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I think this is all a taste of what we will be getting at the newyear preview. Ill predict more Gitz and BoC being revealed next month. They might even get a boxed set with the new models. 

I fully expected to see the incarnate this reveal though and that didnt happen XD. 

These could be new Gitmob models imho.


Edited by Gitzdee
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The community did a good job in explaining everything about the reveals and nothing  was missing from the preview :

  • Next horizon (soon) is the BoC battletome:
    • Improve statlines
    • Conglomerate everything together with tzaangors, gavespawns, etc... (that were outdated).
    • New Hatres of Heroes remake:


    • The beastlord can make other units attack one after the other (chain-activation?)
  • Gloomspite Gitz Battletome (soon too)
    • Stat increase for a lot of the gits. B
    • Buffed in a lot of diferent ways.
    • Snarfang Riders are part of the gitmobs
      • Ideal to go from point A to point B really fast (?)
      • Rules preview:


  • Roadmap 2022-2023:
    • Spoiler


    • 6 months
    • Fantastic time for "Era of the Beast" and the Mortals Realms
  • Warhammer Underworlds Grinkrak's Looncourt
    • Assign quests, if you complete them, gain coins and they are inspired. The card previewed seems to have a mechanci that if someone kill one of your dudes with a quest, the quest returns to your hand.
    • Very tactical band. You should try to "mob up" enemy models.

A lot of "really nice models"  but really poor compared to War40k. Adam and Alex talked about 40k background, some concepts behind Arks of Omen Boarding battleplans (units that canbe used and some problems that you face in small corridors), one of the best melee units in the game (eightbound), etc... I've got a bit of hope that they hinted some new rules appart from the ones already previewed, but it is what it is.

Edited by Beliman
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I think the Spring Order book will be Cities/Dawnbringers. Summer will mostly be 40k 10th and they typically put the big new army releases for the 'other' system in the Spring immediately before, like how just prior to 9th we got Lumineth.

Maybe if one of those Chaos Battletomes is Chorfs I could see Cities being pushed to Summer but that is some serious hopeium I'm huffing.

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Nice reveals overall ! Both WFB-era updates and 40k Chaos releases (Jakals and Vashtorr) are very nice. Once again the real flavor came from "side" games (Cawdor rider with cup attached to his hood, and of course the glorious WHU GITZ).

For the AOS roadmap

  • Destruction : guess we are done for AOS 3rd ? Hope for more Moonclan Gitz with the Battletome (regarding rumor engines, just like Seraphon).
  • Order : KO first then Seraphon (with plastic Slaan). Cities could come in Fall 2023 (same timing with year-long teasing like Sister of Battle).
  • Chaos : Going by the Thondia fluff, really hoped to see Morghur. But then, Khorne surely, Slaanesh after. (Chorfs could come in Fall 2023 too but would clash slot wise with Dawnbringers).
  • Death : FEC then OBR. Soublight was the last of second edition and got WD update and Cursed City, so...

Regarding rumor engines - mostly for FEC - we shouldn't forget the WHU and more importantly the Warcry roadmap (very surely featuring Khornate and Slaaneshi warbands) running up to spring 2023.

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6 hours ago, novakai said:

for a Rant, I think comparatively to what 40K have gotten in recent preview show, the AoS reveal have been disappointing and lacking.

like getting full-range releases for Eldar, CSM, Votann, Imperial Guard, and Worldeaters compare to a lot of small hero releases with only Sylvaneath, Nighthaunt, and Sons having anything worthwhile feel inequities and it is hard to not feel the limited resources where lopsidedly put into one system.

tomes are nice and all but I do feel the majority of people in the hobby don't play or don't play enough to find the game engaging enough in the end. it also feels like the community is too driven up by rules and book releases when it doesn't feel like it is the most important side of the hobby


I wonder if the idea behind this edition and updates was more to get everyone on the same playing field as quick as possible and ensure there is better balance between books and warscrolls in the books (which the articles are alluding to as a point of focus). Once they have that the next edition will be about refreshing some older remaining ranges. 

I think that could make sense with the large 40K refresh this past year plus. Minus the eventual Emperor's Children release, I think it's a fair argument that there sintered a whole lot in 40K that would need big updates. Hopefully that means the production can shift to AoS for 2024!

