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For anyone confused by a thunder god being represented by a wheel, of all things, it actually has some roots in Indo-European mythology. It's not very common, but perfect for a little extra flavor, and a group of extremists going as far as declaring heresy over using wheels in a practical sense is a pretty good microcosm of most Warhammer lore, lol



I'm really hoping we get to see the actual Crusaders in these Dawnbringer Crusades sooner rather than later. I need to know if the glorious poofy sleeves have survived.

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1 hour ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

I'm the only one that thinks this is part of an armor?It makes me think of the Imperial guard "heavy armored" Ogryns frontplate.


I think it's a breastplate (it seems to be a belt underneath). Apparently we eat well in the Cult of the Wheel. 😛 

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I quite like that they’re adopting the Wheel as a sacred object. Directly inspired from Taranis, Which Is a much lesser explored God of Lighting Usually Overshadowed by Thor and Zeus.

Edit- @KriticalKhan Apologies only just seen your post bascially saying the Same ! 



Edited by Kronos
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1 hour ago, Kronos said:

I quite like that they’re adopting the Wheel as a sacred object. Directly inspired from Taranis, Which Is a much lesser explored God of Lighting Usually Overshadowed by Thor and Zeus.

Edit- @KriticalKhan Apologies only just seen your post bascially saying the Same ! 



The Taranis hivemind grows ever stronger, brother.

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6 hours ago, KriticalKhan said:

For anyone confused by a thunder god being represented by a wheel, of all things, it actually has some roots in Indo-European mythology. It's not very common, but perfect for a little extra flavor, and a group of extremists going as far as declaring heresy over using wheels in a practical sense is a pretty good microcosm of most Warhammer lore, lol



I'm really hoping we get to see the actual Crusaders in these Dawnbringer Crusades sooner rather than later. I need to know if the glorious poofy sleeves have survived.

You know, Warhammer is one of the few hobbies that actually force you (the hobbyist) to go out and learn something new everyday just so that you can understand half of the crazy stuff within it. For Example, I started getting into Medieval Mongolian culture because of the White Scars books, and Cathay has peaked my interest in China. Here's hoping we get a Middle Eastern based faction soon, so I can truly flex my mind and expand my knowledge.

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7 hours ago, Fellman said:

is this a Teutogen Guard stile greatsward unit?
i would day happy




Based on the eight, i think that's a dwarf.

OT: considering GW is not new to the "army box in november, full release in january" i think that's what they'll do if they mantain their "throught the year" statement. In that case we should start to see actual models around may (thats when the battle sisters bulletins started showing models instead of bitz)

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52 minutes ago, CDM said:

My underworld lootbox is here and I must say massively disappointed. I was hoping for a few warbands but ended up with nethermaze and rivals of harrowdeep. Massive disappointment personally 

Well that is 4 really cool and different warbands

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2 hours ago, CDM said:

My underworld lootbox is here and I must say massively disappointed. I was hoping for a few warbands but ended up with nethermaze and rivals of harrowdeep. Massive disappointment personally 

I was worried they would do that, which is why I didn't bother in the end.

At least you should be able to sell them on and recoup what you paid, maybe even with a tiny profit.

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4 hours ago, Aleser said:

Well that is 4 really cool and different warbands

Yeah they are. Just didn't want all the card board. It was a crapshoot really and I suppose they could of sent the scenery and card pack I suppose as they aren't very clear with what you get. Was just hoping for models though to use with cursed city

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24 minutes ago, CDM said:

Yeah they are. Just didn't want all the card board. It was a crapshoot really and I suppose they could of sent the scenery and card pack I suppose as they aren't very clear with what you get. Was just hoping for models though to use with cursed city

IIRC the previous Underworlds Supply Drop only included a single warband (Godsworn Hunt?), the rest of it being peripherals. 

(It's why, even if the Supply Drops had been available in Canada, I was leery of them.)

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31 minutes ago, CDM said:

Yeah they are. Just didn't want all the card board. It was a crapshoot really and I suppose they could of sent the scenery and card pack I suppose as they aren't very clear with what you get. Was just hoping for models though to use with cursed city

There is no scenary pieces for Underworlds anymore last they did produce was in Beastgrave and that was sent off in last drop. I expected rivals boxes in there as they are really bad deal considering starters are at almost same price for more content. Drops are good deal if you dont care what will you get. If you had something on mind just buy that instead. They are just clearing storages with this.

