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Predictions for Season 3 underworlds


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Ok so I want to see everyone's predictions for the warban in season 3 underworlds.  My list comes from the fact that all underworlds warban are taken from factions that have been given the full AOS treatment.  So my 8 predictions are:

Tyrion/teclis Light elves !!!  (Most excited for)

Slannesh warband

Nurgle warband

Idoneth Deepkin

Beasts of chaos

Flesh eater courts

Obligatory stormcast

Destruction (ogors or bonesplitterz)


Other possibilities?  

Daughters of khaine

Seraphon (super want but I don't think will happen)



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I don't believe we will get it but I would love to see a free people warband. Dispossesed would also be cool.


I do think we will get:

Flesh Eaters


Daughters of Khaine




Light Elves

And of course SC


So mostly existing Battletome-Factions. Beastmen would be wonderful, but I fear they don't will  get something.


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3 hours ago, obaobaboss said:

I don't believe we will get it but I would love to see a free people warband. Dispossesed would also be cool.


After painting up my Godsworn I too though a free people warband would be amazing.  Game needs more puffy sleeves and pantaloons.


Actual predictions:

Whatever the next stormcast flavour is. An underworlds starter with stormcast is like a 40k one without spacemarines. Inconceivable! 

Slaneesh and or Nurgle. Every season has had two chaos warbands.

Sepheron as rumour are abound of a new tome and underworlds seems to foreshadow / mimic new AoS releases.



Idoneth and DoK. I love elves.

A clan specific skaven band. Skryre by personal preference. Or Eshin just to see a modern nightrunner sculpt.

Free people! Something silly like a Noble's safari party that got lost. Have the leader be pretty useless and his ever diligent vassals always stepping up to save his ass 😁 With a minstrel in tow so people can sing holy Grail songs as they move him.



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Prediction/personal wishlist:

Slaanesh mixed mortal/daemon



Scourge Privateers (captain, corsairs with beast handler and beasts - personal wishlist, highly unlikely!)


Ogors (hopefully!)

Soulblight (vampire with human/zombie thralls)

Probably go with orruks for the last choice, can't see a season being made without greenskins of some description

Would be nice surprise to see a FEC warband too, a Abhorrent "prince", some ghouls and one of the larger models

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Season Boxset;

High Elves - The Lion, 2-3 rangers and a caster.

Slaanesh - Actual daemons? Maybe they can summon a whole bunch of daemonettes?

Flesh Eater Courts - 1 big gribbly, 5-6 ghouls

Daughters of Khaine (basically just 3 Melusai?)


Seraphon - please be skinks & skink priests

Obligatory Stormcast warband

Finally - I want a brettonian warband. Just one mounted knight, and 3 squires. Similar mechanics to mollog.


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DoK warband would be cool. A khinerai, 2 witch aelves, a sister of slaughter. Hell I’d buy it even if it had a melusai as long as I got new sculpts to mix in for my units.

Barring that, my wishlist is wanderers, then any other aelven faction. 

No, I’m not fixated on pointy ears or anything. 

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Nurgle and Slaanesh would give us all four Chaos gods. Ogors would give us every destruction race.  Fec would complete death. (Kind of)

That leaves 4 order:

seraphon, light Aelves , Free peoples and either DoK or Idoneth.

That would make a solid list. That said it would be nice to get a few surprises like Mollog’s mob.

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2 hours ago, Chikout said:

Nurgle and Slaanesh would give us all four Chaos gods. Ogors would give us every destruction race.  Fec would complete death. (Kind of)

That leaves 4 order:

seraphon, light Aelves , Free peoples and either DoK or Idoneth.

That would make a solid list. That said it would be nice to get a few surprises like Mollog’s mob.

Id like to see 1 or 2 Akhelians with their spears and shields on foot, kinda like Hoplites, to fit their ancient greece theme. 

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I'm well up for Deepkin, but on foot preferably. Daughters of Khaine would be awesome, especially Melusai or Khinerai, a hag or something for characterful models. 

What's happened with Tenebrael Shard or the Mistweaver? Something with that aesthetic would be cool. 

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Jungle/Forest theme with Seraphon

Mixed Aelves like the Gitz and Skaven

6 minutes ago, armisael said:

Is Dreadfane related to SS3?

