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16 minutes ago, Nuriel said:

In article they are writing that "distinctly Chaos-flavoured mischief is on the horizon".

Mischief doesn't sound much Khorne-y to me.

On the other hand the guy that leaked all 40k stuff said World Eaters will come on summer with new demons is easy to think they are going to get an Aos book.

And the cover is red and pure Khorne xD

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I do say that most rumor we have gotten where wrong since none of them had DOK as a release

as for why they get a new tome, I had a suspicion that DOK 2nd edition tome was meant to have been release in 2020 before 40K 9th edition and the timing would have been longer between books

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33 minutes ago, PJetski said:

Good: Duardin soup is dead

Bad: They are reusing cover art for books

Worst: DOK get another battletome without more models, and Morathi will probably still be carrying the entire faction




Best: Maybe they will remove teleporting double tap snakes

Morathi pushes them into an S tier but even if you couldnt play with her the DoK book is far above Slaanesh/Bonesplittaz tier. 

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6 minutes ago, Ragest said:

On the other hand the guy that leaked all 40k stuff said World Eaters will come on summer with new demons is easy to think they are going to get an Aos book.

And the cover is red and pure Khorne xD

The rumor for world eatrr didn’t say summer if I remember correctly just that it coming out in the near future like Daemon and squat

Edited by novakai
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8 minutes ago, The Damascus said:

What if... Chaos Dwarfs vs Malerion, for the summer.

Sounds crazy, but actually something like that seems not impossible on second thought. Purely because I don't think any of these six tomes will get a big model wave, so that leaves things open this year for the usual two big releases.

Also, if I filter the list of armies that are covered now either by new tomes or Tome Celestials and also not LRL/Slaanesh because I don't think those are happening this year, I end up with, like...KO, Gits, Mawtribes, FEC, Khorne, Tzeentch. I'd be shocked if any of those were major updates, so two new armies kinda possible?

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9 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Cool to see a roadmap but its kind of crazy that they didn't show these during the preview. It would have bulked out a lacklustre show considerably. 

The Skaven and Slyvaneth hint from Whitefang seems to be confirmed here. Aside from the odd choice of DoK, GW are doing books that need an update. Hopefully we will see Gloomspite, Khorne and BoC soonish. Give me those books for a nine book year and I'll be pretty happy. Even better if some of them come with  new kits. 

BoC are getting a Tome Celestial literally in Feb this year, I don't think they're getting a book until next year, unfortunately.

OTOH, if they were just getting a book, less reason to delay updating them, right? Right?

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1 minute ago, sandlemad said:

Well, there’s the gladiator hero but I’d put it down to DoK being an ‘easy win’ release. They don’t need to update the background substantially, there’s no WHU/Warcry warbands that need to be brought into the fold, DoK aren’t ludicrously over- or underpowered in a way that needs urgent addressing… A few tweaks, a new path to glory, and something to address 3rd’s change to battalions ought to pretty much do it. Probably they can put that out without significantly affecting their dev time and release schedule.

It would be cool if it were accompanied by new minis but it’s not like the DoK are in dire need of them, their range is solid. And given we’ve already seen the NH crossbowmen, who are presumably going to be release after DoK, I’m not holding my breath.

My view on this is that someone had to make the decision to have a DoK battletome release in spring 2022 knowing they would have a release in Februrary 2021, as well. Those decisions are made years in advance, after all. I'm working under the assumption that whoever makes that kind of decisions at GW would also find releasing two battletomes for the same army about a year apart to be undesirable. In my mind, there is no value in releasing battletomes in essentially random order, not taking into account the age of the tomes (that is, not updating the oldest tomes first as a general rule).

So it seems to me that there would have to be a good reason to release a new DoK tome now. A battlebox hero is not a good reason, because the decision to release a single new DoK model as apart of a battlebox would be made at the same time as the decision to give DoK a new tome. There is no pressing reason that it DoK specifically need to be in that battle box instead of any other faction that is only getting a book release this edition.

That makes me think that DoK might be getting more models like Lumineth did. Maybe Lumineth were a split release because of COVID/Brexit difficulties, or maybe GW is just doing Lumineth-style split wave releases now as a way to sell more books. Whatever the reason may be, a decision to split the DoK release would at least make sense by those lights. Which, at least to me, releasing two battletomes a year apart without any substantial expansion of the model range for DoK would not.

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Man I had a rough night taking care of my neighbor’s house, using minimal heat even when it reached 45 degrees cold but making sure all their pets had food and heated blankets that kept me up to 3 a.m

But seeing that beautiful Fyreslayer tome cover and NightHaunts taking duardin soup down to the underworld has made me feel like a million Ur-gold! :D 

Looking forward to their new awesome army-wide buffs, more badass Fyreslayer warrior & Magmadroth abilities and very likely new coalition options(that are actually good for making mixed armies!). Plus Deepkin will be great.

Hoping they can squeeze in some new units before releases but if they can’t I understand, production schedules are probably fighting off the Shyish Nadir itself.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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2 minutes ago, novakai said:

I do say that most rumor we have gotten where wrong since none of them had DOK as a release

as for why they get a new tome, I had a suspicion that DOK 2nd edition tome was meant to have been release in 2020 before 40K 9th edition and the timing would have been longer between books

I don't know if it was to be released before 9th, the first broken realms book didn't looked like it was delayed too much and it was probably meant to be released with it followed by the slaanesh tome. It would be a little more than a year between this new tome, but still is a short amount of time.

11 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

It would be cool if it were accompanied by new minis but it’s not like the DoK are in dire need of them, their range is solid. And given we’ve already seen the NH crossbowmen, who are presumably going to be released after DoK, I’m not holding my breath.

Its not impossible they have more new models to show. They both should release after Adepticon and there a good amount of time between the previed and the "Spring" release window. Not sure if Khaine will get anything, but Nighthaunt as a bunch of rumor enginees that point towards them and could herald more models for this tome.

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At first the reused Fyreslayer cover had me worried, like it was a phoned-in book whilst they prepped for soup in the near future, but then I saw the Nighthaunt cover and KALM. I doubt there's any logic to it since Nighthaunt are very popular, beyond maybe a commissioned artist not getting it done on time.

I don't blame them for reusing it, as sandlemad said they're not going to top it but it does feel a little weird when almost everyone else is getting new artwork.

Poor Daughters of Khaine players though. If I was them I'd be even angrier if I'd forked out for the Limited Edition, nevermind BR: Morathi.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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5 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

At first the reused Fyreslayer cover had me worried, like it was a phoned-in book whilst they prepped for soup in the near future, but then I saw the Nighthaunt cover and KALM. I doubt there's any logic to it since Nighthaunt are very popular, beyond maybe a commissioned artist not getting it done on time.

I don't blame them for reusing it, as sandlemad said they're not going to top it but it does feel a little weird when almost everyone else is getting new artwork.

Poor Daughters of Khaine players though. If I was them I'd be even angrier if I'd forked out for the Limited Edition, nevermind BR: Morathi.

Well fyreslayers is supposed to launch in one month, they don't have any cover ready? xD

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1 minute ago, Raviv said:

What if the DoK tome includes Shadow Aelves as a sub-faction?

Trusted rumours say that they have a warband coming in the Q2 Underworlds box.

Realistic expectation would just be them (current DoK), if it where more they probably change the army name

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