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1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

What about this.

Start edition 4.0 Skaven crawl out of their holes to destroy everything. 

We should* see an AOS 4th edition Starter - in summer 2024 - that could very well be Stormcast vs CHAOS**.

The chaotic side could be Khorne again, or StD (as "main Chaos villain") but both ranges are very extensive. So, we could have new Skaven - Island of Blood style. Or maybe be Beast of Chaos, but are they a good fit for a Starer box ? (I would love to). 

*IF Gw doesn't break pattern like they sometime do (cough Slaanesh vs Destruction warband in Warcry cough).

** Alternatively, and Order vs Order boxed set isn't absolutely out of question, like Lumineth / Stormcast vs Ulgurothi Dark Aelves. But I don't think it is probable.

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56 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

We should* see an AOS 4th edition Starter - in summer 2024 - that could very well be Stormcast vs CHAOS**.

The chaotic side could be Khorne again, or StD (as "main Chaos villain") but both ranges are very extensive. So, we could have new Skaven - Island of Blood style. Or maybe be Beast of Chaos, but are they a good fit for a Starer box ? (I would love to). 

*IF Gw doesn't break pattern like they sometime do (cough Slaanesh vs Destruction warband in Warcry cough).

** Alternatively, and Order vs Order boxed set isn't absolutely out of question, like Lumineth / Stormcast vs Ulgurothi Dark Aelves. But I don't think it is probable.

Hoping for Chorfs or Skaven revamp.

Expecting Slaves To Darkness. 

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52 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

We should* see an AOS 4th edition Starter - in summer 2024 - that could very well be Stormcast vs CHAOS**.

The chaotic side could be Khorne again, or StD (as "main Chaos villain") but both ranges are very extensive. So, we could have new Skaven - Island of Blood style. Or maybe be Beast of Chaos, but are they a good fit for a Starer box ? (I would love to). 

*IF Gw doesn't break pattern like they sometime do (cough Slaanesh vs Destruction warband in Warcry cough).

** Alternatively, and Order vs Order boxed set isn't absolutely out of question, like Lumineth / Stormcast vs Ulgurothi Dark Aelves. But I don't think it is probable.

Between Skaven and Beasts of Chaos, I think Skaven are more likely. They're more out-there and eye-catching than BoC tend to be. They've got this great combination of broader appeal and closer, clearer ties to the Warhammer universe and IP, which makes them great for a beginner-focused product that wants to draw in new players while getting them quickly attached to Warhammer as a specific IP 

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I agree. Skaven are "quintessentially Warhammer". They're an absolutely iconic part of the franchise, unlike all the other armies with kits from the 2000s like Ogres and BoC (they're known, just not as big as Skaven). That's why they'll get a range refresh (I think they will some day... it's not in GW's plans to let Skaven minis from the 90s and 00s be an integral part of the AoS range forever.).

Given their need of new minis and their iconic status, if I were GW I'd keep a Skaven range refresh for the launch of a new edition. New Skaven sculpts with all the hype a new edition generates ? It would sell like hotcakes. 

(Not counting the fact the Old World players could still buy the rats, just put them on square bases).

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

All my fingers and toes are crossed for Harbingers tonight!!



57 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Give us them all!!

It might be likely we get Harbingers and Seraphon given we only have 2 release dates left before the supposed 10th pre-order. I personally want both, despite what my selfish wallet might think. 

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42 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

(Not counting the fact the Old World players could still buy the rats, just put them on square bases).

Also not counting the fact that lots of the "current" Skaven range looks too dated even for The Old World. 

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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I agree. Skaven are "quintessentially Warhammer".

Agreed. They were arguably the most original aspect of Warhammer Fantasy. Everything else was taken from other media and given a GW spin, but World War 1 ratmen trying to take over the world (and only failing due to their own infighting) was pretty much unique to GW.

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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I agree. Skaven are "quintessentially Warhammer". They're an absolutely iconic part of the franchise, unlike all the other armies with kits from the 2000s like Ogres and BoC (they're known, just not as big as Skaven). That's why they'll get a range refresh (I think they will some day... it's not in GW's plans to let Skaven minis from the 90s and 00s be an integral part of the AoS range forever.).

Given their need of new minis and their iconic status, if I were GW I'd keep a Skaven range refresh for the launch of a new edition. New Skaven sculpts with all the hype a new edition generates ? It would sell like hotcakes. 

