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55 minutes ago, EntMan said:


Just checking out the superb miniature of the Lion and it's making me wonder:

Do you think we're ever likely to get a model of Sigmar?

I don‘t think so… it‘s kinda like getting a God-Emperor. While Sigmar isn‘t as powerful, it wouldn‘t do the setting/game a favor to introduce him. We got a couple of models of Sigmar already in the form of statues or parts of statues. ;)


The lion looks like a bit like Charles Dance… which only makes him cooler cause CD is a cool cat indeed. It will be cool to see what they do with him narratively and how he will clash with Rowboat. 

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1 hour ago, JerekKruger said:

I wouldn't say never, after all it took around 30 years to get our first Primarchs. That said, my guess is no, or at least not for a long time.

Sigmar is, I think, the most powerful non-Chaos god. In the same way as I don't think we'll ever get Khorne on the tabletop I right well get Sigmar.

But of course I might well be wrong. We do have other guys after all, including Nagash who is, I'd say, number two after Sigmar in the non-Chaos tier listing.

At best they could do an Sigmar avatar ala the Khaine one as one of his aspects takes over a new physical form.(just imagine the wheel cult countering a Skaven Doomwheel with a “God-wheel” possessed by his essence xD )

But otherwise that’s the point of the Celestant-Prime in acting as his arbiter since the God-king has resigned himself to the back lines controlling his cosmos spanning empires to keep them regulated and growing.

If he takes to the field he can wreck million strong chaos armies, decimate mountain ranges and undo all chaos corruption in the area but literally everywhere else will be falling apart, disorganized and chaos will strike in full.

It was a hard lesson he had to learn after the Burning Skies when he accepted he couldn’t be everywhere at once and couldn’t stay a Warrior-god if Order was to survive. He had to become a God-king and handing his hammer over to the Prime symbolized that.

So TLDR: maybe some form of Sigmar golem but not the god himself. At least not until far faaaaar down the line for a big shake-up.

However the Lion speaks well for more Azyr Lords down the line like Yndraste and Bastion. I could see something like that for the Celestial Vindicators. Huge new armored lord covered in knightly swords to venerate their Father of Blades god and can even have the little dudes around him as Vindicators die to reforge themselves a lot on purpose to become living weapons and one side-effect is having so much Azyr energy leaking from you that it creates strange homunculi creatures around the Stormcast(a Knight-Venator is said to cause that oddity as he flies with strange cherubs nearby)

2 hours ago, RileyArlic said:


Good sir that’s called IMMERSION! 🧐

The monster trees grab up the troopers like the little snacks they are!

(but seriously the Gnarlwoods are terrifying. Not only do they move and usually do so to encroach on sleeping travelers to eat them but when enough of them are in a group their roots go down to form those “Roothalls” UnderWorlds is in right now and all the flesh roots and walls down there is like the Sarlac pit. They’ll grab you and pull you against the walls to digest. And Gnarloaks are a common Ghur flora!)


8 hours ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Will it look good next to the grittier Cities infantry design ? 

Regardless if you say they’re gritty generic soldiers or high fantasy fable/Discworld guards anything will look better with those clean bright metallic walls than the pajama renaissance men of old. The new Freeguild actual look like heavily equipped militia a prosperous cosmic empire could afford on average when compared to barefoot pajama Larry of not!HRE.

More so because you can see bits of their armor share the angular design popular in both Azyrite architecture and duardin construction so they do fit well together.

So bring militia captain Sevyon Ghurbrand to his walls!


(There’s plenty of gritty work gangs outside those heavenly walls anyway)

9 hours ago, DinoJon said:

So what are the odds we see the Seraphon Army box announced tomorrow? Am I huffing to much hopium or is there a chance? 

Oh merciful Dracothion no.

I just bought so much Kharadron stuff + the limited edition tome and a huge assortment of classic Stormcast, Lumineth and regiments of renown.

My wallet needs a breather before it dives into the box and future CoS content. 😵

10 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Ill be the first to eat a slice of humble pie. But I am looking forward to COS because Ive sort of, maybe, definitely come around to the idea of Ogors Mercs in Cities!!

Just look at how fantastic the most recent Ogor sculpts are. Imagine what the future holds for Mawtribes.

Maybe the rumoured Destruction updates by our resident @Whitefang are indeed Ogors and with the suggestion of Ogor Mercenaries in the Cities of Sigmar update, maybe just maybe, its a dual build kit for Destruction!!



