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1 hour ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

You're as wise as the bones of Khemri are restless, my friend! Maybe the enemy to Dawnbringers in next edition?

Although classic Sumerian big hats most likely will never return, I do think there are elements of the near east in the armour of Horns of Hashut.

Do you really think they’ll tone the hats down, after things like the Lumineth?

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3 hours ago, EonChao said:

Honestly as someone with a small Sylvaneth collection and no Skaven that box is kind of appealing to both expand my existing force and give me some fun Skaven stuff to paint

There will be a line of Skaven players (including me) lining up to buy the deathmaster on ebay. We all probably already have plenty of all the other models. 

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Is that the end of Warhammer fest? It is weird having the Horus Heresy reveal happen so much earlier in the day. Either way I shall do my typical impressions most of which I have stated already! I feel somewhat vindicated by this series of announcements because pretty much every thing I expected was announced although I feel like I got the degree/amount wrong on many things.

Warhammer 40k:
Demon Prince - I have always attested to the idea of having different head options for a demon prince for each god and the kit looks amazing. Oddly, I think for my army I prefer the current more cartoony demon prince but the variations and possibilities of the new one are very much appreciated. I also think they fit the baroque opulence of modern chaos and I particularly love the head showcased on the 40k Demon prince and hope it is compatible with the AOS torso.

Angels of Death: I am happy for animated content but this is not really for me. If it was on youtube I would eventually watch it on a boring bad weather day. I still feel like GW would make more from the ad revenue on Youtube than for a full subscription service.

World Eaters: Huge and exciting announcement. It is strange in AOS and WHFB I prefer Slaanesh and Tzeentch and in 40k I prefer Nurgle and Khorne. The artwork shown looked very, very Blades of Khorne almost to the point that I feel like AOS players with a Khorne army can probably not buy a single model. The Primarch like all of the God Specific legions will probably be cool… although Bloodthirsters have a tendency to disappoint me model wise  so we shall see. Either way it is exciting to see a new Chaos army.

Chapter Approved: Hopefully Necrons get a boost because they are the coolest 40k Army… are they just Egyptian themed T800s… yes that is why they are cool!

 Leagues of Votann: Confession time, I think fantasy species in a grim dark science fiction setting is fairly silly and undermines the tone of the universe... but then it comes to Squats that is exactly why I like them. However, as much as that means that I secretly want campy and silly space dwarves… the League of Votann is weirdly knocking it out of the park as a realistic and unique faction. Hernkyn Pioneer is a great example of this as I was certain that Space Bikers would return to their silly roots. But instead of a tricycle motorcycle with a Heck's* angels dwarf, they gave her a hover bike with leather jacket and goggles, but switching them out from Biker to aviation themed gear was a stroke of brilliance. Squats are back and their mere existence makes Orks and Eldar more appealing to me. Of course I have always held firm that if I got a humanoid space fantasy army I will paint them to have 1950s green alien skin.

Chaos Space Marines: I absolutely loved every last one of them. Without going over each unit I  will say that the focus on cultist and mutants makes the army more interesting and provides more visual variation for a game that is overwhelmed by Space Marines. This is enough to make me want a Chaos Space Marine army that is lacking in Space Marines. Sadly my budget would require that I rely on box sets and used models meaning that Space Marines would still need to make a large part of the composition. Still I am wondering how expensive and competitve an army of the new knight box and some cultists would be on the tabletop.

It is strange in the leak I was kind of like neat. But seeing them in proper images in higher fidelity I fell in love with them. A big group of mutated chaotic beast ogres given an empire by Archaon to help train the cultists and marauders is brilliant and the models are fantastic. I am happy for the leak but wish that this was the first time I got to see the models. I do not know if they will make into my army but if I decide to dip my toes into 40k I think I might find room for them as proxies and maybe I will use them as chaotic Man-eaters for my ogors.

Black Library Models: No clue what to expect from these two as characters or units, but I Love the models and hope that Drekki Flynt’s colour scheme becomes the new standard for KO.

