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GW taking out the customization of our heroes wasn‘t a great step. I also dislike how it  cheapens single figure heroes, bigger is now definitely better and that doesn‘t work with the background in many cases. I‘m actually happy to see Tonhel‘s and Luperci‘s thoughts on the matter as they do mirror my own. It‘s not a dealbreaker for me but I think people love custom heroes. It‘s a perfect way to add a personal touch to your army and feel more attached. 

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Unpopular opinon:

I love AoS and the potential that it has, but I don't see the refinement. Yes, more abilities/tables, more "stop your play because I use...", but I find them a bit disjointed from the game, the miniatures and even the background. Anyone knows what happened with Andtor? Any respetable general that fought (or is fighting) there?

I don't know, I think that AoS is still looking for their place, and I hope that 4.0 is going to be the push that it needs. 

Btw, I'm completely 100% with @MitGas, I miss any type of customization for AOS, and 4.0 could be a really good excuse to improve that. Common GW,  give us our runic system with two unique tables for each Duardin faction: Body Runes for Fyreslayers and Aethermatic Runes for Kharadrons!

Edited by Beliman
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The estimated queue time system on the webstore is totally broken. It's jumping about all over the place, got as low as 11 minutes, now back to around half an hour.

No idea Belthanos was going to be quite this popular!

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3 hours ago, Luperci said:

I'd say for 4th my wishlist or expectations would be:

Exception - Stormcast

Priority 1 - Skaven/Ogors/Beasts of Chaos (full range refresh)

Priority 2 - Idoneth/Ossiarch/Kharadron/Fyreslayers (large release wave)

Priority 3 - Soulblight/Nighthaunt/Sylvaneth(kurnothi)/Kruleboyz/Sons of Behemat/Lumineth/S2D/Nurgle/Tzeentch/Gloomspite(gitmob/frazzlegitz)/Daughters of Khaine (small release wave)

Priority 4 - Chaos duardin/Malerion dark elves/Drogrukh/Grungni duardin (new faction)

Priority 5 - Ironjawz/Flesh eaters/Cities of sigmar/Seraphon/Khorne/Slaanesh (recent release wave or full roster, single hero mini/warcry unit)

Now, I don't want to be a "party pooper", but the last wave of disciples of tzeentch dates back to March 2017... nuff said.

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15 hours ago, Aeryenn said:

The longer the game is continued the fewer armies get full releases. I think we used to have 4 new armies a year at the beginning of AoS. Last year we had only 2 large releases, correct? (Seraphon and CoS). Expectations listed in previous posts seem too optimistic. I wouldn't expect more than Skaven and Stormcast starter set in June and maybe Chaos Dwarfs later this year. There will be some smaller 3 model releases like Orruks with the big Pig and berserkers or Sylvaneth with Lady of the Vines and some flying models but that's it.

We had Seraphon, FEC, S2D and CoS. So 4 this year as well.

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10 hours ago, Togetak said:

I find it pretty unlikely that a CoS wave 2 that comes an edition or so down the line would cut their models down to humans + 1 ogor + 1 Warcry warband with a couple optional aelf heads.

Every holdover WHFB model in the game is obviously on the line to be replaced at some point (though not necessarily any time soon), but I expect we’ll see the current Dispossessed replaced by a handful of new kits that blend their aesthetic with the rest of the army and act as like supplemental options to the human part, rather than see the non-human elements cut completely. The aelf bits are probably the same, though I don’t think most people realize most of the current CoS aelves are kind of unsquatable due to a daisy chain of necessity.

Dark Riders share a kit with DoK’s Doomfire Warlocks and can’t go without yanking a unit from an army that doesn’t have a huge amount of them, Dark Riders are darkling units and kind of require keeping the darklings around, but the Sorceress on Black Dragon shares a kit with the Dreadlord on Black Dragon who’s an Ordo Serpentis model, and Ordo Serpentis’ line has the Hydra and Drakespawn Chariot which share kits with the Kharibdyss and Scourgerunner Chariot for the Scourge Privateers… they’re all really intertwined and really difficult to untangle, which is probably why they stayed and will keep staying for a while.

Imo all the WHF holdovers would be replaced between 4th and 5th ed.

