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1 hour ago, Maogrim said:

I'm not sure whether your previous post covertly accused me of virtue-signallig but it's probably me being too serious again. I'll be a good sport about it and take it as a compliment. 😅

As to the part about wearing shoes on knees and pretending to be a dwarf.. Wanna see my favourite piece of Warhammer artwork ever released? Behold:


definitely you being serious again :)

And I always admire a man who is totally wrapped up in his faction, these are the guys who are needed to move the faction lore forwards as if anyone gets that faction it'll be the fans who bought into it.

See... See.. I knew you were a closet stuntie.  Are you really two dwarfs standing on top of each other underneath Elf clothes?

By the way... is all Lumineth food beige?  It always struck me as beige.

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5 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I'm hoping this has something to do with Fyreslayers. We're REALLY due for more models (and not just one on foot battlebox hero). I know about the battlebox rumours, but if it's just one model per army it'll be pretty disappointing for both Idoneth and Fyreslayers.

I hope they properly support the armies that need expansion first (Idoneth, Fyreslayers, Ironjawz, all ranges with resin, etc.) before they add too many new armies again. Chaos Duardin could be cool, but there are already 2 (3 if you include CoS) pretty neglected Duardin ranges out there which deserve a lot better than being forgotten or getting souped.

I totally agree.  This would be an amazing time for a magma dragon to make an appearance for fireslayers, or even some salamander type drake cavalry offerings.

Some armoured options would be cool - I can see fireslayers working the forges in protective magmadroth scale suits or aprons in order to avoid getting splattered by molten metals.

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1 hour ago, Kaleb Daark said:

M'colleague... As a follower of the shorter big hatted persuasion I humbly respect your views and opinions.

However, I must add that on a rather shallow and superficial level I'm really not getting into the whole metaphysical deeper existential meaning of it all beyond it being building painting and pushing toy soldiers across a table.

The only thing I was framing was that it's fantasy, scifi, make believe, escapism, call it what you will.

I love me some tom and Jerry and Bugs bunny, but even I know that were I to clout myself around the head with a frying pan my face won't be the shape of, or sporting a depression of said pan.

Naturally, as a non smoker I have yet to hide a stick of acme dynamite in a comedy cigar and suffer the comedy consequences, but I think I'd be safe in saying that it's not going to explode in mirthful fashion and leave me with little twittering birds flying round my head.


In this manner and with this lack of understanding I do struggle with some of the deeper conversations on this thread other than I got no chaos dwarfs - which I get entirely.

Now, M'colleague @Maogrim what is a pointy ear I can understand as elfs, now they love a bit of philosophy and debating, and to be truthful, elf and dwarf verbal jousting is a lovely thing, my knife eared tall fella bredrin does make me smile it has to be said, he truly is the pointy sanitised sparkly clean and scented mirror to the cheese chomping rag wearing @Skreech Verminking in his ardent love of all thing ever tall and silly looking.

Bear in mind I have to smile for his as he, being an elf is incapable of smiling - must be elf botox magic or something. But you know... elfs innit.

You can't look up to them or else you just get a sore neck - I know, I knew a elfs plastic shover, and he was tall as well. hard work talking to the man, so it was, and he never smiled either. 

Now, onto the important matter of pushing plastic toys across a table... 

Did someone mention Chaos Dwarfs? :D

I hope it was not lost during the tumult of the last page, where some ran hotter than the forges of Zharr-Naggrund, that I hold no ill will nor Malice toward you. After all, is not kinship a key component of being a duardin (or duardin player)? What I am trying to say, and have tried to word way too many times before deleting it, is that you hold my respect Kaleb. And while I might have disagreed with the framing, I do not think of your views as any lesser than my own - maybe this is my inner duardin speaking (although more of a Kharadron trait!) to put my words carefully, a laissez-faire attitude (whether I agreed with it or not) if you will. Leave it for Dawnbringers to Crusade, I am just mining my own business. And the only thing that was worth to bring the book for, straying too close to insult the clan of trans duardin, was paid in 🧡. And as we know, 🧡, 🏆and 😍 are all considered legal tender in Karak TGA/Zharr-TGA/Barak-TGA. The grudge has been settled and recompense paid, and is thus forgotten.

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23 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I'm hoping this has something to do with Fyreslayers. We're REALLY due for more models (and not just one on foot battlebox hero). I know about the battlebox rumours, but if it's just one model per army it'll be pretty disappointing for both Idoneth and Fyreslayers.

I hope they properly support the armies that need expansion first (Idoneth, Fyreslayers, Ironjawz, all ranges with resin, etc.) before they add too many new armies again. Chaos Duardin could be cool, but there are already 2 (3 if you include CoS) pretty neglected Duardin ranges out there which deserve a lot better than being forgotten or getting souped.

they need to properly support the armies with mismatched size metal battleline, not that i'm biased or anything

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9 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:

definitely you being serious again :)

And I always admire a man who is totally wrapped up in his faction, these are the guys who are needed to move the faction lore forwards as if anyone gets that faction it'll be the fans who bought into it.

See... See.. I knew you were a closet stuntie.  Are you really two dwarfs standing on top of each other underneath Elf clothes?

By the way... is all Lumineth food beige?  It always struck me as beige.

Ah, my friend, you are mistaken. It's actually those glorious mountains that make my Ymetrican heart beat faster and (almost) make me smile! (Seriously, if AOS Dwarfs were closer to those from the Old World, so Dispossessed as a real army, I'd play them :) )

Hm. The one about food is quite difficult. Let's see... So pot noodles are definitely beige, if you don't count the chili that's sprinkled over them...


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1 hour ago, Iksdee said:

AdventEngine 15 Dec15 Content




Zharr-Naggrund was the Tower of Fire and Desolation

It lied on ash wastes.

Could...could this...could this be?

GW, this is a formal warning. For every Chorf tease I will post a Chorf pepe. This might be Fyreslayers, so I'll let this time pass. But next time, it's MS Paint Chorf(rog)s.

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10 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

Zharr-Naggrund was the Tower of Fire and Desolation

It lied on ash wastes.

Could...could this...could this be?

GW, this is a formal warning. For every Chorf tease I will post a Chorf pepe. This might be Fyreslayers, so I'll let this time pass. But next time, it's MS Paint Chorf(rog)s.

It's probably about Eldar Fire Dragons though. Because we can't have nice things.

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5 hours ago, Elazar The Glorified said:

That there were no Pestigor with Maggotkin makes me wonder if they're holding onto them for Beasts and the Slaangor will get refreshed rules there as they probably just need starting over as you would for a new Battletome... But this just my blind optimism that the potential negative here is a bigger positive down the line in the form of a decent Beasts of Chaos refresh!

I mean they didn’t even make slaangor useable in BoC when they came out and then in the new edition they break your allegiance now, you can only go up from here.

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4 hours ago, Maogrim said:


As to the part about wearing shoes on knees and pretending to be a dwarf.. Wanna see my favourite piece of Warhammer artwork ever released? Behold:


Man I love that artwork! I really hope GW release dwarfs that reflect it! Although the current Iron breakers and Hammerers are pretty close the previous warriors didn't quite get there. 

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