Generals Handbook: I do not love the pay to play season strategy, but I do like the updated rules system and wonder if there is a nice balance. Narratively it will help round out the mortal realms and I look forward to more Ghurish action. I do like the idea that people will be able to pick seasons to play for internal balances. Like if gaming group has an unfair balance between players selecting a season that balances armies  would be cool.

Dawn Bringers: I am still hopeful that they do not remove the elves and dwarves even if the focus is primarily upon humans. I am less into the commoner human army than most people, but I love the aesthetic being showcased in the banners and symbols. I still hope that they use the Dawn bringers to showcase sympathy for the chaos and destruction tribes that resist displacement from the cities of order. Luckily two of my armies will oppose Sigmar’s imperialist might. Overall it is exciting to see a big project for AOS but I have a feeling that it will not be for me. However, make it a mix of elves, dwarves and humans that can be themed for realms and cultures and I will jump on board.

Sylvaneth: I love that the new release emphasizes each side of the army’s aesthetic. The Lady of Vines is a beautiful model and will look great in pure tree armies. The revenant styled units incorporate the use of spites in spectacular ways and provide even more emphasis on the kind hybrid aesthetic of spirits, fae and nature. Overall Sylvaneth are going to be more interesting on the battle field and even just visually. I still really wish that we had gotten a Kurnothi subfaction instead.

Skaven: The most contentious reveal so far and for fairly good reason. A single hero unit is not what Skaven needed to update. But lets be honest it is a fantastic model and proof that when shaven are updated they will be amazing. I am still hopeful that this was revealed early in preparation of the dual box and they will reveal a few more units before the Skaven release. I would still say this single reveal suggests it will be at most a unit or two at most.

Misc. Games:
I feel a little mixed about this reveal as I loved the models and the implication of more of my favourite game. But it also reminded me that I have a hard time finding opponents and moving away from the eight points means that I will more likely not have as much use for the terrain and models. However, if they do include the cool marshal and have the legionaries facing the forces of Hashut I will be able to  justify the purchase. But the Marshal looks amazing in my opinion.

Necromunda: Every nice thing I said about the Leagues of Votann times ten. I just hope they make the helmets the standard for the mainline army. The make your own vehicles rules sound really cool. I am interested in necromunda but none of my friends are remotely interested.

Middle Earth: Beornings… I love Grimbeorn but the others feel oddly uninspired to me. They seem like villager militia when they could have done more interesting bear themed aesthetic. I would say that pelts would break with the nature of Beorn being a vegetarian and friend of the animals but they have fur lined clothes… I dunno how I would handle them but I am sadly unimpressed. 

Kill team: The cultists are pretty great models but next to the previously previewed Chaos Models they are fairly generic. The Space Marine side is as boring as ever… the terrain is really cool though! If I do follow through with my interest in Chaos Cultists in 40k it might be worth getting this and splitting the space marines with a friend or maybe slapping on some chaos helmets and having them fall to the dark gods.

Horus Heresy: 30K: You want some heresy… I might pick this box up! I am vaguely interested in the game itself and I kind of want to make a 30k Dark Angel force that I use in 40K as Chaos Space Marine Fallen Angels. I can add some cultists and some of my AOS models and call it a day for the fallen angels. Boom two full(ish) armies with one massive boxed purchase.
Do I hate space marines? Yes!
Do I like beaks and chaos more? Yes!
I probably won’t follow through with this plan as it is cost prohibitive for an army/aesthetic I do not love. But I think it would be narratively really fun to have an army that I can use in two different systems as two opposing sides 10k years apart. 

Overall: lots of really cool stuff and I am genuinely excited about all of it. I will share the grief of Skaven players but I still have some hope and can at least know that when they are updated they will be amazing! In terms of purchases I might go CSM either through 30k or cultists and the Ogroids and Warcry have piqued my interest. But overall I feel like I might need to save up for the Slaves to Darkness release this winter. Be'Lakor and Eternus will be a big investment and well worth the price of admission. 


Edited by Neverchosen
*Wait we can't name the bad place on this forum?
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I wonder when GW are going to unveil the new Warcry set. After Horus Heresy releases? The wording of the article is leading me to believe that perhaps both Warbands are going to be Destruction. 