No, it seems to be the "in between" seasons product. It's meant to be a simplified introduction to the game but with new warbands that work in the regular game as well.

It's likely they will keep the same release schedule as Season 1 and 2 so expect Dreadfane in June/July with Season 3 starting in September/October.

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Does Dreadfane have a release date?  And I assume it's going to be sold in the bookstores like some of the other "entry" board games that GW has put out right? So like in Barnes & Noble in the US?  

So... what if..... the stormcast in the Dreadfane release count as the stormcast release for underworlds season 3?  And open up space in underworlds for other war bands?  Sounds great to me, even though I don't believe that's what would happen.  I actually like stormcast as an army and I like playing/painting them.  It's just that more variety and representation for all factions would be nice.  Also, seriously how many stormcast warbands are running around shadespire until they just own the place and charge all of the other warbands rent for living there?

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Wish we get another Skaven warband !

And would definitely love :


Elves (dark elves corsairs...)

Free people (in a way that would remind Mordheim's Witch Hunters or WFB Sigmar's Priests...)

Off course any halfling kind of warband


And rules for mixed teams !

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On 5/13/2019 at 6:08 AM, Gecktron said:

Id like to see 1 or 2 Akhelians with their spears and shields on foot, kinda like Hoplites, to fit their ancient greece theme. 

I feel like they would look kind of like the new war cry snake war band.  I got a very Idoneth / Greek feel from their models.  I kind of feel that It would be cool if Idoneth had a heavy foot infantry in the form of Akhelians on foot with shield and spear.  I guess the point of their faction is that they are more raiders and they prefer hit and run tactics.  But I could see a narrative reason for them switching to more big  block infantry tactics as they become more involved in the wars in the mortal realms and are fielding bigger armies

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I don't want this, but I would not be entirely displeased to see some of the season three warbands be "oops" re-dos of a few inferior warbands.  Heck, mask it under "evolved" branding or whatever, but Guard and Axes in particular, and maybe the Reavers, need some serious help.


If they don't do that, then I'd like to see it focused on demons and their adversaries.

Plaaguebearers and Nurglings

Demonettes and thralls

Bloodletters and hounds

Horrors and flamers

Sigmarite priests and flagellants

Saurus and Skinks

Witch Hunters and lackies


That sort of thing.


What I don't want, at all, because it's totally unlikely to go well, is any sort of blending or mixing or warbands.

That said, they could release some supplemental fighters for various warbands as a way to fill in gaps.


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Some combination of DoK, FEC, bonesplitterz, and Deepkin seem like a forgone conclusion, the lion image we saw hints at something besides those, but without context it could be anything. Ogors would be a hard warband, since they should be bigger and badder than stormcast, maybe the first two person warband. Soul blight would be fun, a vampire with a zombie horde and maybe a thrall seems like a cool warband. If I were to take a guess at the obligatory stormcast list maybe prosecutors, they are still some of the coolest stormcast models. 

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On 5/15/2019 at 1:12 AM, grimgold said:

Some combination of DoK, FEC, bonesplitterz, and Deepkin seem like a forgone conclusion, the lion image we saw hints at something besides those, but without context it could be anything. Ogors would be a hard warband, since they should be bigger and badder than stormcast, maybe the first two person warband. Soul blight would be fun, a vampire with a zombie horde and maybe a thrall seems like a cool warband. If I were to take a guess at the obligatory stormcast list maybe prosecutors, they are still some of the coolest stormcast models. 

The water (e.g. starfish) base may point to deepkin for the lion.

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7 hours ago, Daniel saxcloud said:

More on the subject, do you expect new merchanics for the game? Eg 2nd season introduced deviation and magic. 3rd season May introduce environmental danger in form of events/neutral modells? Like dreadfane or warcry?

The "events" deck from Dreadfane could be a very interesting addition.

They could add a shared neutral objective deck that can be scored by either player, or some kind of environmental effect like "Rain - You must reroll one Fury dice when making Range 3 attacks"

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What I’d really like to see are Nurgle, Slaanesh, Seraphon, Flesh Eater Courts, Idoneth and Daughters of Khaine. I actually think it’s a pretty plausible list too, Seraphon being the only one I wouldn’t bet on.

And I also think we’ll get the obligatory Stormcast warband. 

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