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Everything posted by Bog_Goblin

  1. From Reddit, apparently sprues off a new FEC unit and a Bretonnian Pegasus character. Allegedly from a car boot sale.
  2. Yeah given this (space marines) and the cities announcement, I could see a similar reduction in warscrolls for Stormcast in 4th edition, proxying the OG big lads for the thunder strike equivalent. I hope so, anyway.
  3. After last week’s points update, looks like: Boarding patrol 630 Battleforce about 750 depending on optional upgrades
  4. As it’s GW I presume they’ll just make an entirely new website instead of integrating with the existing one.
  5. Someone on Reddit (from the UK) got theirs, containing: Fyreslayers Vanguard Fyreslayers auric flamekeeper Stormcast vigilors Stormcast knight-relictor
  6. Hyped for the gloomspite one! I thought the second was sylvaneth, although maybe it’s not organic enough, and I don’t know too much about sylvaneth… heraldry? But the eyes, mouth, horns…
  7. One of the old doom diver models had a mallet goblin:
  8. I’d prefer grotbag scuttles, but I think it might be new Necromunda spyrers:
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