Ogors Vs Orruks would make an epic box with new Bonesplitterz against Maneaters!!

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1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

Leagues of Votann: Confession time, I think fantasy species in a grim dark science fiction setting is fairly silly and undermines the tone of the universe...

But that's the whole  point of 40k. Space Elves, Orcs, Undead, Vikings, Vampires etc. 

Anyway, I'm very curious to see what Warcry has in store. I'm guessing we'll see the box in the autumn as the Heresy has summer sown up. We've had ten chaos warbands and one DoK warband  so far. 3 for each grand alliance next time around would be pretty awesome. 

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3 minutes ago, Chikout said:

But that's the whole  point of 40k. Space Elves, Orcs, Undead, Vikings, Vampires etc. 

Anyway, I'm very curious to see what Warcry has in store. I'm guessing we'll see the box in the autumn as the Heresy has summer sown up. We've had ten chaos warbands and one DoK warband  so far. 3 for each grand alliance next time around would be pretty awesome. 


Ogors. Bonesplitterz and Spiderfang.

Soulblight. Flesh Eater Courts and Ossiarch.

Seraphon. Fyreslayers and Cities of Sigmar.

Beasts of Chaos. Skaven and something new.

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55 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I wonder when GW are going to unveil the new Warcry set. After Horus Heresy releases? The wording of the article is leading me to believe that perhaps both Warbands are going to be Destruction. 

Ogors Vs Orruks would make an epic box with new Bonesplitterz against Maneaters!!

Surely one of the warbands will be the Horns of Hashut, no?

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35 minutes ago, Chikout said:

But that's the whole  point of 40k. Space Elves, Orcs, Undead, Vikings, Vampires etc. 

Anyway, I'm very curious to see what Warcry has in store. I'm guessing we'll see the box in the autumn as the Heresy has summer sown up. We've had ten chaos warbands and one DoK warband  so far. 3 for each grand alliance next time around would be pretty awesome. 

Yeah, 40k is as much science fantasy as anything. 

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2 hours ago, Laststand said:

There will be a line of Skaven players (including me) lining up to buy the deathmaster on ebay. We all probably already have plenty of all the other models. 

Yeah the problem is I really like that model too 😅

1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

I wonder when GW are going to unveil the new Warcry set. After Horus Heresy releases? The wording of the article is leading me to believe that perhaps both Warbands are going to be Destruction. 

Ogors Vs Orruks would make an epic box with new Bonesplitterz against Maneaters!!

I think the Horns of Hashut will but in the box with a Destruction or Kurnothi warband if I'm completely honest. Ties it into the idea of Chaos warbands invading Ghur for glory. The Horns who want to cut down the forests in the name of industry, and the wild defenders

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7 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

You're as wise as the bones of Khemri are restless, my friend! Maybe the enemy to Dawnbringers in next edition?

Although classic Sumerian big hats most likely will never return, I do think there are elements of the near east in the armour of Horns of Hashut.

One can hope oh Sister of the Forge (going off of your profile pic)! May those foolish interlopers into the lands their ancestors abandoned to the dead and the damned regret marching away from the twin tailed comet’s light.

7 hours ago, Kaleb Daark said:

Well, my loyal barbeque and ash furnace brother, don't forget that the Legion in the Black Fortress was a separate entity far away from the eyes and rule of  Astragoth  at Migol-Zharr-Naggarund.

Soooo... I'm happy for a compromise - GW can go as 300 Xerxes as they want as long as FW remaster and bring back my beloved legion of Azgorh in whatever name they choose, after all, it's a penal / border Zharr so it's own look and flavour will be fully explainable and justifiable and seamlessly integrate it to the main Chaos Dwarf return.

Have faith and keep the fire burning - preferably under the feet of an elf.  They dance so nicely on hot coals.

You’re right @Kaleb Daark, the legion were technically a separate entity…. But they were the entity that got me hooked on chorfs🙂

I generally really like the strange new mix of Gladiators, Viking Stereotypes, fallen knights, and vaguely middle eastern aesthetics that chaos is evolving into, as it gives me hope that one day GW will give us the factions that chaos got it from. In short? Im hoping for some form of Araby to appear in either TOW or AOS so I can convert an army based on the Jahiliyah (Age of Ignorance).