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1 hour ago, MitGas said:

GW taking out the customization of our heroes wasn‘t a great step. I also dislike how it  cheapens single figure heroes, bigger is now definitely better and that doesn‘t work with the background in many cases. I‘m actually happy to see Tonhel‘s and Luperci‘s thoughts on the matter as they do mirror my own. It‘s not a dealbreaker for me but I think people love custom heroes. It‘s a perfect way to add a personal touch to your army and feel more attached. 

This. All this. 

I may be influenced by the fact that I've got a stupidly high number of hero models in my collection, many of them with esoteric arms and armour. It'd be nice to give more of them an outing on the battlefield (without a liberal dosage of "counts as" logic being used, that is). 

I can't see customisable heroes interfering with a streamlined game, either. No more so than some of the named heroes that come with a  bucketful of special rules! 

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I also want to add that i dont feel any need to customise my hero models in any way since it wont matter rules wise. If 4.0 gets the customization back ill kitbash myself some fun general asap.

Edited by Gitzdee
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4 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

This. All this. 

I may be influenced by the fact that I've got a stupidly high number of hero models in my collection, many of them with esoteric arms and armour. It'd be nice to give more of them an outing on the battlefield (without a liberal dosage of "counts as" logic being used, that is). 

I can't see customisable heroes interfering with a streamlined game, either. No more so than some of the named heroes that come with a  bucketful of special rules! 

Could be cool to see something similar to Anvil of Apotheosis, but separate for factions, even if only as a part of narrative play

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4 minutes ago, dmorley21 said:

We’ll see if this rumor pans out, but:

Dawnbringers + FEC release on Feb 3rd - got delayed. No new models besides the FEC range and one vamp. 

Would explain why there isn't anything big to preorder today.

Originally we had four releases that should have come in January (TOW, Dawnbringers/FEC, Legions Imperialis, Dark Angels) 
and four preorder slots in January so lines up perfectly. But none of them went up for today so I was asking myself if they would put two of those together? Both LI and Dawnbringers/FEC should be coming with a lot of kits so not really space for DA but if Dawnbringers/FEC is delayed that would explain it.

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24 minutes ago, dmorley21 said:

We’ll see if this rumor pans out, but:

Dawnbringers + FEC release on Feb 3rd - got delayed. No new models besides the FEC range and one vamp. 

And what about renown boxes?

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1 hour ago, Holy_Diver said:

Now, I don't want to be a "party pooper", but the last wave of disciples of tzeentch dates back to March 2017... nuff said.

I mean the last wave of skaven we had was in theory back in warhammer fantasy emd times.

or of you don’t count that 5-6years earlier then that.

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48 minutes ago, dmorley21 said:

We’ll see if this rumor pans out, but:

Dawnbringers + FEC release on Feb 3rd - got delayed. No new models besides the FEC range and one vamp. 

God I hope it’s wrong. It would be underwhelming if the only new stuff from this was the rest of a range we’ve already had revealed and a single SBGL model, especially when compared with its predecessors. 

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I just read the latest Dawnbringers story, and I think it gives credance to a rumour that has been floating around here.


With the Ossiarchs guarding the borders of New Summercourt to keep Ushoran in (and prevent anyone from breaking inside), and the Ghyran crusade going straight towards them, that new Morghast hero might be a real thing.


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4 hours ago, Mordeus said:

I think this is the most important thing! We are really lucky right now to have two fantasy games that allow completely different interpretations of fantasy themes, and while I'm am much more attached to the Old World and how it plays and feels, I've also enjoyed AOS immensely since it came out going through all the troubles  of the early day to the much more refined experience that we have now. And though I don't think I'll will ever adhere to the fluff or the overly wacky stuff, I'm glad its here in parallel to TOW for those who want it!

You are all very kind for AoS here… I would say that it has a real problem. The game is almost 10 years old and yet all it takes to reveal some glaring weaknesses is a joint army book for several TOW factions. Hopefully the designers will notice that there is a lot of good stuff to borrow from old Warhammer.

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7 hours ago, Garrac said:

Nowadays wowreddit is filled with guys just picking races based only on voices and animations.

That's a good thing. Actually being able to pick the race you think is coolest instead of being told 'yeah you'll never perform well because you picked the race with the wrong racial.

