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7 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

I don't remember how they handled the 2nd edition reveal roadmap but it's possible that they'll show who are the not-stormcast force in the box sooner than expected?

If I remember correctly, it was revealed at the UK Games Expo via a seminar and showing off the models in person at their stand. Was quite cool seeing them in the flesh but nobody would say anything about the game

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9 hours ago, Aleser said:

Something new here


Looks like a bear-type head to me - maybe Kislev from the old-world? Although that would make those arrows huge.. I'd love to say Kurnothi but maybe Order/knights of Sigmar- looks like its sitting on armour plate. 


I also noted that yesterday's write up of 3rd Ed included Order "wrestles with the arrival of new gods.." gods plural so not just Kragnos - Kurnoth maybe, Grombrindal/Valaya.. I wonder who else might arrive [probably more for Destruction forces.. Kragnos could do with more rivals]. Really looking forward to finding out more [and the new monsters mentioned- I wonder if these will be individual monsters popping up - in old WFB you could take 25% of your points in monsters - would be apt for the Age of the Beast- the equivalent of endless spells and the excuse for some fantastic new models..

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@silverstuConsidering that the article mentions also monsters maybe the "gimmick" of this edition will be roaming monsters instead of endless spells (or both).
Still the new gods could just mean Morathi and Kragnos (that's a demigod technically)...hoping for Valaya though, maybe the BR Teclis event could help in the return of the mother of the Dwarves.

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8 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

Is there a chance of an Indomitus style AOS box? Is that something people here have heard rumours about or would be interested in?

Considering the difficult roll out of that box and the issues with cursed city I could imagine GW not risking it. 

Well they did confirm there is a Boxset coming, so i don't think they going to shy away from doing it.

it could be less content then Indomitus (like no terrain) but the big versus box probably will be a extremely hot item so there definietly interests

Edited by novakai
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The more I look at the image, and think about other stuff coming, the more I think this is a new lizardman unit. Some sort of hunters tied to the Beastgrave warband's mission.  As in, maybe the Slann plan has had to evolve to deal with the new monsters emerging as a result of the mountain/god awakening. The pending release of the new Kroak model just feels somehow to tie in.

I dunno. Whatevs.

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So I've been looking over the swamp base on the new Stormcast Character to see if the architecture can give us an clues as to what our mystery faction might be. For starters the stone work is mostly in ruins and submerged by the swamp, it's likely whatever civilization built these structures have abandon them or no longer actively maintain them. Next we have the line and dot runes on the steps, the arch, and this unsolved rumor engine; I look for similar designs elsewhere and the closest in style I could find was from old Fimir artwork and even then it's not an exact match. We also have horned head pattern on both arches, I personally doubt it's beastmen as they are the completely anathema to the idea of a structure of this kind. As a bonus I decided to look through some paw types to see if I could find a match, it looks to have five toes so I don't think it's a wolf, it could be a bear but the structure is off. Then I look at a squirrel paw and surprisingly there where some similarities, correct number of toes, claws, but slightly different structure. While I definitely hope ore mystery animal is a Petra Squirrel I also wouldn't be disappointed if it wasn't. I do however hypothesis that the latest rumor engine is a slain version of our mystery animal.







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1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

@KingBrodd I do not play ogors but hope so too. I'm really hoping their refresh/reboot brings the lady ogors as well. 😎

Heeeeey Fiona. 😍

Female models for every Faction would be welcome!! I'd love the next Mega Gargant kit to be female as they are a Matriarchal society. Female Duardin, Freeguild, Ogors, Gargants etc.

34 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

@silverstuConsidering that the article mentions also monsters maybe the "gimmick" of this edition will be roaming monsters instead of endless spells (or both).
Still the new gods could just mean Morathi and Kragnos (that's a demigod technically)...hoping for Valaya though, maybe the BR Teclis event could help in the return of the mother of the Dwarves.


48 minutes ago, silverstu said:

Looks like a bear-type head to me - maybe Kislev from the old-world? Although that would make those arrows huge.. I'd love to say Kurnothi but maybe Order/knights of Sigmar- looks like its sitting on armour plate. 


I also noted that yesterday's write up of 3rd Ed included Order "wrestles with the arrival of new gods.." gods plural so not just Kragnos - Kurnoth maybe, Grombrindal/Valaya.. I wonder who else might arrive [probably more for Destruction forces.. Kragnos could do with more rivals]. Really looking forward to finding out more [and the new monsters mentioned- I wonder if these will be individual monsters popping up - in old WFB you could take 25% of your points in monsters - would be apt for the Age of the Beast- the equivalent of endless spells and the excuse for some fantastic new models..

If they start putting out Roaming Monsters in place of Endless Spells my heart may explode. Perfection. 

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1 minute ago, KingBrodd said:

Female models for every Faction would be welcome!! I'd love the next Mega Gargant kit to be female as they are a Matriarchal society. Female Duardin, Freeguild, Ogors, Gargants etc.


If they start putting out Roaming Monsters in place of Endless Spells my heart may explode. Perfection. 

this is why I play undead, you can't tell who was a boy or ghoul anymore*badum tish*. In all seriousness if they are getting rid of endless spells(here's hoping we can still use them in some manner) I hope we get god beasts/some figure head character that can be used by the entire alliance.

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23 minutes ago, novakai said:

Well they did confirm there is a Boxset coming, so i don't think they going to shy away from doing it.

it could be less content then Indomitus (like no terrain) but the big versus box probably will be a extremely hot item so there definietly interests

I feel vaguely foolish in my lack of 40k knowledge, I do know we are getting a new starter set but I was more curious if we are specifically getting a larger limited collectors edition? Which I believe did not contain any scenery? I am unaware if the current starter set shares the name Indomitus?