That’s actually an interesting idea. I wonder if it’ll be revealed that’s why the Bloodpelt looks like a Beastclaw character?

He was putting up signs for Cities to hire him in his trailer so maybe for CoS he’ll have a named character variant that’s a BCR so keeps limited contact with the cities before going back to the frozen wilds or else their city will freeze? There’s already some examples in Soulbound of Icebrow hunters with similar arrangements with Ghur settlements that they and their cursed winters will protect the towns in exchange for food(since nomadic life is hard to get fat on). In Era of the Beast Soulbound that’s a scenario for a Icebrow to protect a coast village from Deepkin with his Frost powers being of great use against their watery foes.

Also on the extreme periphery of chances maybe that’s what the “Cold One” head is? New Freeguild lizard cavalry tease since they’re keeping druchii and it’s Covens & Order Serpentis that’s bio-engineering those drakespawns(Cold Ones) so maybe they’ll end up sharing new ones with the city lancers?

Edited by Baron Klatz
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2 hours ago, EntMan said:

Do you think we're ever likely to get a model of Sigmar?

Thing about Sigmar is, we've already got other Gods running around - Nagash, Alarielle, Teclis , Morathi, etc. Archaon is pretty much considered a god and he managed to drive Sigmar into retreat, even. I don't think it's so wild a concept to see Sigmar taking to the field, if not at his full power then as a 'Shard' or projection.

Granted, I do rather like the lore that he's playing General rather than Warrior because of being successfully baited into tossing Ghal Maraz, however I doubt GW are going to miss the opportunity to eventually produce a big, expensive, diorama-esq model of their posterboy. 

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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It would be pretty badass that after the Chambers Ruination, Covenant and Logister opened up they got new Stormhost organization art of a new chamber revealed at the bottom called Finalis Chamber that’s rare giant lightning golems empowered by his aspects. Maybe even as an Order Rogue Idol but made from Stormkeeps mashing Metaliths together and calling down his divine gaze upon it.





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I had honestly expected GW to quietly retire the unopened chambers when they released the thunderstrike armor. I was pleasantly surprised when they didn't, though given SCE's current model bloat and the resulting internal balance struggles, I can't see them opening another chamber without first retiring some of the existing models.

Regardless, we've had 2 stormcast models with hood released, and I dearly hope that the hood and cloak motif, à la Dark Angels, is a feature of one of the chambers. It looks so good!

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I imagine they’ll start restructuring around the AoS 10th anniversary. Long enough to say the models had a good run before they come out with updated Lord-Celestant, Liberator, Retributor & Prosecutor lines with male & female options and put the old stuff in rotation. (Up to debate whether Thunderstrike or not, a lot of classic armors act as trainee level stuff before being reforged enough times to upgrade to Thunderstrike like Retributors proving themselves to be Annihilators. Plus the unopened chambers likely won’t have access to it as they’re secretly operating in the background lore like the Logisters helping manage the realm-spanning supply lines since 2017 and the Age of Intrigue)

Agreed on the hoods. Never enough DOOM!!


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18 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

Why? Thunderstrike is a new armor, not a new chamber

which means all chamber can take thunderstrike armor

Primaris effect, all new changes immediately feel like the ultimate reboot that changes directions of things. 😄

Even after GW still shows love to classic Astartes armors and side-reinforcements like Gravis armor the Primaris “reboot” has strong ripples through the community and like they can only go one direction.

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10 hours ago, maitremage said:

Clearly I don't think so... In the same way I don't think there will be a model of the Emperor in 40k or of Chaos Gods...

Surely they have to release a model of the Emperor if they plan on seeing the Horus Heresy to its conclusion? And Malcador for that matter.

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1 hour ago, Ogregut said:

That would be for 30k, not 40k.

I'm not even convinced he'll get a mini for Horus Heresy. He's so absurdly powerful, the only reason his duel with Horus is a duel is because he's holding back. In Master of Mankind he basically one shots all the lesser daemons in the webway with a single AoE blast, and deliberately tanks a hit from Drachnyen in order to trap it. Any rules GW quite fit him would either be stupid, or downplay him.

Plus he's not directly involved in much of the fighting of the Heresy barring the final fight with Horus, so it's not like players can complain from a "how are we supposed recreate battle X without a mini for the Emperor" point of view.

Of course I might well be wrong. I can certainly see the the desire to have an official mini for him for dioramas. You can guarantee if one is released Golden Daemon will be inundated with Horus vs. The Emperor dioramas.

