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Just now, Galas said:

To me, their most noob friendly sets where the old one piece models or 2 piece models like Battle for Skull Pass or early. When the starters sets like the one of Age of Sigmar needs glue... its not so noob friendly.

Eh. There's two ways of looking at it really, either make it simple for new players, or have it needing glue so it's more like the experience they'll have when they buy any other kit after the starter. The AoS kit is still quite simple apart from the bigger models. 

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13 minutes ago, Galas said:

To me, their most noob friendly sets where the old one piece models or 2 piece models like Battle for Skull Pass or early. When the starters sets like the one of Age of Sigmar needs glue... its not so noob friendly.

I never did anything like this before buying the existing AoS starter. The only thing that was explicitly not user-friendly was writing the instructions with the Lord-Celestant on Dracoth being the first model. They should be arranged in increasing complexity of construction (e.g., starting with the Liberators, ending with the LCoD). Otherwise, I didn't find it too daunting. Also, as @Still-young pointed out, it's good preparation for your standard model kits.

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Why are we expecting chtulu elves? What is the basis for this rumor? Is it the tentacle on the base of the tenebrael shard? Is that all? 

I hope this is all, because I for one does not want this kind of esthetic 

now I don't know much about chtulu other than it has something to do with tentacles, but it's sounds to much like dark eldar

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26 minutes ago, Thain said:

I'm really hoping we see a similar super-easy starter set for WH40k. They've got pretty nice newish push-fit Ultramarine Tacticals already (in the basic paint set) and a decent nearly-push-fit Dreadnought has been knocking around since Black Reach. Toss in twenty or so push-fit Genestealers and/or Termagants... 


Is that not what Battle for Vedros is?

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2 minutes ago, Baardah said:

Why are we expecting chtulu elves? What is the basis for this rumor? Is it the tentacle on the base of the tenebrael shard? Is that all? 

I hope this is all, because I for one does not want this kind of esthetic 

now I don't know much about chtulu other than it has something to do with tentacles, but it's sounds to much like dark eldar

No, it's hastings commenting about it.

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I don't put much faith in rumours from a guy who has been out of the loop for so long.

The only actual leaks we've seen have been a cover for a magazine which they then done a video on.

I've begun to feel that the age of rumours and spoilers is over.

 I mean, who saw the khorne or the sky stunties coming ? What reliable rumour source had that in their pocket.

Outside of what gw have been releasing in the rumour engine, since the monthly magazine we've barely seen a single rumour ripen into anything juicey

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16 minutes ago, Arkiham said:

I mean, who saw the khorne or the sky stunties coming ? What reliable rumour source had that in their pocket.

We've been talking about the sky stunties since November or December on Warhammer Weekly.  We've known for awhile that we were looking at a late March, early April release.  

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Yeah, Hastings talk about the ships, the baloons dwarfs and all of that months before the release. That guy has contacts, thats obvius.

Just like Lady Atia.

Hastings too talk about a proper release of the Deathwartc and the Genestealer cult 1 year before anyone talk about that posibility.

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19 minutes ago, Arkiham said:

I don't put much faith in rumours from a guy who has been out of the loop for so long.

The only actual leaks we've seen have been a cover for a magazine which they then done a video on.

I've begun to feel that the age of rumours and spoilers is over.

 I mean, who saw the khorne or the sky stunties coming ? What reliable rumour source had that in their pocket.

Outside of what gw have been releasing in the rumour engine, since the monthly magazine we've barely seen a single rumour ripen into anything juicey

Hastings has been talking about the sky dwarfs for a while now...

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4 hours ago, Arkiham said:

I don't put much faith in rumours from a guy who has been out of the loop for so long.

The only actual leaks we've seen have been a cover for a magazine which they then done a video on.

I've begun to feel that the age of rumours and spoilers is over.

 I mean, who saw the khorne or the sky stunties coming ? What reliable rumour source had that in their pocket.

Outside of what gw have been releasing in the rumour engine, since the monthly magazine we've barely seen a single rumour ripen into anything juicey

I wouldn't write Hastings off. Sad panda of 100% rumour accuracy fame corroborated his nu marine rumour. Atia corroborated his BFG and mordheim rumours.

He posted his cuthulhu Aelves rumour before the mask with unusual ears and the tentacles attacking Kharadron pics appeared. 

He is not perfect. he has made it clear that he does not see models himself but he obviously has at least one reliable source. (he accuratly predicted gsc a year ahead of time)We will know in just 25 hours time if his rumour pans out but I would put money on him being correct.

Exciting times ahead.

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While he's obviously heard something about the elves, i get the impression he's guessing about an adepticon reveal and i would be very surprised even with the new look gw if we see anything solid on a new faction before the dwarfs are even out

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2 minutes ago, Amradiel said:

I don't see them as an reliable source. 

You could say the same about any rumour monger. Until the product is out it is all just speculation :D i am just saying worse case scenerio is that KO are out on the 3rd week of april. We already know khorne is redone for april so that takes up 1 week and shadow war may be released in april too so a possible of 2 weeks gone.

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4 minutes ago, Tullbeard said:



looking great. 

Dark Aelf with a pet dragon? We have precedent with the old dreadlord on foot with his pet dragon.

Any other ideas?

RumourEngineMar22-320x320.jpg [ Big Link ]

Gut feeling is Aelf of some kind.  Not quite enough spikes for a Dark Eldar and more small wyvern than dragon (no feet)

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8 minutes ago, Ekrund Oath Splitters said:

You could say the same about any rumour monger. Until the product is out it is all just speculation :D i am just saying worse case scenerio is that KO are out on the 3rd week of april. We already know khorne is redone for april so that takes up 1 week and shadow war may be released in april too so a possible of 2 weeks gone.

No, seriously. Don't take faeit at face value. Their accuracy is well below 25% Meanwhile other rumormongers have good track records (Hastings 81%, Atia 90% Sadpanda even higher IIRC). These guys make trash.

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