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10 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

Over on Bolter & Chainsword there is a new person leaking about 10th edition right now but the interesting bit for us is that he also said there will be a new Ossiarch Bonereapers character previewed on one of the next Mondays.

Massive amount of salt since his leaks don't line up with others so probably fake and guessing there will be a Ossiarch character also isn't hard but if true still interesting for the order of Battletomes since I would expect them to be next after Kharadron if this turns out true

Edit: Now he also said something about a pool when asked about Seraphon which could be a terrain piece but since we already have one that makes me doubt it even more so probably ignore this

Any link to read? I need to kill 20 minuts

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Iirc when the OBR Underworlds band was released the article stated it wouldnt be the last time we see one of those new big fellas with the ax. As thats only one of a few designs I've ever liked for the entire range I hope thats it. It would be a fun painting project. 


(Edit) it just says "This is the first time we've seen" my bad. 


Edited by Vasshpit
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23 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

Over on Bolter & Chainsword there is a new person leaking about 10th edition right now but the interesting bit for us is that he also said there will be a new Ossiarch Bonereapers character previewed on one of the next Mondays.

Massive amount of salt since his leaks don't line up with others so probably fake and guessing there will be a Ossiarch character also isn't hard but if true still interesting for the order of Battletomes since I would expect them to be next after Kharadron if this turns out true

Edit: Now he also said something about a pool when asked about Seraphon which could be a terrain piece but since we already have one that makes me doubt it even more so probably ignore this

I mean we did get the KO Codewright after the Saurus so maybe we will get Necro, Blood Bowl whatever next week and then Seraphon the week after and then perhaps an Ossiarch character? Im just glad AOS is back in the spotlight.

7 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Iirc when the OBR Underworlds band was released the articled stated it wouldnt be the last time we see one of those new big fellas with the ax. As thats only one of a few designs I've ever liked for the entire range hope thats it. It would be a fun painting project. 

The Axe Bloke and Archer are 2 new unit options that could be expanded upon in Ossiarchs and Ill be all for it!!

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3 hours ago, Aleser said:

Interesting that we got painting tutorial for WU warband which should be out in february but we didnt get preorder announcment for them this sunday. Not sure if they are delayed because price hike in march and they forgot to postpone video tutorial 🤔. Also they are on scenic bases.


they've just posted a new WHU article on community https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/02/21/nick-conquers-the-grey-mountain-by-painting-one-warhammer-underworlds-warband-every-week/

with the classic "will be up for preorder very soon". So I'll guess they'll be announced this sunday?


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I've never played or know anyone who does so im curious here. Is Underworlds actually doing well and popular or is just the "new models" for folks? I remember reading it had minimal participation at LVO or some other recent big official event. 

Just curious and not hating. 

Edited by Vasshpit
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13 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

I've never played or know anyone who does so im curious here. Is Underworlds actually doing well and popular or is just the "new models" for folks? I remember reading it had minimal participation at LVO or some other recent big official event. 

Just curious and not hating. 

I have bought 4 warbands (and also was given one as a present) and have never had any interest in the game.

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11 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

I've never played or know anyone who does so im curious here. Is Underworlds actually doing well and popular or is just the "new models" for folks? I remember reading it had minimal participation at LVO or some other recent big official event. 

Just curious and not hating. 

I'm not 100% because I'm not super involved in its gaming scene but I believe it has a decent and steady player base that are enjoying the variety of formats available now. It might be bigger here in the UK because of market differences, or because that top level of play isn't drawing much interest right now it might have had a smaller turn out at LVO.

2 hours ago, Matrindur said:

Over on Bolter & Chainsword there is a new person leaking about 10th edition right now but the interesting bit for us is that he also said there will be a new Ossiarch Bonereapers character previewed on one of the next Mondays.

Massive amount of salt since his leaks don't line up with others so probably fake and guessing there will be a Ossiarch character also isn't hard but if true still interesting for the order of Battletomes since I would expect them to be next after Kharadron if this turns out true

Edit: Now he also said something about a pool when asked about Seraphon which could be a terrain piece but since we already have one that makes me doubt it even more so probably ignore this

Valrak also said they were wrong and I'm reasonably certain Valrak has either seen a leak he's not shared yet or has had multiple rumours from his sources that say the same thing.

