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45 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

I may be a bitter old grouch but this looks like a very cynical marketing ploy. There's no detail in the article that is new. The art is new, I think, but it looks exactly like the old minis. I'm happy for the Tomb Kings fans out there who are excited about GW bringing back Tomb kings but it looks like they will be bringing back old rules, old lore and probably old kits. 

Edited by Chikout
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3 minutes ago, Chikout said:

I may be a bitter old grouch but this looks like a very cynical marketing ploy. There's no detail in the article that is new. The art is new I think but it looks exactly like the old minis. I'm happy for the Tomb Kings fans out there who are excited about GW bringing back Tomb kings but it looks like they will be bringing back old rules, old lore and probably old kits. 

Most of the Old World articles are like that. We are on board with this way way earlier than normal for GW. So many things are likely at the concept stage right now. GW normally markets when things are pretty much made - when they've got masters done, when moulds are designs and models are basically finalised. 

With Old World we got on the ground level so a lot of the articles do lack meat and details because GW are still making choices on things. This says TK are coming, but how they come might still be up for debate. GW might still be hashing out the concept sketches and designs as well as which models might get updated and if they will use any old sculpts etc... 

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Based on that Whitefang hinted FEC will get new models, I'll take a leap of faith and say the 2 death battletomes coming are OBR and SBG with 1 mini each and FEC will be released at the end of the year with a bigger release.  It would fit nicely with the theme of Era of the Beast and Death needs 1 bigger release this eddition.  I can't really think of 1 new hero they can do for FEC and they have already released the ghoul king on throne with could be the 1 hero otherwise.

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4 minutes ago, Overread said:

Most of the Old World articles are like that. We are on board with this way way earlier than normal for GW. So many things are likely at the concept stage right now. GW normally markets when things are pretty much made - when they've got masters done, when moulds are designs and models are basically finalised. 

With Old World we got on the ground level so a lot of the articles do lack meat and details because GW are still making choices on things. This says TK are coming, but how they come might still be up for debate. GW might still be hashing out the concept sketches and designs as well as which models might get updated and if they will use any old sculpts etc... 

Yeah and they bother me a bit. I loved Warhammer back in the day and I been wondering why this leaves me so cold. I think it might be the art. It technically accomplished but it's rather lacking in soul. 

If they are still concepting, show us concept art. Some of the early work by Jes Goodwin and John blanche is amazing. 1461725771_images(19).jpeg.0946883c74f454f8fa5cbc9a976edabc.jpeg

Or work like this by Karl Kopinski which gives much more of the vibe of the faction. Karl-Khemiri-Bone-Giants.jpg.1630df52445f58cb06f844966df38343.jpg

Gw still has plenty of amazing artists but the brief for these pieces seems to be to do a nice render of the old minis and nothing more. 

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18 minutes ago, Chikout said:

I may be a bitter old grouch but this looks like a very cynical marketing ploy. There's no detail in the article that is new. The art is new I think but it looks exactly like the old minis. I'm happy for the Tomb Kings fans out there who are excited about GW bringing back Tomb kings but it looks like they will be bringing back old rules, old lore and probably old kits. 

I got the impression that they are at least doing a rules rework.

As for models, it's hard to say. Bringing back the old plastic kits would be appreciated (especially the snake and sphinx kits), but that alone is not really enough to allow people to build a TK army. I am not even talking about old metal/resin kits like the Ushabti, Tomb Scorpion or Casket of Souls here: The old TK skeleton infantry and archers kits are now two generations out of date, and you can't combine their old upgrade sprues with the current skeleton kit.

So I imagine if GW commits to actually bringing Tomb Kings (and Bretonnia, for that matter) back, they will need at least a few completely now kits. If they are not planning on selling 20 years old skeleton models again, at least.

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52 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Ah, why is my willpower so weak. Just two artworks and I'm basically sure that at some point I'll cave in and buy any new Tomb King minis they'll make

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1 hour ago, Yondaime said:

In theory we need also the lord on juggernaut, they have literally made the sprue for40k, it would be kinda [mod removed] if they dont make the aos one

But yes new valkya pls ❤️

Khorne and fec tome are the oldest one and for my luck obviusly the one i own

Its getting really tyring to see my friends playng with brand new tomes and i am stuck with battleline hitting on 4

Mod edit: don't use slurs. 

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Slurs are not permitted on TGA. 

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49 minutes ago, Overread said:

So many things are likely at the concept stage right now. GW normally markets when things are pretty much made - when they've got masters done, when moulds are designs and models are basically finalised. 

