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16 minutes ago, cyrus said:

 They states clearly what's coming for Age of sigmar with age of sigmar logo. In the video there is no mention of Warcry or Underworlds or Mortal Realms generally speaking. 

In the video we can watch slaves to darkness, Gloomspite gitz  and BoC minis and recognise Seraphon, Khorne and Slaanesh minis , which are the 6 upcoming battletomes.

40k video only have the 40k logo and everybody is assuming that the Eldar model is a Kill Team model.

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Just now, Beliman said:

Maybe an Ark of Omen box instead of killteam?

"Kill Team! Now that the Shadowvaults have been cracked wide open, it’s time to speculate about Soulshackle – the mysterious next expansion set."


They can be more clear and bring the complete box 

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1 hour ago, Beliman said:

Maybe an Ark of Omen box instead of killteam?

I believe the current set of rumours that are leaning towards being correct has Arbites (new kit) vs Dark Eldar (Kabalite upgarde sprue) as the next Kill Team box with two of the silhouettes being from it and they've proven accurate so far. So I think it's no unreasonable to expect one or both of the Khorne and Slaanesh models to be for Warcry.

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Going off of the, admittedly quite shaky, logic that the 40k video is showing teases for both sides of the upcoming kill team box, then I think it follows that the same could be true for Warcry, the next box (Bloodhunt?) is due quite soon, but I don't believe the one after that (Nightmare Quest, or whatever) is as close.  It's possible that Bloodhunt could be Khorne vs Slaanesh, I suppose, but going off of the previous two boxes I think it's more likely that it'll be either Khorne or Slaanesh versus some other faction, which is our mystery final silhouette. 

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Long-time lurker here, just signed up to say that I'm surprised no one has thrown out the possibility of the last model being Count Moltaire (or some other Vampire). While Slaanesh is a very solid bit of speculation:

  • Fancy up-do with pin reminiscent of a bone splinter in shape.
  • Flared shoulderpads looks like two pointed layers, rather than HoS's rounded pauldron + pointed edge. (Plus they're frankly a lot tamer.)
  • Giant popped collar.
  • The back ring (which is very Slaaneshi, yes) has a skull (or skull emblem) and bone "tusks" at the top.
  • Bare arms from an armoured torso. Both a classic of Mannfred von Carstein but also newer models like Prince Duvalle.
  • While the swords could be the HoS sort-of-Persian-scimitars, stereotypical Chinese broadswords also have that shape and would go with the pinned hair bun and east-Asian-y looking tassets.

So the last two models could be for Warcry's Bloodhunt: Khornate denizens of Bloodmad Ravage vs Count Moltaire's Bloodhunt (names on the map).

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2 hours ago, LordSolarMach said:

Long-time lurker here, just signed up to say that I'm surprised no one has thrown out the possibility of the last model being Count Moltaire (or some other Vampire). While Slaanesh is a very solid bit of speculation:

  • Fancy up-do with pin reminiscent of a bone splinter in shape.
  • Flared shoulderpads looks like two pointed layers, rather than HoS's rounded pauldron + pointed edge. (Plus they're frankly a lot tamer.)
  • Giant popped collar.
  • The back ring (which is very Slaaneshi, yes) has a skull (or skull emblem) and bone "tusks" at the top.
  • Bare arms from an armoured torso. Both a classic of Mannfred von Carstein but also newer models like Prince Duvalle.
  • While the swords could be the HoS sort-of-Persian-scimitars, stereotypical Chinese broadswords also have that shape and would go with the pinned hair bun and east-Asian-y looking tassets.

So the last two models could be for Warcry's Bloodhunt: Khornate denizens of Bloodmad Ravage vs Count Moltaire's Bloodhunt (names on the map).

Welcome to the forums friend... this is a solid theory and I think could hold weight.

But on the other hand...


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2 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

Welcome to the forums friend... this is a solid theory and I think could hold weight.

But on the other hand...


"Malerion's faction is sure to release this year," I say, slowly rocking back and forth in my padded cell.

The nurses give me my pills through a slot in the door. "You have to take these. It's what the Lord of Ulgu would want," they've learned to say.

"For the Shadow Lord," I mumble, then swallow them dry.

"Hey, buddy. There's a new model coming out, wanna see?" the nurse asks. He shows me a picture through the plastic window. Past the iron bars, I see it. 

Another Primaris Leiutenant.

I start to laugh.

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9 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

40k video only have the 40k logo and everybody is assuming that the Eldar model is a Kill Team model.

it says in the article it is a Kill Team model:


Speaking of space hulks… Kill Team! Now that the Shadowvaults have been cracked wide open, it’s time to speculate about Soulshackle – the mysterious next expansion set. We know quite a few factions who’d love to get their hands on some tasty mortal souls, but how many of them have experience fighting in the bowels of a space hulk?

