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1 minute ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Either they're really out of touch (I doubt that option), don't want to inject that much money in the game, or they know their playerbase really well. I think they already know the vast majortity of people interested in TOW are those who already have massive WHFB armies. 

WHFB's self proclaimed "veterans" won't even have to gatekeep their hobby anymore, looks like the game will do that by itself now since it has no starter ! 😄

And assuming they are a competent company, they already did a study on TWW and Vermintide players to assume very very few of them will get into TOW.

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Nothing stood out for me. Overall not the most exciting of reveals. The one mini that I want is the commemorative Kruleboyz killaboss and I'll have to track one down and pay a hefty price most likely. I really wish they'd stop with this. 🤬 Or at least offer these things through the site like they did with a few others in the past. 

There's a few stand outs but nothing that got my blood pumping. 

I'm a destro fan first and foremost and even the maw grunta didn't grab me. The design of Kruleboyz was so captivating to me that I can't ever look at ironjawz with the same enthusiasm again. 

As always props to the artists but I just want that killaboss, damnit!!

Happy for those who DID catch excitment for anything shown today though. 

And if anyone's willing to grab the commemorative killaboss DM me about purchasing. 👍😁 I'm in the USA and would greatly appreciate it. 

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CoS Knights: Simply amazing

Heroes for the Campaign: Neutral. The FeC hero has too strong Anime vibes. I might be selling my 4K of FeC before they destroy their style entire.

Lord of Decay: I usually hate Nurgle, but that guy will be a Chaos Lord for my S2D army ❤️

Campaign: Amazing! I loved Malign Portents, this will be great!

Old world: The heroes look solid. But they’re made of resin. It’s just too little too late at this point for me to care.

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1 minute ago, Twisted Firaun said:

But did they at least confirm that we will get plastic kits sold again? Or that the new Tomb King kit will be sold in stores?! Please man! I need the answers to sooth my soul!!!!!

They said old plastic, resin and metal kits will return, new plastic and resin kits will be released.

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Just now, Fairbanks said:

As much as I’d pick up most if not all of the Harbingers, I’m guessing they’re in the Regiments of Renown boxes only, so it’s a hard pass for now.

I’m guessing October is a FEC resculpt?

They'll almost certainly release separately later on so it won't hurt to be patient and wait them out unless you want the contents of the box.

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1 minute ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

About the roadmap. The mystery winter book with the red cover, do you think the hammer symbol indicates it as an Order book, or it's just a generic AoS symbol to say "AoS book on its way" ?

Fest AoS Roadmap

They usually use the star as a symbol of Order and they just said "battletome" in the stream. So, very probably is FEC.

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2 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Thanks (I would've given a heart to your comment if I hadn't run out of reacts for the day !). Also, did they confirm all the Dawnbringers books would be accompanied by new minis ?

I think I remember right that they said 12 factions would get new models as part of the Dawnbringers hoo-ha.

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Why am I running out of reacts when I need them the most ?

12 factions is actually huge. Arks of Omen only did 6. We've already seem 5 factions represented - all bets are off for the remaining 7 !

3rd edition AoS might have taken its sweet time to build up steam, but with that Dawnbringers narrative, looks like it's going to catch momentum. 

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1 minute ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Why am I running out of reacts when I need them the most ?

12 factions is actually huge. Arks of Omen only did 6. We've already seem 5 factions represented - all bets are off for the remaining 7 !

3rd edition AoS might have taken its sweet time to build up steam, but with that Dawnbringers narrative, looks like it's going to catch momentum. 

Stormcast because always Stormcast. Kurnothi/Sylvaneth, Ogors, Skaven, beasts of Chaos, KO, Khorne finally getting that Valkia model. 

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