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1 minute ago, Lavieth said:

I wonder if the idea behind this edition and updates was more to get everyone on the same playing field as quick as possible and ensure there is better balance between books and warscrolls in the books (which the articles are alluding to as a point of focus). Once they have that the next edition will be about refreshing some older remaining ranges. 

I think that could make sense with the large 40K refresh this past year plus. Minus the eventual Emperor's Children release, I think it's a fair argument that there sintered a whole lot in 40K that would need big updates. Hopefully that means the production can shift to AoS for 2024!

I'm old enough to remember when everyone was saying that 2E was about making sure everyone was on the same page with new battletomes, and surely 3E would be the big updates for existing armies edition.

Don't get me wrong, I think whoever took over design for AoS is doing a pretty decent job, but rules-writing in GW takes less than zero resources away from miniature production, the two are absolutely not linked. Whatever the actual reasons might be, Covid, 40K focus, HH/ToW etc, 3E just has not been delivering on the model side of things. Maybe that'll change in the 1.5 years we have left, but seeing 8-9 battletomes released in the first half of next year is not giving me confidence on that front.

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Really happy with the reveals, the World Eaters look cool, I like the Beastlord (even if I wish they got more), the Snarlfang riders are great and exactly what I wanted, the Looncourt are as great as Underworlds models always are and Vashtorr is incredible. The Cawdor walkers are neat, I could see converting them for Brood Brother Scout Sentinels.

As for the direction of Gloomspite/Gitmob overall, it wouldn't need to be a big range release to restore the old Gitmob units to AoS. I could see a Shaman on foot, Wolf Chariot/Wolf Chariot lord kit, Gitmob Grot infantry unit and a Doom Diver/Spear Chucka kit making a nice little release in February.

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I’m happy GG have finally had their tome announced. I feel like GW have potentially held that on the backburner for quite some time. I really hope they open up the sub factions and allow the races to be mixed. I think the previous tome was way too restrictive and forced people to pick from a select few builds. 

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Im gunna come out and say it. That was the best Online Preview for me all year.

Those Wolf Riders? I dont say it enough but they are perfection. 

That Beastlord? Utterly gorgeous.

Underworld Gitz? Stunning absolutely stunning.

I see no reason to believe thats all we will get for BOC, there is still a good chance they are saving the Big Reveals for the New Year stream because why wouldnt they? I doubt we will see COS because thats later in the year.

What have they always done? Show us the reveals for the next 3-4 months. What releases in the first few months of next year? STD, Gitz and Beasts.

I am willing to bet all the Coins of Mallus that BOC will get more minis and there are far too many Gitz REs to not have at least another Hero for the Wolf Riders or a Warcry Warband or even better another unit.

That Roadmap has given me so much hype for next year. I believe that the first Order tome is KO and they may recieve a new ship or hero.

Followed by small releases for Khorne and Slaanesh.

Death is tricky. Either of the 3 left are optional but we do know that @Whitefang has heavily hinted at a big range refresh for Flesh Eater Courts. 

Id imagine a single mini release for Soulblight and hopefully Mortek Archers for Ossiarch.

Seraphon range update in the Summer, perfect for Reptiles.

Im hyped. So damn hyped.

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Thinking about the New Years preview, actually there might be some hope there. Last year we were barely a sidenote to 40Ks shining star, but what's left to reveal for 40K right now? Too soon for the new edition, WE are done, and they just showed the 40K Kragnos. They can tease Farsight or some other random character but that's about it, I think.

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Good preview images I thought - snarlfang riders look very good for grobi and the loon knights are just funny in a good way. World Eaters look excellent, and even if this is all for now are certain to get a second wave in the future. Ash Wastes is my jam so great to see Cawdor walkers too!

Totally understand why some are disappointed, but there's always a visible focus by GW on one or the other of their main games. It's easy to become overhyped by these reveal shows - which doesn't help. I find a healthy dose of dwarven azul usually sees one through.

Everything comes round eventually, after all - even the Squats have returned!* Sisters before them too!

I'm excited to see the future, especially for all my beloved dawi. So fingers-crossed for a big(ish) KO release ha!

