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On 1/27/2023 at 9:58 AM, DinoJon said:

I think everyone is on the right page. I think in terms of likeliness it'll be the following

4. Saurus Guard 

5. Saurus Knights with new mounts, probably a 2 pack like mournfang

6. Kroxigors

7. New big monster centerpiece unit. C'mon actual Thunder Lizard. 

8. Some foot hero, probably saurus. I'm going with Astrolith Bearer

In the twitch stream they did talk about how new eggs were hatching in the temple ships providing new species to the Seraphon. 

I got my first @Whitefang react. I FEEL SO BLESSED. 


Oh, they laugh reacted at an earlier message about the boxset >.> 

Edited by DinoJon
I'm a doofus
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Ah! Nice tought. Would be fun to have new sculpts for beasts of chaos. Maybe then this warband could be some gors, one slaangor, one tzaangor, on pestigor, one khorngor… led by a shaman ? But if it is beast of chaos, we will probably have some morghurites thing inside.

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6 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Wait. Hold up.

Could this be the heavily rumoured BOC vs Gloomspite box? 

It was never a dual army box but a WARCRY WARBANDS BOX!!

So the Spider Incarnate could actually be terrain for a Spiderfang vs Morghurites Warcry boxset. I'm jumping on this train!

Edited by Gitzdee
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I just can't see the old world having hundreds and hundreds of new models. I think a starter Human vs human faction that can represent numerous places. A couple factions close to release and then a slow burn if bringing back factions they still have the molds for. Thinking how long it took for that to happen in bloodbowl, albeitneith few new models.

My preference was always a warmaster type scale or slightly bigger, with today's tech they could make amazing looking units no doubt.

I think it came back in large part to the popularity of TWW. Just can't see that being represented well as the models still won't be cheap enough for large battles being common on the tabletop. Great for people with existing rank and file don't get me wrong. But I won't get back into it likely on the grounds of just storage! Will run out if room with anutyer game system in the house!

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29 minutes ago, rattila said:

Yeah, i cant see what the plan is. Would have make so much more sense to go with 15 mm scale for rank and files games. I dont know anyone who’s ready to go back to oldhammer…

15mm scale would be great, but I can't see GW being willing to sacrifice detail and the ability to use minis in AoS on the altar of better game design sadly.

As a side note, I am potentially excited to (also) play Oldhammer. Although that might change upon actually playing it. If the minis are good I will probably collect some for their own sake, and I look forward to being given great new Mordhiem sculpts.

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Anyone who thinks these Seraphon have been designed for the old world is kidding themselves. Look at this saurus it substantially overhangs the base at the front and the back. Even a 40mm square would struggle to fit them without serious shenanigans. Screenshot_20230129-204342.png.4a759cfe91a17feaaf2e5a2451365252.png


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I think they knew HH sales would be boosted by 40k players. In that regard, they're probably banking on the same thing for AoS/TOW too. Where there is a will, there's a way and it won't be very difficult to create multi-purpose bases/movement trays with magnets.

I'm thinking rows of 5 (assuming they'll go for the standard rank bonus) to fit 5 round bases. That way you can rank 'em up which not having to re-building them. You might have to forgo building hyper dynamic poses where everyone is jumping around and/or onto of tactical rocks/ruins... Then again, you might just create really cool trays with those incorporated to make everything fit. People used to get really creative with how they formed up, based, and trayed units.

In other words, I am not terribly worried about cross-compatibility. Some units might be more difficult than others but unless your opponents are extremely conservative and adamant about using exactly the right GW miniature there's a way around that too. GW might want us to buy more but they sure has heck won't stop me from kitbashing units I want from TOW.

Ah, Life, uh, finds a way. 😁

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5 hours ago, CDM said:

I just can't see the old world having hundreds and hundreds of new models. I think a starter Human vs human faction that can represent numerous places. A couple factions close to release and then a slow burn if bringing back factions they still have the molds for. Thinking how long it took for that to happen in bloodbowl, albeitneith few new models.

I think TOW will probably be to AoS as HH is to 40k so we can look at that. HH gets a new plastic release every 5 weeks on average now that the launch is over but it reuses many sprues between their different tanks and 40k always gets more stuff than AoS so I would expect TOW to be closer to something every 2 months? But they'll probably save up a few kits and release them together so could be even longer than that. 

So unless TOW gets way more support than HH they kind of have to bring back old models/use AoS models or or it will take way to long

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21 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

I think TOW will probably be to AoS as HH is to 40k so we can look at that. HH gets a new plastic release every 5 weeks on average now that the launch is over but...

Horus Heresy has been moved to the main studio, and has become one of the "core games" (which is why it's getting lots of plastic releases).

I believe the Old World is going to be more of a Forge World thing, so I don't think we can expect remotely comparable support. I'd expect a lot of Made to Order of old kits, plus new resin stuff, with a smattering of new plastic (Kislev at first, later Cathay).


