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2 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

So it seems like Fyreslayers remain their own army for the time being.

The DoK battletome surprises me, to be honest. I did not see that coming at all. Are they getting another model wave?

The next Chaos battletome is probably Khorne, Skaven or Beasts of Chaos. I'm going to tentatively call Skaven since they have an Underworlds warband rumoured that would fit the time frame.

For Order, all bets are off. Probably not combined dwarves, but maybe a new dwarves army? A Cities rework? Sylvaneth?

Wans't Sylvaneth vs Skaven hinted by Whitefang? Or was just us speculating over a cute rat photo? As the order e chaos tomes are in together like the other one, its probably released together with a duel box.

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1 minute ago, Arzalyn said:

Wans't Sylvaneth vs Skaven hinted by Whitefang? Or was just us speculating over a cute rat photo? As the order e chaos tomes are in together like the other one, its probably released together with a duel box.

I had actually already forgot about that again, haha. But yeah, it looks a lot more likely now.

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19 minutes ago, KarrWolves said:

AoS BattletomeRoadmap Jan31 Roadmap

Edit: that's not a rumour but that's finally a roadmap for AoS

I was confused for a minute, thinking there'd be a battletome for order and chaos that is needed on top of other battletomes, but now I understand this as a battletome for a faction within Order and a faction within Chaos.

Which is obviously either Chaos Dwarves or a full faction of familiars and either Halflings or Valaya Dwarves.

It is good to see a seperate Fyreslayers tome, it means Kharadron aren't gutted yet.

Edited by zilberfrid
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2 minutes ago, drcrater said:

Maybe the "reused" covers are more of a placeholder for this article? They tend to be a bit more "loud" when a cover is revealed

Looks like the final product, why show new covers for Idoneth e Khaine but placeholder for the other ones? Fyreslayer cover is pretty nice, but Nighthaunt could use a better one IMO.

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Nice to see a roadmap :) Though as others have said, the reused covers are a bit questionable - I doubt it has much baring on what's in the book, but it does suggest that less care went into it. Of course, that may well not be true, and Nighthaunt are reusing art despite having multiple new models, but it does make the book somehow seem of a lesser quality.

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Less than a year’s use for the 2nd ed. DoK battletome, damn. Heart’s out to all the DoK players, many of whom might not even have got in a game due to the pandemic. It’s not as bad as the situation with Lumineth but then very little is.

Can’t say I’m too bothered by the reused art though, they did just that for plenty of 40k codices and honestly they’re not going to top that FS cover. The Idoneth art actually looks like a downgrade.

Glad to see no dwarf soup anyway.

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By the release date they gave us Fyreslayers and Idoneth will probably drop this month right? Spring starts at the middle of March. Its confirm there will be no new units for them, as they like to show new models with a month before they release at least.

With Nighthaunt and Khaine books releasing after March, I wonder if both will get other releases other than the hero/unit revealed last week. They could easily have a new wave of models for Adepticon preview show and enought time to drop both in April/May.

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1 minute ago, sandlemad said:

Less than a year’s use for the 2nd ed. DoK battletome, damn. Heart’s out to all the DoK players, many of whom might not even have got in a game due to the pandemic. It’s not as bad as the situation with Lumineth but then very little is.

I actually find it very hard to make sense of DoK getting a new tome unless they are also getting a bunch of new models, Lumineth style. It just seems like there is no reason for it otherwise.

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So IDK/Fyreslayers, NH DOK and then the hinted Skaven vs Sylvaneth. So far it looks like the pattern is 2 tomes with a double-box, including at least 1 new hero. 

This is a neat release pattern so far. We will be at 5 Order, 2 Chaos, 1 Destruction and 1 Death Battletome at Summertime.

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18 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I actually find it very hard to make sense of DoK getting a new tome unless they are also getting a bunch of new models, Lumineth style. It just seems like there is no reason for it otherwise.

Well, there’s the gladiator hero but I’d put it down to DoK being an ‘easy win’ release. They don’t need to update the background substantially, there’s no WHU/Warcry warbands that need to be brought into the fold, DoK aren’t ludicrously over- or underpowered in a way that needs urgent addressing… A few tweaks, a new path to glory, and something to address 3rd’s change to battalions ought to pretty much do it. Probably they can put that out without significantly affecting their dev time and release schedule.

It would be cool if it were accompanied by new minis but it’s not like the DoK are in dire need of them, their range is solid. And given we’ve already seen the NH crossbowmen, who are presumably going to be released after DoK, I’m not holding my breath.

Edited by sandlemad
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2 minutes ago, Charleston said:

This is a neat release pattern so far. We will be at 5 Order, 2 Chaos, 1 Destruction and 1 Death Battletome at Summertime.

9 books is a decent pace. I'd rather the delays happen in the beginning when a lot of armies are still playing with their 2nd Ed tomes than when half of all factions are updated. Let's hope the release schedule ramps up for year 2 of 3rd edition, though.

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Cool to see a roadmap but its kind of crazy that they didn't show these during the preview. It would have bulked out a lacklustre show considerably. 

The Skaven and Slyvaneth hint from Whitefang seems to be confirmed here. Aside from the odd choice of DoK, GW are doing books that need an update. Hopefully we will see Gloomspite, Khorne and BoC soonish. Give me those books for a nine book year and I'll be pretty happy. Even better if some of them come with  new kits. 

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