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The Rumour Thread

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Last edition we got updates for Stormcast, Nighthaunt, Gloomspite, Slaves to Darkness, OBR, Slaanesh, Lumineth, Sons of Behemat, Soulblight and a small release for Khorne. 

 That's 8 big updates and 2 small ones. 

This edition we've got Stormcast again, Kruleboyz, Slaves to Darkness again and Cities confirmed. We've also had mini updates for Sylvaneth and Nighthaunt.  Now we're getting hints for FEC, Seraphon and BoC. Throw in Gloomspite and a surprise Chaos Duardin update in 2024 and the editions could still end up pretty even!

Less than 24 hours to go before my hopes immediately get dashed..

Edited by Chikout
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1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Really hope you Beast Bros get the model refreshes you deserve!

I'm expecting nothing, and hope to be happily surprised. But for all we know that horned skull could be a reference to another chaos warcry warband. The Hashut themed and spider themed warbands both played the same trick with us. 

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22 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

I'm expecting nothing, and hope to be happily surprised. But for all we know that horned skull could be a reference to another chaos warcry warband. The Hashut themed and spider themed warbands both played the same trick with us. 

I appreciate lowering expectations, but Warcry isn't getting any announcements today and we know the underworlds band is Gloomspite. The AoS reveal is 100% going to be Beastmen, it's OK.

I suspect they'll get a bit more than just the one model treatment, but even if not...honestly, BoC has basically the worst selection of hero models of any army in the game. Five total heroes, only two of them plastic, no special characters. It's the one range where slapping in a new or updated hero model or two is a huge upgrade.

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43 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

Im going to laugh when the BoC thing is only some underworlds stuff 

Underworlds is very unlikely as we have the road map, but if it is the beast tome I doubt it will be more than the regular foot hero. We just got a big slaves release and they rarely make those big releases back to back for AoS. At beast, I would imagine a small release as Sylvaneth and Nighthaunt got would be possible. At worst, the singular foot hero they get will be a shaman, the only hero in the range that don't need a new plastic sculpt...

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22 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

Underworlds is very unlikely as we have the road map, but if it is the beast tome I doubt it will be more than the regular foot hero. We just got a big slaves release and they rarely make those big releases back to back for AoS. At beast, I would imagine a small release as Sylvaneth and Nighthaunt got would be possible. At worst, the singular foot hero they get will be a shaman, the only hero in the range that don't need a new plastic sculpt...

I also get the feeling this isn’t really a big reveal event and the previews are by GW standard not massive earth shattering review you get from LVO and Adepticon.

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4 hours ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:



That's a errr...beast, skull, with a Chaos background.....

Be still my beating heart.


4 hours ago, Thaliontil said:

I would say that this tweet more than confirms that it's BoC time

WhatsApp Image 2022-11-18 at 12.34.59.jpeg


3 hours ago, Chikout said:

Actually pretty excited for BoC. Please be more than one model!!


Please please please GW make this at least a Sylvaneth sized release. 1 Hero model doesnt cut it for such an old and revered Faction. Just please not another Skaven situation.

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