Not sure about that.

We know that The Old World rules are in the testing process, and Hastings said that some old models were produced and painted again early 2022. That means that layouts (I have the feeling that all the newest concepts arts seems to be assets for layouts and packaging), rules an, Imo, the market plan is already made and going forward.



Btw, what a let down that the "focus" of The Old World is the conflict between Empire and everything around it. I had some hope to see something crazy like Vampire Coast or stuff like that.

Edited by Beliman
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2 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

I get the feeling GW have given up on the duel boxes for now, or at least they aren't going with their 2022 pattern of almost every pair of battletomes getting a duel box to go alongside it. Given you can still find Arcane Cataclysm fairly easily (or at least could a month or so ago), I suspect these boxes didn't sell as well as GW wanted.

Yeah, it was strange when Gitz and Beasts didn't get one. To be honest I hope this is the case, those boxes are cool once in a while, but linking them to every release was a bit too much. They announced one for 40k last reveal, so I imagine they are still a thing, just hopefully will be less frequent.

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12 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

I have a sinking feeling that the rest of the Spring Tomes are going to be single model releases.

Leaving Seraphon and Cities of Sigmar as the last 2 big releases for 3.0.

Id love so badly to be wrong.

I think we will get a last minute surprise drop. I'm thinking new destruction army. Similar to how they did Soulblight. Have to remember that we still have like 18 months of this edition left and every existing army looks to be updated by end of spring.  Summer is Seraphon and then we still have Fall, Winter and the following spring. Lot of time left for something new and exciting.  

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5 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

I think we will get a last minute surprise drop. I'm thinking new destruction army. Similar to how they did Soulblight. Have to remember that we still have like 18 months of this edition left and every existing army looks to be updated by end of spring.  Summer is Seraphon and then we still have Fall, Winter and the following spring. Lot of time left for something new and exciting.  

Yeah, people forget, but the back half of new editions tend to be heavy on releases, bizarrely even. We got DoK and Deepkin right before 2nd edition came out. 2nd saw LRL, (twice) SoB, Slaanesh 2nd wave and Soulblight all release in the last 12 months before 3E and that's not counting all the Broken Realms models. Even 40k has had an insane last year and two huge army releases in Jan leading up to 10th.

It's probably because GW prioritizes getting all the small book only releases out first that end of edition cycle tends to be where most of the new armies and 2nd waves tend to drop.

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'There’s still more! A Tale of 44 Warlords takes a jaunt through the hall of honour to check out the highlights of a much-beloved feature, and you can also read Rat-tail, the first part of a new Grombrindal serial by Chris Thursten.'


Interesting. We might see if they're actually going to push the 'force Duardin together' narrative, or if they go another way with Grombrindal. Such a shame so many stories are exclusive to White Dwarfs though, I would REALLY like to FINALLY see some continuation of that old 2019 story talking about how the Vostarg lodge's next heir is a Runedaughter.

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4 minutes ago, madmac said:

Yeah, people forget, but the back half of new editions tend to be heavy on releases, bizarrely even. We got DoK and Deepkin right before 2nd edition came out. 2nd saw LRL, (twice) SoB, Slaanesh 2nd wave and Soulblight all release in the last 12 months before 3E and that's not counting all the Broken Realms models. Even 40k has had an insane last year and two huge army releases in Jan leading up to 10th.

It's probably because GW prioritizes getting all the small book only releases out first that end of edition cycle tends to be where most of the new armies and 2nd waves tend to drop.

Im really hoping that a LIKE reaction from @Whitefang on one of @Nezzhil posts about more Destruction coming holds true. Id love a new Faction for Destruction!!

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2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:


2 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

@Twisted Firaun YOURE TIME IS SOON.

THE HYPE TRAIN FUELS ME TODAY @KingBrodd!!! While it’s not a major article (no new cities or characters mentioned), this is definitely making me believe that TOW is closer than many like to believe. Looks like it might be time to go back to being The Loyal Son of Khemri instead of my Twisted self…..

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I wonder if the Warclans are going to get unsouped (de-souped? Filtered like a fine Bonesplitterz broth?) in a surprise U-turn later this edition? It wouldn’t be the first time battletomes have been updated multiple times in an edition and it would be like a hammer to the beat of BEASTS if they were to become three Destruction tomes instead of one. 🤞🏻 

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36 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

Yeah, it was strange when Gitz and Beasts didn't get one. To be honest I hope this is the case, those boxes are cool once in a while, but linking them to every release was a bit too much. They announced one for 40k last reveal, so I imagine they are still a thing, just hopefully will be less frequent.

