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Lucien 2L

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Everything posted by Lucien 2L

  1. So, we could have : - 20 clan rats - 10 Stormvermins - 1 clawlord - 1 mounted clawlord - 1 warlock ingenieer - 3 weapon teams - 1 new push fit weapon - 3 rat ogors and 2 packmasters - 1 new moulder’s horror - 3/5 wolfrats - …
  2. So, hunting OBR mean… OBR with bows !
  3. Protagonist is the opposite of antagonist, so… Nagash and Sigmar allied in the Ruination Chamber ?
  4. Maybe an Incarnation of the Spider God ?
  5. There are 5 Dawnbringer short for the firsts two Dawnbringer books. So if the pattern holds, we’ll have 2 more The Long Hunt shorts. I don’t think we will see Dawnbringer IV before 2024.
  6. With the white dwarf preview and the warcry rules for underworlds models, I wonder what’s happened to the Warcry Annuals ? Kill Team got one so GW still prints those, but nothing for warcry in the horizon…
  7. Beautiful kitbash but too human for my taste. I have a preference for the Celestant Mega Boss of Orrukast Eternals :
  8. In the next White Dwarf : « Warcry gets a dose of Courage and Cruelty with quests and artefacts for the Vulkyn Fyreslayers and Kruleboyz Monsta-killaz »
  9. Can we expect something else than FEC for the winter BT ? Let me explain, that mysterious BT could be “Chorf” or “Umbraneth” as new antagonists in Dawnbringer 3, and Ushoran could return in the end of Dawnbringer 4 with a new FEC BT in early spring 2024. What do you think ? 🤔 (Sound wishlisting when I write it)
  10. Because WarCo suggested it yesterday on Instagram with Black Ark Corsairs under the commandement of Morathi ? 😉
  11. It’s me or Bonespliterz is missing ? What does that means ?
  12. Skaven yes, but what vermine ? New skryre acolytes with a warlock engineer and a mecha Ogor rat ?
  13. Dragon’s hunters Destruction Warband would be great 😍
  14. I can see a more morghurite nightmare warband : half turned humans and beasty chaos spawn
  15. And maybe, salamander/razordon kit is the new beast from the rumored eggs ? A more IP friendly little dino, like stellaramander and sharpzorson 😜
  16. Looks like chaos outriders to me… but I want to believe in more Hobgrots in a near future !!
  17. Ok, so I want to paint a count as Eidolon for my Squigdoneth Gitzkin army, a second Akhelian LoonKing, 10 more Thralls and maybe a count as Lothann. And want to progress / start to sculpt my count as Celestant Prime for my Squigdoneth Gitzkin : a Mega Celestant from Orrukast Eternals !
  18. I feel the same as every gitz’s players… my 4000pts arthurian gitz army will remain half paint in boxes a bit longer. But as a gobbo lover, I’ve find a way to play them good in AOS : Squigdoneth Gitzkin !! A fully gitz converted IDK army 😁 And it feels so good to play order’s armies with a lightly touch of green ! Next project : orrukast eternals ! (And maybe a grotbag scuttlers KO army if there no hope to see a proper Grotbag Scuttlers army in the futur)
  19. Looks like more gitz to me. Kruleboyz have a more naily design IMHO
  20. Perhaps Alariel has a role to play in the resurrection of his people? First act of tentions within the Order to prepare the ground for a 4th edition Order against Order
  21. I would love to see refreshed kits for destruction and also something outside the actual mono-race faction (except of Gitz) - what about a Kruleboyz teams with 2-3 grots, 1 boltboyz, 2 gutrippas, 2 murknob warriors, 1 fimir and leaded by a footed Swampboss
  22. The map in the video is larger than what is shown (you have an icon of Khorne in the lower right corner with the dezoom) I think that the complete map will be in the core book and that some of the presented factions will have a release and/or some additional surprises
  23. In the mail with the article about the new Nurgle human for WarCry, the futur box is called « next big extension » (in french) So may be not.
  24. Depending on the size of the base, it can make a themed Stormcast proxy for a Kharadron army !
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