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3 hours ago, novakai said:

I think what’s going to happen is that they tease one warband tomorrow, one on Thursday, and Friday is the full reveal lol.

but since this a new box set they probably want to maximize their community engagement for it despite not having a big reveal. 

I really hope this is the case. If we get all these tiny teasers with no pay off by the end of the week I would be pretty irritated with the Warhammer Community staff.

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18 minutes ago, Horizons said:

If Aelves are so hard to make why are we getting new range releases 6 months in? Check mate.

Aelves are well known for their speed, that includes the speed to update. ;)

Deepkin took the longest only because of their lack of eyes slowing them down for this tide of knife-ears.

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I am not surprised by this aestethetic if it is for Malerion's troops. Each Aelven faction has a basic troop type and then a more corrupted variant.


It is a good choice on GW's part as it permits collectors to choose between traditional fantasy tropes and more unique models.

Idoneth invert this somewhat with the Namarti being more abstract and the more traditional elves riding and controlling sea life. 

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13 minutes ago, Cinncinnatus said:

So quick thought, DoK have a new tome coming out. What if this new warband is just another DoK Underworlds warband that will end up in that tome and has nothing to do with malerion? 

Then it better have a Khinerai hero in it.

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39 minutes ago, Cinncinnatus said:

So quick thought, DoK have a new tome coming out. What if this new warband is just another DoK Underworlds warband that will end up in that tome and has nothing to do with malerion? 

We probably will know by the end of this week I feel.

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1 hour ago, Cinncinnatus said:

So quick thought, DoK have a new tome coming out. What if this new warband is just another DoK Underworlds warband that will end up in that tome and has nothing to do with malerion? 

I’m 80% sure that’s gonna be the case.

Morathi-Khaine Shadow Stalkers that don’t step on either the Blood Coven’s feet/snake-tail by being specialist shadow-magic assassins and are different from Warcry since it’s an UnderWorlds warband so hit that middle ground while being a Broken Realms repeat of how the Shadow Queen sent the last group on a insane mission to the bottom of an light ocean under a Deepkin city to retrieve Teclis’ lantern but now it’s to the bottom of a shadow ocean under a eldritch ruin(different day under the sea, same level of death by Lovecraftian abyss creatures).

Also predicting they’ll come with lore that one of their members personally high-fived Malerion which will have the community a buzz with “Umbraneth soon!” as a GW exec leans back happily in his chair mumbling “yes a high-five. One finger for each year from now until they come.”(exec might or might not have been behind Kruleboyz in both their love of torture and finger symbolism)

Edited by Baron Klatz
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4 hours ago, novakai said:

Not oppose to it but I think what keep DoK separate is that they take up the female only army niche like Sister of Battle does and both those releases have done pretty well in getting female audiences into the hobby in recent times. 

I think its more complicated than having a "girls faction" as i know more than few women despise the concept. More about having representation, something id never really experienced until becoming disabled (As the society "default" middle class white boy) but my word it is some powerful stuff.

So adding some boys to the DoK probably wont drive away many, if any women, adding them to the other factions is probably paying dividends though! 

Edited by Noserenda
Filtered word made mild cuss seem waaaay more serious
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5 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

I think its more complicated than having a "girls faction" as i know more than few women despise the concept. More about having representation, something id never really experienced until becoming disabled (As the society "default" middle class white boy) but my word it is some powerful stuff.

So adding some boys to the DoK probably wont drive away many, if any women, adding them to the other factions is probably paying dividends though! 

As a woman I personally like the approach they took with the eldar which is to give you a choice of options with each kit. I'd also just prefer kits have lots of choices in general to be honest.

Like if you could have a boob torso and no boob torso for an Akhelian king model as an example.

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11 minutes ago, Nagash42 said:

Aren't the horse riders all guys? Also some of the warcry warband? 

I mean both armies have some guys already but they are more of a supplement force to the army rather then being its identity like Arcoflaggellent and Doomfire warlock.

 the army is still called Adeptus Sororitas and Daughters of Khaine.

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Well from the hints in the core rulebook for 3rd edition. 

Clan Eshin vs Malerion was heavily inserted into the story.

Clan Moulder getting new beasties from era of the beast was in the skaven section. 

Beasts of Chaos were first to respond to the new beast energy.

Sylvaneth were empowered from their victories in the campaign so far. 

Blades of Khorne are ascendant in the era of the beast.

Fyreslayers were feverishly collecting Ur-gold for Grimnir's return (probably 4th edition release from the writing)


So all of those getting some love this edition makes sense to me, except fyreslayers who they are just teasing a longer term release. 

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6 hours ago, novakai said:

Not oppose to it but I think what keep DoK separate is that they take up the female only army niche like Sister of Battle does and both those releases have done pretty well in getting female audiences into the hobby in recent times. 

Does the army of scantily clad chainmaille bikini elves actually appeal to female audiences though? 

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The answer clearly is more monster girls are needed for both appeal and badass qualities.


Go, Morathi-Khaine, and unleash the hidden ones you secrete beneath the now cracked* cauldron of creation and those that still slither behind your divine shadow we have yet to bare witness to!


edit:*the recent crack is noted to have made new mutation varieties that the Khainites keep hidden under their cities.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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11 hours ago, Cinncinnatus said:

So quick thought, DoK have a new tome coming out. What if this new warband is just another DoK Underworlds warband that will end up in that tome and has nothing to do with malerion? 