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12 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

But otherwise that’s the point of the Celestant-Prime in acting as his arbiter since the God-king has resigned himself to the back lines controlling his cosmos spanning empires to keep them regulated and growing.

My hope is that the Celestant gets a new, bigger, more impressive (and better) mini in the but too distant future, and gets a glow up to fit into the Greater Daemon range (400-500 points rather than his current 300ish).

Make him feel like a character who's one tier below the gods, rather than an above average normal hero. Also make Ghal Maraz do something really cool (it's the warhammer of Warhammer after all).

Edited by JerekKruger
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9 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

I'm not even convinced he'll get a mini for Horus Heresy. He's so absurdly powerful, the only reason his duel with Horus is a duel is because he's holding back. In Master of Mankind he basically one shots all the lesser daemons in the webway with a single AoE blast, and deliberately tanks a hit from Drachnyen in order to trap it. Any rules GW quite fit him would either be stupid, or downplay him.

Sometimes you see a Godlike character taking down a Titan, then it's killed by a mob of angry humans.

Btw, Horus Heresy already have rules and model for Ascended Horus and titanic units that are crazy strong for a normal game. Imo, another 1500 points unit will not break the game.

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Just now, Beliman said:

Sometimes you see a Godlike character taking down a Titan, then it's killed by a mob of angry humans.

Btw, Horus Heresy already have rules and model for Ascended Horus and titanic units that are crazy strong for a normal game. Imo, another 1500 points unit will not break the game.

Yeah, I agree that the Heresy books are entirely inconsistent in the power levels they depict. Samus, the daemon that appears in (I think) Horus Ascending is "killed" by a handful of Lunar Wolves, but then Rogal Dorn plus his elite terminator guards struggle to defeat it in Solar War.

That said, the Emperor is pretty consistently described as being absurdly more powerful than pretty much everything else. But hey, we'll see I guess. I don't really mind either way: I'm unlikely to have a spare £100 to buy his mini as a painting project (unless it's absolutely amazing) and I don't play Horus Heresy so it doesn't really affect me. I guess I'd like a mini to be released simply to allow some of the top painters a chance to paint it and share it on Instagram 🙂

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37 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

I'm not even convinced he'll get a mini for Horus Heresy. He's so absurdly powerful, the only reason his duel with Horus is a duel is because he's holding back. In Master of Mankind he basically one shots all the lesser daemons in the webway with a single AoE blast, and deliberately tanks a hit from Drachnyen in order to trap it. Any rules GW quite fit him would either be stupid, or downplay him.

Plus he's not directly involved in much of the fighting of the Heresy barring the final fight with Horus, so it's not like players can complain from a "how are we supposed recreate battle X without a mini for the Emperor" point of view.

Of course I might well be wrong. I can certainly see the the desire to have an official mini for him for dioramas. You can guarantee if one is released Golden Daemon will be inundated with Horus vs. The Emperor dioramas.

The Emperor was referenced in the HH 1.0 Custodes rules so he was at least planned at a point and if forgeworld went as far as including him in published rules the miniature is already done for sure. He was probably just moved back as HH 2.0 came along and now that Horus ascended has his model I wouldn't be surprised if the Emperor gets released when the Siege of Terra gets its final book

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33 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

I don't think IDK are going to get any new kits for a long, long time. Same with KO. They aren't priority factions for GW.

It's a shame, they're two of the more original faction ideas for AoS and if love to see them both get fleshed out more. But I suspect that originality makes them less popular than, say, Lumineth's "we're totally not High Elves, honest". 

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8 minutes ago, baiardo said:

I would like to see new kits for IDK, there's room to improve the faction.

The way I see things going based on the cycle of releases and army refreshes is we could see more deepkin, fyreslayers or Kharadron in the next 12 - 18 months. 

If you look at the big releases and refreshes lately and coming up its legacy armes which need a revamp. 

If you breakdown the armies into 2 categories

1 - legacy armies. Those that existed before AoS with models that's need updating 

2 - new armies. Those that came after. 

All the big refreshes that have been or are coming are for legacy armies, slaves, lizards, cities and flesh eaters. 

But we also had a release for Sylvaneth which I put in the new army category (yes I know it has some old models but there are no metal or finecast left in the army), and to a lesser extent Gloomspite and nighthaunt would got more than just a hero upon release. 

