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The Rumour Thread

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So far, we have had one army for either 40k or AoS release each month in 2018.

Now, while this may be in part due to them clearing their backlog from presumably falling behind schedule in 2017, this is not actually an entirely new pattern and they have been busting these out in addition to all the Nekromunda, Blood Bowl, Shadespire, Terrain, Supplemental, no-new-miniature codexes and boxed set releases they have also been putting out lately.

So, while things might slow down enough to give us one or two "empty months" as far as armies go, I do not think 10 armies in 2018 is an unreasonable guess.

Putting together only the most certain info and this expectation I think we can say:

-We know Idoneth is an April release, though it has been suggested they are a massive release, possibly stretching out into May.

-This would fit with Imperial Knights, that we know most likely to be next in line, being a big release in the size of the kits, but small in the number of kits to be released. I think we can lock these in for May.

-June then would not be unreasonable for the new Death stuff they teased at Adepticon (I stick by these being straight up Nighthaunt being far from assured


After that, things get far more uncertain. In 40k Orcs will be among the few older armies to actually get new models by all accounts. They are also quite far out in 2018 by those same accounts. Other rumors talk of Slaanesh (40k), Kroot (40k) and more Stormcast. These too, seem rather far off. And some may be 2019 or no pan out at all (looking at you Kroot). Most likely, most of these do not even have a more than broad-strokes release date yet, afaik know GW works on a rather flexible release schedule, with only about the coming three months really planned out (and even there some shuffling being quite possible.

So, army whise, the year seems about filled out with rumors, but there is room for a wildcard release or two. This would propably be somewhat smaller "supplemental" army release with about 3 kits, like DoK, as these seem much more likely to stay of the radar for much longer. We only got rumors that turned out to be DoK rather shortly before they hit us (same for Custodes and IK), while we had heard about KO and Idoneth quite far in advance.

So, while we have had no actual rumors of them, I think Moonclan are the most likely army to show up as an Wildcard, as there are quite a few factors to imply them:

-They did not get GHB 2017 support.

-They did get a herald though and they are a bit unique among the armies to do so, being the only one without at least allegiance abilities.

-They already have quite the sizable selection of miniatures, three to five kits would actually push them into major player league among AoS armies.

-Nightgoblins where among the iconic units/army elements of Warhammer Fantasy, about on the level with Slayers and Witch Elves, who have gotten their releases.

So, they are far from assured, but if an army for AoS ends up shuffling itself into the release schedule, they are the candidate.


All that said, I consider 40k Orcs the only assured army release not yet previewed or officially teased by GW. The second half of 2018 may end up where different from what rumors currently suggest, while the first half seems quite clear.



This brings us to non army releases:

- Raw Magic Unleashed:

I think the magic supplement will come before new Death. Late April seems possible but unlikely, May propably has room for it, with plenty.

We know it comes with kits, but we have no idea how many there will be beyond the purple sun.

This will also continue the story of Malign Portents, so an early May release would give some neat pacing, we have had the first hot phase now, so April can be a bit of a short lull/breather while Idoneth make their big entrance. Then with the magic supplement, the real trouble can start.


- Boxed set:

I think a big boxed set in Summer is likely. It may even be a new starter. I am much less convinced that it is going to be an actual new edition.

We are entering phase two of Age of Sigmar, in fact I think phase two started with the release of Malign Portents. However, I also think phase 2 unequals edition 2. A new edition right on the back of a magic supplement that likely changes how the game plays (though that one would not be unprecedented) and one year after 40k 8th (so not with enough time to see how the changes of 8th play out and take that into consideration designing AoS2) seems oddly timed. I also wonder why they did not announce a second edition for AoS at Adepticon when they did so for 40k (which released around the same time this one is supposed to?) last year? Obviously, I remain unconvinced of all the rumors floating around this one.

The good news is, I think we should learn what is up quite soon. Starter sets are announced a with a fair bit of extra advance time, so it would have to be in one of the next few announcement rounds. If one of those has a boxed set or even starter that is not a new edition, I hope we can burry this one. The same goes for New Death, with the teaser out, more info will also be forthcoming, if that disproves Nighthaunt, I likewhise think "new edition with Nighthaunt vs. Stormcast" is out (along with new Stormcast).