Yeah, I thought Eldritch Omens (the Eldar vs. Chaos one for 40k) was pretty good, since it was almost entirely new minis, and served as a great way to kick off the big Eldar refresh, followed by Chaos getting their Codex. The Custodes vs. Genestealer Cult was much less cool since it was mostly old minis and was just the Codex announcement box.

Basically: keep these boxes as precursors to big releases, not just a FOMO box pre-new rules.

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4 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

I wonder if the Warclans are going to get unsouped (de-souped? Filtered like a fine Bonesplitterz broth?) in a surprise U-turn later this edition? It wouldn’t be the first time battletomes have been updated multiple times in an edition and it would be like a hammer to the beat of BEASTS if they were to become three Destruction tomes instead of one. 🤞🏻 

I would LOVE for this to happen. Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz just lost a lot of faction-specific lore with the soup (since they have to share the book with each other AND Kruleboyz now) while not really gaining anything, and both are long overdue for a proper expansion and can easily fill their own tomes and not be balanced around soup. Keep the soup rules in a supplement/seasons of war/broken realms style book somewhere so the option is there, but keep them optional and expand all three factions in their own tomes instead.

Edited by Snarff
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11 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:


THE HYPE TRAIN FUELS ME TODAY @KingBrodd!!! While it’s not a major article (no new cities or characters mentioned), this is definitely making me believe that TOW is closer than many like to believe. Looks like it might be time to go back to being The Loyal Son of Khemri instead of my Twisted self…..

Future work for our mods: when Khemri drops, we will need to change his username again😁

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I wouldnt like a split at this point for Warclans. It feels like they just dont know what to do with Greenskins at all if they go that route. GW just need to decide what to do at some point. Kind of reminds me of LoN to be honest. Maybe it was a temporary fix all along. I feel like this could be a thing.

I would like a book of Gork and a book of Mork if it really has to happen somehow. That seems fun.

Edited by Gitzdee
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6 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:


I would like a book of Gork and a book of Mork if it really has to happen somehow. That seems fun.

I think this is a fun idea

I personally don’t mind the combined Orruk book, they aren’t soup’d unless in Big Waaagh so it’s pretty much 4 tomes in one. However I probably would like to see another unit or two for IJs & BS (perhaps an Orruk unit that can be used for either of the 3 factions) and maybe a few additional rules like specific heroic actions and more tactics 

Can always do with a bit more GREEN!

Why are we wishlisting Orruk-stuff btw? Did something tease?

Edited by Lanoss
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47 minutes ago, madmac said:

Yeah, people forget, but the back half of new editions tend to be heavy on releases, bizarrely even. We got DoK and Deepkin right before 2nd edition came out. 2nd saw LRL, (twice) SoB, Slaanesh 2nd wave and Soulblight all release in the last 12 months before 3E and that's not counting all the Broken Realms models. Even 40k has had an insane last year and two huge army releases in Jan leading up to 10th.

It's probably because GW prioritizes getting all the small book only releases out first that end of edition cycle tends to be where most of the new armies and 2nd waves tend to drop.

A big thing people forget is how sparse the start of 9th edition was as well. We got the big releases for for Space Marines and Necrons. But after that... Sisters, Orks (and those were 6 months and 1 year after the Space Marine codex) and everything else was single character releases or nothing (Deathguard got a piece of terrain too). Pretty much all the big updates came in the second half of the edition 

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1 hour ago, madmac said:

Yeah, people forget, but the back half of new editions tend to be heavy on releases, bizarrely even. We got DoK and Deepkin right before 2nd edition came out. 2nd saw LRL, (twice) SoB, Slaanesh 2nd wave and Soulblight all release in the last 12 months before 3E and that's not counting all the Broken Realms models. Even 40k has had an insane last year and two huge army releases in Jan leading up to 10th.

It's probably because GW prioritizes getting all the small book only releases out first that end of edition cycle tends to be where most of the new armies and 2nd waves tend to drop.

From a marketing stand point that makes sense. Draw up interest and hype right before the edition change so that people are dialed in for the new stuff they release when edition drops. Look at 40K. They have had a lot of stuff come out recently as we approach their presumed edition release. 

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39 minutes ago, Lanoss said:

Why are we wishlisting Orruk-stuff btw? Did something tease?

It’s my bad; I’ve got my heart set on building a Bonesplitterz army and I haven’t stopped thinking about @Whitefang’s cryptic “well wait and see” on the subject of new Warclans stuff. 

Edited by The Brotherhood of Necros
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