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The Rumour Thread

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5 hours ago, novakai said:

the problem i find with path to glory is that there a lot bookkeeping and the rules are bit convoluted compared to just regular match games at lower points. some battleplans are also built for one side to be underdogs which is not great for many people. like it not really as simple or engaging as just playing the game normally. it probably fun if your into that kind game mode but i do feel it fall flat on many player 

I can definitely agree here. Like I said, I've enjoyed P2G, but that's mostly been the 'slow build' aspect of small games with lower power models leading into something bigger - compared to matched play, which (when I play it) tends to be very explosive and quick with super high damage. 

I do appreciate what they've done with P2G, but the book keeping is the primary mechanic, and said book keeping is often about lifting restrictions rather than making you stronger than baseline. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that the vast majority of P2G players in my group have stopped tracking Glory Points. 

I'm quite tempted to write a full review of the system on a new thread, but all I'll say for now is that P2G 3e has missed the mark for some as it's more mechanical than matched play while offering a middling narrative experience. I'd love to see a rethink on the system - not a full redo, but more additions to make it more narrative friendly. 

On the other hand, I'd like them to fully redo Anvil of Apotheosis - the fact that it's nearly a copy of the 2e version, some factions/keywords are missing, and you often end up with either a 3+ save 2/2/-3/4 damage monster or something close to useless means it doesn't often get allowed. I think it may even work better as a system to attach upgrades/downgrades to an existing model, though something that complex would have to be a battletome section.

I'd love them to release a full narrative book that addresses common issues with a lot of care and attention.  

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It feels like this edition of AoS will really need to be measured on how 2023 goes. Either they pull out several (relatively) substantial releases (e.g. Sylvaneth/Nighthaunt or bigger) and show that the release order just needed to be shifted around to get the easier releases out first, or we get another year of predominantly uninspiring releases, at which point I don't think 3rd edition can be seen as anything other than a disappoint overall in terms of game growth/support.

I'm personally hopeful that the former case is true and GW would do themselves a lot of favours if they would just come out and say something along those lines. Even avoiding any specifics, just "there will be more substantial releases next year than this year, bear with us".

Edited by ArcLight
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4 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

I also think its the fault of all the Slaves leaks that rumours and reveals feel slower than normal, just no real surprises left when it should have been fun. I dont like leaks. i love rumours though. 

I agree. Leaks are awful most of the time, rumours fuel speculation and discussion.

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Just now, KingBrodd said:

I agree. Leaks are awful most of the time, rumours fuel speculation and discussion.

The Slaves leak was an especially big hype killer, too. Because GW decided to go with the strategy of pretending we didn't already see all the new minis and treating them as new model monday "surprises". Kinda gives me a mini bump if disappointment anytime it happens.

On the other hand, I wonder if they would even be showing AoS minis off at all if it was not for the leak. It genuinely feels like there was just nothing for GW to reveal between Sylvaneth and Slaves (King Brodd himself perhaps being the exception, he's pretty hype). And I doubt they would have shown us the new Slaves stuff this early otherwise.

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On one hand, I dislike leaks when they take away all the hype. On the other hand we can be quite sure that the leaks are actually happening, rumours can be even bigger hypekillers when they turn out to be false or true.

The Duardin merge rumours that were presented as fact a while ago almost drove me away from the hobby. Then there were a lot of rumours that both FS and ID were going to get more than just a hero, which also did not turn out to be true disappointingly.

I'd prefer no leaks, but GW is so non-transparent about the future that leaks at least give us something to look forward to rather than vague rumour engines which basically say nothing.

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I think the problem is that Slaves leaked about 6 month before the actual release date (or more) and all of the content of the battletome was leaked. So for AoS it a long wait for content that we all basically know what in it and what to expected.

where as say 40K, it suck that Angron got leaked early but it was after the codex announcement and their is clearly more stuff not revealed yet. Same with IG since their are still stuff unknown to the public currently.

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Honestly, while I get leaks can be a bummer sometimes, I can't imagine the despair we would have going on here for the last several months if it wasn't for that initial STD leak. I remember my mindset before it happened, I was mentally writing off the entire year for releases and I know I wasn't the only one. As bad as it sucks that GW seemingly has nothing else to show us, not even having one thing worth looking forward to...yeesh.



