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2 hours ago, SunStorm said:

The stream said the Maw-Grunta was going to be part of a destruction heavy 2nd book, with other units along with it.

The 1st book gets 4 new harbringer sculpts, once for each grand alliance.

They also mentioned the Maw-Grunta gets multiple options including a character (he did say characters, so could be 3 builds), the one previewed looks like a generic monster/chariot type.

Thank you mate.

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4 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

@Clan's Cynic, thank you for the lovely picture, now I’m gonna start gushing about my favorite parts of this masterpiece. For starters, his khopesh and wand/sceptre game is on point! Both convey a sense of age and lost dignity that most AOS models are severely lacking. Second, the skull on his belt and skirt has a beard that matches his actual beard. Finally, HE IS A NEE MODEL FOR LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!!!!
But that is not to say that I am unhappy with the other things previewed!
The harbingers for both Chaos and Death look amazing, especially the harbinger of decay, and the new fyreslayer actually looks like a slayer! The gloomspite guy is just a loud git (but I love him anyway). 

Technically yes and now, the last proper book they had was in 4th edition, but they were also included in tamurkhan…..

That's the problem, 4th edition book was not a proper Army Book, it was a WD compilaton book, and that's one of the motives that they claims to remove them during 6ed.

Tamurkhan was not a proper army book. It was intented as an Chaos Warrior Ally Faction and it was not intented to be played alone.

If we are strict with the words, the Chaos Dwarfs never got an Army Book

Edited by Nezzhil
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5 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

My only question is: Are Chaos Dwarf considered an army with a book for GW?

Thats is a million dollar question!

My theory is, Chaos Dwarfs, much like Lizardmen will get a dual release, At this point Seraphon are ready to go as an AoS army, I reckon next time they get a new Tome it will coincide with The Warhammer Old World Armybook and along with the missing piece, a big ThunderLizard/Dread Saurian and Mazdamundi. Thats my hope at least. 

Well thats all of fantasy, gotta say, I’m very impressed. As always I want a little more and quite surprised we haven’t seen any infantry for any faction - but we did just get a whole Lizard refresh so kinda makes sense.

I’m not as interested in  those two Old World Releases as I thought I would be. Which is cool, because neither of those two have really been my army of choice, but very very happy for the fans of both. 

The Grunta and Carnifex have stollen the show for me, because I love Gigantic living battering ram monsters. I am incredibly sour about lotr as I really want a plastic Sauron. But I can live without it. Was hoping for maybe a plastic Elendil and Isildur but guess we’ll have to wait. 

GW is making some gorgeous kits and really hitting the nail on the head regarding designs. I think they’re fine tuning which armies looked better with older concepts and which ones benefit from redesigns - which is an interesting thought for Chaos Dwarfs.


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Oh the Old World made me happy, very happy! 

Plastic is king, but resin is fine.

Oh I can't wait to see this launch box.

It was time for me to temper my expectations though. It seems we may not see Cathay or Kislev as originally thought? I mean, well I don't remember seeing Kislev on the map, unless I just missed their symbol. Going to expect just the classic factions.

However, I really think this is going to be a VERY popular release on launch. Who knows what support we'll get once we see the success of this. And I honestly do see this launch being very successful for GW. 

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1 minute ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

Oh the Old World made me happy, very happy! 

Plastic is king, but resin is fine.

Oh I can't wait to see this launch box.

It was time for me to temper my expectations though. It seems we may not see Cathay or Kislev as originally thought? I mean, well I don't remember seeing Kislev on the map, unless I just missed their symbol. Going to expect just the classic factions.

However, I really think this is going to be a VERY popular release on launch. Who knows what support we'll get once we see the success of this. And I honestly do see this launch being very successful for GW. 

Didn't GW confirm both Cathay and Kislev ages ago or am I mixing things up? Well, even if neither materialised I don't think it'd be the end of the world (heh) in terms of getting people interested in TOW. Maybe there's die-hard Cathay-fans thanks to TW:WH but the numbers are surely smaller than even old school Dogs of War fans 😜

I absolutely agree it'll be popular, at least in terms of "specialist games". There's both the nostalgia factor and Vermintide and TW:WH brought in a lot of new blood into being fans of Fantasy.

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1 minute ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

Didn't GW confirm both Cathay and Kislev ages ago or am I mixing things up? Well, even if neither materialised I don't think it'd be the end of the world (heh) in terms of getting people interested in TOW. Maybe there's die-hard Cathay-fans thanks to TW:WH but the numbers are surely smaller than even old school Dogs of War fans 😜

I absolutely agree it'll be popular, at least in terms of "specialist games". There's both the nostalgia factor and Vermintide and TW:WH brought in a lot of new blood into being fans of Fantasy.

They teased them with TOW articles, but no actual models.

