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Warhammer - The Old World

Gareth 🍄

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4 hours ago, Ogregut said:

The legacy lists won't be legal in GW run events. It's up to 3rd party event organisers if legacy lists can be used or not. 

Looking at FB groups here in the UK, the general consensus is legacy lists can be used in their upcoming events (of which quite a few are being planned, I happy to see). 

So unless you only play at GW run tournaments legacy lists are not unplayable. 

So funnily enough, the Daemons of the Ruinstorm PDF list for Horus Heresy has a similar "not meant for tournaments, seek permission first" clause but they're allowed at Warhammer World events. It may be they still end up allowed even at GW's. Not to give people false hope or anything, but there is a precedent and one they hopefully follow given it's another Forge World/Specialist Team game.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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52 minutes ago, Beliman said:

No idea. But if that's the case, that makes this weird GW's decission less impactful for TOW Community.

Not really a weird decision. GW has never let any Legends across any system be matched play/tourney legal 

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4 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

I am in the waiting queue waiting for my place in the queue. Lol, what a strange website.

Edit: I switched from the waiting queue (20 minutes) to the actual queue. 

image.png.5818c4cc9d32c22412fdd01f263b9405.pngMore than an hour. That's ridiculous 😮 

I just saw that. Wow. 

I don't know if it's heartening or slightly worrying to see such a clamourimg of passionate buyers. Probably both! 

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3 hours ago, Hollow said:

Yeah, I know, it's why I explicitly said in my post, that If you want to play Vampire Counts, Or Lizardmen or Ogres, there is literally nothing stopping you from buying the AoS models and using them for ToW. Do people need to be told by GW that they can do whatever they want with the models that they buy? 

Officially GW is clearly making it so there is no "official" cross-system support for whatever reasons. So? Just do as you please and use the rules they are providing from near day one of ToW and the models that are already for sale. I'd bet 99% of the people losing their minds over this have never even been to an Official GW tournament. 

Yeah I don’t know either.

i mean for 40k I’ve been using mostly just legacy units, but for some reason everybdoy else who isn’t a part of the club I’m a memeber of currently seems to consider those units dead, yet they aren’t they have rules and work pretty well in that system. I mean they are not broken in any way but fun to use also slightly weaker then some other units in comparison

3 hours ago, GhostShark said:

We don't know for sure, but I'd bet that as AoS armies receive changes in the future their models that get replaced/resculpted may show up in TOW. 

Over in the rumors thread it was suggested that if Beasts of Chaos get a big redo in AoS that replaces their existing like, the existing line would probably become exclusive to TOW. I wonder if the same might happen for Skaven? If the Skaven AOS rework is big enough to replace most of their line, I think its likely that the replaced models become the official TOW line, and Skaven eventually get the same TOW support as the main 9 factions. Same with Dark Elves. It seems very likely to me that as model ranges get phased out of AOS they'll gain support in TOW. But I guess there's no way to know for now and we'll have to wait and see.

I doubt it, personally I have a feeling that an aos skaven redo will probably look like the gloomspite gitz redo or slaves to darkness redo. And pretty much all models in those range are useable in tow.

2 hours ago, Taerg Ad Ywons said:

Dead on arrival is hyperbole.  Same wailing and gnashing of teeth like AoS 1e. 9/14 factions  for WHFB/TOW is a large chunk so far. Remember GW has to keep in production stuff for each and every AoS faction, 40k faction, MESBG faction, HH faction, Specialist Game Faction. Remember Squats? They're back, in pog  Votann form.



Case in point, BRETONNIA. They had nothing, nothing since their 6th ed update. Hell, Dwarfs only got two, count'em two, new units between 6th ed and the end times. The gyrobomber and Irondrakes. Everything else was a plastic rendition of an existing unit. Orcs got the aracknarok spider and that was about it for new units.

People forget (or don't know due to being new) that most Army edition updates were mostly plastic kits of previously metal models. New units were not as common, and we mostly a dual kit for the most part.

As for the legitimacy of PDF armies, I'd be happy to throw down against an army using PDF rules. Know why? It's because I'm getting a game in and get to roll some animosity dice!

Something newer aos players often forget is that fantasy didn’t die (only) because of their rule set, rather that the speed of updates we got was quit bad.

when you’ve got an army that hasn’t seen any balance changes or a new book for the last 8-10 years, yeah that kinda kills the vioe for that army.

If gw chose to go that route in aos as well. It wouldn’t be a sustainable system either

Edited by Skreech Verminking
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7 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

I just saw that. Wow. 

I don't know if it's heartening or slightly worrying to see such a clamourimg of passionate buyers. Probably both! 

After more than 10 minutes no change at all. It's not the first time I am queueing for pre-orders from the GW site, but this waiting time is a bit silly and the first time I have this ridiculous wait.

I am mentally preparing myself that I will not be able to buy the reference cards, hard cover rulebook, the other books,  and new Bretonnian mini's on pre-order. I fear I will have to settle with buying the pdf's 😮


Edited by Tonhel
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8 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Man Reads Book reads The Old World book.


Lol in the copyright bit at the front it says "Thanks to Creative Assembly for the art in the Cathay section of the book".

I also remind you that yeah, among all the pages dedicated to lore for the various factions there's an entire two-page spread detailing Norsca as a faction seperate from the Warriors of Chaos. 

