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1 hour ago, Jetlife said:

 I'm curious to where people stand on this.  

I'm quite a casual player, so factor that in on my perspective.  But I'm very, very glad they didn't separate it out like the space marines.  I like that it's all one book, gives the standard 4-6 subfactions, and then I can go to town.  From a casual outsider (I don't play 40k), having a codex and then codex supplements seems like a headache.  


Also, if I want a thematic one chamber list, I can totally build it.  So it's not like I have fewer options. 

Edited by Ferban
Final sentence.
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1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

with the loud whispers of the 2022 marine boxes not selling well, I wonder how even more saturation is going to work out... at this point I just feel bad for 40k. I know we have various things to complain about with AOS but diversity of armies and model design has never been one...

It only becomes saturation if they keep all the old "normal marines" model kits into 10th edition. I woul dnot be suprised if all the older kits get retired and primaris become the new normal standard marine. Primaris only exist because GW wanted to modernize the scale of the mariens, but didn't want to re-create the entire catalog at once. With jump pack primaris, missle primaris, and potentially terminator primaris comming for 10th, Tac marines kits and thier brethren can be retired. 


but that's not really an AOS rumor, so in that case, i predict 2023 will be an avalanche of new human-centric kits for the dawn bringer crusade, modernizing the last remnants of the old Warhammer fantasy line that are still kicking around in Cities of Sigmar faction. 

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2 hours ago, Jetlife said:

Really? This reason is why I gave up on stormcast. I wish they did break up the parts of the army into separate stricter stormhosts. There are so many options that it is maddening trying to pick and choose units. Especially since there are enough units for each chamber to look and feel different. I'm curious to where people stand on this.  

One book is enough but I'd like to see each stormhost be elaborated on similar to SM chapters rather than making me choose which kind of gold trim I want on their cloaks. That's easily the biggest weakness with the army and the AoS setting in general, the main "good guys" are so generic I barely care enough to learn more about them.

Imagine if each host had a distinct feel and look so new and old players could more easily find something to relate to? Not only would that be good for SCE but for CoS too. Then also for the rest of the setting because when it is easy to understand who is who and why they are the way they are, allies and opposing factions are also easier to grasp and relate to. More importantly, I should not have to read books upon books to get hooked, that's something for when you have already swallowed hook, line, and sinker.

That said, the main issue I have with SCE is the bloated mess of warscrolls. The army has 40+ warscrolls of heroes, 40+ more units... That's enough to rival the entire Death faction. 😆


GW is gearing up for a big release for the marines too and I'm pretty sure those boxes won't rest on the shelves for much longer. Especially since the new ones are looking a lot better for both starting out and adding to your army (the UM/Sallies/WS boxes in particular).

Edited by pnkdth
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Imo, when you are into the 40k lore (and Heresy), you want your own book (or at least your supplement). 

I'm a Night Lords fan, but in this nu40k, where everyone has their own battletraits, units, shenanigans or unique mechanics, you will lose a lot if you don't have a book. My poor Night Lords are a "blue copy" of Abbadons dudes with some bravery shenanigans here and there.

Meanwhile, deathguard, 1k sons and pretty sure World Eaters have unique rules full of flavour (don't care if broken or really bad). And I'm sure that Emperor's Children are going to follow the same pattern too.

AoS is a another beast, ScE are not on the same level as Space Marines, most people in this forum will have problems to list 3 characters from any other Stormhost than Hammers, and of course we don't know any of their special and unique units. 

Edited by Beliman
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22 minutes ago, pnkdth said:

One book is enough but I'd like to see each stormhost be elaborated on similar to SM chapters rather than making me choose which kind of gold trim I want on their cloaks. That's easily the biggest weakness with the army and the AoS setting in general, the main "good guys" are so generic I barely care enough to learn more about them.

Imagine if each host had a distinct feel and look so new and old players could more easily find something to relate to? Not only would that be good for SCE but for CoS too. Then also for the rest of the setting because when it is easy to understand who is who and why they are the way they are, allies and opposing factions are also easier to grasp and relate to. More importantly, I should not have to read books upon books to get hooked, that's something for when you have already swallowed hook, line, and sinker.

That said, the main issue I have with SCE is the bloated mess of warscrolls. The army has 40+ warscrolls of heroes, 40+ more units... That's enough to rival the entire Death faction. 😆


GW is gearing up for a big release for the marines too and I'm pretty sure those boxes won't rest on the shelves for much longer. Especially since the new ones are looking a lot better for both starting out and adding to your army (the UM/Sallies/WS boxes in particular).

Yes I agree. I happy with one book but like others have said; for this army specifically, I would like to see them break the book up into the chambers and only certain units can be used with certain chambers. More linear like someone mentioned. I think the range is honestly really cool and they have variety in characters and style, but so much of the army isn't even used and it's a shame. I would love to see that army out in a variety of different fashions compared to the same 10 units always used.  They have enough battleline and heroes to make each one count for a chamber.

Edited by Jetlife
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13 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

compared to the same 10 units always used.

that's only true for tournament / competitive play though, luckily once you play in a less "optimised" context you can have fun with your Castigators, Lord Exorcists and so on

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Stormcast are my main army but I’m very glad that GW haven’t tried fining them multiple army books.


I’m old enough to remember when Marine Chapters were a colour scheme and ‘take more bikes for these guys’.

Folks asked for special rules and now 40K is dominated by umpteen Marines who take up a lot of time and space. Obviously, their popularity is part of 40K’s success.

