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5 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

Some of it might be false but there was a long list and some AoS stuff has bled over into 40k over time so its not impossible

Whitefang specifically included the toughness thing in their "false" reply. I'm not saying it couldn't happen but that's a stronger argument against than Valrak reporting on a random discord rumour is for it.

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52 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

In unrelated rumor news all the 40k people are going nuts over the possibility of 40k losing T and using the same system that AoS uses 

It's worst:

The rumor (that Whitefang debunked btw) was about removing To Wound Rolls unless the defensing unit had a unique keyword.

People, for whatever reason, assumed that's how AoS works (?)... yeah, sounds stupid because we still have To Wound rolls (WTF,A just read any AoS profile), it's just that we have a fixe'd number instead of a table.

The worst part isn't even that. Some of this people can't see a fixe'd or confronted unique roll as a good thing. Meanwhile, we have a vast number of new skirmish and wargames that already have fixe'd stats or one roll to attack and one for defence (or both)  some of them made by people like Cavatore himself. OUCH!

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39 minutes ago, dmorley21 said:

In the Metawatch video today, the lead game designer mentioned this spring will be the quickest set of AoS releases since 3.0.

I am not sure if it is a good news . It could mean that upcoming battletomes (Kharadron,Khorne,Slaanesh, Fec, Ossiarch) will receive only a single model/hero.  With only the Seraphon getting a proper release.

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Just now, cyrus said:

I am not sure if it is a good news . It could mean that upcoming battletomes (Kharadron,Khorne,Slaanesh, Fec, Ossiarch) will receive only a single model/hero.  With only the Seraphon getting a proper release.

Did we expect any different though? Last year had more spaced out releases and few of them more than a Hero per book. Also not sure that it is FEC, could be Soulblight with FEC saved for a bigger release later

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I think we're fairly certain it's Soulblight not FEC in Spring as FEC are rumoured to get more than a single model and that doesn't fit into the current expected release windows. Could be wrong though if it's just getting a character and a single unit like Gloomspite did.

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11 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Some of this people can't see a fixe'd or confronted unique roll as a good thing. Meanwhile, we have a vast number of new skirmish and wargames that already have fixe'd stats or one roll to attack and one for defence (or both)  some of them made by people like Cavatore himself. OUCH!

Rolling only once to damage and then having your opponent roll the save is a system  I support wholeheartedly just for the sake of saving a huge amount of times by speeding up the resolve of multiple combat. However, such system would require to change the stats on many warscrolls in order to keep the desired damage output from units similar to what it is currently.

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1 minute ago, EonChao said:

I think we're fairly certain it's Soulblight not FEC in Spring as FEC are rumoured to get more than a single model and that doesn't fit into the current expected release windows. Could be wrong though if it's just getting a character and a single unit like Gloomspite did.

Also, we have already seen pictures on the internet of boxes for the current Soulblight and OBR range with the 3rd ed design and colour palette. 

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On 2/6/2023 at 9:28 AM, cyrus said:

I don't think Seraphon need new big dino : Carnosaur,Troglodon,Bastilladon are still solid kits ,Stegadon is older but still decent,

I believe most of resin kits will go : Kroxigors,Salamander,Razordon, all saurus foot heroes.

Hope for new plastic kits for Saurus knights and Saurus guard.


@Whitefang: what about upcoming Kharadron release : will be more than one hero ? Thanks.

I dont think many of us are interested in KO. I would also like to know more about it but seems like all the head are turned toward our LizardMen and not on the next BT yet ^^
Edited by Fibo
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Just now, EonChao said:

Well time to get to work on those backlogs!

On a plus note though that Stormbringer subscription just got to be slightly better value for money 😅

My main question is if "Starter Sets" includes the Combat Patrols and Vanguard boxes.

If they don't I imagine STLs are about to have another surge in popularity... huge buzzkill for this Seraphon and Cities refreshes.

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Frankly the prices of the latest kits already feel like they‘re the new increased prices (looking at StD kits or the new Berzerkers). 😂 I‘m  just glad I got pretty much everything I need, a box or two sometimes is also possible with higher prices but despite me not struggling with the prices, they seem awfully high when compared to video games and other stuff.


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From the conversations happening elsewhere it looks like this price increase is effecting independent stores too, not just GW's own ones. So that's going to sting there as they've effectively had 2 increases within a few months of each other.

Edit: And Combat Patrols and Vanguard boxes are going up as they're not starter sets according to the War Com Facebook posts

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1 minute ago, Mutton said:

Lord forbid they use any of their MASSIVE YEAR-ON-YEAR PROFITS to maintain reasonable costs. 

Greed be greeding again.

For a business it‘s kinda understandable, really - of course I also like cheaper stuff but they gotta grow and grow, staying where they are would be interpreted as a loss. Which is not entirely true in their case as they dominate the tabletop market and have no similarly big competitor (it would be a better way of seeing things for let‘s say sneakers or cosmetics, where there are a ton of direct competitors and they need the constantly better numbers and sales to stay in the huge chains etc.)…


Anyways, I‘m drifting off into off-topic realms here… but constant progress is the name if the game I fear. 

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1 hour ago, Aratark said:

Given inflation here is in double figures, it is a reasonable increase compared to that.  Now I just need to pick an army so I can complain how much more it is going to cost me

I don't know. GW products are luxuries. Very addictive luxuries, but luxuries nonetheless. If people have to choose between paying rent and buying food, or buying GW products most will go with the essentials of life. Raising prices is likely to reduce overall sales, and if GW haven't forecast accurately, might even hurt their profits.

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