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3 minutes ago, Boingrot Bouncer said:

For me the zombiedragon still looks good compared with the new SBGL, but I dislike the look of the terrorgheist if you build as instructed so wouldn't mind a refresh if it. 

People were speculating that the zombie dragon might get updated when the 3rd ed SBGL tome came out because the dragon on the cover looks quite different from the miniature while everything else is depicted extremely closely on-model:

[Ebook] Battletome: Soulblight Gravelords By Games Workshop Release ...

Maybe it is finally time?

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Yeah I think it's a pretty good looking kit, the posing on the zombie dragon could be better but if I was a FEC player I'd probably prefer to see something new.

Edit: the dragon in the battletome art is gorgeous wow

Edited by Luperci
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17 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

Send them a email. I thought I had mine sorted but it’s gone so hopefully I can get it back.

Just an update about virtual vouchers for anybody interested - there are issues with the webstore and vouchers not appearing are part of the problem. So anybody who had vouchers but they aren’t appearing, email customer services

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3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Don't forget about Ushoran. I have the feeling it would be the new center piece.

How likely do we think Ushoran is? I know he was named dropped recently, but hasn’t that happened before?

Personally, I’d be very excited to see him. Would single-handedly get my friend into the game 

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Just now, Red Bull said:

How likely do we think Ushoran is? I know he was named dropped recently, but hasn’t that happened before?

Personally, I’d be very excited to see him. Would single-handedly get my friend into the game 

We are seing him named more often now, but has been named here and there in the past. And with the latest dawnbringers pointing straight to him, imo is very likely that we would see his mini around. FEC doesn't have a named character, so they need one.

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19 hours ago, EntMan said:

Me? Trying to tempt you? Whatever gives you that impression. In the meantime here's some random unrelated pictures .Screenshot_20231031-210302.png.a34b87f8c2e56d95c2063794d60ca1c9.pngScreenshot_20231031-205943.png.e0ebed2a7015b5680d271b31083cd64a.png

You go and decide whether vegetables or vertically-challenged nudist-flames are the way to go without beating fellow Tzeentchians please! ☝🏻

PS: one vote for Sylvaneth, but only if you include Carrotto, keeper of the garden. 


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36 minutes ago, Red Bull said:

How likely do we think Ushoran is? I know he was named dropped recently, but hasn’t that happened before?

Personally, I’d be very excited to see him. Would single-handedly get my friend into the game 

His heralds played a large role in the first Dawnbringer book, and hes heavily hinted at - about as much as Trugg was in the first book.  If Flesheaters are getting an expansion of their range, it would be more surprising not to see him than it would for him to be the centrepiece. And Death could certainly benefit from a personality that was definitely not pro-Nagash.

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10 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Imo if they release such kit would be only for FEC. I dont see multi faction kits being a thing anymore.

The most egregious slap in the face was them releasing an awesome new Avatar of Khaine with Eldar, but not giving it any rules for DoK...despite them also having the Avatar of Khaine. But no, we're stuck with the tiny T-posing idiot.

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24 minutes ago, Mutton said:

The most egregious slap in the face was them releasing an awesome new Avatar of Khaine with Eldar, but not giving it any rules for DoK...despite them also having the Avatar of Khaine. But no, we're stuck with the tiny T-posing idiot.

Morathi personally shard-blocked porting that miniature to AoS.

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The new Blacktalons video has a piece of art I haven't seen before - Krondys fighting Kragnos


Can anyone place where this is from?

If it hasn't been used before... is Kragnos supposed to show up in Dawnbringers campaign soon?

Edited by PJetski
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1 hour ago, Mutton said:

The most egregious slap in the face was them releasing an awesome new Avatar of Khaine with Eldar, but not giving it any rules for DoK...despite them also having the Avatar of Khaine. But no, we're stuck with the tiny T-posing idiot.

Convert the new one to be balancing on one leg to fit it on the 40mm base?

