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2 hours ago, Melcavuk said:

I'm curious if anyone has a size comparison between this new dragon and the Smaug model from GW. With the latter previously being the biggest GW dragon in production and priced £80 cheaper it'd be an interesting comparison 

Not a great photo but might give you a rough sense of scale vs other FW greater daemons. This was from Warhammerfest.pP8S3WBrebCgOho7A2iE-b0K9x3meaTwXV1amvf9A8rBvKMLEAh3jxmrFskVRIb3sASwFyaMfYXCsmk0uiVCLOIF3sFvUTPC8SPsKgBM3_HE8hTUAlroKI6r3Q_nmldcpp0Jp2SxyYQygKpGxo2OqIp-vsRoXo8UeoexuevbqQs2tWTZRbv5vYVyhESzrmRYACMA1TmAa3jyDbIfWVpDkdKlhPRGEZAkN0aCoV7SjFI89QlIHi_kY-4QKiVZigOanAkXYNnp3mZkIVzAoYlx-0s8l1f6r4pD_Qd4ppcdcEFGV4g7xXbBDzr5mkosVyWIrlDUbKOMjZjUCsCejDM-AFvM-sQooFeqdcbS5gIhRg89ePb1Xzr21bigUBMstIvWCWn59lv_ih6VqaB5dpsRO3JlI4U3TKKXHwRixErPq0jmTOdPApkmqv38MvSGKexW13kVrliyelAkMGvziOfsDEEVhA7Rmm9MqMOAdVsUyP-Y2KkjxXtJ8UxVfPSjjXfmD4Kkk6k-rs-ZH6m8G-BwuXnohqhVaQSSqwD-FPG0HosPKL1LaFt4P97T1_RpLD8H84EpHOeairoqBW2fF4c8f_kQnpE0QjPJhCVTXFlkmXYoMQUn1GGaX28Eb81-4lkI=w1330-h1773-no

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19 minutes ago, El Syf said:

That dragon is so over the top rules wise. Needs nerfing harder than the mournghoul ever di! Although at 1.2k maybe not? Just seems ridiculous.

I think it's clearly not meant to be played in regular matched play. I mean we now measure base to base as standard in 2.0 and it has no base. FW are probably just starting on some huge models for AoS, like they have titans for 40k. No one plays (or can, points-wide) titans in competitive play.

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1 hour ago, Drakensgreed said:

Gonna be honest here, I think this model sucks. Skull Acne is back and worse than ever, the back legs are entirely static, and the rider looks like a badly converted Slaughterpriest who was dipped in hot glue.

Add to that the sheer nothingness of his Lore (much power, many skulls) and ridiculously OP rules (12 attacks on the rider alone and a-3 to cast???) and you‘ve got a model that I hope I never have the displeasure of seeing or facing.

I think in a narrative game (a massive order force VS this dragon) would be great. In matched play- just avoid it or chuck chaff. It has the same issues any super-powerful model does (loads of points in 1 location) in matched play. This vs 1,200pts of any chaff unit- this loses everytime by being bogged down.

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I really like the dragon but the rider's very meh, pretty much a bog-standard slaughterpriest/deathbringer with an ugly face and a boring chunky axe. He doesn't have to be an entirely armoured dude but there's just not much that's distinctive about Vorgaroth, even for a generic Bloodbound lord.

It's also unfortunate that there's practically no background for them... Fine, that's FW's publishing model and you're not going to fit much into a scrap of marketing copy and a warscroll but what are the details? Big angry (female!) dragon, disciplinarian warlord, both hate each other but are tied together through being a good team. I would have liked a bit more history or a more fleshed out background, something that made them more distinctive. Particularly as this is so clearly made for narrative games.

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6 hours ago, TheR00zle said:

Hey don't quote me on this, but about a month ago I heard some stuff about a giant centipede for moonclan from a store owner in denver(maybe it was just a repeat of other rumors, but this guy was spot on for deepkin stuff). only posting nw do to recent rumor mills.


Interesting. I wonder if that would be a complement or replacement for the colossal squig. I REALLY want new squig models.

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25 minutes ago, hughwyeth said:

I think in a narrative game (a massive order force VS this dragon) would be great. In matched play- just avoid it or chuck chaff. It has the same issues any super-powerful model does (loads of points in 1 location) in matched play. This vs 1,200pts of any chaff unit- this loses everytime by being bogged down.

What i find more grating from a purely narrative point of view is that this barechested mono-god ****** is more powerful than Nagash the literal god of death, or Archaon the Grand Marshal of the Apocalypse who has subdued godbeasts.

