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Age of Sigmar: Second Edition

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People acting like changing shooting so you can only target the nearest unit if you're in combat with them is somehow going to ruin missile units. It's not like you don't get to use your shots. You just have less choice who to target. 

It just means you can't use your 40 arrowboyz to snipe a wizard on the other side of the board if that unit is engaged. It allows a way to protect heroes from being sniped out the game by allowing an opponent to use a fast screening unit. 

Secondly a lot of armies don't even have shooting to any significant extent. I. E. Khorne, ironjawz or nurgle. So having shooting units itself is still an advantage. 

Thirdly you can still use your shooting units in the way you want as long as you keep them out of combat. So that encourages better tactical play. 

And if you are a heavy shooting army like khadron you're still really fast so staying out of combat is plausible. 

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2 hours ago, Bloodmaster said:

From this and the rumor threat one has to wonder, what it is with some guys that you always assume the sky is falling as soon as some (possible) changes are revealed.

Imagine your army is already struggling, and you hear about a new edition. You see the news, and it is a ton of new stuff. Command abilities more then one per turn, nice...only your army has 0 of those, so buff the other armies and nerf to yours. Magic is getting models, some sort of rules rewrite and with the cool new units show it seems like there will be more focus on magic.....only your army doesn't have any casters of its own. And then as a bonus you hear that some armies will struggle in 2ed, and you start wondering which armies could that be. Maybe those without command abilities and magic... hey, that is the army your playing.  Is that enough to not be breathtaken by the new edition?

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16 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

Thirdly you can still use your shooting units in the way you want as long as you keep them out of combat. So that encourages better tactical play. 

How do you keep huskards out of combat, when fast moving units are faster then them, and you need them to be in range for both shoting, melee and taking objectives, because that is what your army is more or less build around. I get that for armies with a ton of cheap infantry, or someone playing a soup list with 90 skins of their army being engaged isn't much of a problem, but for a BCR army it kind of a is.

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24 minutes ago, blueshirtman said:

Imagine your army is already struggling, and you hear about a new edition. You see the news, and it is a ton of new stuff. Command abilities more then one per turn, nice...only your army has 0 of those, so buff the other armies and nerf to yours. Magic is getting models, some sort of rules rewrite and with the cool new units show it seems like there will be more focus on magic.....only your army doesn't have any casters of its own. And then as a bonus you hear that some armies will struggle in 2ed, and you start wondering which armies could that be. Maybe those without command abilities and magic... hey, that is the army your playing.  Is that enough to not be breathtaken by the new edition?

As many have pointed out, GW specifically indicated that armies like Khorne, who have no magic to speak of, will be getting a tweak to level the playing field. It's not much of a stretch to assume Beastclaw Raiders will fall into that same category.

You're still extrapolating the absolute worst case scenario from practically zero information here. At least have a little hope -- they've got extensive playtesting behind this (which is still a relatively new concept), and it sounds like a number of rules are being adapted from 40K (which was itself adapted from Age of Sigmar v1.0), so it's not like they're completely reinventing the wheel. They have also explicitly stated in their FAQ about the new edition (https://whc-cdn.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/WarhammerAgeOfSigmar-QA.pdf) that "The rules for some units will change slightly" -- it's almost as if they recognize that some armies/units will be affected differently by massive adjustments to the core rules of the game.

In short, take a step back and try not to panic before you see the whole picture. I'll freely admit that I've had a few "uh-oh" moments reading about what's coming. Quite frankly, though, the doom and gloom that a number of people are projecting on the internet (what are the odds, right?) really compounds fears like that, and I wouldn't be surprised if the end result invalidates many of the extreme speculations on destroyed armies and the like.

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27 minutes ago, blueshirtman said:

Imagine your army is already struggling, and you hear about a new edition. You see the news, and it is a ton of new stuff. Command abilities more then one per turn, nice...only your army has 0 of those, so buff the other armies and nerf to yours. Magic is getting models, some sort of rules rewrite and with the cool new units show it seems like there will be more focus on magic.....only your army doesn't have any casters of its own. And then as a bonus you hear that some armies will struggle in 2ed, and you start wondering which armies could that be. Maybe those without command abilities and magic... hey, that is the army your playing.  Is that enough to not be breathtaken by the new edition?

I think we need to wait until we know a bit more until we panic and retire our armies to the scrap heap.  We've got a handful of statements without any context and a handful of rumours.  There is plenty more to come that we don't actually know about.  Armies such as BCR could well benefit from other parts of the new rules - the rumoured attack first when charging could be a huge boost to them when combined with fast moving units.

I think the key thing to remember is that GW adjusts rules because some things don't work as they intend - being surrounded by enemies and ignoring them to shoot something else is clearly something that they felt they didn't actually like, which was supported by the volume of people who also said this over the years.