40k LookAhead Dec30 Image4


Edited by Matrindur
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9 hours ago, LordSolarMach said:

Long-time lurker here, just signed up to say that I'm surprised no one has thrown out the possibility of the last model being Count Moltaire (or some other Vampire). While Slaanesh is a very solid bit of speculation:

  • Fancy up-do with pin reminiscent of a bone splinter in shape.
  • Flared shoulderpads looks like two pointed layers, rather than HoS's rounded pauldron + pointed edge. (Plus they're frankly a lot tamer.)
  • Giant popped collar.
  • The back ring (which is very Slaaneshi, yes) has a skull (or skull emblem) and bone "tusks" at the top.
  • Bare arms from an armoured torso. Both a classic of Mannfred von Carstein but also newer models like Prince Duvalle.
  • While the swords could be the HoS sort-of-Persian-scimitars, stereotypical Chinese broadswords also have that shape and would go with the pinned hair bun and east-Asian-y looking tassets.

So the last two models could be for Warcry's Bloodhunt: Khornate denizens of Bloodmad Ravage vs Count Moltaire's Bloodhunt (names on the map).

Welcome to TGA mate!! Hoping you enjoy yourself and look forward to many conversations!!

Your idea is excellent and of all those proposed so far it is easily my favourite!!


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12 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

40k video only have the 40k logo and everybody is assuming that the Eldar model is a Kill Team model.

I don't know about the 40K video but for me it is crystal clear that AoS video is AoS only since it shows minis for the next 6 upcoming battletomes.

Slaanesh hero is probably a Mortal sybarite 







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12 hours ago, EonChao said:

I believe the current set of rumours that are leaning towards being correct has Arbites (new kit) vs Dark Eldar (Kabalite upgarde sprue) as the next Kill Team box with two of the silhouettes being from it and they've proven accurate so far. So I think it's no unreasonable to expect one or both of the Khorne and Slaanesh models to be for Warcry.

IIRC this kill team season is focused on ships boarding actions and Arbites does not seems right.
The preview article,referring to the dark eldar image, talks about a space hulk so it does not fit quite right Arbites fighting them in such location.

Edited by Snorri Nelriksson
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2 hours ago, Ogregut said:

We'll find out soon enough as the next warcry box will be revealed in January. 

My guess is both the last silhouettes are from there, a khornate cultist and a vampire worshipper or some type of immortal wannbe who screams bite me, bite me to every passing bat. 

Do we think they may reveal the nect Warcry Box tomorrow? Or will there be a proper Preview show, say, next weekend?

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3 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Do we think they may reveal the nect Warcry Box tomorrow? Or will there be a proper Preview show, say, next weekend?

When is the LVO? If its soon, that will probably be the first preview show of the year. 

If irrc they teased the skinks from the warcry box and then did a full reveal a couple of weeks later so it's not crazy to think maybe Monday we get a tease. 

Will be due a tease of the new Underworlds warband soon as well. 

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10 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

When is the LVO? If its soon, that will probably be the first preview show of the year. 

If irrc they teased the skinks from the warcry box and then did a full reveal a couple of weeks later so it's not crazy to think maybe Monday we get a tease. 

Will be due a tease of the new Underworlds warband soon as well. 

Just give the skaven something to field.

how about a warcry team consisting of new rat ogres and ginat rats

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3 hours ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

IIRC this kill team season is focused on ships boarding actions and Arbites does not seems right.
The preview article,referring to the dark eldar image, talks about a space hulk so it does not fit quite right Arbites fighting them in such location.

The fluff in the rule book for Into the Dark mentions that the space hulk (the Gallowdark) has amongst it's amalgamation an Imperial Penal Transport Barge named the Boneshackle. It's possible that it's convict population (and Arbites crew) are already there.

On the other hand, the Rumour Engine has shown a couple glimpses of a Catachan Dueling Glaive, first conceived of in the old 54mm Inquisitor game. That set also included an Arbiter (and her Cyber Mastif), so maybe an Inquisitor and their retinue?

(Of course, the link between the next box being called Soulshackle and the penal ship being the Boneshackle makes one lean towards the former.)

Edited by LordSolarMach
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3 hours ago, Ogregut said:

We'll find out soon enough as the next warcry box will be revealed in January. 

My guess is both the last silhouettes are from there, a khornate cultist and a vampire worshipper or some type of immortal wannbe who screams bite me, bite me to every passing bat. 

oh i actually haven't thought about the second half of warcry box, i could very well be it. Maybe they want to hide the WHU warband for a while to have it as separate thing at LVO.

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2 hours ago, Ogregut said:

When is the LVO? If its soon, that will probably be the first preview show of the year. 

If irrc they teased the skinks from the warcry box and then did a full reveal a couple of weeks later so it's not crazy to think maybe Monday we get a tease. 

Will be due a tease of the new Underworlds warband soon as well. 

LVO's at the end of January, so probably no shows until then.

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21 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I always thought that theory was kind of iffy because of how the release timeline was: Cursed City in April and then SBGL in May. Seems too late to make changes to the book after something went wrong with the release of Cursed City. It seems like in order to have Kritza, Annika and big Radukar in the book, GW would have to plan for their inclusion at least 6 months in advance, because that seems to be the turn around time to go from the finished text to a printed book for Battletomes. We saw how long in advance GW plans this kind of stuff with the Slaves to Darkness leak.

The warscrolls book included in Cursed City had a publication date of October. Cursed City was massively delayed before any of the other stuff went wrong.

I believe the Cursed City models and expansions warscrolls were always going to be in the Soulblight battletome, but the models would have remained exclusive to the Cursed City product line for a time

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