- Shadespire:

The only new Stormcast and likely Nighthaunt we actually know are coming. No telling when the next season hits, may be one year after season 1 started, but quite possibly sooner (I think otherwhise it would be quite the lull in between seasons). I think there is absolutely no certainty that the new Warbands will have any direct connection to the release of actual armies. So far the Warbands where either for factions already out for some time (with the Vanguard being the closest, still over a year after their faction release) with other two apparently not connected to a release at all. That format is certainly changing, but there is no telling how.

Anyway, I am happy GW is putting out another season, recent word pointed in the opposite direction. I have no idea how much merit and perspective Shadespire has as a competetive format, but I think the minis have been great, particularly for converters, that it gives GW a great space for more bold and experimental "units" and it looks like a great game to play loosely as a beer and pretzels thing on the side, when there is no pressure to own everything, and as such, I could see it also as a Gateway.

There are a lot of great candidates for warbands both new and old. My personal favorite would be brayherd, but I think everyone has that one faction they really get a warband. I just hope none are as basic and static as the farstriders, the bird is the only thing seperating them from the basic ranger box, imo.



Chances are good we will see more unconnected to specific army releases.

AoS could really do will a modular utillity terrain system like sector imperialis and mechancus are for 40k. Those two took year to get build up into what they are and had a few releases here and the before they where named system like they are now. The Azyrite Ruins look like a first step, it will be interesting to see where this goes.

I think GW really had to reorganize how they approach terrain for AoS since the first two directions seem to have flopped. No big loss on the Dreadhold, which demanded a huge investment while offering little utility, but I sort of miss that we did not get more magic ruins like the Ophidian Archway/Dragonfate Dais/Occulum, though I gather they had some production issues?


-Dread Solstice Supplement:

GW said they plan to offer some sort of narrative support supplement based on the outcome of Draed Solstice, like they did with Firestorm for Seasons of War. Firestorm was certainly interesting, though really only for narrative.

I think the different format and outcome warrants a very different supplement , so I am very curious what they come up with. I think we can be quite certain that there will be no new miniatures specifically for this, given there will only be a rather short production time. I think they said they where aming at the late year, but I think we could also see this early 2019.


-Another GHB:

The GHB is a yearly thing. I have no idea what they will put in there, beyond updated points and I think the artefacts uncovered in Dread Solstice (unless they are in the above).


-Wild Cards:

Given all of this, I actually think there is very little space for even more AoS stuff, unless this year very heavily favors AoS over 40k. Still, there are a few more imaginable things:

-Another update for skirmish or path to glory.

-Another mini supplement like those, for example a expansion of the siege rules.

-More Warhammer Quest? This time with new minis again?


This has already been a pretty big year for AoS and even if the rest of the above turns out far to optimistic it would still be an amazing turnout.

That said, some issues remain. As far as miniatures go, GW has yet to deliver on this being "a great year for Death". I also really hope the grumbling that starts coming out of the Destruction corner does not have to reach the level of discontentment reached with Death.

That said, I do understand not everyone can be satisfied, a Moonclan release likely does little to make an Ironjawz or Ogre fan happy, and Nighthaunt do not deliver for fans of Vampires and grotesque Zombies, just as the Syvaneth, Duradin and many Stormcast releases did nothing for the many fans of Elves.

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I wouldn’t be surprised if the rumoured Starter Set of Stormcast vs Nighthaunt featured the Anvils as the stormcast chamber. They were specifically noted as being heavily reinforced by the jail break in malign portents so would make sense as a natural enemy to Nagashes soldiers rounding up escapees

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GW promised major FAQs in March. Its March 31 .. they have only hours remaining to make good on their promise.

Oh looks like its only 40k and AoS is not until March. But this is the new announcement so, if they fail to get it out in time for 40k that is a bad start.



Edited by WoollyMammoth
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12 minutes ago, WoollyMammoth said:

GW promised major FAQs in March. Its March 31 .. they have only hours remaining to make good on their promise.



They said on their FB Account that they pushed the 40K FAQ back for a bit to include the things they got from the Adepticon. It will be out shortly.

12 minutes ago, WoollyMammoth said:

Oh looks like its only 40k and AoS is not until March. But this is the new announcement so, if they fail to get it out in time for 40k that is a bad start.

Dont be so negativ. They had the AoS FAQ and the Codex/Battletome erratas out on time. Pushing back the FAQ to answer all the questions is the right move. People would be more annoyed if they have it out on time but miss out on some important questions.

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9 hours ago, Spiny Norman said:


That flying turtel is so goofy, it ruins the whole picture...


