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10 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

Hahaha, Yeah I played fantasy in my teen years. I remember desperately waiting for an update for books and it taking forever. Also Chaos Dwarves never got an update 😥

Legion of Azgorh player. All I want is an update. New artifacts, command traits, a spell lore, etc. Don't leave LoA feeling like it's stuck in AoS 1.0.

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18 minutes ago, Ar-Pharazôn said:

Legion of Azgorh player. All I want is an update. New artifacts, command traits, a spell lore, etc. Don't leave LoA feeling like it's stuck in AoS 1.0.

So the good news is that GW is specifically revisiting all of the 40K Forgeworld units, even going so far as to bring the ruleswriting/point values back in-house. 

Can't help but wonder if this means that the AOS FW units will be given some attention as well. There are a lot of Chaos Dwarf players out there. 

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33 minutes ago, Ar-Pharazôn said:

Legion of Azgorh player. All I want is an update. New artifacts, command traits, a spell lore, etc. Don't leave LoA feeling like it's stuck in AoS 1.0.


13 minutes ago, Landohammer said:

So the good news is that GW is specifically revisiting all of the 40K Forgeworld units, even going so far as to bring the ruleswriting/point values back in-house. 

Can't help but wonder if this means that the AOS FW units will be given some attention as well. There are a lot of Chaos Dwarf players out there. 

If Chaos were to get any NEW Factions I would wager Chaos Duardin would be the first choice. They already exist and have a rabid fanbase.

They have the classic 4 and now the Skaven so where else would they go to expand the Faction besides Slaneesh mortals? Unless they invented an all new Faction I would wager they would be first choice.

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10 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:


If Chaos were to get any NEW Factions I would wager Chaos Duardin would be the first choice. They already exist and have a rabid fanbase.

They have the classic 4 and now the Skaven so where else would they go to expand the Faction besides Slaneesh mortals? Unless they invented an all new Faction I would wager they would be first choice.

So my only issue is that Chaos Duardin already exist as a faction in my eyes, as the LoA. I'd rather GW and FW support their only Age of Sigmar Forgeworld army than put out a Chaos Duardin army. 

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1 hour ago, Landohammer said:

So here is a question: Has there ever been an AOS faction  that was expanded on in this manner? Like with an entire new range of different aesthetic sub group tacked on to an existing codex? 

Gloomspite Gitz

For the rest of the examples you sort of have to look at 40K. Because AoS is very new and most of its armies are fragmented or new creations and thus very small. Tyranids, Dark Eldar, Sisters of Battle, Genestealer Cults heck Necrons are getting a massive second wave in a month or two. 


So yes it does happen. Often a second wave might push a specific style approach, so adding Kurnothi would be adding more living instead of tree based creatures and it might go the way of Skaven and other big tomes in allowing "sub" armies. So you might find there's an allied Sylvaneth force (uses everything) then a tree and "living" sub groups that can only take from limited rosters. Just like Skaven and Gloomspite Gitz. 

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Its worth remembering that for every ne army we see foreshadowed in the lore, there is another ther that comes totality out of the blue. The upcoming stuff is the perfect example. Light elves have been expected forever ( though how long they have actually been in development for is another matter.)

Gargants on the other hand... How many people ever expected them to get their own army before the first teases began a couple of months back?


That said chaos feels like the least expandable alliance, since the current roster has basically endured since the earliest days of the warhammer brand with little in the way of expansion. Mono-god armies were cool but built on the potential that the Big Four gods have always had. S2D, beasts and skaven are very much remakes of classic factions, and Chaos Dwarves have always had a loyal folowing, even in the darkest of dark ages.

All the other alliances are pretty open to expansion. They can take any monstrous race and expand it into its own destruction army, giants? trolls? New ork amd goblin tribes, ogres of different flavours, you name it. Order has had the most expansion of anything, and is the most diverse to start with. Then Death has so many tropes to explore that they'll always have another trick up their sleeves. We've got ghoulies and ghosties, so presumably the long leggity beasties can't be far behind.

So I don't think we can really predict the future. We'll just have to wait and see!

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6 hours ago, Landohammer said:


So here is a question: Has there ever been an AOS faction  that was expanded on in this manner? Like with an entire new range of different aesthetic sub group tacked on to an existing codex? 

If we look at armies like Gloomspite, Ironjaws, DoK, Lumineth etc. These were relatively small subfactions that were fully expanded into new armies. So if Kurnothi is indeed incoming I can't imagine it would be anything other than a brand new independent faction. 

Stormcast have had this twice. Gloomspite was quite big faction before it expanded. Slaves to darkness was a faction that gained 13 new units thanks to warcry. 

There is absolutely president for expanding factions. Before AoS that was pretty much the standard practice. With the books being more or less up to date, it is very plausible that gw will go back to adding a handful of units to a faction and putting out a new book. We just saw that model with the admech in 40k. 

Edited by Chikout
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I think we'll realistically see a revisit of Nurgle and Slaanesh before we get a new Chaos army, but I do think a Vampire army is likely. That said, I think Neferata should run it.  For Destruction, I think they could do a Creatures of Chaos style army covering various new monsters who worship or embody various aspects of Gorkamorka, or an army of Elementals inspired on the old Incarnate Elementals from FW, the concept being primordial beings of the Realms aligning with Destruction to remove the unnatural (in their eyes) influence of Grand Alliances Death, Chaos, and Order.

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8 hours ago, EccentricCircle said:

Its worth remembering that for every ne army we see foreshadowed in the lore, there is another ther that comes totality out of the blue. The upcoming stuff is the perfect example. Light elves have been expected forever ( though how long they have actually been in development for is another matter.)

