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Really strange they didn't reveal the box during FEST. It seems we have a pattern- a dual box, then 2 battletomes for armies inside. It will be 3rd bb so far in 2022, so it'll be like 6 battleboxes this year? I like it, cause I rather collect than play and every discount counts ;). 

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17 minutes ago, Mitzrael said:

Really strange they didn't reveal the box during FEST. It seems we have a pattern- a dual box, then 2 battletomes for armies inside. It will be 3rd bb so far in 2022, so it'll be like 6 battleboxes this year? I like it, cause I rather collect than play and every discount counts ;). 

If this holds true for the rest of the year then we have Order, Chaos and 2 Destruction Tomes coming. 

So will we have Order Vs Destruction, Chaos Vs Destruction, Order Vs Chaos or Destruction Vs Destruction?

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30 minutes ago, Sarges said:



Okay, interesting changes, I like them. Bit surprised at the Kurnothi getting 3+ save at base though, with AoD that's a 2+ that's really hard to work through. Free command copying is also seemingly becoming a theme, but the range is very short.

I like the Skaven changes a lot though. Clanrats always having a 5+ makes them more durable, and they can feel like a neverending swarm with that replenishment too. Nice and thematic. Stormvermin are actual bodyguards now too, which is immensely valuable. Also a 4+ save at base helps them be a bit tankier. Solid changes overall.

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I guess if Chorfs aren't the chaff grunts (that'd be Hobgrotz) and aren't the soldiers (Horns of Hashut) and also not the monsters (Centaurion) of the Hashut faction they basically have to be the leaders, sorcerers and engineers. Thus living up to the 'dark masters' moniker from the Hobgrotz lore part.

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27 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

I guess if Chorfs aren't the chaff grunts (that'd be Hobgrotz) and aren't the soldiers (Horns of Hashut) and also not the monsters (Centaurion) of the Hashut faction they basically have to be the leaders, sorcerers and engineers. Thus living up to the 'dark masters' moniker from the Hobgrotz lore part.

That makes sense, but I can't imagine Horns of Hashut being actual soldiers  in the sense of infantry. They seem to be a vanguard unit of armed workers or slaves even, who worship certain aspects of their deity:


The Horns of Hashut see the thriving jungles of Ghur and want nothing more than to burn them down to make way for the forges and foundries demanded by their dark father.


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21 minutes ago, Bayul said:

That makes sense, but I can't imagine Horns of Hashut being actual soldiers  in the sense of infantry. They seem to be a vanguard unit of armed workers or slaves even, who worship certain aspects of their deity:


I also see the Horns being more akin to armed slaves. Even though the big fellas look quite blinged out, I think the chain wrapped around their waist and scars across their limbs signifies they are still slaves. 

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1 hour ago, Bayul said:

That makes sense, but I can't imagine Horns of Hashut being actual soldiers  in the sense of infantry. They seem to be a vanguard unit of armed workers or slaves even, who worship certain aspects of their deity:


I don't know. That quote actually gives them too much agency and desire aligned with that of their deity to be considered mere slaves or workers. Also the title: Horns of Hashut. One would assume the horns of a horned deity are a body part that carries great honour and importance. 

If there will be Chaos Duardin infantry (and I kind of doubt that) they will probably be equipped with some sort ranged weapons. Maybe something like Chaos Space Marine havocs. 

Edited by Maogrim
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They strike me less as slaves and more as cultists / zealots that act as a vanguard / scouting force for the more well equipped main force.

Aren't Hobgrotz more of a go-between to facilitate trade between Duardin / Orruks, could see them acting as a sort of mercantile / engineering underclass rather than explicity slaves; more like the Goblins in WoW if that makes sense.

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2 hours ago, Ogregut said:

I think we'll either see the Echos of Doom boxset announced today or the daughters and Nighthaunt battletomes. 

I'm fine with either, just give us some AoS! 

hope it Nighthaunt want to start that arme sooooo bad but i take any aos att the moment

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So, if Echoes of Doom is incoming, how much longer do people think the Start Collecting Sylvaneth will be available? (based on the timings of the withdrawl of SC Fyreslayers, Deepkin and Daughters of Khaine?)

