":they threw squat in the bin in 2nd edition  because they did not like the dwarf in space idea(as far i remember).
See also things like eldar in 40k that have some ancients models.
Ironic enough gw could live some editions just doing new kits for some old pieces and still get the job done...but they prefer to churn out sm cause they sell (and they did a whole game about that).
I'm a bit angry but destruction edition seems more like a "pause edition" for destruction at least...

Edited by Snorri Nelriksson
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21 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

This is Primaris lieutenant number 15 that GW has released

Post image

To me at least, this looks unique enough to stand out. The majority of the others I couldn't tell weren't just a head/weapon swap from a standard box of marines. 

This one also harks back to the old Tyrannic War vets. 



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No big suprise, but looks like the 40k launch box is being revealed at Warhammerfest

"And that isn’t all – you’ll get to see all the new miniatures available in the massive new launch box in person."


What does this do to our reckoning and guesswork of timescales for upcoming AoS releases?


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32 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Its kind of like if we got the Necroquake but Death didnt get any updates at all besides, whats basically the Soulblight update in terms of minis.

The narrative hopefully is building towards 4.0 in the next Narrative event.

To be fair, my recollection of the Soul Wars was the release of Nighthaunt, followed by a LOOOOOOOOONG period of very little for death. OBR weren't revealed until August 2019, and weren't available until November or December. Soulblight didn't release until May 2021, after the events of the Soul Wars and only barely before the release of 3rd edition.

The other major new releases that edition were LRL and SoB, which have nothing at all to do thematically with Death (though they tied them in fairly well narratively.)

As far as the "Era of the Beast" theme is concerned, GW has done ok so far. Excluding a few obvious misses on their part (Skaven and Beasts of Chaos, which they might still make up for in the next "Broken Realms" release,) Stormcast got dragons, Seraphon and FEC are getting reworked, and we got the Kruelboyz. 

Unless they tease something at Warhammest, I wouldn't expect to see anything new for Destruction until just before 4th Edition, either during or after the next big narrative event. Jack London's friend has already hinted that they'll be getting "something" in the not-so-distant future, but there's no telling how significant it may or may not be.

Given that we're coming down off of the Covid-induced lull in production from GW (based on the assumption that planning and production begins roughly 5 years out), I'm honestly surprised we've gotten as much as we have in the last few months. 


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58 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

They could concentrate on doing new kits for old things and they'll be already full for at least an edition.
Gitmob,Gorgers,Yetis,Troggoth hag and so on...
They are not struggling they just have favoritism, see the whole "Votann debacle":they threw squat in the bin in 2nd edition  because they did not like the dwarf in space idea(as far i remember).
See also things like eldar in 40k that have some ancients models.
Ironic enough gw could live some editions just doing new kits for some old pieces and still get the job done...but they prefer to churn out sm cause they sell (and they did a whole game about that).
I'm a bit angry but destruction edition seems more like a "pause edition" for destruction at least...

THANK YOU!! Skaven, Ogor Mawtribes and Beasts of Chaos are all 99% WHFB sculpts. 

57 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

This is Primaris lieutenant number 15 that GW has released

Post image

Honestly I find this horrible. How many resin minis in 40K are there? How many units need updating? Dont even get me started on all the WHFB holdovers for AOS.

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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

I love AOS but sometimes Destruction feels like the most neglected Alliance.

It does doesn't it. I feel like the amount of attention grand alliances are shown is Order > Chaos > Death > Destruction, and that last step is far bigger than the prior ones.

I think GW need to take a risk and do something completely new with destruction. Kruleboyz have some cool sculpts, but ultimately they are just another type of greenskin. Hardly the most imaginative idea.

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33 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

It does doesn't it. I feel like the amount of attention grand alliances are shown is Order > Chaos > Death > Destruction, and that last step is far bigger than the prior ones.

I think GW need to take a risk and do something completely new with destruction. Kruleboyz have some cool sculpts, but ultimately they are just another type of greenskin. Hardly the most imaginative idea.

I agree. And the answer is something akin to Silent People. 

It doesnt have to be Silent People exactly but something out there like them. Im not talking Destruction Duardin or Aelves but something uniquely AOS. 

Bug People or even the Lovecraftian enemies of Idoneth or the Aetar Eagles!!

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1 hour ago, EntMan said:

No big suprise, but looks like the 40k launch box is being revealed at Warhammerfest

"And that isn’t all – you’ll get to see all the new miniatures available in the massive new launch box in person."


What does this do to our reckoning and guesswork of timescales for upcoming AoS releases?