I mean this is 100% what will happen. Every Underworlds warband has released with corresponding warscrolls for AoS.

Which means, if these are Malerion Dark Elves, they need a home in AoS. Unless we think DoK are getting a surprise Malerion half added to their army safe to say it'll just be the UW warband folded into DoK.

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6 hours ago, EccentricCircle said:

Does the army of scantily clad chainmaille bikini elves actually appeal to female audiences though? 

Like other humans, women vary quite a bit. There are those that like it, and also those that hate it.

My ex was interested in them, so there's a sample size of one.

But it is better to have all gender/races represented on the table than to just look at a lot of white dudes if you want to appeal to a wider audience.

My Frostgrave Wizards 2 box needed replacement because it does have female heads of varying ages and races and I make minis for quite a few people that start playing d&d.

Edited by zilberfrid
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9 hours ago, HollowHills said:

As a woman I personally like the approach they took with the eldar which is to give you a choice of options with each kit. I'd also just prefer kits have lots of choices in general to be honest.

Like if you could have a boob torso and no boob torso for an Akhelian king model as an example.

That would be awesome! Mixed factions are a lot more humanizing and interesting than just copies of the same white dude.

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7 hours ago, EccentricCircle said:

Does the army of scantily clad chainmaille bikini elves actually appeal to female audiences though? 

You could also ask: does the army of bloated and mutated worshippers of the god of plagues actually appeal to male audiences though? Does the army of scantily clad axe-wielding warrior dwarfs with orange beards actually appeal to male audiences though? Does the army of eel-riding and soul-stealing deep sea elves actually appeal to male audiences though? 

The answer: yeah, sure it does. At least to some. Female wargamers aren't a monolith with a fixed set of features in taste. And the same holds true for male gamers and all the genders and sexes between and outside of that spectrum. Some male gamers for example enjoy sex appeal and cheese cake in their armies, others acticely despise these sorts of things. 

When it comes to Daughters I personally don't even think of them as 'too sexy'. Their lore doesn't even mention sexuality, their poses are aggressive, not inviting. Their boots don't feature heightened heels. And models like Khinerai or Melusai are even quite monstrous. Sure, Witch Aelves and Sisters of Slaughter wear what could be classified as thong bikinis, but Marauders for example show a lot of skin too, as do Fyreslayers. 

("Bah, that Bloodbowl hating Lumineth guy again. Thought he wanted to shut up for a while when he didn't get his pity party"

I plan to follow up on discussing opinions and respectful conversation on TGA as well as apologizing to Bloodbowl fans; I just don't know how I want to go about it yet. Big thanks to @Kaleb Daark and @Greyshadow :))

Edited by Maogrim
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I just want to support the concept of giving more diversity. As a Dwarf fan, our last female model was looooooooooooooong time ago: Helgar Longplaits.



To be honest, I'm not a fan of her model, but it is what it is.

The last few years, Kharadrons had a lot of new female characters that could drive their own stories with indredible and awesome deeds, like Borri Kraglan (star of two of the best Black Library Kharadron adventures). I'm a big fan of her, and I hope to see her model on plastic:



Since our release on 2017, our Battletomes recieved an increasing amount of illustrations and concept arts of female Kharadrons. Thanks to that, the army feels a lot more beliable, something that I really appreciate (take note with the female Ancestor Mask, it looks awesome):



Just to point out, Kharadron society is a meritocracy, being a male or female duardin doesn't give you a sit on the Geldraad. We just need that last push with some female plastic models to be more beliable and coherent with our own lore. 

Edited by Beliman
Grammar 2.0
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Am I the only one who thinks that the starter can carry old bands? the image looks like one of the skaven from shadespire and a daughter from beastgrave. Another inter-season recycled minis.

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2 hours ago, Maogrim said:

You could also ask: does the army of bloated and mutated worshippers of the god of plagues actually appeal to male audiences though? Does the army of scantily clad axe-wielding warrior dwarfs with orange beards actually appeal to male audiences though? Does the army of eel-riding and soul-stealing deep sea elves actually appeal to male audiences though? 

The answer: yeah, sure it does. At least to some. Female wargamers aren't a monolith with a fixed set of features in taste. And the same holds true for male gamers and all the genders and sexes between and outside of that spectrum. Some male gamers for example enjoy sex appeal and cheese cake in their armies, others acticely despise these sorts of things. 

When it comes to Daughters I personally don't even think of them as 'too sexy'. Their lore doesn't even mention sexuality, their poses are aggressive, not inviting. Their boots don't feature heightened heels. And models like Khinerai or Melusai are even quite monstrous. Sure, Witch Aelves and Sisters of Slaughter wear what could be classified as thong bikinis, but Marauders for example show a lot of skin too, as do Fyreslayers. 

I want to reply to this: I see your point, but the problem – possibly – is a sexualized representation of women which is, believe it or not, an inherent aspect of our chauvinist society. This is a fact, for ages, in figurative art. And GW know that. If you don't see the problem, watching a Nurgle army and a DoK one, well, maybe this is demonstration of the fact :)

Sorry for the off topic, maybe we can move this in a proper thread!

Returning to rumours: I also think that these shadow elves are bonded to Malerion somehow, but they'll be part of DoK faction. Very happy to see Eshin again! 

Edited by Fulcanelli
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