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Warhammer - The Old World

Gareth 🍄

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5 minutes ago, silverstu said:

I would have liked them to bring back the older plastic night goblins, a bit bigger than the current ones but I thought they had bags of character..

They said somewhere in the article that plastic Night Goblin mobs would be re-released, didn't they? I assumed that they'd be the older ones. 

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The new characters and the old Warhammer Forge characters are awesome. Really cool!

Lol, I bought the both arcane journals, forces of fantasy/ ravening hordes. It's still processing and now the pfd versions are already here. I guess I will have to buy both!

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3 minutes ago, Beliman said:

I was expecting a "today" answer... such a killjoy

I'm hoping for today as well. 


Love there are returning forge world models, gives hope that the monsters will and the fabulous empire kits. 

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17 minutes ago, Beliman said:

I was expecting a "today" answer... such a killjoy

With GW the healthiest attitude is to expect the worse and hope for the best

So yes, legacy pdfs dropping in early-to-mid-february

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Yeah they are going to delay the legacy pdfs as long as they can aren't they :(

The orcs and gobbos looking good, some absolutely deranged choices in there but bigger is better :D

No new plastics is a worrying precedent though, we need some plastic slayers!

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4 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

Yeah they are going to delay the legacy pdfs as long as they can aren't they :(

The orcs and gobbos looking good, some absolutely deranged choices in there but bigger is better :D

No new plastics is a worrying precedent though, we need some plastic slayers!


What would be the chances that all the remaining factions get no new plastic stuff and the new plastic stuff was just a way to call for attention during the initial launch?

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Well, that Orcs & Goblins reveal gives me a bad feeling about TOW's future...

Pro :

  • Wonderful two new Characters, always loved Black Orc Boss, and that Named Shaman is great (that Gob cauldron is quite Kruleboyz-y right...)
  • A wide range returning bodes well. Especially happy to see Warhammer Forge kits in the mix ! Some of it will also have great use in AOS. 
  • Battalion Boxes are great (still very large, if smaller than the TK/Bret Launch boxes, no Rulebook in them means you won't end up with like 4 of them). I guess no characters means : BUY THE NEW RESIN GUYS, which is fine.

Cons : 

  • Future of Goblinkind is strange. No squig, no fanatics, weird "delay" with Nightgob (no picture), etc. Same for Savages Orcs, in fact (as they exist in rules).
  • Inconsistency in availability. What is the coherency in choosing what kits end up in MTO, Metal or Resin ? Why does Bretonnia get a resin Trebuchet but Orcs do not ???
  • No new plastic kit, only two new Characters (for existing units)... Just compare to Bret and TK. 

I want TOW to prosper, I really do, but it will NOT if GW doesn't put their plastic technology on it for better use. Why use ressources to rescuplt resin kits but not to produce plastic kits ? And game isn't maintained afloat by a few obscure references getting MtO... (even if's awesome).

Maybe they haven't showed everything (including the Faction Dice or a big Centerpiece), but still : I'm a little worried now. 

POST-SCRIPTUM 1 : Legagy PDF - many YouTubers, including Miniwargaming, have said they already have them and have Factions video ready for the Launch Day (today), so we shouldn't be Far off...

POST-SCRIPTUM 2 : the "leaked" Schedule. It. Is. NOT. A. LEAK. It's a youtuber who repeated ten times in its video that they were SPECULATING BASED ON NOTHING. 

@Morglum StormBasha any news from Warhammer World ?!


Edited by HorticulusTGA
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2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

What would be the chances that all the remaining factions get no new plastic stuff and the new plastic stuff was just a way to call for attention during the initial launch?

That really wouldn’t surprise me at all. 

I am surprised by the sheer amount of stuff we are seeing return today. Even if it will be released in stages.

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8 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

What would be the chances that all the remaining factions get no new plastic stuff and the new plastic stuff was just a way to call for attention during the initial launch?

Quite possible - they have done similar with WotR I think. Which would be a shame but if the game proves popular enough I'm sure they can get a bigger plastic budget. 

I'm really over the moon about the older stuff coming back though, they should have done this ages ago getting the most out of their back catalogue. 


Anyone told @KingBrodd the trolls, the troll hag, the marauder giant and the bone grinder giant are back? Maybe he is having a lie down...

Edited by silverstu
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1 hour ago, silverstu said:

I'm wondering how classic, I still have my Jes Goodwin ogres which are excellent.

I would have liked them to bring back the older plastic night goblins, a bit bigger than the current ones but I thought they had bags of character..

I'm guessing it's these guys:



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1 hour ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

They said somewhere in the article that plastic Night Goblin mobs would be re-released, didn't they? I assumed that they'd be the older ones. 

Ah I missed that.. brilliant 

1 minute ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

I'm guessing it's these guys:



Probably ... I wonder if there will be rules for Ogre mercs.. 

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20 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Well, that Orcs & Goblins reveal gives me a bad feeling about TOW's future...

Pro :

  • Wonderful two new Characters, always loved Black Orc Boss, and that Named Shaman is great (that Gob cauldron is quite Kruleboyz-y right...)
  • A wide range returning bodes well. Especially happy to see Warhammer Forge kits in the mix ! Some of it will also have great use in AOS. 
  • Battalion Boxes are great (still very large, if smaller than the TK/Bret Launch boxes, no Rulebook in them means you won't end up with like 4 of them). I guess no characters means : BUY THE NEW RESIN GUYS, which is fine.