Need to plan my hobby purchasing so I don't miss out on a cost efficient Treelord Ancient, it wasn't next on my list but might need bumping up...

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4 hours ago, Maogrim said:

I guess if Chorfs aren't the chaff grunts (that'd be Hobgrotz) and aren't the soldiers (Horns of Hashut) and also not the monsters (Centaurion) of the Hashut faction they basically have to be the leaders, sorcerers and engineers. Thus living up to the 'dark masters' moniker from the Hobgrotz lore part.

Hobgrotz are commercial pasrtners and mediators  between Chorfs and Kruleboyz but aren't like the old Hobgoblins part of the Dawi Zharr army\society nor slaves, while the Horns seems more heralds and scouts for the Hashut war industry.
Centaurion also is not part of the Hashut followers as iirc the leak said they are more "gladiatoral instructors" in the eightpoints and are part of the slaves to darkness(so not linked to Hashut at all).
Chaos dwarves are still dwarves, yes they use slaves and other despicable means, i can't see them using all those inferior species to be the main part of their army...after all dwarf still have pride in their craftmanship and ability.
I like that Legion of Azgorh tried to blend the 3rd edition era chaos dwarves (that were just small chao swarriors) and the mesopotamian part  that we all love and wants back again (mostly in their war machine crew and heroes) so i could see something like a new design but more inclined to the latter aesthetics reimagined in an aos way.

Edited by Snorri Nelriksson
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2 hours ago, Kaleb Daark said:

They are in every way AoS Iron Warriors - herding everything that isn't them before them.

Iron warriors is spot on come to think of it, and Drazaoth the Ashen was their very own Honsou. :)

I'd say he was Honsou mixed with Fabius Bile and Ahriman: A cruel yet honorable sorcerer-king exiled from his home for going against his master's wishes.... Only to become even more powerful in their exile.


28 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Hobgrotz are commercial pasrtners and mediators  between Chorfs and Kruleboyz but aren't like the old Hobgoblins part of the Dawi Zharr army\society nor slaves, while the Horns seems more heralds and scouts for the Hashut war industry.
Centaurion also is not part of the Hashut followers as iirc the leak said they are more "gladiatoral instructors" in the eightpoints and are part of the slaves to darkness(so not linked to Hashut at all).
Chaos dwarves are still dwarves, yes they use slaves and other despicable means, i can't see them using all those inferior species to be the main part of their army...after all dwarf still have pride in their craftmanship and ability.
I like that Legion of Azgorh tried to blend the 3rd edition era chaos dwarves (that were just small chao swarriors) and the mesopotamian part  that we all love and wants back again (mostly in their war machine crew and heroes) so i could see something like a new design but more inclined to the latter aesthetics reimagined in an aos way.

Backing up @Snorri Nelriksson's claim about dwarf pride and craftsmanship, if you look at every model that has appeared to be somewhat aligned with Hashut (Hobgrotz and Horns of Hashut), their arms and weapons slowly increase in quality. The Hobgrotz helmet and grenades look like they're bolted or welded together from bits of scrap iron. This can also be seen in the Horns of Hashut, whose weapons and armor have more detail but are still rather crude by what we know of chaos dwarfs. 

9 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

It makes sense i guess to have humans replace the hobgoblins in an upcoming Chaos Dwarf army, they really seem to hate having species in multiple grand alliances, Hobgrots are destruction so Chaos needs different cannon fodder.

Hobgrots are said to be the middlemen between Chaos Dwarfs and the Kruleboyz, trading metal and weapons for slaves, so it's possible we might see them in an upcoming tome.

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I wonder if GW have the same problem with Skaven that the Empire of old did. I bet there are a couple of designers who keep putting their hands up in meetins, and saying "we should probably update skaven" and then their bosses just laugh, and say "Don't be silly, everyone knows there's no such thing!".