*In order to balance out the positivity I do have one damaz that needs noting: the fact that bloody Squats returned before any expansion of the stout ranks of Duardin in the Mortal Realms! We keep hearing in lore of the Maker's return so, by Grungni's trunnion, where are my new kits! 😀 [Insert long list of potential duardin models here]

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2 minutes ago, Warboss Gorbolg said:

Love the GSG Underworlds war band. The wolf riders look good but like some others, I’m not particularly excited about them as they don’t fit within GSG themes. Would rather GW continue to focus on the existing GSG themes.

I like the wolf-riders a lot but yeah, they're a tough fit. Especially because buying one box and throwing them into an existing army is going to look off and honestly probably not contribute anything mechanically. Even if they get a few more models so that they're more of a subfaction, asking someone who already invested in a horde army like Gits to buy and paint like what, 8 boxes(?) of Wolf Riders to do a themed subarmy is just asking a lot, man. I have a small Gits army and I'm hesitant to buy these guys at all even though I love the models for mostly those reasons.

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This preview sounds like GW's disavowal of AoS to me. Again and again battletomes updated with a single mini / unit (even if the Gloomspite can dream of better with the rumor engines that we know). I find it hard to get excited about these announcements, despite the quality of the few minis presented (the Underworlds warband is the best reveal for me, that is to say).

And above all, this roadmap confirms, for me, that COS will be released at best in autumn 2023 (and at worst in spring 2024). I can't see GW releasing anything other than an uptade battletome with single mini as the 10th edition of 40k is going to hog the whole summer. It will just be a kibble to keep AoS players waiting.

The result of the COS release had better live up to the expectation as AoS will have been deprived of big releases for two years !

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42 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Im gunna come out and say it. That was the best Online Preview for me all year.

Those Wolf Riders? I dont say it enough but they are perfection. 

That Beastlord? Utterly gorgeous.

Underworld Gitz? Stunning absolutely stunning.

I see no reason to believe thats all we will get for BOC, there is still a good chance they are saving the Big Reveals for the New Year stream because why wouldnt they? I doubt we will see COS because thats later in the year.

What have they always done? Show us the reveals for the next 3-4 months. What releases in the first few months of next year? STD, Gitz and Beasts.

I am willing to bet all the Coins of Mallus that BOC will get more minis and there are far too many Gitz REs to not have at least another Hero for the Wolf Riders or a Warcry Warband or even better another unit.

That Roadmap has given me so much hype for next year. I believe that the first Order tome is KO and they may recieve a new ship or hero.

Followed by small releases for Khorne and Slaanesh.

Death is tricky. Either of the 3 left are optional but we do know that @Whitefang has heavily hinted at a big range refresh for Flesh Eater Courts. 

Id imagine a single mini release for Soulblight and hopefully Mortek Archers for Ossiarch.

Seraphon range update in the Summer, perfect for Reptiles.

Im hyped. So damn hyped.

It would be nice for the future of the fantasy setting if these things were true, but the simple fact is this isn't what was revealed last night or in any other reveal night this year. It is hope, not hype.

And unfortunately it seems to be hope not based on past performance. Nobody here has any real idea why AoS has had the year (or more) its had, but the facts are it seems to have hit a wall (model specific).

The StD release makes me somewhat more optimistic, but I truly think AoS needs massive help. By and large, anyone who comes looking to buy models from any popular non40k Warhammer video game either cannot buy them, or is buying 20 year old kits. That is not great.

Anyone who says, well the WE release is small also, just take a look at Fyreslayers or Idoneth, or FEC. GW needs to feed AoS to make it grow. 

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28 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

Light of Eltharion is literally shaking

Okay, I want a new named character: Dank of Grom! An overweight, shadowy suit of moth eaten chainmail (don't ask how moths eat chainmail: they're Aqshy moths okay!) wielding a big two-handed axe and riding a chariot pulled by shadow wolves.

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8 hours ago, VladdyDaddy said:

The STD release we're getting is larger than most 40k releases, worldeaters is pitifully small for a 'full range' release, the recent sylvaneth update was about the same size.

40k players felt how you're feeling in previous years - with things like nighthaunt, soulblight, sylvaneth, bonereapers etc. All coming with massive model ranges/refreshes.

I'd imagine in the coming years we might see the focus switch back to AoS a little but, and looking at the road map it wouldn't surprise me if that switch was 2023.