Gargants on the other hand... How many people ever expected them to get their own army before the first teases began a couple of months back?


That said chaos feels like the least expandable alliance, since the current roster has basically endured since the earliest days of the warhammer brand with little in the way of expansion. Mono-god armies were cool but built on the potential that the Big Four gods have always had. S2D, beasts and skaven are very much remakes of classic factions, and Chaos Dwarves have always had a loyal folowing, even in the darkest of dark ages.

All the other alliances are pretty open to expansion. They can take any monstrous race and expand it into its own destruction army, giants? trolls? New ork amd goblin tribes, ogres of different flavours, you name it. Order has had the most expansion of anything, and is the most diverse to start with. Then Death has so many tropes to explore that they'll always have another trick up their sleeves. We've got ghoulies and ghosties, so presumably the long leggity beasties can't be far behind.

So I don't think we can really predict the future. We'll just have to wait and see!

Long Leggity beasties? Are we talking Werewolves here? If Death gets a Werewolf army I'm in.

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Lumineth and Sons of Behemat will put the game at 25(!) different factions. To be perfectly frank, I think that's plenty. The game needs the ones who already exist to get more support than it does another flavor of knife ears.

If the releases for the next few years were nothing but expansions to existing armies, I don't think you'd find many people complaining.

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1 hour ago, KriticalKhan said:

Lumineth and Sons of Behemat will put the game at 25(!) different factions. To be perfectly frank, I think that's plenty. The game needs the ones who already exist to get more support than it does another flavor of knife ears.

If the releases for the next few years were nothing but expansions to existing armies, I don't think you'd find many people complaining.

Yeah, Cities could use some range for Disposessed, Fyreslayers could use a bit of model variety, and I'm always interested to see what new Kharadron models they can come up with. Female dwarves could also do some existing.

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6 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

I'd love to see Moulder's take on bats!

I was mostly trying to point at the clans Eshin,

but sure, clans moulder skryre, and Pestilence cpuld really use a small update (with which I actually mean a huge one)

as for The clans Verminus, I would love to see the Clawlords on bonebracker ratogre be reinvented, and since we’re already at that point why not just put a multi kit for Stormvermins riding a ratogre as well.

Edited by Skreech Verminking
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2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Long Leggity beasties? Are we talking Werewolves here? If Death gets a Werewolf army I'm in.

I've always imagined creepy undead spiders whenever I heard that poem, but werewolves would be great too!

I think the jury's out on whether deathrattle can count as the "things that go bump in the night"

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55 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

Yeah, Cities could use some range for Disposessed, Fyreslayers could use a bit of model variety, and I'm always interested to see what new Kharadron models they can come up with. Female dwarves could also do some existing.

All Duardin forces need updates. I'd love to see more Kharadron vehicles.

48 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

I was mostly trying to point at the clans Eshin,

but sure, clans moulder skryre, and Pestilence cpuld really use a small update (with which I actually mean a huge one)

as for The clans Verminus, I would love to see the Clawlords on bonebracker ratogre be reinvented, and since we’re already at that point why not just put a multi kit for Stormvermins riding a ratogre as well.

Stormvermin on Rat Ogors...incredible. Skaven are one of if not these Faction in most dire need of an update.


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16 hours ago, Blueraven84 said:

Do we have any idea what will be next army after Gargants? I'm guessing it's toss between Kurnothi, Malerion Aelves and Soulblight at this point?

New armies? 
I think it might take a while but then they’ll start up doing paired releases again. One updated tome, one new army perhaps. 
So stormcast vs soulblight. Daughters of Khaine vs. Malerion elves. Maggotkin vs Kurnothi. 
something like that. Although I don’t think kurnothi will be a full army. 
But of course this is all speculation on my end. 

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I think GW has found that releasing new armies for aos is really popular. Personally I do worry that they see continually creating new factions as more profitable than releasing new models for older factions.

That said, the fact that they committed to releasing battletomes for pretty much all the old armies seems to indicate they plan to offer rules support for the long term.

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5 hours ago, Ar-Pharazôn said:

I think we'll realistically see a revisit of Nurgle and Slaanesh before we get a new Chaos army,

Slaanesh got a new book 5 mins ago. I know not everyone is happy with the balance or lack of mortals but it is one of the strongest factions in the game and unlikely to get a new book for several years. Nurgle I agree needs a 2.0 book though. 

The best thing would be as other have said for GW to flesh out existing factions with a few new units. There are some armies which are desperate to be able to select from more than 3 or 4 non hero units and this would make them much more attractive. 

Also there cant be any doubt thay stormcast are coming at some point soon. No way are GW going to let the posterboys of the entire game languish in a barely playable state where only a tiny handful of the 50+ units they have being of any use at all on the field. 

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1 hour ago, SlyRebirth said:

There will be over 30 different factions ultimately.

Is this speculation or insider rumour?

1 hour ago, Kramer said:

New armies? 
I think it might take a while but then they’ll start up doing paired releases again. One updated tome, one new army perhaps. 
So stormcast vs soulblight. Daughters of Khaine vs. Malerion elves. Maggotkin vs Kurnothi. 
something like that. Although I don’t think kurnothi will be a full army. 
But of course this is all speculation on my end. 

These all sound awesome. It's crazy to think how many Aelven factions there may end up being in AOS.

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Have been looking through the new LRL battletome and found the wording for the Cathallar Phoenix Stone artefact.  it refers to wounds "allocated to it or its unit are negated".  Could this indicate the return of heroes attached to units?.

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52 minutes ago, HollowHills said:


I think GW has found that releasing new armies for aos is really popular. Personally I do worry that they see continually creating new factions as more profitable than releasing new models for older factions.



That‘s what I fear as well.

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