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4 minutes ago, Thaliontil said:

Now I am picturing a sort of Avatar of Morai-Keg (Like Belthanos is the herald of Kurnous or the Eidolon the collective reimagining of Mathlann), and that would be very cool for DoK. They lack another centrepiece besides Morathi, and the other aelven armies do have one (Avalenor/Eidolon-Leviadon/Treemen-Belthanos), so it would be nice.


But if it ends up being Lumineth I would not complain 😀

A new DoK centerpiece hero would be super cool, I agree. I do like Lumineth a lot but as far as Warcry bands go, eh....they just don't need one, tbh. They have tons of heroes and infantry already, and while I'd probably still buy a unit of LRL scouts I'd really rather see any of the other elf races get their Warcry attention first.

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1 hour ago, Goatforce said:

Was the next Warcry matchup Order vs Death? Could it be a DoK Warband for that?

Wildcard suggestion: The Death side of this match-up could be Morai-Heg aligned.

(I really doubt it - I'd assume those following Morai-Heg would be Order-aligned - but it's not completely impossible)

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12 hours ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

well where would you meet them? If they don't play the games they aren't as likely to be hanging out at stores or events. I'd say I fall mostly into this camp. I buy models I like but the only game I play these days is underworlds.

well online of course! but like someone else mentioned before, the online community is still a small amount of us fans.

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1 minute ago, Acrozatarim said:

Wildcard suggestion: The Death side of this match-up could be Morai-Heg aligned.

(I really doubt it - I'd assume those following Morai-Heg would be Order-aligned - but it's not completely impossible)

The Grand Alliance of Death is all about Nagash and his creations, subjects and cultits but Death as concept have a lot of deities, some of them aligned with factions of Order, like Morrda.

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23 minutes ago, Snarff said:

Is this finally going to be the Kurnothi warcry release this board has been so hungry for?

I think the "but" from Whitefang's post is referring to warcry. I'm guessing it's a DoK version of Belthanos leading an anti Morathi subfaction. 

Having that faction secretly backed by Malerion would also be a pretty cool setup for some 4th edition shenanigans. Just a thought, but it could be cool. 

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40 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

The spear spiky bit reminds me to the Stormcast spears.

my thoughts exactly. and if these elves are Death related...maybe Sigmar knows Morai-Heg? Or she's observed his Reforging process?

edit: that piece isn't straight like vindictor spears

Edited by CommissarRotke
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42 minutes ago, madmac said:

A new DoK centerpiece hero would be super cool, I agree. I do like Lumineth a lot but as far as Warcry bands go, eh....they just don't need one, tbh. They have tons of heroes and infantry already, and while I'd probably still buy a unit of LRL scouts I'd really rather see any of the other elf races get their Warcry attention first.

A potential LRL warcry unit would be a representative of one of the other elemental castes(?) I assume. From what I know there are supposed to be 2 more schools of natural hysh magic alongside the alarith and hurakan. Do correct me if I'm wrong though I'm not a LRL player.

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7 minutes ago, Luperci said:

A potential LRL warcry unit would be a representative of one of the other elemental castes(?) I assume. From what I know there are supposed to be 2 more schools of natural hysh magic alongside the alarith and hurakan. Do correct me if I'm wrong though I'm not a LRL player.

We are still missing some Tyrionic elements (Like chariots) and the temple of Water + Zenith. I don't think the rumour engine fits with any of those categories, unforunately :(

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21 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Belthanoss seems really good. Nice punch with bodyguard, and Kurnoth hunters are going to be fast. Not sure how good the army of renown will be because Sylvaneth battle traits are crazy good.

Does the army of reknown replace the battle traits or stack with it?

Yea Belthanos is insanely good. Advance and Charge and Retreat and charge makes Sylvaneth units list bug riders extremely scary. And 14 wounds with 3+/5+ is no joke for that point cost.  

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