Hopefully the Turtle is not the goofiest thing that we see in Age of Sigmar.  I would be pretty upset if Elves manage to out-goofy goblins.  The war of absurdity has begun!

Edited by Skabnoze
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I hope we get some tentacled creatures at somepoint beyond the one octopus. Don't get me wrong I love all the beasts previewed so far but I feel like they've put lots of giant tentacles in the art and something really deep ocean style would be nice.


Where are these pics from btw?

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12 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

Hopefully the Turtle is not the goofiest thing that we see in Age of Sigmar.  I would be pretty upset if Elves manage to out-goofy goblins.  The war of absurdity has begun!

I feel I can only profit from all this.

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3 hours ago, Rogue Explorator said:


So, while we have had no actual rumors of them, I think Moonclan are the most likely army to show up as an Wildcard, as there are quite a few factors to imply them:

-They did not get GHB 2017 support.

-They did get a herald though and they are a bit unique among the armies to do so, being the only one without at least allegiance abilities.

-They already have quite the sizable selection of miniatures, three to five kits would actually push them into major player league among AoS armies.

-Nightgoblins where among the iconic units/army elements of Warhammer Fantasy, about on the level with Slayers and Witch Elves, who have gotten their releases.

So, they are far from assured, but if an army for AoS ends up shuffling itself into the release schedule, they are the candidate.


I do not disagree that signs point to Moonclan coming at some point and I would be absolutely wallet-destroyingly thrilled with that (and I already own over 2000 points of pure squigs, more night goblin infantry than I can count, and at least one of every night goblin model released since the early 90s).  

But, the issue that I see with GW releasing Moonclan similar to Daughters of Khaine is that the majority of the range is resin (most was metal converted to resin).  There are 10 Warscrolls in the current range if you don't count the Forgeworld Models.  You could split that into 11 if you consider Bosses on foot separate from the Skarsnik boss.  Of those only 2 are plastic sets, the Grots and the Fanatics, and neither of those are dual kits.   I am pretty certain that one of GWs current goals is to remove the Finecast resin models from the range as they go now.  So, to do that they would have to either remove these units or replace them with plastic kits.  Or, they would need to add a new release and keep the Finecast stuff (I don't see them wanting to do that anymore).

They could get creative and probably knock out a huge portion of those resin kits with 2 multi-build plastic boxes.  They could make a multi-kit for the Cave Squigs that doubles as a box for Squig Hoppers and includes the herders.  They could also make a kit for the Mangler Squigs that could be a multi-kit and build the Warboss on Giant Squig (and possibly the Warboss on foot with Giant Squig) - and if they wanted they could also add a unit mounted on Giant Cave squigs (like Gore Gruntas) that the box builds.  And then they would probably still need to do something for Heroes and most likely they would also want to drop some sort of large centerpiece kit (they could always just make a plastic version of the Forgeworld Colossal Squig).

It is doable, but they would have to commit to a decent amount of plastic box set releases in order to pull it off.  But, Night Goblins have always seemed to be an in-house favorite for Games Workshop over the decades.  They have not always been the most effective part of the Orc & Goblin army (although in some editions they were close), but they have always had a ton of attention whenever Fantasy Greenskins had any sort of releases (both for rules and for models), so it is obvious that someone in GW likes them (hard to not like Night Goblins though).  Also the recent Moonclan Herald indicates that GW is still thinking about Moonclan - so I expect they will do something for them at some point.

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3 hours ago, Rogue Explorator said:

I think a big boxed set in Summer is likely. It may even be a new starter. I am much less convinced that it is going to be an actual new edition.

We are entering phase two of Age of Sigmar, in fact I think phase two started with the release of Malign Portents. However, I also think phase 2 unequals edition 2. A new edition right on the back of a magic supplement that likely changes how the game plays (though that one would not be unprecedented) and one year after 40k 8th (so not with enough time to see how the changes of 8th play out and take that into consideration designing AoS2) seems oddly timed. I also wonder why they did not announce a second edition for AoS at Adepticon when they did so for 40k (which released around the same time this one is supposed to?) last year? Obviously, I remain unconvinced of all the rumors floating around this one.

I think Age of Sigmar is set up in such a way that a living rule-set is more likely than a full new edition.  The General's Handbook encapsulates the how to organize a game, and gets yearly updates.  The core rules are only a few pages long.  It would be very simple to alter a section of the rules, or even big chunks, and just reprint the entire rules in the back of a General's Handbook. 