Having to choose between 'this is the only race that is optimal on this profession so if I want to get results I have to pick this' and 'this is what I actually want to play but devs gave it weak racials' absolutely sucks

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I agree: I want more customization Options for heroes, less silly namens „Grunstock Gobblewobbers with niffi tift shot‘uns“

I dislike they constant wait and release for updated factions it makes the game never feel complete and makes it seem like one never has time to actually play a new faction before it gets renewed. - Worklife is a hamster‘s wheel already, I don’t need a second one. Just release all rules at once, give downloadable/buyable pages for new units that can be put into the book.

then drive the narrative with those campaign books (Do not finish an edition with campaign books, start it with. Those)

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31 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

I agree: I want more customization Options for heroes, less silly namens „Grunstock Gobblewobbers with niffi tift shot‘uns“

I dislike they constant wait and release for updated factions it makes the game never feel complete and makes it seem like one never has time to actually play a new faction before it gets renewed. - Worklife is a hamster‘s wheel already, I don’t need a second one. Just release all rules at once, give downloadable/buyable pages for new units that can be put into the book.

then drive the narrative with those campaign books (Do not finish an edition with campaign books, start it with. Those)

I think seasons of war could have been a better generals handbook if he didn't get greedy.  If they would of made the matched play less sill and more in line with the current generals handbook and said this is the current season.  Then given us the typical lore of a campaign book with something for narrative players it would of been sweet.  Instead they chose to give us a generals handbook at the same time for competitive.

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56 minutes ago, Flippy said:

You are all very kind for AoS here… I would say that it has a real problem. The game is almost 10 years old and yet all it takes to reveal some glaring weaknesses is a joint army book for several TOW factions. Hopefully the designers will notice that there is a lot of good stuff to borrow from old Warhammer.

I won't comment on the game, but the AoS models are brilliant.

As long as books are overpriced and have a three year life span, I see no reason to do anything with the game.

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1 hour ago, Flippy said:

You are all very kind for AoS here… I would say that it has a real problem. The game is almost 10 years old and yet all it takes to reveal some glaring weaknesses is a joint army book for several TOW factions. Hopefully the designers will notice that there is a lot of good stuff to borrow from old Warhammer.

Really not sure what you are tlking about here, i came into the hobby from video games, and outright rpg-like managment of stuff that costs less than 10 points in fantasy looks like an obnoxious nightmare to me, "oh you can spend 3 points and get an upgrade that will most likely have no effect on the game" its strange to me some units in 40k still have options like that even if they are free, Omg, i can have a single plasma and a melta shot on 4+ in my cadian squad, so cool, cant wait to get to the table and see them not affecting the game in any meaningful way. Theres a reason why primaris marines are all squad uses X, and its because tactical squad format is simply not fun to deal with

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5 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

I won't comment on the game, but the AoS models are brilliant.

As long as books are overpriced and have a three year life span, I see no reason to do anything with the game.

The models are brilliant. And many TOW models are, well, not very brilliant. It’s not only about the models quality apparently. It would please me very much if executives in GW came to conclusion that bigger & flashier models are not necessarily the best way to drive the game.

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40 minutes ago, Gutsu17 said:

Really not sure what you are tlking about here, i came into the hobby from video games, and outright rpg-like managment of stuff that costs less than 10 points in fantasy looks like an obnoxious nightmare to me, "oh you can spend 3 points and get an upgrade that will most likely have no effect on the game" its strange to me some units in 40k still have options like that even if they are free, Omg, i can have a single plasma and a melta shot on 4+ in my cadian squad, so cool, cant wait to get to the table and see them not affecting the game in any meaningful way. Theres a reason why primaris marines are all squad uses X, and its because tactical squad format is simply not fun to deal with

Two reasons.  First they make it feel more like a my dudes army.  I don't wanna play with named sub faction x led by this storyline general.  I like using my own army that has its own lore.  And 2 it feels bad when your 30/40 points under.  You can use those last few points so let me give a few small buffs to my favorite units.  Obviously there's a competitive meta with the best lists and they always have the best answers.  But it feels great when that 10 point filler item turns the game around for you

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1 hour ago, Flippy said:

It would please me very much if executives in GW came to conclusion that bigger & flashier models are not necessarily the best way to drive the game.

executives in GW came to conclusion that bigger & flashier models are the best way to drive profits. They can charge as much or more for a single hero than a whole unit ☹️

Edited by EntMan
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