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7 minutes ago, pnkdth said:

Add to that, being a hero he will grant the Hearth Zerkers their 4+ ward too. Most FS players will already be used to slingshotting characters ahead for this alone so the range is unlikely to pose as much issues as some think. It will limit its use, absolutely, but isn't a deal breaker.

The wording also mentions chanting which could mean it is also a priest. He could also be a very tough cookie to remove (since they specifically mention the magmadroth cloak).


Right, but in an army that doesnt have a whole lot of models on the board, and tons of options for heroes that can buff, I'm taking the heroes that can buff without needing 5 models to die every time 😕

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22 minutes ago, Kitsumy said:

well. wont deny fyreslayer one is a dowgrade of ironjaws one. but again the idk one...


idk only buff the worst unit in tome. while slayer buff more units. and best unit in book among them.


and idk one only buff around 7-10 percent the dmg ( rerolls 1s or 6s explode). while slayer one buffs 100 percent dmg on dmg 1 unit or 50 percent on 2dmg units.


but is weird why ironjaws hero wasnt balanced but this one is a worse version

It's just really not that good in practice. Lets say you've got him bubble wrapped with a max-sized unit of HGBs at all times, no matter what. That's 15 models.  In order for him to use this buff even once, you have to have already lost five so at absolute minimum, the unit you're buffing is down at least 30% of their strength before you can buff them, quite possibly more, and that buff only lasts for one phase. It's an ability you might be able to use on a single under-strength unit once per battle, in reality. 

It's not as if after those HGB are wiped, your mighty foot hero is going to escape unscathed with his 5-6 wounds and 4" move, to join a different unit of berserkers and start buffing them instead. And yes, he can bank deaths from one unit and apply them to a different unit but realistically given his own mobility and the ranges involved it will rarely ever happen. 

Edited by madmac
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1 minute ago, Verminlord said:

Right, but in an army that doesnt have a whole lot of models on the board, and tons of options for heroes that can buff, I'm taking the heroes that can buff without needing 5 models to die every time 😕

If it is a priest + if it is tougher (hinted by the magma cloak) it will stick around longer thus granting the 4+ ward for Hearthguard Zerkers for longer.

Assuming, of course, hearthguard zerkers and vulkites will remain as they are in the eventuality of a new tome.

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Seems really bad at first but the more I think about it the more I like it. Seems like a pain to activate but smaller screens will be dying and Auric Hearthguard are passing wounds from heroes... all that turns into bonus damage on Hearthguard Berzerkers.

If the Flamemaster has the PRIEST keyword (the article calls them "priestly") to learn/chant a prayer then it will see play.

I suppose anything could change with updated warscrolls/allegiance, though.

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2 minutes ago, pnkdth said:

If it is a priest + if it is tougher (hinted by the magma cloak) it will stick around longer thus granting the 4+ ward for Hearthguard Zerkers for longer.

Assuming, of course, hearthguard zerkers and vulkites will remain as they are in the eventuality of a new tome.

All the Fyreslayer priests have Magmadroth cloaks, actually. I expect this guy will have a 4+ save instead of a 5+ and a decent melee attack, which will make him quite the badass compared to other Fyreslayer priests but still nothing to write home about. 

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9 minutes ago, Verminlord said:

I'm happy to wait if it makes for a better game and not another drop in the bucket like all the phone games/ small pc releases 

I would definitely rather wait, that part is just worse because we still have no proper AOS game... Stormground is GREAT, however the roguelite genre is pretty hit or miss depending on what other genres you like. And I don't count VR games because of the hardware pricepoint.

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2 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Flamekeeper's up.

HzLnxhr2azywrhQp.jpgDo love the art.


This has become one of my favourite AOS pieces immediately!!

2 hours ago, Verminlord said:

Would be nice if they had some kind of chaff unit you could screen with to farm death points and then immediately charge. Little runebound fire elementals or something #wishlisting

I mean you could be on to something here, maybe there is a Chaff unit coming, maybe there is another unit or units coming to Fyreslayers this Edition!!

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49 minutes ago, Praecautus said:

Wow GW have seen how to make an even worse bloodtithe system

imo Bloodtithe rules are some of the funnest in the entire game

They're not strong and could do with some powering up but i love the mechanic

I wish Slaanesh and Nurgle and Tzeentch got an equivalent  thematic alternative to summoning

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41 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

If I take a huff of Copium(tm), it might be he has a personal Prayer in addition to his gimmick that makes him more viable.

*Huffs again* 

Forget the prayer, just give him the ability to unbind and he’d be an auto include for me.

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I'm going to err on the side of positivity here. Based on the existing Fyreslayer book this isn't going to take any spots, but in theory a block of 20 vulkites plus this dude is a tough to shift block that also has a decent damage potential. The picks could be damage 2 and rend 1, which is decent overall, or if you're receiving a big charge, spend the buff to fight on death and you'll get your damage while also rebuilding your stacks towardstl the next combat phase.

This guy could be a better frontline priest than the Runemaster, and if he's a little tougher thanks to his cloak then his role's pretty obvious. Our other priests are a little squishy so if he can take a punch and he's not like, 150 points then he's worth considering.

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2 hours ago, madmac said:

All the Fyreslayer priests have Magmadroth cloaks, actually. I expect this guy will have a 4+ save instead of a 5+ and a decent melee attack, which will make him quite the badass compared to other Fyreslayer priests but still nothing to write home about. 

Yeah, I see him as another option the existing line-up. Not blown away but I can definitely see the potential an out of sequence charge or increasing damage. Besides, using the fight on death might halt a no-brainer charge or obliterate a unit which normally would be able to rely on their damage to reduce attacks back. Anyways, it is going to be interesting to see the rest of the warscroll and, hopefully, a fresh tome.


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Just to add on a few more thoughts:

If his unique prayer (if he has one) is decent then the rune power is a nice bonus, otherwise he's just a solid priest with an upside. His combat's probably not amazing but he's a priest, so it's not a main priority.

The fact that one of his rune abilities is "fights on death" is overlapping with an existing ability that Vulkites have, meaning that it's likely that Vulkites lose that ability, either bringing their points down or gaining a new ability in their place. Who knows what anything'll do in the new book?

One more defense of the rune ability, it's good to have a plan because you'll be losing models regardless, if I'm going to lose 5 mohawks I'll take a buff of my choice in the combat phase, sure!

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4 hours ago, Nezzhil said:


I find this guy hard to evaluate right now. You have to jump through a few hoops for his effects, but the payoffs are quite good. In many other armies besides Fyreslayers, he'd be a strong pick, especially if he gets to use prayers as well. What makes him difficult in FS is how elite the army is and the fact that you don't really want your guys to die in that army. At least his ability chagres from deaths within 12" , not wholly within.

My suspicion is that this guy is supposed to be to Vulkites what the Idoneth guy is to Narmati. How valuable that role is will depend on how the new tomes shake out.

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We are guessing that he is a priest.

But if he is priest he gonna be a fun but worse runesmitter.

If he isnt prist he is useless and only playable as proxy of runemaster(same model with only a small change in the helmet lol)

I hope he be priest but i wont get my hopes high....

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