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Everything posted by Killymcgee23

  1. I asked myself "do I need a third doomwheel" and figured I know the answer to "what would Skreech Verminking do" More-more-more speed and warp-bolts! The best way to deal with units blowing themselves up is to bring more of them! On a more rumour-related note, is the consensus that the new hobgoblin/swamp ork/destruction force is coming in under the warclans banner? So basically like Ironjawz/Bonesplitters?
  2. Individual battletomes and a combined battletome Imagine if Skaven got that- Make running mono-clan more meaningful than just giving different battleline options Running mono-Clan Moulder gives bonus to their summon chance Mono-Pestilens more virulent Mono-Skryre explode more Mono-Verminus fight better And Mono-Masterclan wont be a thing, just rolled into the Skaventide But I digress- as far as rumours of combined stunty factions I hope that They retain their individual identity A "dwarf warclans" book doesn't leave out any cities of sigmar dwarves That existing factions like KO and Fyreslayers still get their own updates, i.e. future models
  3. Points values ending in 5- Is that a new feature? Certainly no Skaven units ending in 5 Is the latest story the most Malerion we've gotten? How much of a stretch would it be to suggest we might see some Ulgu elves sometime in 3.0? And most importantly what impact will this have on the heroes of the setting, the Skaventide?
  4. I'd have guessed shoulder, the head and the quiver/arrows make me think its shot from behind the mini and looking at the left shoulder Perhaps with Ghur on the prowl Cities are getting some beast hunters
  5. There was a female KO admiral in Broken Realms, they should give her a model Love me some Skaven but not a huge fan of the brood mother concept, got to get those numbers from somewhere though With the necroquake gone and Alarielle talking about life hitting back (paraphrasing heavily) the concept of wandering/endless spell style monsters doesn't seem so far fetched, lack of rumours aside. I never got to play with old Ghur realm rules (plus had no monsters to use anyway) but wouldn't hate the idea of some fauna to fight on the battlefield as well as your foe
  6. They are pretty quick, sadly I don't have any experience with them to share but I recently got a few for fun (don't think they are match play legal) and I can at least share my plan with them Just a simple hammer and anvil- screen master moulder up the table behind clanrats, wolf rats behind too- once clanrats are about to anvil use the speed of wolf rats to flank around the enemy and then move moulder if needed to keep the 12" bubble Would be nice to hit on 2+ for a change
  7. Don't do that Don't give me hope All this talk about how pointless morale is and how strong shooting is confirms I've been playing Skaven all wrong, my shooting feels poor outside of warp lightning cannons- even they can occasionally struggle though
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