I was talking about this release specifically:

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5 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

I feel vaguely foolish in my lack of 40k knowledge, I do know we are getting a new starter set but I was more curious if we are specifically getting a larger limited collectors edition? Which I believe did not contain any scenery? I am unaware if the current starter set shares the name Indomitus?

I was talking about this release specifically:

everyone who been leaking stuff have been saying AoS will get one, and they have been mostly right about everything else so far. i don't think GW going to shy away from releasing a big boxset like this even if most likely a limited run item and they will have problem with demand

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Thanks @novakaisometimes I can be rather foolish in understanding simple English... Sadly the only language I can speak.

@Snorri Nelriksson @silverstu @KingBroddI absolutely love the idea of incorporating wild beasts into my games and the narrative implication of slaying and taming them would tie well into the renewed focus on Path to Glory being promoted. I wonder if they go the endless spell route if there will be faction specific monsters that differ from typical monstrous units? Perhaps they can only be brought forth by beast tamers or hunters? I am also curious if the gods and god beasts will have more flexibility in terms of keywords going forward?

Edited by Neverchosen
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1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

Is there a chance of an Indomitus style AOS box? Is that something people here have heard rumours about or would be interested in?

Considering the difficult roll out of that box and the issues with cursed city I could imagine GW not risking it. 

The articles keep saying 'launch box" and not 'starter set' - so 99.9% we're going to follow the 9th structure of 'big launch box' then starter set release a few weeks later with a Small Box, Box and Box with Terrain.

I'm also putting money now we end up with a made-to-order announcement before it's even released.

'We've made more than any box than before (even Indomitus) but if you miss out, you can order one' kinda deal.

After Cursed City and Indomitus, would be silly to not.


In terms of wild beasts, I'd love a narrative 'twist' system ala Warcry.

'pull a card any card and find out if there is a lightning storm or some roaming monsters kicking around' 

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39 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Female models for every Faction would be welcome!! I'd love the next Mega Gargant kit to be female as they are a Matriarchal society. Female Duardin, Freeguild, Ogors, Gargants etc.


If female skaven ever become a thing, the skaven  insta / etc tags will become essentially unusable. pure pain.

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14 minutes ago, Ratboy genius said:

If female skaven ever become a thing, the skaven  insta / etc tags will become essentially unusable. pure pain.

I stand that, as much as gender representation is great and there is literal 0 reason for every faction to be dominated by male-presenting models,

for the love of all that is holy and good do not make brood mothers canon.

bleach the existence of brood mothers from existence. 

we do not need something that makes the fimir lore look tame by comparison

Edited by Dreddships
its brood mother apparently, not rat mother
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1 hour ago, Grim Beasties said:

So I've been looking over the swamp base on the new Stormcast Character to see if the architecture can give us an clues as to what our mystery faction might be. For starters the stone work is mostly in ruins and submerged by the swamp, it's likely whatever civilization built these structures have abandon them or no longer actively maintain them. Next we have the line and dot runes on the steps, the arch, and this unsolved rumor engine; I look for similar designs elsewhere and the closest in style I could find was from old Fimir artwork and even then it's not an exact match. We also have horned head pattern on both arches, I personally doubt it's beastmen as they are the completely anathema to the idea of a structure of this kind. As a bonus I decided to look through some paw types to see if I could find a match, it looks to have five toes so I don't think it's a wolf, it could be a bear but the structure is off. Then I look at a squirrel paw and surprisingly there where some similarities, correct number of toes, claws, but slightly different structure. While I definitely hope ore mystery animal is a Petra Squirrel I also wouldn't be disappointed if it wasn't. I do however hypothesis that the latest rumor engine is a slain version of our mystery animal.







Wow... yeah so it's Squirrelmen.



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2 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

@KingBrodd I do not play ogors but hope so too. I'm really hoping their refresh/reboot brings the lady ogors as well. 😎

Heeeeey Fiona. 😍

There's the blood bowl cheerleader Ogres. They are a little smaller, but one of the people at my shop turned them into a Slaughter master and butcher. They look pretty good.

Could always use more ogors though.

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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

Looking at the size of the arrows, if indeed this is a Dracoline sized beast, could this be a new Ogor Icebrow Hunter? Or an entire new unit of Ogor Beast Hunters?


If you look at the ogor warcry band you can see the metal rings like these on the arrow the gnoblars holding 

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1 hour ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

Broodmothers are canon. There’s thousands of them in end times Thanquol.


I just want some more female Duardin - it’s been 25 years since Queen Helga. 


There was a female KO admiral in Broken Realms, they should give her a model

Love me some Skaven but not a huge fan of the brood mother concept, got to get those numbers from somewhere though

With the necroquake gone and Alarielle talking about life hitting back (paraphrasing heavily) the concept of wandering/endless spell style monsters doesn't seem so far fetched, lack of rumours aside.
I never got to play with old Ghur realm rules (plus had no monsters to use anyway) but wouldn't hate the idea of some fauna to fight on the battlefield as well as your foe

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1 hour ago, Hypno said:

If you look at the ogor warcry band you can see the metal rings like these on the arrow the gnoblars holding 

The head looks similar to a bear, which hasn't really shown up in ogre related stuff before, but the short-faced bear is a relatively well-known creature from the ice age, which ogre monsters draw a lot of inspiration from. But the gnoblar has tied string on the arrow, not metal.

I wouldn't be surprised if it were a new Hunter, but I find it more likely to be related to the new faction and starter box. GW usually releases a handful of rumor engines leading up to big reveals.

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