I'm guessing:

  • Gallet book with Incarnate and that leaked "constructed Dawnbringer settlement" terrain (maybe they are saving that for a potential Dawnbringer campaign book in the Fall?)
  • Warcry FEC vs SCE box (+ terrain?)
  • 4th Cities mini (probably something a bit bigger i.e.: Hero, Ogor, cavalry)
  • BONUS: Surprise teaser for new faction coming 2024/next significant story event (Dawnbringer campaign book?)
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Personally I'm not expecting Dawnbringer Crusades to be anymore than the Path To Glory system for Cities of Sigmar. 

Has there been a rumour floating around I missed? I know Soulbound has been due to get a 'Dawnbringer Crusades' splatbook for a while now, but presumably they've not been able to talk about it due to potentially spoiling a lot of the new CoS visuals.

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I feel like wanting massive Destruction waves for all Destro armies (GSG, Ogres, Ironjawz/Bonesplitters)+ Grotbags + BoC + Skaven + monster themed updates for Idoneth and FS on top of Kruleboyz, the obligatory SCE beginning of edition release and Cities is asking for a bit too much in the 3 year lifespan of this edition. GW still has to balance 40k with AoS and that's a similar number of releases to what 40k got in 9th, and as 40k is their main source of revenue, it will have more releases than AoS.

But, for now, Era of the Beast had :

- Kruleboyz
- Better proportionned SCE
- Bite size but welcome updates for Sylvaneths and Nighthaunts

- Chaos Undivided
- New Warcry season set in Ghur with some of the sickest sculpts GW has ever produced, all games combined

And we're going to get Seraphon, FEC and Cities of Sigmar before this ends. Without counting the inevitable end of edition narrative event, and maybe who knows, they'll drop some sweet releases to accompany it and send the edition with a bang into the next one, with maybe even a surprise army. 

I too, want to be showered in AoS plastic goodness. But GW has to balance a lot of things and sadly can't do that. AoS is a huge undertaking for GW and it will take time to properly flesh it out. But I'm optimistic for the future, I think the game is on the right tracks and I think that in due time everyone (even BoC, Skaven and FS) will get some loving !

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Personally I'm not expecting Dawnbringer Crusades to be anymore than the Path To Glory system for Cities of Sigmar. 

Has there been a rumour floating around I missed? I know Soulbound has been due to get a 'Dawnbringer Crusades' splatbook for a while now, but presumably they've not been able to talk about it due to potentially spoiling a lot of the new CoS visuals.

Whitefang has been extremely insistent than Dawnbringer Crusades is for/made up of all Order factions and is not a renaming of COS, multiple times. And DBC make sense as vessels from which to move the metaplot forward. It feels like they will be a reimagining of Grand Alliance Order, both for better narrative and rules play.

edit: insistent not insisted

Edited by CommissarRotke
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With 40k 10e on the way and the new models slowly being released, I have a question I'd really love an answer to. 

I apologise if this sounds belittling, it's not my intention I am just genuinely curious, but what do Space Marine fans see in new models? 

If someone likes Space Marines, that is 100% fine - everyone has different tastes and enjoys things for different reasons - but my question is specifically towards the Adeptus Astartes fans because Space Marines by design look very similar, with only slight variations in armour and weapons to distinguish them. 

I'm not a huge fan of a lot of armies; I don't much reckon anything to Ratmen, but when (if) Skaven get an update I can see a significant design difference between their models, so for those who do like them I understand the excitement at the prospect of new Skaven. New Space Marines on the other hand often look like talented conversions - small edits to a very similar base. 

Again, there is absolutely nothing wrong with liking Space Marines, but I'd be very grateful for someone who does like them to explain what they see in new models? What makes them exciting for you? :)

To keep this at least tangentally related to AoS, one of the things I love about this system is that even if I don't like any of the armies scheduled to come out, whatever is produced will be novel, and even if the design doesn't gel with me, it makes sense why those who do like the army will be excited. It's really nice to see people get excited about all of the different possibilities for their factions. 

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I guess its just to have the occasion to make different armies without having two times the same mini. I mean, the lore have a huge impact on that. A blood angel isnt a space wolve, where a celestial vindicator and a hammer of sigmar are both stormcast. The difference of depth is huuuge. You can have a space marine army with mostly guns, another with mostly cc, another with mind bullets… and feel like having 3 différent armies, where if you do the same with the stormcast it will not feel the same, imo. Also, everybody loves big guys in big armor. 

But i feel the same than you for AoS: i’ m glad with every new miniature, even tho i only have stormcast and bonereaper (sad me to just have one blank foot hero for the next 3-4 years. I hope new bonesplitterz come at some point so i will have an excuse to start a Destruction faction. Maybe in a warcry setting next year)

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