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I had kinda hoped that edition change jitters were behind us with AoS, but now my nerd-brain is panicking at potential changes and at war with rational-brain that knows not to get all worked up over rumors and snippets taken in isolation.  Some things never change xD

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3 hours ago, Dragobeth said:

"To create, you first have to destroy"

It couldn´t be named "2nd edition" if it didn't change the game A LOT, that's why things like "attacking first if charged will destroy the current game" are a no problem for me. We should wait to see all the new rules, leaks&rumours mongering is one think but scream "the sky is falling" shouldn't be  done. (saying "i dont like X"  it's not the same as "X will destroy all and kill everything you love" tho)

The most sensible comment in my opinion. It might destroy AoS as we know it but it might end up being a better game. Just like the change from Warhammer fantasy to AoS was for me. 

I’m just going to give it a go for a couple of games before I judge it. But I understand the speculation, but hey that’s part of the hobby right ;) 

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42 minutes ago, RuneBrush said:

I think we need to wait until we know a bit more until we panic and retire our armies to the scrap heap.

Oh... but isnt it the fashionable thing to do ? 



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21 minutes ago, Arkiham said:


Oh... but isnt it the fashionable thing to do ? 


I wish I read your whole post. I just burned hundreds of pounds of plastic before seeing your were being sarcastic. 

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2 hours ago, blueshirtman said:

Imagine your army is already struggling, and you hear about a new edition. You see the news, and it is a ton of new stuff. Command abilities more then one per turn, nice...only your army has 0 of those, so buff the other armies and nerf to yours. Magic is getting models, some sort of rules rewrite and with the cool new units show it seems like there will be more focus on magic.....only your army doesn't have any casters of its own. And then as a bonus you hear that some armies will struggle in 2ed, and you start wondering which armies could that be. Maybe those without command abilities and magic... hey, that is the army your playing.  Is that enough to not be breathtaken by the new edition?

Or maybe, and I know it might be a strange concept form some here, remeber that GW has a strange new format to update warscrolls and pointcosts to fix balance and rule issuse. I know, I know, it sounds fantastic and as it only is a few years old, thus relativly young, it is easy to forget about it. But heres a hint, it's called Generals Handbook, and rumours have it, that one will follow shortly after the AoS 2.0 release. 

Or maybe you wait and see what the new edition really brings for you and your army.

Or maybe you have to reconsider your army choice and admit that its time for a little side project until you get the powerhouse treatment you demand for you plastic toy soldiers, which might be never, since GW never can satisfy anyone, especially those who see their armies as weak and blame GW for choosing an army from the old world that has 1-2 units!


Man, I really don't get why some of you can't see the new edition of a chance to get a more balanced rule set and army balancing but instead see every little titbit of rumours as the sign of falling skies, a conspiracy to weaken them - and only them, and assume that just the one titbit of rumoured rule change will come and the rest of the rule set remains unchanged.  

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2 hours ago, rokapoke said:

As many have pointed out, GW specifically indicated that armies like Khorne, who have no magic to speak of, will be getting a tweak to level the playing field. 

They also specifically indicated the tweak wouldn’t be in the immediate future.

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Why do you guys think they are going to be talking about every army?


They are only going to talk about what is relevent for the coming releases in june, IE new edition stuff and NH/SCE stuff.


Edit: Because it says so at the bottom of the page ?

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36 minutes ago, VoodooChileIRL said:

Community article on the new Turn Priority rules

The player who went first the previous turn wins Turn Priority rolls on a Draw now. 

Persistent Magic in 2nd Edition will interact with the Turn order in certain ways (to be expanded upon in future articles).

Nice, the roll off for turn itself isn't being changed much at all and the strategy around the promised more strategic double turn will be in the overall strategy of other rules. Hopefully they found a nice happy median between the 40k style static turn order being so boring and the double turn being a little  OP in certain circumstances. I'm guessing that something to do with the persistent spells happens in your opponents turn or requires and opponent turn to "reset" or something so the double turn might weaken or negate the effects of your spells some how.

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47 minutes ago, VoodooChileIRL said:

Community article on the new Turn Priority rules

The player who went first the previous turn wins Turn Priority rolls on a Draw now. 

Persistent Magic in 2nd Edition will interact with the Turn order in certain ways (to be expanded upon in future articles).

So is there anything in this article that anyone sees that confirms how priority will be determined in the first round?

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1 minute ago, Christopher Rowe said:

So is there anything in this article that anyone sees that confirms how priority will be determined in the first round?

Unfortunately no. My only hoped for change to turn priority has been changing first turn to a roll off with perhaps a bonus for who finished deploying first.

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2 minutes ago, bsharitt said:

Unfortunately no. My only hoped for change to turn priority has been changing first turn to a roll off with perhaps a bonus for who finished deploying first.

If I were a betting man it would be like 40K.  +1 for finishing first.

I'm also going to bet that going second means you get to move your spells first.

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Dont you use frost sabres to grab objectives? My huskard is for smashing faces alonside his mournfang rider cronies. Im sure all the points will be adjusted so no factions are overly disadvantaged. Im under the impression that command abilities and some types of spell are linked to command points, for which im sure therell be loads of other things beastclaws can use them for!

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