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That mangler squig serves as prime example of what GW could do with beloved concepts with their new sculpting techniques. Imagine things like tuskgor/razor chariots, chaos dragon, dwarven war anvils, Throgg, Jabberslythes, ogre butchers, gorgers, Throgg, Zombies, Chaos Troggoths, Shaggoths, forest dragons for sylvaneth, Throgg and all the other mad and wonderful beasts that deserve a rendition in plastic. 

Edited by Kronos
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2 hours ago, Joakim said:

Just like good-old OnG? :)


I will miss the Grot mechanical constructions if they go. Chariots, airships and pumpwagons are just too cool to miss 

While it will probably cause heat on facebook groups, I just don't  care enough about rules not to force cool models into my armies. I'll either run them as old warscrolls or just use them as the closest thing as I can in the new books. Chariots and pumpwagons just become stand ins for the mangler and my wolf riders will be using the spider rider rules.

I'm still surprised that we got a mixed moonclan/spiderfang/troll army before we got steampunk mech gobbos with blimps and plastic pump wagons, but must be a reason for it. Probably from the vocal amount of complaints that AoS was getting too steampunk and not enough fantasy crowd.
But I don't mind. If we don't see them, well we have a whole wealth of new kits of plunder anyway. I'll be collecting a pure gloomspite force anyway, but all those juicey left overs will be going right into my scrap pile for my custom gitmob stuff!

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6 hours ago, Kronos said:

That mangler squig serves as prime example of what GW could do with beloved concepts with their new sculpting techniques. Imagine things like tuskgor/razor chariots, chaos dragon, dwarven war anvils, Throgg, Jabberslythes, ogre butchers, gorgers, Throgg, Zombies, Chaos Troggoths, Shaggoths, forest dragons for sylvaneth, Throgg and all the other mad and wonderful beasts that deserve a rendition in plastic. 

Those are all great points, but could you imagine if they were to make an updated Throgg?!

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5 hours ago, Waiyuren said:

Also, you can use it to kill one model in a daisy chain and force a coherency-wipe on half their unit.


Oh didn't think of that yet! that's going to be insane! Especially now it's the only thing that does that at range. It halves the width of your screens if you remember, or halves the size of it if you forget. With the giant's ability, only thing I know off that does the same, you at least have pile in to mitigate it. 

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7 hours ago, Waiyuren said:

You can target a character and shut off their artifact, or specifically target the banner bearer that is causing a 6" debuff bubble and otherwise protected by his buddies.

Also, you can use it to kill one model in a daisy chain and force a coherency-wipe on half their unit.

You can't do that "now":

-Banners are not Artefacts of Power (yet), so you can't remove them (same with musicians).

-Even if you pick the model, the MW hit the unit. So the player that controls the unit will not put this MW to break coherency in his own unite.

Time will tell if there are more things behind this wording.

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7 hours ago, Waiyuren said:

Also, you can use it to kill one model in a daisy chain and force a coherency-wipe on half their unit

I thought that initially and started coming up with crazy ways to exploit it but as was pointed out to me you pick one model from a unit for the purpose of stealing the artefact but the D3 MWs are just allocated to the unit itself.


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37 minutes ago, Lowki said:

Available in NZ now...apart from the expected also a nice spiderfang collection. didn't check if and how much discount though compared with the  separate kits.


The calculation by GW is only a simple addition with no rebate. Since when GW does discount????? LOL:P9_9

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you have to feel a little sorry for the AoS team as I assume most of their big reveals for today got spoiled last week, still of all the places to go next, Skaven & FEC feels pretty, pretty unexpected.

just goes to show how little we all know. 🤪🔨

Edited by JPjr
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6 minutes ago, JPjr said:

GW is killing me, just when I was sure I wanted to start collecting Gloomspite they drop something for not one but two factions I really like the lore on and din't think would be getting anything any time soon. And then they say more news is coming?! They're making this really hard.

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4 minutes ago, JPjr said:



you have to feel a little sorry for the AoS team as I assume most of their big reveals for today got spoiled last week, still of all the places to go next, Skaven & FEC feels pretty, pretty unexpected.

just goes to show how little we all know. 🤪🔨

With today being preorder day for Gloomspite I’m pretty sure they know the Gloomspite would already be revealed. The flesh eater courts reveal is a very welcome surprise and the skaven are overdue to get something new. Can’t wait to see what else is coming for those armies. Maybe a new battletome for each? This year has already been full of pleasant surprises. 

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As much as I'm excited for skaven, I'm very surprised that they are releasing Grots and Skaven so close together, being bother are generally high model count horde armies. I would have thought they would have broken up two big releases like this. But no bother.

I wont be going all in to the skaven release as I just have too much on my painting backlog (between christmas and gloomspite, as well as all the made to order stuff they have been doing) but at least I can pick up the battletomes (if there is one) and cards. Then next winter I can probably make a start on working on skaven.
I have enough skaven kits to last a lifetime (I brought tons as I've been using parts to slowly make a skaven themed necromunda table) and really should think about getting some of them painted too!

Looks like I'll be spending a lot less on Grots than I originally planned too now!


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FEC is one of those factions where I think the lore is just fantastic but I’ve always thought the old repurposed models, whilst not bad, have never come close to doing it justice and put me off.

Be great if they revisit them more and release some more that actually lean into the idea of shambling, rotten cannibals wearing rags and rubbish but who think they’re courtly knights.

would love to see some wearing pots and pans on their heads thinking it was shining plate armour, glorious pennants trailing in the wind that are actually stitched together flayed skin etcetc .


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