I was initially dismayed that the Horns of Hashut were humans rather than dwarves, but thinking about it, it does make some sense for the Chaos Dwarfs to send their disposable minions out to scout, rather than their own people. I never got many hobgoblins, but the idea that the faction consisted of a ruling class of Dwarves, served by numerous slave races did make them distinct. I could see them having essentially armies of human Janissaries, not just slaves, but essentially legions of soldiers sent by the realms that pay tribute to the Dawi Zharr Empire. The less armoured models shown off do have the look of slaves, but they don't all look as ragged and beaten down.

I guess we'll have to wait and see.

This preview has been excellent overall. I've liked a worrying amount of the stuff previewed. Sylvaneth are definitely the highlight, and I love the lady of vines. Chaos I'll be happy to wait and see how it all fits together, but any suggestion that the Dawi Zharr are approaching is alright in my books. I've always been a dwarf fan, so am very excited about each squat preview. The idea that we might get both them and the Chaos Dwarfs delights me immensely!

I also think that a lot of the chaos soldiers shown off in 40K are great. I've always been put off by Chaos in that setting, since its just more space marines, but the idea of squads of cultists, mutants and regular soldiers really expands the theme in interesting directions, and could be great for AoS conversions too.

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On 5/8/2022 at 3:38 PM, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Hobgrotz are commercial pasrtners and mediators  between Chorfs and Kruleboyz but aren't like the old Hobgoblins part of the Dawi Zharr army\society nor slaves, while the Horns seems more heralds and scouts for the Hashut war industry.
Centaurion also is not part of the Hashut followers as iirc the leak said they are more "gladiatoral instructors" in the eightpoints and are part of the slaves to darkness(so not linked to Hashut at all).
Chaos dwarves are still dwarves, yes they use slaves and other despicable means, i can't see them using all those inferior species to be the main part of their army...after all dwarf still have pride in their craftmanship and ability.
I like that Legion of Azgorh tried to blend the 3rd edition era chaos dwarves (that were just small chao swarriors) and the mesopotamian part  that we all love and wants back again (mostly in their war machine crew and heroes) so i could see something like a new design but more inclined to the latter aesthetics reimagined in an aos way.


On 5/8/2022 at 4:14 PM, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

I'd say he was Honsou mixed with Fabius Bile and Ahriman: A cruel yet honorable sorcerer-king exiled from his home for going against his master's wishes.... Only to become even more powerful in their exile.


Backing up @Snorri Nelriksson's claim about dwarf pride and craftsmanship, if you look at every model that has appeared to be somewhat aligned with Hashut (Hobgrotz and Horns of Hashut), their arms and weapons slowly increase in quality. The Hobgrotz helmet and grenades look like they're bolted or welded together from bits of scrap iron. This can also be seen in the Horns of Hashut, whose weapons and armor have more detail but are still rather crude by what we know of chaos dwarfs. 

Hobgrots are said to be the middlemen between Chaos Dwarfs and the Kruleboyz, trading metal and weapons for slaves, so it's possible we might see them in an upcoming tome.

@Maogrim ignore everything I said and go with these two - they clearly know best.

original post deleted.

Edited by Kaleb Daark
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8 hours ago, Mitzrael said:

Really strange they didn't reveal the box during FEST. It seems we have a pattern- a dual box, then 2 battletomes for armies inside. It will be 3rd bb so far in 2022, so it'll be like 6 battleboxes this year? I like it, cause I rather collect than play and every discount counts ;). 

Heard a rumour that there is no box this time....

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I'm really intrigued to see how they are going to handle Hashut in this new setting. In the Old World, he was very much just the god of Chaos Dwarves, but sort of hinted he could be a powerful Daemon rather than full god. 

I wonder if he'll be promoted to full chaos god along the lines of the Horned Rat?

Will he get his own Daemons, K'Daai style elementals, a greater Daemon/verminlord style avatar?

Could the real Dark Masters be something other than big hatted dwarves? Bull Centaurish mutant centaurs being how they look now?

So many possibilities, I cannot wait to see what they've got planned. 




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