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Everything posted by Moldek

  1. Cool cool! Have you played any games using these cards?
  2. I recently played a first game with my girlfriend too and I’d recommend playing objectives - we went with just kill the other army and it din’t feel as fun. As others have said I’d leave out allegiance abilities and the like to focus on the basics. Also be sure to really know the rules well, I’m not very experienced so it was hard to keep the flow of the game going while making sure I didn’t forget anything and looking up the unit stats etc.
  3. Love the scenery and the fluff! Is the tower scratch built?
  4. I’ve started the assembly / basing step of my gryphounds. I was able to do some headswaps but if I want to do a bigger pack I may have to convert some to avoid having too many duplicates, as the box already has only 3 different poses. Can’t wait to be done with the prep work and slap some paint on those good boys!
  5. I just managed to finish my march goal of 1 knight incantor and gryphound. I really liked painting the beast, and that’s good because I bought a box and have another 6 of them. I really like the idea of a hunting pack of gryphounds. so for this month I pledge : -build, base and paint 6 gryphounds. And as a stretch I’ll add these goals : -texture and paint my 4*3 board so I can start playing some real games -build and base my 30 or so brettonian men at arms, able to assist and worship my small stormcast warband 🤓
  6. This is a great idea, and your cards are pretty cool. I may do something similar, way nicer than going through books
  7. Yeah I like your idea @Overread but there are symbols who seem to be IDK, DoK that don’t have underworlds warbands
  8. I understand your concern. I was all for a chaos only game too, maybe expanded on later. On the other hand it seems like a big shift to decide to release 9 more warbands totally unplanned, it's entirely possible that this was part of the project from the start. I guess we'll know later!
  9. Personally I'm pretty hyped, and a bit surprised how few people seem to be. The "chaos-only" game just announced 9 more non-chaos factions! Surely there will be a way to use those as the start of an aos army right? I guess on the internet it's mostly unhappy people that speak up. Even if they did make brand new minis for each faction, you'd have people disappointed because they really really hoped for tomb kings 😂
  10. I personnally love the concept, as it harkens back to realm of chaos, and small warbands instead of huge legions of ultra evil armored guys. I get why people who don’t like chaos are disappointed, although the teasers already hinted heavily at that kind of setting. If I wasn’t into chaos I would just use proxies of whatever army I like, shouldn’t be that hard
  11. personnally I’m pretty excited about this. The models looks characterful, the terrain looks good and like it would integrate well with scratch-built stuff. I was hoping for a real AoS skirmish campaign game but I love the Realms Of Chaos aesthetic they are going for. My main hope is that there will be a decent campaign system and that the game won’t be too hard to homebrew. I think GW are in a tight spot with these kind of games : some people want tight matched play rulesets for pickup games and tournaments, some people want freeform aos campaign skirmish, some want new models and some want to be able to play their old WHF minis, some people want it simple and some want it customizable... and obviously the bosses want to sell a ton of them 😂 so as long as it’s fun to play I’ll be houseruling and kitbashing in my living room. At least it’s a great occasion to build crazy chaos scenery; might have to get that skulls box...
  12. Really nice! Love the eye pieces What software are you using?
  13. I don’t often read people’s fluff but I loved this! It’s an interesting take on the skaven with a lot of possibilities. And the models are top notch. I can’t imagine painting that many models!
  14. I love your chaos army! Really does feel straight out of the RoC books regarding the horrors I don’t know if you should try for as mih individuality as your other models, but maybe you can use various spot colors from your other models? For instance the blue horrors would be mainly in various shades of blue / teal, but with the occasional pink / yellow / green / whatever tentacle... if you use colors from the models you’ve already painted that might make them fit in with the rest of the army while retaining some individuality.
  15. Well I just spent all of my likes! Awesome project man, and the paintjobs are perfect too. This army looks straight out of the old realms of chaos books you should make a terrain piece to take your painted pictures on, I’m sure it would look great!
  16. Wow great painting! I like your style, very bold and a lovely contrast with the grim appearance of the models. Does it take you a long time for each model with all those highlights?
  17. It is very satisfying to see a cleaned up, optimized desk! Add to this painted terrain AND skirmish campaigns and I'm hooked. I love your clean, old-schoolish painting style too
  18. @bottle no worries, I'm glad you liked my drawings Thanks for pointing me towards these other projects. I am working hard on my art skills these days and I'd love to get my hobby dose by drawing warriors instead of kitbashing them. Whenever you get to a point where you need some illustrations there's a good chance I'll still be interested
  19. Moldek