After flesh eaters, the legacy armies that need a face-lift are Beastman, Skaven and Ogors. GW seem to have 4 major release a year for AoS so 2024 could see those legacy armies given big release which would leave room for a new army like deepkin to get the Sylvaneth treatment. 


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If I was the lead product developer for AoS and trying to do  the best for the game,  my priority order would be:


Ogor Mawtribes

Beasts of Chaos


Orruk warclans (especially Bonesplittas) 

Chorfs (heavily teased and would help Duardin players feel less oppressed) 

Malerion's army. (They've been in the background long enough)

If I was being more selfish it would be more cities, full Kurnothi army with Orion, Malerion and Tyrion. 

IDK, DoK, KO and OBR fit into the category of armies that have a relatively small number of warscrolls but are fully functional armies so long as the books have good enough internal balance. New units would definitely improve all of those armies but aren't absolutely essential. 

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10 hours ago, Whitefang said:

Why? Thunderstrike is a new armor, not a new chamber

which means all chamber can take thunderstrike armor

We have seen Thunderstrike Sacrosanct coming in Underworlds and Thunderstrike Vanguard in Warcry, so I expect the next stormcast release in 4th ed to just be expanding on those two things.

Would love to see another Ordinatos Conclave unit like the Celestar Ballista

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11 hours ago, Whitefang said:

Why? Thunderstrike is a new armor, not a new chamber

which means all chamber can take thunderstrike armor

The short answer is at the time I assumed GW was taking the opportunity to clean up the model range.

Stormcast hadn't become the Space Marine equivalent GW clearly had been banking on, so I figured they would ratchet back on their plans for them and redirect their efforts in other directions. (This is around the time a lot of people began referring to the Aelf factions as the Space Marine equivalent in AoS - at least so far as popularity is concerned. At the time, I honestly thought factions like the Lumineth were being groomed to take center stage as the "hero" faction for the setting.)

To be clear, I'm delighted that OG Stormcast don't appear to be going anywhere, I love the models and enjoy getting them on the table. But with over half the range consisting of heroes, most of whom are passed over for more efficient models, and the other half typically consisting of 2-5 variants on a theme (with one or two being clear winners in most cases), I'm curious to see what GW plans to do with the remaining chambers. 

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On 3/25/2023 at 1:30 PM, HorticulusTGA said:


Sorry if that's already been discussed ; the new Blades Of Khorne battletome has a picture (page 3) containing apparently new scenery for SCE/Cities/Dawnbringers : at long last INTACT Azyrite building (on the left, two levels building with stairs, and on the right with battlements). IMG_4644.JPG.0b6d19ae04eafeab3195f681b442727b.JPG


I know GW sometimes 3d print scenery (like that Ossiarch Castle) but this looks new and plastic (kit) to me. Will it look good next to the grittier Cities infantry design ? 

Oh heck yes. Give me some of that sweet sweet Dawnbringer Outpost scenery GW!!

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1 hour ago, Chikout said:

IDK, DoK, KO and OBR fit into the category of armies that have a relatively small number of warscrolls but are fully functional armies so long as the books have good enough internal balance. New units would definitely improve all of those armies but aren't absolutely essential. 

This is exactly the reason why I don't see those armies receiving stuff on the short term/near future. And I would add Nurgle to that list too. Those factions have smallish but well rounded rosters that when properly balanced, work well and most importantly, are 100% useable competitively.


13 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

Stormcast hadn't become the Space Marine equivalent GW clearly had been banking on

Imo this has been one of the greatest things to happen to AoS. SCE failed at being the posterboys, which meant more attention was directed to other factions that needed it : aelves, undead, the chaos gods, etc. And prevented a situation like 40k where a certain chunk of factions (hello xenos) really feel like NPC factions in the grand "Imperium vs Chaos" GW is pushing. (Hopefully, Necrons and Tyranids are pushing out of that category by being included in the starters). 


11 hours ago, Whitefang said:

Why? Thunderstrike is a new armor, not a new chamber

which means all chamber can take thunderstrike armor

This is great. Now that thunderstrike armor is out, I have trouble looking back at the pre-thunderstrike SCE. Old SCE are less dynamic, less varied, their proportions seem off compared to thunderstrike Stormcasts. If GW wants to replace every pre 3rd Ed SCE with a thunderstrike reboot, I'm down with it. It would be a good opportunity to clean the bloated mess that is the SCE army list with its gazillion entries of which half are only regularly used. 

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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