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The Rumour Thread

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Overall: Some fantastic reveals but I doubt I will grab anything personally. The sculpts just keep getting better and better from GW and I am surprised at how much I would love to paint everything revealed. 

Warcry: This is a fantastic set! I think that I lean towards the swamp folk despite my love of Hashut. The terrain is especially fantastic! I am also excited to hear it is not a full reworking of the rules as I love Warcry. I do not know if I will dip in on this set though as sadly the terrain does not suit the setting of my own armies… but it is a very tempting box. I only have so much in terms of budget and I am still trying to decide between Chosen and Ogroids for my Slaves to Darkness. Still I am thinking about it and I am also leaning towards expanding my Chaos Knight box with Deathguard so the Nurgle swamp folk might find some extra use...

Necromunda: Okay I have always been interested in this system but Vehicles make it a million times more compelling! All I can say for this machine is DOPE!

Underworlds: Thinking of adding some Witch Hunters to my SCE. It would be thematic and fun but also I typically do not love regular humans in fantasy… but they also have some doggos, so I think I can make an exception!


BloodBowl: The Amazonians are neat, might be good for some customization but by Blood Bowl Standards feel a little plain/underwhelming… I guess they are fine but I wanted something more outrageous even within their own theme. I do hope some people add them into a seraph army as allies.

Killteam: Just like Warcry absolutely love the reveal but do not know if I will be grabbing it. Tau are my favourite army in terms of Lore and Kroot are the best part of Tau that aren’t mechs! The Imperial Navy are amazing I would make an army of them with an emphasis on Fighter Squads.. but I am not interested in Astra Militarum and I feel that is where these models will default. But maybe I can get them and chaosify them a little and theme them as Chaos Cultists and as the pilots of my Chaos Knights? Still a cool set that I likely will skip out on. I do like that they hinted at something more with the floors… is this going to connect to a Space Hulk game?

Edited by Neverchosen
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Winner for me is Warcry.

Leech God-beast worshipping swampers right out of Blight Town with both warbands tying into what people had to do to survive the Age of Chaos by either worshipping the dark gods(like Hashut) or even sinister god-beasts is such a great narrative beat alongside the crashed Seraphon spaceship details.

And I absolutely Love the terrain. Bone structures to follow Ghur’s theme of lack of minerals while all the trees have grasping claw-hand branches to snatch people up because everything in Ghur is a predator down to the rocks and plants is fantastically AoS!

Order of Azyr is cool too. Love the doggo eye-patch and bomb crossbow. Interesting people noted a modernized clothing look with the girl having a vest that wouldn’t be out of place on a tank commander or how the brute’s clothes look like low kharadron fashion. 

Might just be their own style or a nod to how Cities can expect more a high Victorian steampunk overhaul in the future to match all the advanced magic, technology and massive metropolises they build in the Realms.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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I lot of very cool stuff in that preview. The warcry box is great but it would have been prefect if they had replaced one of those warbands with something not chaos. 

The underworlds warband is amazing. It's a very rare case when something is an instant buy for me but this qualifies. It makes me even more excited about we might see from the new Cities of Sigmar. There's also enough Witch Hunters now to make a warcry warband too. 

The Kill Team box was a massive surprise.  I'm pretty sure not a single person guessed that this rumour engine was a kroot. 20220711_002249.jpg.1034633e9f53286ae40b66f01a5b96fb.jpg

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THAT SCENERY IS PERFECT. Honestly I love that, the best GW has done for AOS for me personally.

Kinda knew what Warbands were coming but that Rotmire Leader is insane, gives me massive Seven Samurai vibes.

Underworlds Warband is stunnung, I love the Steampunkish aesthetic and cant wait to see what carries over into Dawnbringers. That crossbowmen is the best model shown today for me.

The Lore this season for Warcry has practically confirmed a Seraphon Warband!! We have the Rumour Engine and now the lore to back it up, a Warband recovering some artifacts from the crashed Starship? Perfection.

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I'm probably a little jaded but...I wasn't too impressed with the reveals. The warcry warbands are fine, not amazing. The terrain is also okay, it's basically just a ton of trees that will be a nightmare to paint. The underworlds witch hunters are a bit cooler, but the dogs are so bland, no action poses or anything.

Simply wasn't blown away by anything like I was with the original warcry warbands. I also feel like the witch hunter designs are far too safe to be that interesting.

Edited by Mutton
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29 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

The Lore this season for Warcry has practically confirmed a Seraphon Warband!! We have the Rumour Engine and now the lore to back it up, a Warband recovering some artifacts from the crashed Starship? Perfection.

Ooooor the original inhabitants of the starship grounded and gone full-Coalesced on us as they chomp their way through any who would seek to despoil their ancient startifacts 🦖 

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1 minute ago, KingBrodd said:

40k Daemon rules started leaking out, so I'd guess they'll show off the codex art and maybe announce a 40k Battle Box.