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Norsca does have their own distinct BB faction too, so there's that. Perhaps they're a variant chaos list, heavy on marauders. EDIT: Warhammer wiki states in 2286, Settra takes Umbrage to Norscans trying to raid Khemri, leading to the War of Sand and Snow.

I wish you luck in the queue, Tonhel. I'm kinda glad that the prices put me off a launch box as a unit of 6 grail knights is $200 AUD from GW direct! (Seriously, does anyone want a spare kidney?). Would also like to apologise to those earlier in the thread, things were getting heated and I understand the frustration of having your favourite faction not be supported from the get-go. Was in that boat from AoS 2e, after the regular orc boy units were scrapped. Big Boss Faceeater Da Reesonabool shall fly again though.

Edited by Taerg Ad Ywons
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Just now, Taerg Ad Ywons said:

Norsca does have their own distinct BB faction too, so there's that. Perhaps they're a variant chaos list, heavy on marauders.


I can barely read the section on Norsca due to the dude just flipping through pages, but the lore section seems to emphasize them being merchants just as much as pirates. I have the suspicion that they're going to go with the idea of Norsca being less corrupted around this time, before the Great War Against Chaos caused the Chaos Wastes to expand and thus increasing the amount of Chaos in the North. Which I guess is good for those people who kinda like the more morally neutral depictions of Norscans, which I know some old grognards do. 

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Given the lead up to the Great War against Chaos and the Siege of Praag, daemon units might make an appearance sooner than later, though again- pdf rules and no qualms against someone mixing and matching units from regular chaos armies. I need to dig out my old O+G books, figure out who was where (We iz 'ere), doing what (probs krumping) during the new setting timeframe.

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3 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Damn. European buyers already posting that various Bretonnian mini's are sold out.

Lol, and I am still more than a hour away. After 30 minutes waiting.


Im praying some of the tomb king webstore exclusive stuff will be in stock still, I have an hour to wait too. I think I managed to get one of each of the tomb kings plastic kits but all the online stores were such a mess I wouldnt be surprised if some get cancelled 

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1 hour ago, Beliman said:

Nice. So, unless you wanted to play in LVO, Nova, Warhammer World or your GW store has enough people to organize tournaments, nobody will be affected by that statemen that this armies are "not legal".

Don't get me wrong, I think that's a bad move from GW, but as you said, just ignore GW and move on.

I think a problem is that a lot of people play in their local GW store. Those stores often take the tournament rules as gospel. There are also a lot of people would love to go and play warhammer at the likes of Adepticon with their favorite army. Unfortunately due to a somewhat arbitrary ruling, that won’t be possible. I’ve certainly seen quite a few people who saw adepticon as the big coming out party for TOW. People may even have already started painting their armies for it. These days a lot of the biggest warhammer events of the year are GW sanctioned ones. Suddenly being told that your favorite army that you may have built a considerable amount of time building and painting isn’t allowed at these events is simply not a good thing. I don’t see how that is debatable. 

It’s not the end of the world for the game by any means but it easy to see how it would be upsetting for some. I’m not a tournament goer myself but it’s not much of a stretch to imagine a similar situation. It’s like a film you’ve excited about seeing in the cinema suddenly being a streaming only release. Sure you can still watch the movie but it won’t be the same. 

edit @Tonhel Any tournament that GW sponsors or does coverage for has to follow GW rules. That includes LVO and Adepticon. 

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5 minutes ago, SirSalabean said:

Im praying some of the tomb king webstore exclusive stuff will be in stock still, I have an hour to wait too. I think I managed to get one of each of the tomb kings plastic kits but all the online stores were such a mess I wouldnt be surprised if some get cancelled 

Progress! Still 51 minutes to go. I know you can't compare this with their main games as stock allocation is hugely different, so sold out means nothing compared with their other games, but I can't remember that I ever had to wait so long and I logged in at 10:40. It's now 11:37.


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5 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Progress! Still 51 minutes to go. I know you can't compare this with their main games as stock allocation is hugely different, so sold out means nothing compared with their other games, but I can't remember that I ever had to wait so long and I logged in at 10:40. It's now 11:37.


Well the two main shops I use both crashed and thats normally the case when the big launch boxes drop. The necrosphinxes sold out instantly m

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Dwarf Shieldbearers went up to four models carrying them. The old model is carried by two. There's a cheeky spoiler/hint about what we'll be seeing with the new box then.

Anvil of Doom is still immobile, which makes me doubt we'll be seeing a new one if the Total War redesign is any indication. 

The Cavalry pages were indeed for the Gyrocopter/Gyrobomber.

Hammerer hammers aren't Strike Last. Hallelujah. Be still my beating heart. 


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In the UK, the non GW stores seem to be mostly down to having pegasus knights, sepulchural stalkers, necrosphinx and tomb guard. I just managed to preorder the good guy army book off Wayland Games, who appeared to still have the Bretonnian pegasus BSB and the TK army box.

Edited by Jefferson Skarsnik
Correcting the units that were in stock
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7 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Hammerer hammers aren't Strike Last. Hallelujah. Be still my beating heart. 

I haven't played WFB since 6th, so perhaps the rules changed in 7th or 8th, but doesn't Dwarf initiative of 2 mean they'll basically fight last almost all the time anyway?

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To UK folk queuing: the limited edition cards seem to still be available. 

The only 'available only while stocks last'  item to be sold out is the Lords of the Lance special edition.

Queuing time was about 45 minutes despite the over an hour estimate.

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