Cons : 

  • Future of Goblinkind is strange. No squig, no fanatics, weird "delay" with Nightgob (no picture), etc. Same for Savages Orcs, in fact (as they exist in rules).
  • Inconsistency in availability. What is the coherency in choosing what kits end up in MTO, Metal or Resin ? Why does Bretonnia get a resin Trebuchet but Orcs do not ???
  • No new plastic kit, only two new Characters (for existing units)... Just compare to Bret and TK. 

I want TOW to prosper, I really do, but it will NOT if GW doesn't put their plastic technology on it for better use. Why use ressources to rescuplt resin kits but not to produce plastic kits ? And game isn't maintained afloat by a few obscure references getting MtO... (even if's awesome).

Maybe they haven't showed everything (including the Faction Dice or a big Centerpiece), but still : I'm a little worried now. 

POST-SCRIPTUM 1 : Legagy PDF - many YouTubers, including Miniwargaming, have said they already have them and have Factions video ready for the Launch Day (today), so we shouldn't be Far off...

POST-SCRIPTUM 2 : the "leaked" Schedule. It. Is. NOT. A. LEAK. It's a youtuber who repeated ten times in its video that they were SPECULATING BASED ON NOTHING. 

@Morglum StormBasha any news from Warhammer World ?!


The Trebuchet is resin because the mould broke years ago. Otherwise it would have been metal.

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i wont be a hater.......i only gonna say this reveal is very dissapointint and not what i was expecting getting for each faction.

a new box with 0 new unit or heroe.

the box dont have nothing extra as rulesbook etc

the box is only around 5 old units and for sure with less disscount that khemri and bret(i hope this box cost around 99/100 € with the units that bring)

also 0 new units in the release.

only two new foot heroes on fw resin and thats all.


i think we can forget our dreamw for dwarfs.

i guess the shieldbearer new on fw and thats all,then come back the fw bsb and they dont bring nothing new.

also the box around 30 warriors,25 quarrelers and 1 cannon

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Makes sense that they aren't releasing the old fanatics and squigs when there are amazing new plastics to use. Why waste resources producing them when most people will use the new ones? 

While GW may not officially advertise cross comparability across AoS and TOW its what most people will do, I'm building a night goblin army using just AoS models. 

This orc and goblin release is way bigger than I expected and while a new plastic kit or two would have been nice, it bodes well for the future of TOW. 

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3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Why use ressources to rescuplt resin kits but not to produce plastic kits ?

I've been reading similar comment across the interwebs and I find it interesting (and a little frustrating) that so many folk just do not seem to understand the absolute MASSIVE difference in resources required to produce resin kits compared to a plastic kit. Resin kits can be created for hundreds of pounds (a few thousand when you take labour costs into consideration) They can be created for miniature runs that may only sell a few hundred each. The ROI on a resin miniature is if that model sells a few hundred kits. A plastic kit costs 10's of thousands of pounds to create. The ROI for plastic kits is far far longer and the kit needs to sell thousands before it reaches the stage of profitability. 

Resin miniatures allow for esoteric and low run miniatures to be created that would never be created in plastic. Unless/until ToW has proven to be (and continues to be) a huge financial success, then we are not going to see a huge amount of new plastic kits for ranges that already have models which can be bolstered by a handful of resin models. 

I also find it interesting that people just don't seem to be able to (or willing to) read between the lines. The Battlion boxes are basically ToW answer to 40k's Combat Patrols or AoS (Spearheads) with a chunk of re-released plastic troopers that have long since moved into profitability. 

These boxes are the cash injection (I know some people don't like that term) for the SDS to show significant profitability in it's first 4 quarters. It's why I am still convinced that we will see the majority of the 9 core factions released over the next 11/12 months. (If not all of them) The only real big question mark for me is how AoS is going to deal with BoC. It will either be a hard chop with the release of AoS 4 in the summer (Paving the way for ToW BoC to be released in Autumn) or a soft chop with the faction being one of the first on the block for a complete redesign soon after AoS releases. (Paving the way for ToW BoC to be released in Winter

High Elf Realms, Wood Elf Realms, Dwarfen Mountian Holds, Warriors of Chaos & Empire of Man are all going to be getting releases very similar to this one. They have entire existing ranges which will be re-released and will get a smattering of new Resin models. There might be a plastic kit here or there if there isn't a half-decent existing kit for unit entries, but looking through all of the faction lists and what they can take, they all have existing kits that can be used. 

The positive and hopeful aspect of this is, that there are CAD sculpts for new factions and units waiting in the wings ready for their injection mould plates to be made. Standing back and looking at the big picture. IF you only have the possibility to create 20 new plastic kits for the system over a 3 year period. Would you rather they were split across the 9 core factions to upgrade existing models (of which there is clearly a market for) or use those resources to release entirely new factions like Kislev, Grand Cathay, Araby or Moot? 

PS: sorry for coming across a bit grumpy, I've not had my coffee yet. 😅


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