Daemons of the Ruinstorm are also supposed to be getting their 30k PDF at some point, so it may be that if Ka'bandha is releasing.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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3 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:


Some nice, relatively system-agnostic terrain.






Warcry and Necromunda are definitely the winners of this reveal imo. The Rotmire Creed look like a strange mixture of medieval peasant and potions masters. I love how they worship Nurgle through a corrupted God-Beast, as it really shows just how.... chaotic chaos worship is in the mortal realms. I've already stated my piece on the Horns of Hashut, so I'll just focus on the terrain, which is amazing. Everything about the terrain makes it feel like it's gonna come alive and eat your dudes alive. The best piece is by far the lookout tower. 

With the advent of god-aligned cultists and a swamp setting, I hope we will see at least one war band with either a New Orleans Voodoo theme or giant corrupted Alligators/Crocodiles tied to death magic (maybe inspired by the Phillipines? Because apparently the indigenous people there used to believe crocodiles had a magical portal to the afterlife in their stomachs). 

The Goliath motorbike is awesome, and I hope to find a use for it in actual 40k (probably something dark mechanicus themed).

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52 minutes ago, Mutton said:

I'm probably a little jaded but...I wasn't too impressed with the reveals. The warcry warbands are fine, not amazing. The terrain is also okay, it's basically just a ton of trees that will be a nightmare to paint. The underworlds witch hunters are a bit cooler, but the dogs are so bland, no action poses or anything.

Simply wasn't blown away by anything like I was with the original warcry warbands. I also feel like the witch hunter designs are far too safe to be that interesting.

I guess that as always opinions differ, but for me that was the first preview in a long time where I didn't feel dissapointed. Might be cause I had very low expectations, but I love what they showed. I love the swampy warband, they're creepy af. The terrain is great, I think contrast will help a lot with painting the trees. It's very much what I imagine Ghur as - those trees have freakin' teeth! The terrain also has seraphon bits, whoch gives me a lot of optimism for my favourite faction. The witch hunters and their dogs are awesome, because they're what many wanted from them - a grounded warband in this world of crazy fantasy. Even the kill team stuff challenges my dislike for 40k. Overall great for me, but hey, You'll save some money (or spend them on other minis lol)

Edited by GenericEdgyName
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Love the Kroot.

Warcry figures are cool but I yearn for something...chaotic. Appointing a team uniform or like a halloween costume theme (we're the spider guys,  ok we're the swamp guys etc) for a bunch of humans ain't it. The first round of stuff had beastmen and ogres in with their crews. More asymmetry needed for me.

The other thing that's weird about so many humans all at once, as a player who plays various wargames, is that humans are everywhere as minis. The Witch Hunters are cool but I've seen so many similar models because they're based on an aesthetic which not only long predates AOS and is represented in mini form, it's also an aesthetic which heavily influences 40k as well. The more stuff like this, I fear the less AOS maintains it's identity as diverse reimagining of global fantasty/mythic archetypes .

OK its more grizzled European style Witch hunters. There they are. Looking like many other models that are Witch Hunters do. Weird that they look just like updated versions of 16th century real world archetypes rather than something informed by the context of the fantastical realm they reside in. They could literally create a new idea as to what a Witch hunter is, does, how they operate etc. After all they're not fighting in Sylvania anymore right? But no.

Blowing up the Old World to bring it back in slightly more dynamic and anatomically correct sculpts isn't the future I want for AOS but stuff like this suggests they're a bit lost in how to move forward with humans without just straight repetition.

But all subjective yadda if you like it then great stuff obvs 


Edited by Nos
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Love the warcry terrain. Warbands are alright, just wish Hashut ones were chorfs man. 

Witch Hunter warband is so so. Not nearly enough crazy religious paraphernalia IMO. I like the bomb crossbow and the pups the best. Will get it for them alone. Have a million witch Hunter models I can proxy for everyone else.

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4 minutes ago, Deepkin said:

Love the warcry terrain. Warbands are alright, just wish Hashut ones were chorfs man. 

It is a bit odd that a specifically Hashut-themed warband don't have a single Chorf despite them popping up in two other human-tied warbands. At the very least I'd have expected a Chorf leader, even if he's surrounded by 'lesser human' underlings.

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1 hour ago, Nos said:

The Witch Hunters are cool but I've seen so many similar models because they're based on an aesthetic which not only long predates AOS and is represented in mini form, it's also an aesthetic which heavily influences 40k as well. The more stuff like this, I fear the less AOS maintains it's identity as diverse reimagining of global fantasty/mythic archetypes .

In the beginning Warhammer 40,000 was (unapologetically?) Warhammer Fantasy in SPACE!

There is a fair bit if stuff in AoS which makes me think almost that Age of Sigmar is Fantasyed 40K!  

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