13 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Wait. Hold up.

Could this be the heavily rumoured BOC vs Gloomspite box? 

It was never a dual army box but a WARCRY WARBANDS BOX!!

The thought had occurred to me, but I wasn't sure where and when that rumour came from. I felt it might shift my post from speculation into wishlisting.

But if I am wishlisting, I'm definitely with Neverchosen on hoping for Spiderfang vs Centigors. (Specifically, Centigors with a dual build so that they can be classic or a new Slaaneshi variant.)

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1 hour ago, LordSolarMach said:

Horus Heresy has been moved to the main studio, and has become one of the "core games"

Are you sure? I had the feeling that the Specialist Studio is still the main studio over Horus Heresy (rules and direction for the whole game) , it's just that the production was not 100% made by Forgeworld (that's why we have a lot of plastic). Forgeworld still has a hand on a lot of Heresy kits.

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23 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Are you sure? I had the feeling that the Specialist Studio is still the main studio over Horus Heresy (rules and direction of the whole game) , it's just that the production was not 100% made by Forgeworld (that's why we have a lot of plastic). Forgeworld still has a hand on a lot of Heresy kits.

I recall it being said, but I can't find a direct quote, no. 

(I also recall that it was said that everything legion specific was remaining the domain of Forge World, for what it's worth.)

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40 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Are you sure? I had the feeling that the Specialist Studio is still the main studio over Horus Heresy (rules and direction of the whole game) , it's just that the production was not 100% made by Forgeworld (that's why we have a lot of plastic). Forgeworld still has a hand on a lot of Heresy kits.

I seem to remember Forgeworld renaming their twitter account to Horus Heresy like a month or two ago.

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Is anything known about why there are so many less copies of the Collectors Edition Tomes? Stormcast and Kruleboyz had 700 available. Then Fyrslayers and Deepkin both also had 700 available. Sons of Behemat had only 500, and according to today's post Gloomspite get 500 and Beasts only get 250. Are these factions that unpopular? Or are battletomes selling poorly? And why the disparity between Beasts and Gloomspite?

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2 hours ago, Snarff said:

Is anything known about why there are so many less copies of the Collectors Edition Tomes? Stormcast and Kruleboyz had 700 available. Then Fyrslayers and Deepkin both also had 700 available. Sons of Behemat had only 500, and according to today's post Gloomspite get 500 and Beasts only get 250. Are these factions that unpopular? Or are battletomes selling poorly? And why the disparity between Beasts and Gloomspite?

The AoS CE 'tomes tend to stay available for a good while. Even the 40k ones don't sell out too quickly. I remember the Idoneth one being around for quite a long time. I could definitely see them cutting down on numbers hoping to entice FOMO from the fence sitters. 

It is interesting that Gloomspite's 500 have sold out, but BoC's 250 are still available. I knew BoC were on the lower end of popularity, but I didn't know they were that bad.

Thing is, I know value is a personal thing, but paying double the price for a slightly shiny cover feels like a ripoff. At least in the past, many of the CEs at least had alternative art.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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6 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

The AoS CE 'tomes tend to stay available for a good while. Even the 40k ones don't sell out too quickly. I remember the Lumineth one being around for quite a long time. I could definitely see them cutting down on numbers hoping to entice FOMO from the fence sitters. 

It is interesting that Gloomspite's 500 have sold out, but BoC's 250 are still available. I knew BoC were on the lower end of popularity, but I didn't know they were that bad.

Thing is, I know value is a personal thing, but paying double the price for a slightly shiny cover feels like a ripoff. At least in the past, many of the CEs at least had alternative art.

I remember the Fyreslayer one being gone quite quickly even though the art was reused. The IDK one was a bit slower to sell out.

The disparity between factions is the most apparent though, even IDK and FS got the same amount.

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38 minutes ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

Don't know why it's just jumping out at me now, but I really love the new shield designs for the Warriors. I thought I'd miss the old style for nostalgic reasons but just the flow of their design now it looks so good. 


I agree, I never had a problem with the old shields but the new ones are so much better I've already forgotten them.

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17 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Wait. Hold up.

Could this be the heavily rumoured BOC vs Gloomspite box? 

It was never a dual army box but a WARCRY WARBANDS BOX!!

I won’t lie I’d kinda be disappointed if this was true @KingBrodd. Both factions deserve more then a single new unit (or two in the case of Gitz), and it doesn’t really fit with the theme of the last three boxes.

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11 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

I won’t lie I’d kinda be disappointed if this was true @KingBrodd. Both factions deserve more then a single new unit (or two in the case of Gitz), and it doesn’t really fit with the theme of the last three boxes.

BOC definitely deserved more than a single model treatment. Though I would much rather a BOC Warband than a Slaneesh one.

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