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7 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Gw just said that they will be showing new models at the Warhammer open day on the 3rd and 4th of March. 


No mention of an online preview or a seminar so I expect it to be a minor reveal. 

I've just received an email to say they'll be refunding the price of the tickets I'd paid for. 

Nice little surprise for today to find out I'm getting money back from GW. 

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1 minute ago, SunStorm said:

I've just received an email to say they'll be refunding the price of the tickets I'd paid for. 

Nice little surprise for today to find out I'm getting money back from GW. 

 i know ive been out of the warhammer scene for a while, but dude - play the lottery? ask your celeb crush to marry you?  the stars have aligned :D


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52 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

I've never played or know anyone who does so im curious here. Is Underworlds actually doing well and popular or is just the "new models" for folks? I remember reading it had minimal participation at LVO or some other recent big official event. 

Just curious and not hating. 

It was doing well pre-Covid, at least around my neck of the woods. It had garnered a reputation was an affordable, fun to play, well-balanced (for GW) competitive game with Beastgrave. Then the pandemic happened, which kind of killed a lot of the momentum, during which time the new warbands and next edition saw pretty hefty price rises.

When the warbands were around £15 and the seasonal boxes were £30 people were happy to give it a try. Now they're floating around £26/£60, it started tanking and has never really pulled itself out of the muck 'post'-pandemic.

It didn't help that Kill Team '21 has seemingly stolen it's thunder with GW-only skirmish fans, particularly those after something competitive with 'Warhammer' branding. 

Like anything non-40k though, it really does come down to your local scene. Some places it'll be thriving, others it's been dead since release. 

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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45 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

I've never played or know anyone who does so im curious here. Is Underworlds actually doing well and popular or is just the "new models" for folks? I remember reading it had minimal participation at LVO or some other recent big official event. 

Just curious and not hating. 

Imho its more like a boardgame with minis than a tabletop wargame. What i mean with this is that the target audience or playerbase is very different. I bought a few warbands because i like the minis but i have no interest in the game itself. AoS, Warcry and 40k got this covered so far. Just my thoughts on this.


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54 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

I've never played or know anyone who does so im curious here. Is Underworlds actually doing well and popular or is just the "new models" for folks? I remember reading it had minimal participation at LVO or some other recent big official event. 

Just curious and not hating. 

I cannot comment on how popular it is more widely, but we used to play it on lunch break at work, as it could easily be unpacked, setup and played in less than an hour in a meeting room. Some people who weren't into the full AoS/40k games found it enjoyable. 

But, as pointed out by Clan, COVID and working from home killed it off for us. If we start being back in the office more often it might make a come back. 

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1 minute ago, cofaxest said:

Probably not. They had similar White Dwarf art for the Open Day last year - might even have been the same pieces - and that didn't amount to anything. 

Might be they show off new Warhammer World exclusives, since I think it's been a while since they released new ones. 

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

I've never played or know anyone who does so im curious here. Is Underworlds actually doing well and popular or is just the "new models" for folks? I remember reading it had minimal participation at LVO or some other recent big official event. 

Just curious and not hating. 

I’d second @Clan's Cynic’s comment, that was more or less the trajectory it’s had in my experience.

I’d add though that it did see some popularity with ‘board game people’. I found a lot of interest and willingness to play WHU among friends and family that would be completely absent for main AoS or even more conventional skirmish games. Partially that was the game structure but also the fact that it came off as more affordable and approachable than other GW stuff. Tighter rules too.

As discussed, increased prices seems to have put a serious dampner on that interest, sadly, and this was already from a more casual crowd that wasn’t chasing the latest release. A shame, it’s a good game.

Edited by sandlemad
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I could never get the hang of deckbuilding in any game, so for as much as I wanted to like WHU I couldn't buy in fully. Now that the Rivals decks are out I may try again, but on the other hand I have everything I need already for Warcry without having to buy more. @sandlemad nailed it--WHU is hit hardest by these price increases.

56 minutes ago, SunStorm said:

I've just received an email to say they'll be refunding the price of the tickets I'd paid for. 

Nice little surprise for today to find out I'm getting money back from GW. 

Seems like they made the entry price Free for this event... kinda smells of trying to win back goodwill after the price increase, to the effect of having people spend that ticket $$ on merch inside the event.

Edited by CommissarRotke
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