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1 hour ago, CDM said:

Yeah they are. Just didn't want all the card board. It was a crapshoot really and I suppose they could of sent the scenery and card pack I suppose as they aren't very clear with what you get. Was just hoping for models though to use with cursed city

This hobby,  if geedubs exclusive, is too expensive and designs are too hit and miss for me to "gamble" with purchases. 

They could have just done flash sales if trying to move old product imo. 

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The new ME terrain is fantastic imo!! I do know its slightly scaled down to AoS but how much? If anyone would be so kind as to post comparison pics, especially by doors, of any ME terrain to AoS minis I'd greatly appreciate it. 

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23 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

It could also be a piece of horse barding, with a secondary weapon hanging from it. 

Now that you mention it... it might fit better than a chest piece for a human warrior.

Otherwise thinking back to the recent list of 2023 release rumors, I realize that the Altar of War, which can be deduced from yesterday's article, is not there for COS. Another negative point to his credit...

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20 hours ago, KriticalKhan said:

For anyone confused by a thunder god being represented by a wheel, of all things, it actually has some roots in Indo-European mythology. It's not very common, but perfect for a little extra flavor, and a group of extremists going as far as declaring heresy over using wheels in a practical sense is a pretty good microcosm of most Warhammer lore, lol



I'm really hoping we get to see the actual Crusaders in these Dawnbringer Crusades sooner rather than later. I need to know if the glorious poofy sleeves have survived.

Great find!! I was thinking a wheel made sense anyway since Sigmar has a few different cycles going on: mortals reforged into Stormcast (who are then reforged themselves), the inherent push/pull cycle of warzones (whether in cities or in DBC), the metaphorical "wheel of industry" that Sigmar and the Duardin gods rely on to help protect Cities, and possibly the cycle of life & death (service to Sigmar being taken to its extreme as the only way to live in the Realms) but I think Nagash gets mortal souls so that one doesn't work as well.

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9 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

No, just a dwarf.

I hope he's a dwarf!  My favorite thing about the current Cities of Sigmar is their cosmopolitan nature, with a variety of fantasy races all living and working together.  That sort of thing is surprisingly rare in fantasy settings, even relatively diversity-minded fantasy settings might have a mix of skin colors and racial features within their human, elven, dwarven, & what have you groups, but they almost never have a culture or society where they all live together.

I kind of wish GW had gone fully the other way with AoS, with factions themed on something other than what type of guy they were.  Like if instead of 'ghouls, ghosts, skullingtons, and-the-rest' the undead factions had been 'here's the pirate undead with vampire pirate captains & their ghosts and zombie crew' or 'here's the necromantic academy undead with necromancers and liches and vampire arcanists and their monstrous flesh golem experiments', etc.  Or how I think bonesplitters and spider goblins would have fit better with each other than with other orcs & other goblins respectively.  Or how I would have rather seen elves split between the grand alliances rather than all bunched up in Order.  Like maybe daemonic slaaneshi elves under morathi on team chaos, maybe mixed in with the hedonites; maybe anti-urbanization, back-to-nature half-beast-half-wood elf hunter-barbarians on team destruction, maybe bringing the sylvaneth & Alarielle with them; maybe the soul-consuming aquatic idoneth, abandoned by the gods of life and order, might have found a place serving Nagash on team undead, perhaps as part of that hypothetical undead pirate faction, etc etc.

Oh, well.  The factions and alliances we have are good enough, I'm not really complaining.  But the current Cities of Sigmar are kind of the last bastion of that cosmopolitan fantasy that AoS could have been, and while my hopes are slim I have my fingers crossed hard that this stays a key part of their identity post-revamp, rather than just becoming 'the human faction' or 'whfb empire 2.0'.

Edited by Sception
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49 minutes ago, Sception said:


Oh, well.  The factions and alliances we have are good enough, I'm not really complaining.  But the current Cities of Sigmar are kind of the last bastion of that cosmopolitan fantasy that AoS could have been, and while my hopes are slim I have my fingers crossed hard that this stays a key part of their identity post-revamp, rather than just becoming 'the human faction' or 'whfb empire 2.0'.

All in favour of having some dwarfs and elves in non-order factions.

Just some minor nitpicking here, though: WHFB Empire in fact was pretty cosmopolitan, with ogre, halfling, and dwarf units in early editions alongside the humans. And then there was Dogs of War which was even more so. So having multi-species good guy humanoid factions isn't new for AoS.

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