    Xlanax_lot - Clanrats

    that's not what I'd typically associate with skaven, but I think it works very well! quality paintjob too!
  20. Yeah the world is basically infinite, you definitely can make up your fluff without too much constraint. IMO it's ok to use unconverted models (John Blanche did make concept art for kharadron minis!) but it may be harder to get that darker / stranger vibe. But if you're creative with the paintjob and basing I think you can still get some of that aesthetic
  21. No miniatures to show right now, but that doesn't mean I'm not working on some dark aos stuff! I'm trying to get better at drawing some "realistic" and evocative fantasy stuff, as the artwork is one of the first things that drew me in when I discovered GW. These are not perfect but I want to build up to some very heavy stuff as I get better. Hope you guys like it, and I'm open to cricism if you have any
  22. Nice fluff! Mongol inspired I suppose?
  23. Even before the Realmgate collapsed, there was an air of defeat, an atmosphere of fear to this region. The bloody wars of yore left the valleys filled with bones and broken metal, blood washed away by the rains. Gigantic skeletons slowly turn to stone while moss and shrubs cover the ruins. Not many newcomers venture on the old road, and the sparse hamlets are half empty. There are tales of old magic of course, and creatures grim and faceless that dwell in dark places. Who knows what corrupted warlock, what ancient daemon crawled amidst cadavers after the slaughter, half mad with fright and hatred, and slithered into some cavern to bid his time? Who knows what might still be waiting, slowly spreading its malevolent will, proding for weak minds and lost souls? Anselme Gartilius, A scribe's voyage into the lost Baronies *** Well, I guess the warband is done! There are a lot of things that I'd want to do differently but given my current skill level, I feel I'd better get a few more projects under my belt rather than dragging this one out. I still have to paint the bases and I'll leave this sorry bunch be. I have a lot of ideas for this setting. The next step : I am going to get my hands on my brother's old (circa 2004) chaos warrior army, and bring it to aos. So my future includes a lot of rebasing, stripping and airbrushing. The idea is to paint all these OOP warriors as very rusty lost souls, survivors of ancient wars left wandering in this desolate mountainous region. More on that later, for the moment I'll leave you with some pictures. I tried to make some clean light box photos but I still need to progress on that front . As usual all comments are welcome!
  24. @Moonlightwolf Thank you! I guess the ghoul and zombie parts + the shells give them some kind of unity
  25. In the shadows of broken peaks, grim beings lie in wait, Carrion eaters, madmen, freaks, creeping beneath the gate - excerpt from "Songs and tales of the Mountains" by Armont de Carnesec So I've been slowly but surely working on my warband. I wanted to wait until everything was perfect but I think it's a good time to take a step back and show what I have so far, all very WIP of course. Most models are at 90%, I have some detail work to do one some of them, maybe go over the whole band to make sure they look coherent, and of course painting the bases. The Necromant I don't have a good name for this guy yet, he is the leader of my warband and a sorcerer devoted to the minor chaos god Moldek. The rest of the warband is the various followers he managed to gather around him, driven mad by his god. The Shell-daemon This guy is a demon of Moldek, hidden inside a shell, trapping anything he can inside it. I still have a bit of work on the tentacles and skin. The Deserter I just started base coating this one, he used to be a proud warrior until something on a battlefield broke him and he ran, and the parasitic influence of Moldek took hold of him as he hid deep in the forest. I am also working on some terrain, a Garden of Morr kit and some rocks. I want to have pine trees, but the bottle brush ones I bought look really cheap. I'm currently trying to cover one in flock, not sure if it's gonna work or not... Here is a shot of the full warband in its current state :
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