While I did forget S2D, the previous year of AoS big release is not exactly true. 2021 still had ORKs, Sister, and Black Templar, so it wasn’t like 40K player felt any neglection like this, only Valrek complained lol. And the only reason AoS got so many releases in 2021 was because 2020 was also very sparse  for AoS because of 40K 9th edition so it got push into the next year.

worldeater got Angron which trumps anything sylvaneath got this year to be honest

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1 hour ago, madmac said:

Thinking about the New Years preview, actually there might be some hope there. Last year we were barely a sidenote to 40Ks shining star, but what's left to reveal for 40K right now? Too soon for the new edition, WE are done, and they just showed the 40K Kragnos. They can tease Farsight or some other random character but that's about it, I think.

They like to reveal AoS vs box set on New year day, Carrion Empire, Aether wars, and Fury of the Deep where all revealed around the same time.

it depends on what on the Christmas preview and if they are doing Advent calander again this year

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1 hour ago, Draznak said:

This preview sounds like GW's disavowal of AoS to me. Again and again battletomes updated with a single mini / unit (even if the Gloomspite can dream of better with the rumor engines that we know). I find it hard to get excited about these announcements, despite the quality of the few minis presented (the Underworlds warband is the best reveal for me, that is to say).

And above all, this roadmap confirms, for me, that COS will be released at best in autumn 2023 (and at worst in spring 2024). I can't see GW releasing anything other than an uptade battletome with single mini as the 10th edition of 40k is going to hog the whole summer. It will just be a kibble to keep AoS players waiting.

The result of the COS release had better live up to the expectation as AoS will have been deprived of big releases for two years !

I'm pretty confident that the Summer book will be Cities, probably in June. New 40k will launch in July like 9th edition. July and August will be pretty 40k centric but that leaves room for another AoS release in September.  Whitefang has already hinted that FEC will be getting an update probably in the spring. That's more than just single minis in winter spring and summer. Things aren't as doom and gloom as you are making out. 

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7 minutes ago, novakai said:

They like to reveal AoS vs box set on New year day, Carrion Empire, Aether wars, and Fury of the Deep where all revealed around the same time.

it depends on what on the Christmas preview and if they are doing Advent calander again this year

I really hope that the advent calander is done differently this year. I mean I very much doubt in a year leading up to 40K 10th Ed. that it will be all AoS, but it really sucked that last year it was basically "not interested in a particular 40K army? Well sucks to be you, you get nothing!".


I mean I understand there was hype for the Eldar refresh but damn that seemed over the top to me.

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Just because a new edition comes in summer, it doesn't mean other systems get left alone.

In fact the usual play recently has been to release a new edition, and then do the actual full model releases for that edition a few months down the line. Part of this could be down to covid and supply chain issues, but, uh, those aren't going anywhere anytime soon. Looking at it historically you had AOS3 last summer, but you also had Sisters and the Beast Snaggas box in the same quarter too. Covid messed 2020 but even then the Lumineth set launched in the same time period as Indomitus. If we go back to AOS2 you had Imperial Knights getting their big release the same month as Soul Wars.

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To be honest I hope most/all factions will be updated after summer, that means a year where the playing field is as even as you can in 3d edition before the fourth edition. However a year of build up to the fourth edition is a bit long so it feels like some of the times on the road map might be a new faction (even if I dont want anything new, ok Chords can have their tome).

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8 minutes ago, Bosskelot said:

Just because a new edition comes in summer, it doesn't mean other systems get left alone.

In fact the usual play recently has been to release a new edition, and then do the actual full model releases for that edition a few months down the line. Part of this could be down to covid and supply chain issues, but, uh, those aren't going anywhere anytime soon. Looking at it historically you had AOS3 last summer, but you also had Sisters and the Beast Snaggas box in the same quarter too. Covid messed 2020 but even then the Lumineth set launched in the same time period as Indomitus. If we go back to AOS2 you had Imperial Knights getting their big release the same month as Soul Wars.

well there usually a big lull in other system releases when a new 40K edition comes out, during the last 2 quarters of the year, it isn't that they get left alone but rather theit a focus shift and less big releases in general for other system.

Edit: like we get cities in May and then after that there going to be nothing for a while until October/November and that was the yers only big releae

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