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Just now, Public Universal Duardin said:

Vermintide and TW:WH brought in a lot of new blood into being fans of Fantasy

I am really curious about this. My feeling is the same, but my mind tells me that only a very small percentage of these fans (if any) will be able to resist contact with 30 years old kits (mould lines, assembly etc) and rank and flank rules.

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1 minute ago, Twisted Firaun said:

They teased them with TOW articles, but no actual models.

Cheers mate, I was just wondering myself if they ever were confirmed/teased for ToW, or just for Total Warhammer.

Design and scheduling could have changed of course but we'll see ey.

What an amazing time for the hobby, just more good ****** to come, let's go!

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Is it just me or did specialist games kind of drop the ball this Warhammer Fest? Just one plastic mini. No Necrmunda, Bloodbowl, Titanicus, Aeronautica. No epic announcement. No old world date. Only one mini (admittedly a very nice one) for Middle Earth. Maybe they are just holding things back but surely Warhammer Fest is the perfect time to show everything?

Edit scratch that . How did I miss the epic announcement? 


Double edit. Just watched the video and it's barely a tease with no minis shown. Back to being disappointed. 

Edited by Chikout
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4 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

Vermintide and TW:WH brought in a lot of new blood into being fans of Fantasy.

I concur, Vermintide and TWW players are Warhammer Fantasy fans and so, are a part of the WFB community and thus of the wider Warhammer community. Even if they don't own or play with miniatures.

I feel like a minority of them might take the jump from video game to tabletop game, but the overwhelming majority will not imo. 

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2 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

They teased them with TOW articles, but no actual models.

I would give my 🏆 but I'm all out of reacts for today, so have an emoji variant instead: 🏆

1 minute ago, Marcvs said:

I am really curious about this. My feeling is the same, but my mind tells me that only a very small percentage of these fans (if any) will be able to resist contact with 30 years old kits (mould lines, assembly etc) and rank and flank rules.

Heh, you're probably right and indeed time has marched on - but surely there must be people who would? I mean, isn't that how many got into WHFB and 40K back in the day with their Dawn of Wars, Space Marine, Shadow of the Horned Rat, Mark of Chaos and the like 😁

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9 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

Didn't GW confirm both Cathay and Kislev ages ago or am I mixing things up?

They outright said in one of their community articles that they would be making Cathay for TOW, and hinted several times in the lore/map articles that Kislev would be playing a very large role in the Narrative of the game/setting. I don't think starting with Bretts and TK de-confirms either, after all they can't just reprint a bunch of old Kislev and Cathay models to get things rolling, those armies will require brand new ranges.

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7 minutes ago, Fairbanks said:

Yea, not really happy about that. Maybe it comes as one piece, but I’m not really interested in a game that makes me build models using superglue (aka, the devil’s seed)

There's pictures of 2 different heads so it'll be at least a 2 piece.


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2 hours ago, sandlemad said:

From the WHC article with the Marrowscroll Herald: @These scabrous delegates somehow act as vectors for the madness of the carrion kingdoms, spreading and magnifying the delusions that drive them. Rumours abound that the morbid messengers may even serve an ominous, higher power…"

Hints at the Carrion King returning, perhaps?

Separately, while the Maw-Grunta looks brilliant, I'm not wild about the sidecars. Cool concept but the brutes are just sort of standing there? Very static poses, at odds with the sense of motion you get from the rest of the mini.

“There is only one being worthy of our loyalty after the betrayal of Sigmar and the Queen of the Wood! The most noble and gracious liege, The Blood Rose Prince! Come my knights and paladins, arise my men-at-arms! For we march for Cornucopia!” 
-Adalbert the Generous, Arch-Emperor of the Empire of Corpsecopia.

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2 hours ago, sandlemad said:

From the WHC article with the Marrowscroll Herald: @These scabrous delegates somehow act as vectors for the madness of the carrion kingdoms, spreading and magnifying the delusions that drive them. Rumours abound that the morbid messengers may even serve an ominous, higher power…"

Hints at the Carrion King returning, perhaps?

Separately, while the Maw-Grunta looks brilliant, I'm not wild about the sidecars. Cool concept but the brutes are just sort of standing there? Very static poses, at odds with the sense of motion you get from the rest of the mini.

“There is only one being worthy of our loyalty after the betrayal of Sigmar and the Queen of the Wood! The most noble and gracious liege, The Blood Rose Prince! Come my knights and paladins, arise my men-at-arms! For we march for Cornucopia!” 
-Adalbert the Generous, Arch-Emperor of the Empire of Corpsecopia.

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6 minutes ago, shinros said:


Either they're really out of touch (I doubt that option), don't want to inject that much money in the game, or they know their playerbase really well. I think they already know the vast majortity of people interested in TOW are those who already have massive WHFB armies. 

WHFB's self proclaimed "veterans" won't even have to gatekeep their hobby anymore, looks like the game will do that by itself now since it has no starter ! 😄

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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