Edited by Loyal Son of Khemri
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53 minutes ago, EonChao said:

Yeah the problem is I really like that model too 😅

I think the Horns of Hashut will but in the box with a Destruction or Kurnothi warband if I'm completely honest. Ties it into the idea of Chaos warbands invading Ghur for glory. The Horns who want to cut down the forests in the name of industry, and the wild defenders

Horns of Hashut is a given and Sylvaneth would make sense being from the Gnarlwood but I would love for Destruction to be in the box being set in Ghur and all.

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2 hours ago, Chikout said:

But that's the whole  point of 40k. Space Elves, Orcs, Undead, Vikings, Vampires etc. 

But acknowledging that outright takes away from my key point, which is that I am still utterly hyped for what is likely the most blatant fantasy referenced army with the squats. Like I roll my eyes at space orks which are ostensibly just brutal aliens or Eldar who are in essence any sort of ancient advanced alien species, but when it comes to short space miners with beards I am for some reason completely up for it... I don't know it is the right level blatantly of silly for me. 

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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

Horns of Hashut is a given and Sylvaneth would make sense being from the Gnarlwood but I would love for Destruction to be in the box being set in Ghur and all.

Is Gnarlroot a part of the Gnarlwood zone?

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I kinda don't like how they put the new deathmaster perched on ruins. Its probably almost twice as tall now so I feel like running an old one or the silver tower deathrunner (seeing as it is more or less ruleless beyond as an alternative deathmaster sculpt) could be considered invalid because the height difference although I doubt anyone I'd play with would care.

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9 hours ago, MiceWithDice said:

There wont be any other new thing in the Skaven vs Sylvaneth Box, on the Skaven side atleast



I added up the points. This box is easily the definition of a curbstomp, or it's balanced and GW have horribly screwed up either army.

50 point increase for Durthu, 30 for Kurnoth Hunters and the Archers are 3x what Spite-Revenants currently are.

20 point increase for Stormvermin and 70 for Deathmaster. That models better be DTF.


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25 minutes ago, Fairbanks said:

I added up the points. This box is easily the definition of a curbstomp, or it's balanced and GW have horribly screwed up either army.

50 point increase for Durthu, 30 for Kurnoth Hunters and the Archers are 3x what Spite-Revenants currently are.

20 point increase for Stormvermin and 70 for Deathmaster. That models better be DTF.


I wonder if it is like Dominion and is meant to be balanced sans named character... it still favours the Sylvaneth but maybe because of the alt builds for Durthu it could come in closer? Still it is a strange, strange box for anyone looking to start out on an even keel.

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3 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

I wonder if it is like Dominion and is meant to be balanced sans named character... it still favours the Sylvaneth but maybe because of the alt builds for Durthu it could come in closer? Still it is a strange, strange box for anyone looking to start out on an even keel.

Yeah. It feels like they had a plan for Sylvaneth, but not for the opposing faction and just pieced together some stuff that put the monetary value up to what they want for the box and the single new rat they made.

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9 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

Yeah. It feels like they had a plan for Sylvaneth, but not for the opposing faction and just pieced together some stuff that put the monetary value up to what they want for the box and the single new rat they made.

It definitely feels one list gets quality and one gets quantity.

10 expensive, mostly new models vs 30 cheaper but all old models except 1.

im already made pans to go halvsies with a friend who wants to start skaven and I’m gonna end up buying them some extra rats so I don’t feel like I’m ripping them off.

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On 5/7/2022 at 12:50 AM, ÞórarinnSig said:

Gossamid Archers. More mortal wounds on 6´s. Whee.unknown.png?width=1025&height=676

I only played 2 times agaisnt Sylvaneth, so, I don't know exactly all their interactions.

If you put this unit in a sylvaneth forest (with unleash hell ready for any charge), that means that this unit can only be damaged in that turn by units with mortal wounds on charge or big monsters that have ranged profiles?

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