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2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Because GW decided to go with the strategy of pretending we didn't already see all the new minis and treating them as new model monday "surprises". Kinda gives me a mini bump if disappointment anytime it happens.

Exactly this. I'm sure they have so many projects ongoing. What's the harm in giving us instead some clues about what's coming early next year?

(The obvious and depressing answer is that there are no new AoS models scheduled for early next year, or the foreseeable future).

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2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

The Slaves leak was an especially big hype killer, too. Because GW decided to go with the strategy of pretending we didn't already see all the new minis and treating them as new model monday "surprises". Kinda gives me a mini bump if disappointment anytime it happens.

On the other hand, I wonder if they would even be showing AoS minis off at all if it was not for the leak. It genuinely feels like there was just nothing for GW to reveal between Sylvaneth and Slaves (King Brodd himself perhaps being the exception, he's pretty hype). And I doubt they would have shown us the new Slaves stuff this early otherwise.

As soon as it was leaked I immediately resigned myself to no more major AOS releases this year and besides Brodd thats held true. 2023 I hope picks up with COS and other releases because if we have another 2022 and 40K and HH take the majority of spoils Ill be beyond dissapointed.

11 minutes ago, madmac said:

Honestly, while I get leaks can be a bummer sometimes, I can't imagine the despair we would have going on here for the last several months if it wasn't for that initial STD leak. I remember my mindset before it happened, I was mentally writing off the entire year for releases and I know I wasn't the only one. As bad as it sucks that GW seemingly has nothing else to show us, not even having one thing worth looking forward to...yeesh.



This is also true.

2 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Exactly this. I'm sure they have so many projects ongoing. What's the harm in giving us instead some clues about what's coming early next year?

(The obvious and depressing answer is that there are no new AoS models scheduled for early next year, or the foreseeable future).

Im guessing we will have the New Years Preview and within that our best look into what 2023 will offer, with 10th around the corner they will want to pump out the remaining 9th releases so I wouldnt be surprised really to not see any major AOS until July with COS.

Fingers crossed Im wrong and they drop Tomes and MiniS for KO, FEC, Seraphon and Gloomspite Gitz early before 10th.

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20 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Exactly this. I'm sure they have so many projects ongoing. What's the harm in giving us instead some clues about what's coming early next year?

(The obvious and depressing answer is that there are no new AoS models scheduled for early next year, or the foreseeable future).

Generally it because they like to preview stuff that are slated for release over the next three month time window. 

there are exception like Leagues which was slowly reveal and marketed over the course of the last six month. Which I had assume they where going to do for Dawnbringer crusade but they been slow on that release marketing compare Worldeaters.

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I am actually getting more and more hyped every day about a potential bigger Gitz release. Rumour engines that look like could be Gitz and some mentions of Spiderfang are getting my hopes up about some good stuff early next year. And after all the 3.0 tomes so far i really cant wait to see what they did with the Gitz one. Please rework the gobbapalooza into something worthwhile this time, dont want to keep running them as shamans.


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1 hour ago, madmac said:

Honestly, while I get leaks can be a bummer sometimes, I can't imagine the despair we would have going on here for the last several months if it wasn't for that initial STD leak. I remember my mindset before it happened, I was mentally writing off the entire year for releases and I know I wasn't the only one. As bad as it sucks that GW seemingly has nothing else to show us, not even having one thing worth looking forward to...yeesh.



I annoyed by the quadrillion FeC rumour engines that haven’t been solved for years.

jeez, just give us a teaser already!

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55 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Honestly there are what, 9 Factions left for AOS? At least 5 of them should sizeable updates.

And 3.0 has like 2 years left? Makes me wonder how big those releases are going to be or else everything is updated before the end of 2023.

Also spreading some Troggoth love 👍.

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16 minutes ago, Chikout said:

I think it's safe to say that we might see some conversions of these makes their way over to AoS. 


I was just wondering what I would need to alter to make then Marauder horesmen🐎a new weapon and maybe a headswap?  Probably a few accessories that need to be clipped

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