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Decoupling SBGL and FEC is pretty tricky because the terrorgheist alone builds

-(Royal) Terrorgheist 

-(Royal) Zombie Dragon

-Ghoul King on Terrorgheist/Zombie Dragon

-Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon/Prince Vordhrai

Six units! One of them is a named character!

If GW updates it for FEC, and keeps their options, what happens if they don't add the vampire ones? Do they keep the old kit? Do they lose access to those units entirely? Do they get their own zombie dragon model? You could ask the same thing about Vargheists.

They could update them as they are, but I can't think of a single modern AoS kit that has that level of modularity or, as others have said, cross-faction compatibility. One option I see is FEC getting a new terrorgheist with ghoul king, and the vampires getting a new zombie dragon and lord/Vhordrai. Crypt Horrors/Flayers and Vargheists get bespoke kits.  Or FEC gets updated models with slightly different names while SBGL keeps the old ones until their own update. Maybe GW doesn't touch any of them.

We saw Morghasts and Arkhan dropped from Legions of Nagash when they became SBGL so I think GW is working toward each Death army having unique models but maybe they don't care this time. I don't know why I'm trying to predict this when I've been wrong just about every time. In fact, I could just delete this before I post it but I've spent ten minutes of my life thinking about tiny plastic vampire guys and all of you will just have to deal with it.

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48 minutes ago, PJetski said:

The new Blacktalons video has a piece of art I haven't seen before - Krondys fighting Kragnos


Can anyone place where this is from?

If it hasn't been used before... is Kragnos supposed to show up in Dawnbringers campaign soon?

Someone said that Book 3 was all about seeds and that different factions/ characters lovers, including Kragnos, would enjoy it. Maybe it is from Book 3 or Book 4/5.

Edited by Ejecutor
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1 minute ago, KriticalKhan said:

Decoupling SBGL and FEC is pretty tricky because the terrorgheist alone builds

-(Royal) Terrorgheist 

-(Royal) Zombie Dragon

-Ghoul King on Terrorgheist/Zombie Dragon

-Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon/Prince Vordhrai

Six units! One of them is a named character!

If GW updates it for FEC, and keeps their options, what happens if they don't add the vampire ones? Do they keep the old kit? Do they lose access to those units entirely? Do they get their own zombie dragon model? You could ask the same thing about Vargheists.

They could update them as they are, but I can't think of a single modern AoS kit that has that level of modularity or, as others have said, cross-faction compatibility. One option I see is FEC getting a new terrorgheist with ghoul king, and the vampires getting a new zombie dragon and lord/Vhordrai. Crypt Horrors/Flayers and Vargheists get bespoke kits.  Or FEC gets updated models with slightly different names while SBGL keeps the old ones until their own update. Maybe GW doesn't touch any of them.

We saw Morghasts and Arkhan dropped from Legions of Nagash when they became SBGL so I think GW is working toward each Death army having unique models but maybe they don't care this time. I don't know why I'm trying to predict this when I've been wrong just about every time. In fact, I could just delete this before I post it but I've spent ten minutes of my life thinking about tiny plastic vampire guys and all of you will just have to deal with it.

I don't see it that tricky. Release the FEC one and leave the old one for the rest until they all get their new relatives slowly over time. If we are lucky we could have more than one refreshed at the same time.

If it is not with this refresh, something like that is going to happen at some point, and the more likely scenario is that the kits are being updated when a new battletome is released. Maybe in X edition they launch those battletomes at the same time and refresh those kits all together.

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1 hour ago, PJetski said:

The new Blacktalons video has a piece of art I haven't seen before - Krondys fighting Kragnos


Can anyone place where this is from?

If it hasn't been used before... is Kragnos supposed to show up in Dawnbringers campaign soon?

I was looking for the art but the only new thing I found is this chad drawing.


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7 minutes ago, Tora said:

Yesterday I was thinking about this: could Ushoran be the next Mortarch?

Maybe, he would fit as the "Mortrch of Madness", but he isn't a fan of Nagash, so will be interesting to see if he will bend the knee or if FEC will become a rebellious Death army.

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