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I really think GW is quite comfortable leaving the finecast kits languishing in limbo for quite a bit longer. Except for the GUO and Beast, the release of Maggotkin left the finecast Nurgle models untouched and the same goes for finecast Tzeentch, Khorne or Space Marines.

My guess is, if a model is really central to a line, GW will make an effort to replace them, as with the GUO and Beast (though there where other reasons to redo these, the GUO no longer fitting with the other greater demons and the beast simply not looking enough like its classic image). But if it is rather periferal to a line, like a special character, side character, rare unit, non-centerpiece monster or small elite unit, they can keep them untouched for quite some time, as I gather finecast kits seem to be rather cheap to keep in production.

This is one of the reason I do not think the previewed coach is not actually the black coach. If they are going to redesign a unit, and, in the case of the black coach, give it not just a new look, but new lore and new rules to boot (as neither really fits with it being a centerpiece to the army it belongs to), they may as well give it a new name along the way, one that is more their own IP than the rather generic "black coach".

Translated to Moonclan, this means they might redo the squig and squig hoppa units (especially if they can do so in one kit) as they seem rather central to the faction. But the heroes and mangler Squig? Another plastic hero and a even bigger monster kit to push the mangler out of being the armies centerpiece, and those can continue their existence as sidelined finecast kits for a good while longer, sharing the fate of Doomweavers, Curselings, Festus, Harbingers of Decay or Thunderfire Cannons.


I am not sure about how much GW themselves realize they could have a living ruleset in AoS. Or how much they want one (note how 40k 8th was actually less digitalized and living than the earlier AoS). I would have thought there would be far more warscroll changes, but it seems like they are loath to do so outside of a book release, with only one change, that I can think of, so far (weapons on grundstock thunderers, even Vortexbeast of Tzeentch and Slaughterbeast of Khorne where alternative Warscrolls added with the original remaining unchanged).

I think GW does not want to go full digital living ruleset and instead pursues a hybrid model, with most rules still bound up traditionally with books (though those get decent FAQ and Errata now) and only a selected portion of the rules evolving and more prone to more frequent change tied up in the GHB (and Chapter Approved for 40k).

So, while the overall setup of AoS would enable a living ruleset, given developements so far, I find it quite unlikely that GW would forego new editions with big launches and a fancy box.

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I don’t think they care about leaving the current items.  But I am pretty sure that they do not want to maintain them longer than they have to.  Also, I don’t think they will issue future battletomes that continue the finecast range unless it is a Legion of Nagash style release -  which seemed like a get-you-by style of release.

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Doing a “living” rule-book does not prevent them from releasing a big physical copy or a new box set.  What I was saying is that the core rules are tiny and one of the smallest parts of the rules now.  A big chunk of the older style rulebooks is already bound into the yearly release Generals Handbook.

The core rules themselves is so small that they don’t need to do massive v2, v3, etc style releases like they used to do in the past unless they want to change the whole game from top to bottom.  But the direction they have moved Fantasy and 40k both seems like that is unlikely.  

Matched play points already changes yearly.  Most of the rules of the game are held in warscrolls that they can easily change in generals handbook, errata, or a new version of a battletome.

It just seems like they don’t need the old full edition releases anymore.

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7 hours ago, Rou Dantes said:

You don't need tolerance to appreciate a giant flying  war turtle chariot, you just need love and joy in your heart. And you don't need to apologize to us because you're dead inside, can't feel joy, and don't love the greatest thing ever - you should apologize to yourself.  

You can't rain on this parade, Mr. No-Fun-Norman! We'll just fly over those clouds, riding our enchanted sky turtle chariots through the rainbow into a magical world of wonderment.

*queue  90's cartoon theme music*

So 'goofy' is now a trigger.


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5 hours ago, Carnelian said:

a trigger for awesome animated 90s cartoon segments featuring GIANT MAGIC FLYING TURTLES!

80s cartoons are where it’s at.  I am pretty sure Saturday morning has never, and will never again, contain as much awesome as it did in the 80s.


Edited by Skabnoze
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Hopefully it will be “The Summer of Gork” new green skins for fantasy and 40k needs to happen. Hopefully they look like the new goblin. And all the Orks are so small compared to the Ironjaws.

This is a great year so far for both games, hopefully it will continue being this awesome.

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