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1 hour ago, Drakensgreed said:

What i find more grating from a purely narrative point of view is that this barechested mono-god ****** is more powerful than Nagash the literal god of death, or Archaon the Grand Marshal of the Apocalypse who has subdued godbeasts.

Honestly I think that could be fine if there'd been something to justify it in an expanded background for this pair, something that really made them feel like a force of nature, a threat that doesn't unbalance the factions despite them being individually deadly.

There's more to being the god of death or grand marshal of the apocalypse than being the killiest model on the tabletop - particularly in a game where both can be taken down by spells or artillery or enough mortal wounds - but I agree that when a new character is just dropped in ex nihilo as a new uber-badass without any depth, it grates more than a little.

Edited by sandlemad
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8 hours ago, Enoby said:

Love the dragon (though I can't see him seeing much play for 1200pts!) but I wish he was for Chaos undivided (and markable). Would just be nice to see fewer Khorne only models from FW.

1200 points isn’t stopping me.... it’s the 586$ price point.... 

never the less I shall save over the months and get him because at this point I am contractually required to own all things Khorne I guess. 

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6 hours ago, michu said:

Not so many people play 2500 pts games and even then it eats almost half of your points. Fielding it in 2000 pts games won't leave enough points for good army. It's rather a collection piece or for narrative games.


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Love the drgaon and even more the rider, makes me think its the second son of the great Kurgan (Thanurkhan being the first) if Fw did a big monster and rider for tzeentch and Slaanesh i may have to make it my Hobby Life to invest in all of them. I need a cheaper hobby other than Miniatures.

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On 10/19/2018 at 11:00 AM, Drakensgreed said:

Gonna be honest here, I think this model sucks. Skull Acne is back and worse than ever, the back legs are entirely static, and the rider looks like a badly converted Slaughterpriest who was dipped in hot glue.

Add to that the sheer nothingness of his Lore (much power, many skulls) and ridiculously OP rules (12 attacks on the rider alone and a-3 to cast???) and you‘ve got a model that I hope I never have the displeasure of seeing or facing.

You're on the fence about this one then? :)


In all honesty I think that it's like all khorne stuff, you need the charge and the first strike otherwise you'll get slaughtered. This is no different. against a horde of say daughters of khaine it'll go down and it will against any other mass lump of hitty things.  There's a lot of space to get a whole army around it and just batter the life out of it.

What I wanted to see and didn't though was a really good opportunity for FW to put out an awesome narrative campaign as they did with tamurkhan and the Imperial Armour series.  I feel that this guy, and skarrac and all the other specials that FW have put out deserve a lovely chunk of fluff to fuel the imagination and to inspire army building on a narrative scale.

I like him, another head would have been nice but hey, we can swap him out with a model of our choosing if it bugs that much.

look on the bright side, at least in 2000 pts you can't pull the chaos allegience with him, archaon and some rats to fill out the battleline anymore.


2 minutes ago, Kronos said:

Love the drgaon and even more the rider, makes me think its the second son of the great Kurgan (Thanurkhan being the first) if Fw did a big monster and rider for tzeentch and Slaanesh i may have to make it my Hobby Life to invest in all of them. I need a cheaper hobby other than Miniatures.

YES!!!! absolutely.  This was Rick Priestley's original vision for the End Times, a massive sprawling sage following each of the four sons of the Kughan, each dedicating themselves to a different chaos god.

I'm looking forward to buying him, he'll fit right in with the mammoth and the marauders I have. :)

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On 10/19/2018 at 10:17 AM, Enoby said:

Love the dragon (though I can't see him seeing much play for 1200pts!) but I wish he was for Chaos undivided (and markable). Would just be nice to see fewer Khorne only models from FW.

that's the one thing I miss from old fantasy, the chaos lord on dragon option.  I never much cared for the inside out aesthetic two headed chaos dragon galrauch but I always loved the idea of a (generic) chaos lord rocking up on a proper dragon.

Dear GW, please make this a thing!

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@Kaleb Daark, real shame that vision wasn’t followed through, i was so hoping Tamurkhan would be left waiting at the gates of Nuln, then three more sagas for the other Brothers and then wrapped up in a End Times, or linked to the actual, campaign leading i to AoS. The book still stands as my favourite Book produced by gw and fw. The writing, the art, exploring cathey and the ogre kingdoms, if partially. And the sheer size of the engagements described. The dragon in tamurkhan which was equal to if not greater than AncalAgon from the simarillion. Guess we have Godbeasts now though. 


Hope this dragon brings a ton of cash to fw and they see how much the community is intrsted in there specialist character kits. From Idoneth Leviathans to Living Urgold effigies of Grimnir (A blazing Dwarf avatar akin to the Khaine model, yes please) so many possibilities for Nieche resin kits.

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