I would much rather AOS continue to have a healthy mix of cool and interesting armies.

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Dear, GW corporate spy who is assigned to monitor warhammer forums, i've just come back from watching the new avatar movie, it was pretty decent. It has a big whale in it that is cool.

You know what else has whales and sea creatures? Idoneth does. As recent box office numbers show, the world desires more whale content and RIGHT NOW would be an impeccable moment to deliver that goodness, for once strike while the iron is glowing hot.





Please give...



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3 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

Dear, GW corporate spy who is assigned to monitor warhammer forums, i've just come back from watching the new avatar movie, it was pretty decent. It has a big whale in it that is cool.

You know what else has whales and sea creatures? Idoneth does. As recent box office numbers show, the world desires more whale content and RIGHT NOW would be an impeccable moment to deliver that goodness, for once strike while the iron is glowing hot.





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I ****** love Avatar. And I ****** love The Way of Water even more so.

I. Just. Love. It.

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17 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

Chosen are horrible to paint. I went „quick and clean“ and that took me approximately 2 hours per model. (The gold ornaments themselves took about an hour)

I hope that helps :D

I just finished painting some Varanguard using white paint on the armour and it took me forever, I was considering using the same scheme for my Chosen... I think you just bought my bank account some time 😅

Also just seeing those awesome CSM sets how many points are in either approximately? 

Edited by Neverchosen
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1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

I just finished painting some Varanguard using white paint on the armour and it took me forever, I was considering using the same scheme for my Chosen... I think you just bought my bank account some time 😅

Also just seeing those awesome CSM sets how many points are in either approximately? 

Oh god you were painting armour panels white? If you don't have an airbrush you have my sympathies! 😂

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5 hours ago, Captaniser said:

Dear, GW corporate spy who is assigned to monitor warhammer forums, i've just come back from watching the new avatar movie, it was pretty decent. It has a big whale in it that is cool.

You know what else has whales and sea creatures? Idoneth does. As recent box office numbers show, the world desires more whale content and RIGHT NOW would be an impeccable moment to deliver that goodness, for once strike while the iron is glowing hot.





Please give...



I have been learning 3d modeling for fun, and I have been very tempted to make some Sky-fish models for Kharadrons. Not like units, but maybe objective markers or terrain? Sky-whales, schools of sun rays, void sharks, armored aether-robins, etc. Just a dumb thought, sorta inspired by that one printable Kharadron terrain set.

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1 hour ago, dirkdragonslayer said:

I have been learning 3d modeling for fun, and I have been very tempted to make some Sky-fish models for Kharadrons. Not like units, but maybe objective markers or terrain? Sky-whales, schools of sun rays, void sharks, armored aether-robins, etc. Just a dumb thought, sorta inspired by that one printable Kharadron terrain set.

If you need any tipps: Feel free to ask :) (I am teaching 3D and have more than 10 years of experience) 

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Another nail in the coffin :(
The squig and gloomspite held out really well, though it was the only AoS FW stuff that ever got marketed. 


I would assume based on this that all the AoS is now last-chance so if you want any of the remains (there's a Moungul, a Rogue Idol and the Warpgnaw verminlord). It could still just be a restocking glitch that the FW site suffers from where things are shown as sold out when its just out of stock. But being as they've stripped the AoS store around this time two years in a row I suspect not. 

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1 minute ago, Overread said:

It could still just be a restocking glitch that the FW site suffers from where things are shown as sold out when its just out of stock. But being as they've stripped the AoS store around this time two years in a row I suspect not. 

They were showing as 'temporarily out of stock' earlier this week, so I'm noting the change of status here. I'm assuming it's for a reason, but I would greatly wish to be wrong. Wanted at least a couple of those.

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I wanted the Verminlord at one stage, but it was to go with the wolf-rats that they used to sell which I only got one pack of before they vanished. Sad to say many of the ones I really wanted were things like the old Magma dragon which are long gone now. Honestly I suspect the only parts of the AoS line that will remain will be the ones shared with other lines - ergo the Chaos Demons and the two Champions (never sure why they didn't give Tzeentch and Slaanesh champion prince combos of their own). 

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Any rumours regarding my beloved Gloomspite Gitz? Release month? Possible rules? 

If my Stone Trolls don't get that 4+ save I riot. GW, they have LITERAL STONE AS SKIN. Who looked at that and said "Yeah, 5+ save seems a good idea". 

Also my predictions:

Spiderfang will get heavily buffed since they suck right now and GW wants to sell models. Gobapalooza will also be good. 

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3 minutes ago, Causalis said:

Any rumours regarding my beloved Gloomspite Gitz? Release month? Possible rules? 

If my Stone Trolls don't get that 4+ save I riot. GW, they have LITERAL STONE AS SKIN. Who looked at that and said "Yeah, 5+ save seems a good idea". 

Also my predictions:

Spiderfang will get heavily buffed since they suck right now and GW wants to sell models. Gobapalooza will also be good. 

They want to sell squigs this time. That's a rumour.

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I'd guess the rumor engine is something 40k if the flavor text is relevant to it. We won't know how correct that is until these newer ones with the 'sponsored by...' section actually match up to something shown off.

As for Forgeworld, I expect they're dropping both Age of Sigmar and 40k entirely. This has been happening for a while, as it has been over 5 years since they even did a kit for 40k. They'll almost certainly go to just providing content for the games that they've decided to support that way, notably Horus Heresy, Middle Earth, Necromunda, Blood Bowl, Titanicus/Aeronautica and later on the Old World.

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