(Not counting the fact the Old World players could still buy the rats, just put them on square bases).

I figure Skaven taking so long is down to their update being a really big one and it’s clear they’ll be part pf something big. While I think that BoC are just as integral to Warhammer, that might just be down to me having been introduced to them back when Chaos had all three forces (beasts, mortals and daemons) in the same box/book - something that might not work like that anymore due to the split but if they gave Khorne and Nurgle their variants and folded vanilla BoC into Slaves, it could be just as fine to me (I‘m sure many new BoC players would hate that idea….) Skaven are such a different beast, they‘ll always be their own thing though. 

Anyways, they really should‘ve put aside the many cultists/ogroids and instead gave us more beasts in the vanilla Chaos book IMO (might‘ve helped WarCry too). I‘m still not sure a faction for everything is the right move but it‘s totally understandable that now people don‘t want to go back to armies consisting of different things. I‘ll always love the mixed armies though, especially when it‘s chaos!

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On 5/21/2023 at 6:54 PM, Clan's Cynic said:

Seraphon next week. No Harbingers, however. 

"There will also be a new miniature reveal for Warhammer Age of Sigmar"




Age of Sigmar
Seraphon Battletome - Slann, Saurus, Skink riders, Astrolith, Salamander and much more
Seraphon Vanguard, dices and cards?
Cities Battletome + Infrantry + Cavalry + Foot Marshall
Mistery book Winter
Generals Handbook 2023 S1
Dawnbringer: Harbringers
Dawnbringer: Orruks?
Dawnbringer: 3
Dawnbringer: 4
Harbringer of Order - Fireslayers box + Harbringer
Harbringer of Chaos - Nurgle box + Harbringer
Harbringer of Destruction - Gloomspite box + Harbringer
Harbringer of Death - Flesh Eaters box + Harbringer

Underworlds meets Warcry starter Soulblight vs SCE
4 Warbands (Order vs Destro)
2 Warbands (Order vs Death)
2 Warbands (who knows)

Death Note's Warband
Rival Deck 1
Chaos Warband
Starter Set
Core Box
Destro Warband
Rival Deck 2

Horus Heresy
Tank commanders
Librarian Consul

Plastic Lancer
Assault Squad
Mistery Army
Legion Command Squad
Lords of War

Warhammer 40k
Black Library Sargeant Astra Militarum Minska
Leviathan Army Box
Crusade - Tyrannic War
Chapter Approved (Mission Deck)
Index Cards
Space Marines Codex - Launch Complete army
Tyranids Codex - Launch Complete Army
Adeptus Mechanicus
Dark Angels
Adeptus Custodes
T'au Empire
Chaos Space Marines

Kill Team 

Nazghûl and the Hobbits

Adeptus Titanicus

Old World
Bretonnian Paladin
Tomb Kings Hero

Blood Bowl
Grashnak Blackhoof    

Epic HH


Edited by Nezzhil
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12 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

Yay! Lizards. Harbingers will probably be the following week. 

Why is everyone expecting Harbingers so soon? 

The only Age of Sigmar releases this summer is the lizards, harbingers and the new generals handbook. 

That's 3 releases over 3 months. 

With lizards announced today, I doubt we'll see harbingers until after 40k.

Next week will most likely be Underworlds. 

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13 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I guess they'll start the Cities dripfeed? 

Plot twist: it's just the generic Witch Hunter kit 😛

Just now, DinoJon said:

Looks like no dice, Warscroll Cards or Vanguard.... yet(?).

Iirc they said the Warscroll Cards were exclusive to the Army Set

Just now, Ogregut said:

Why is everyone expecting Harbingers so soon? 

The only Age of Sigmar releases this summer is the lizards, harbingers and the new generals handbook. 

That's 3 releases over 3 months. 

Probably mainly because in the reveal show they said it was coming in the "next few of weeks"

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5 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

Looks like no dice, Warscroll Cards or Vanguard.... yet(?).

If we don't get any dice/cards this week we will probably not get any but the Vanguard not releasing now makes it pretty likely it consists mostly of new models. This way they can sell the new units on their own for a while before the discount box. Still not sure if it will just be the army set or some other combination (Aggradons?)

Edited by Matrindur
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1 minute ago, JackStreicher said:

Has a pricelist for the seraphon been posted somewhere?

Also how long does it usually take for a Vanguard box to be released, 6 months?

For new factions they are waiting one week (Astra Militarum) or a few months (World Eaters)

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