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8 minutes ago, Raviv said:

Thanks for the links!

I was hoping for the Merwyrm to join the Idoneth Deepkin. Maybe in the next update.

When I spoke to the new FW team they were wanting to look into some monsters being able to be used in more than one faction.  If I get a chance I'll enquire this weekend how they're getting on with testing that.

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5 minutes ago, Nevvermore said:

How are the changes?

Overall I'm happy. With Allegiance Abilities, a good spell available to all wizards, command traits, artifacts, new battalion, a warscroll changes and buffs as well as a few points reductions I'd say it's pretty good.

Basically the GHB 17 treatment a number of legacy factions got with additional warscroll changes.

The faction won't tear up the top tables by any stretch of the imagination but it will be able to compete in the new edition.

Edited by KevenM
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1 hour ago, KevenM said:

Overall I'm happy. With Allegiance Abilities, a good spell available to all wizards, command traits, artifacts, new battalion, a warscroll changes and buffs as well as a few points reductions I'd say it's pretty good.

Basically the GHB 17 treatment a number of legacy factions got with additional warscroll changes.

The faction won't tear up the top tables by any stretch of the imagination but it will be able to compete in the new edition.

It's nice they've got the allegiance stuff, but I really want to see a battle tome for them, just to see where any how they fit with the lore.


I do like that the unnamed daemons (chaos and order) had their updated summoning rules added. Sure, most are even more over priced there than their actual points, but it's nice to have the option. Also, if I'm reading the Tamurkhan's Horde allegiance stuff right, it looks like I can layer it on top of my Maggotkin army without even having any of the FW. I wouldn't do that, but it seems like it'd technically allowed.

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4 hours ago, Morovir said:

You would, but you would be limited to models directly from the Battletome rather than any NURGLE model.

Why would you say that? 
The TH pdf says "After you have chosen the Maggotkin of Nurgle allegiance for your army, you can give it the TH keyword. " In reality, the battletome just uses "Nurgle", for both the name of the allegiance, and the keyword requirement. No nurgle unit has "Maggotkin of Nurgle" on their warscroll. It's the same thing

Anyway, you still have your 400 ally points, which could also be used to take named Nurgle units not allowed in the allegiance proper.  It doesn't really hurt Nurgle, as all of the relevant allegiance stuff affects all nurgle units on the board, not just the ones in your army. 

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Because of the paragraph after what you just posted, under Designer's Note:

"A Tamurkhan’s Horde army can include any of the units from Battletome: Maggotkin of Nurgle, as well as any of the units in this Compendium. By the same token, a Maggotkin of Nurgle army can include any of the units from this Compendium even if it is not a Tamurkhan’s Horde army"

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Another question. Maybe a bit off-topic. But I have now seen many pictures of these fiery glowing Stormcasts. Like this one for example:


Has anyone tried to recreate Stormcast like this? Or does someone know how to paint Stormcast faces, so that they look this way? Maybe GW will release Stormcasts which do look like this one in the future? 

I think most Stormcast don't have Super Saiyan hair, so maybe there will be Stormcasts with this kind of hair in the future?

I do really like Stormcast which look this way. I don't collect Stormcasts, but I bought the Lord-Ordinator, because i liked the model. So is there a way to recreate this effect? ? 

Edited by Infeston
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So think we got everything revealed for NH & SCE now ? We get 1 or 2 waves of releases next weeks I assume

The coach is definitely my favorite...its a great model imho. First time dreadscythe Harridans are showed other than with a few detail closeups. I like them, although not sure what to think of the scythes being their "hands"


Could be very well a multi kit with the revenants..given the similar poses

Edited by Lowki
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Is it me or the Open Day is kinda... Sad ?

Well, we've seen in full the SCE and NH ranges completed (but the - probably exclusive indeed - Guardians of Souls and male Knight Incantor), the FW Khorne Dragon and the new Azyrite Ruins... And a new novel. 

But it was ALL already teased in some way, so... No "real" news at all ? No Shadespire ? Nothing else ?

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The said that there is more news to come, I am going to guess that we are going to get a teaser about what the next army is going to be and some Shadespire stuff for Stormcast and Nighthuant. They probably want to show of the Nighthuant and Stormcast stuff off early since people will be asking about them. 

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37 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Is it me or the Open Day is kinda... Sad ?

Well, we've seen in full the SCE and NH ranges completed (but the - probably exclusive indeed - Guardians of Souls and male Knight Incantor), the FW Khorne Dragon and the new Azyrite Ruins... And a new novel. 

But it was ALL already teased in some way, so... No "real" news at all ? No Shadespire ? Nothing else ?

Not really. I didn't expect anything more. Start of AoS 2 is large. In terms of everything - new minis, new books, new accessories. I'm not surprised at all that they haven't teased new factions. Even if we have already seen everything that they have for 2018 it still was a great year. 

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I don't think anyone was expecting to see big hints of future content today beyond the new models coming out next week. Today was all about the new book, new spells, etc... So yeah fully expected not to get many/any hints at other new stuff coming futher.


I'm sure that some hints have been dropped and will be in the big 24 hour video; so I'm sure some stuff will come out. Plus the new Genestealer cults models "accidentally" ended up in the showcase. 

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52 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Is it me or the Open Day is kinda... Sad ?

Well, we've seen in full the SCE and NH ranges completed (but the - probably exclusive indeed - Guardians of Souls and male Knight Incantor), the FW Khorne Dragon and the new Azyrite Ruins... And a new novel. 

But it was ALL already teased in some way, so... No "real" news at all ? No Shadespire ? Nothing else ?

Don't forget this was a rescheduled event.  They probably had a plan for reveals throughout the year which the weather messed up. Also showing off a new edition of the game, two battletomes and two full miniature ranges is no small thing.

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1 minute ago, Chikout said:

Don't forget this was a rescheduled event.  They probably had a plan for reveals throughout the year which the weather messed up. Also showing off a new edition of the game, two battletomes and two full miniature ranges is no small thing.

Yeah probably about the rescheduling... And of course, the things shown today were great ! And the year we got so far was absolutely awesome. 

It's just that we usually have "real" news at those kind of events, and this time it's not the case. 

But I can't wait for SCE and NH Battletomes that's for sure :) 

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