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The Rumour Thread

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55 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I say it's a warcry thing. Don't know what faction it could be, though.

Wasn't there a rumour about Sylvaneth in Warcry, and Kurnothi seem to be a Sylvaneth subfaction... 🌲+🐐=🤩

8 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Screenshot_20230606-220046.png.e3b8d2351b261e0aa57f186a33423fb2.pngIt's definitely Kroot. Look at the triangular tag. Screenshot_20230606-215412.png.b5c120c21667f757d37700e8e6839f40.png

Yes that is right Kurnothi in Warcry...

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6 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Seems to me that skaven are incredible popular.

next to the view thousands of people who play them there are about as many who seem to be interested in starting that army, if they could just get new models

Skaven could do well in a starter set, but I think it would be a skyre, or maybe eshin box unless they introduce a new clan to the table.

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5 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

Skaven could do well in a starter set, but I think it would be a skyre, or maybe eshin box unless they introduce a new clan to the table.

Personally I do believe, should skaven be the next big bad guys getting their update via the start of aos 4.0, that their whole range would get a refresh (so basically everything that is in dire need of a refresh)

but I could see either clan eshin or clan moulder being part of the starter set depending into what realm we’ll be dipping our toes into in aos 4.0

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49 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

I think Kroot would be an amazing AOS addition. 



32 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

They really could make duel system kits with kroot aesthetic. 🤘🐔

Silent People could be our Kroot!!

Carnivourous Insects that develop the traits of their prey. Like a Xenomorph!!

Hulked out Bugs that have eaten Ironjawz and Ogors, dimunitive helpers that dine in Grots and Gnoblars. Builder drones who eat Duardin it goes on and on!!

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1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

They really could make duel system kits with kroot aesthetic. 🤘🐔

Kroot Carnivores would be simple to kitbash into excellent Beastmen or Tzaangors.

(That's now on my long list of things I might do one day)

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24 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:


Silent People could be our Kroot!!

Carnivourous Insects that develop the traits of their prey. Like a Xenomorph!!

Hulked out Bugs that have eaten Ironjawz and Ogors, dimunitive helpers that dine in Grots and Gnoblars. Builder drones who eat Duardin it goes on and on!!

Yes!! As much as AOS is "out of the box" they are missing the weird race in the setting. Sure, pirate dwarves, personified lizards, hungry overweight beefcakes, swamp orcs and the collection of elemental worshiping aelves are wild I truly believe they lack the weird unique creature species.... Skaven and beastmen kind of fit that role, but don't play aesthetically on the same level as the rest of the AOS model-verse.

I'm hoping Flesh Eater takes a bit more of a dive into that space soon, but silent people could be what the range is missing. Even chaos dwarves and Malerion aelves aren't truly that wild and crazy of a concept. Give us something wild and different. 

I don't know other peoples opinion, but personally Kruleboys missed the mark. The theme of lurking in the swamp and riding all these different weird creatures is awesome, but how much better would the range be if it wasn't just orcs? Could have been Kroot and I think the appeal would be way different and new.  

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2 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Personally I do believe, should skaven be the next big bad guys getting their update via the start of aos 4.0, that their whole range would get a refresh (so basically everything that is in dire need of a refresh)

My they're is this is why they haven't had a refresh sooner. It's one thing to make brand new Seraphon kits and sell them alongside 15 year old skinks: they don't hold up but at least they are plastic and not truly awful. It's quite another to launch a big range refresh and then sell it alongside some metal and resin sculpts that were made when I was still in single digits. That means a big refresh has to be a BIG refresh, so it needs a big slot too. I am going for the 4th edition starter set, but we'll see I guess.

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36 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

I don't know other peoples opinion, but personally Kruleboys missed the mark. The theme of lurking in the swamp and riding all these different weird creatures is awesome, but how much better would the range be if it wasn't just orcs? Could have been Kroot and I think the appeal would be way different and new.  

it doesn't sound like they missed the mark, as much as their range could/should be expanded more into weird creatures--which is always possible.

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I won't begrudge the 40K folks a rumour engine if it does herald a Kroot update. They are basically the patron saints of small factions which really need fleshing out to achieve their true potential. By all accounts they were originally designed as an independant army, but basically souped with the Tau before they even came out, and have waited for new exciting models, or plastic updates to their resin and metal for longer than AoS has existed. We grumble about Fyreslayers being undersupported, but they don't have anything on the Kroot!

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Considering they did Kruleboyz in 3rd, I sort of expect them to do something out of left field for 4th and the choice not being the obvious pick (Skaven)


speak of Kruleboyz their model release didn’t feel complete at launch and that it was missing unit options and foot heroes ( maybe it comming during the dawnbringer books who knows) and puting them in the Orruk warclans book also didn’t help. (They should have just gotten their own book tbh) 

Edited by novakai
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4 minutes ago, novakai said:

Considering they did Kruleboyz in 3rd, I sort of expect them to do something out of left field for 4th and the choice not being the obvious pick (Skaven)

Imo the obvious pick is Slaves To Darkness. They're popular, they're iconically Warhammer, they're arguably on the easier side to paint (Warriors anyway, not Chosen) and Good Guy Paladins vs Evil Dark Knights is a very marketable image to slap on the cover and box art.

Even though many people want Skaven and a 4.0 Posterboy Status would be a great chance to update their ancient model line, I still think they'd be seen as left-field from GW. In my experience people tend to like Skaven, but that rarely translates into people actually collecting them.

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I think that after all the refreshes that Slaves to Darkness is sitting pretty. Order vs Order would be cool but I also don't imagine that GW will go that route. I also think the Monogod Armies are in decent places in terms of up to date models. This leaves Beasts and Skaven. I feel like Beasts hit a few too many of the same notes as Kruel Boyz and Skaven are Iconic and have broader exposure while needing to update their line. In other words they are in a similar space to Tyranids. 

Personally I would much rather something awesome and left of field like Gloomspite vs. Fyreslayers... but I just feel like they have been slowly introducing new skaven sculpts in Underworlds and building towards a larger release. I am happy to be wrong, but it makes me wonder when the Skaven update would/could happen.

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