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1 hour ago, Sarges said:




1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:


1)Seraphon: Super nice. It's apparently not even half of all the new models

2)Underworlds: Same old same old. Not interested at all - they really need to come up with something creative for Daughters

3)Bloodhunt: The Khorne warband is fine. The Vampire models are the opposite of what I wanted to see, I really dislike the weirdly proportioned asian style that is way too busy - looks like a vampire clown warband with a malformed Dog-Transformation

Heresy: A tank.

Kill Team: The Guards are fine yet too busy. The Drukhari have one interesting head, the rest is boring. Cool Art, bad Drukhari models imo

4)40K Marines: The Cyborg is fine. The heavy Marines look really bad. Neutral on the Lieutenant. It's cool that he's modular I guess.

Vash'Tor Box: Well. I like Vash'tors model, yet pretty much nothing else in that box floats my boat (are those old Terminators? Excuse me?)


1) it is great to see how much they have poired their love into the coldblood-things.

It just makes me sad that they didn’t put halve that much love into the skaven book.

oh well, at least we are a 3d printing army now.

is cheaper anyways

2)yeah, they kinda were boring. I mean the models look awesome, and should I ever get around the idea of building a dark elve city, they would definitely have a place, but they weren’t really something tou could get excited about.

3) I must say, I didn’t really care much for the khrone side of the box.

the vampire look kinda cool, but just don’t really fit into the current esthetic of vampire…😅.

I’m guessing gw tried to go on the idea of castlevania with their different aspects of vampiric corruption.

4 and 5) they seem to have lost all ideas what they can still do with space marines.😂

so now the. Space marine player get a extremely bad looking unit, a single extra combat weapon for the already existing dreadnought, and that one model probably everybody is happy to at least see it being more interesting then the rest of the  whole announced range😂.

they really don’t know what to do at this point with space marines

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I couldn't watch it live but that's a great set of reveals all around. Seraphon look amazing, there's a few of the heads on the Skinks that I'm not super into but they're not bad, the Slann is incredible and the Saurus are the ultimate realisation of those models. I can't wait to see what else is to come with them.

Warcry is great, both warbands look really cool and work in a space that makes sense but hasn't been really explored for their factions.

The Underworlds team is the most disappointing thing in the whole preview though, they're not bad models they just lack the dynamism and energy of the other two warbands. But then Sisters of Slaughter are my least favourite element from the army so that doesn't help them even more.

40k wise the Arbites are really cool, I could see collecting a 500 point combat patrol of them if they get a couple more kits in 10th edition. I think both them and the Kroot from last year are testing the water for smaller factions down the line (Harlequin sized ones). The Cerberus looks like we all thought it would although it's nice to finally have it confirmed. The battlebox is really unappealing (and that's as someone who plays Dark Angels and has a small Chaos Space Marine collection) but the new set is kind of cool. I'm not that into the missile launchers but I don't hate them. The new dreadnought could be fun and the lieutenant should have been released years ago.

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35 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

Wouldn't you count S2D in that (be Daemon Prince, Ogroid Theridons, new Chaos Warriors, new Chosen, upgrade to Knights, Eternus/Chaos Lord on mount, Exalted Hero... I'd say that's a big model drop).

You are right and so is @Sarges. I just forgot about those guys. In my mind, the extent of that update was just the Daemon Prince, new Knights and new Warriors.

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16 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

You are right and so is @Sarges. I just forgot about those guys. In my mind, the extent of that update was just the Daemon Prince, new Knights and new Warriors.

Their release did feel less obviously big given Warriors and Knights but existed as new sculpts beforehand. So I could understand it being viewed as Chosen, Daemon Prince and Theridons (i.e. roughly a Sylvaneth sized release).

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Man, what an impressive morning. 

Beautiful Seraphon models, even more to come. Looking forward to them!

Really interesting design in Warcry Warbands. It feels like Warcry has taken over the " creative outlet" spot from Underworlds. Which means Underworlds was UnderWhelming. But still nice sculpts and i guess they will give DoK players some much needed variety in models. 

Bit sad for the 40k Primaris Crowd.  New unit is... primaris with a different weapon. Yawn. 

( But i have to point out the "GW favours 40k" whiners have been delightfully proven wrong. Yay for AoS!)

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2 hours ago, mojojojo101 said:

Warcry: Ok, I love these two warbands. Really showing AoS in its best light as a setting. I've been right on the edge of jumping into Warcry for a while now, I just needed to wait for a box where I liked both warbands and this is it I think.

Oh you totally should. Warcry is a superb game. So well designed and super fun.

Edited by Greyshadow
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Yeah for AoS 3rd we're currently at:
Big updates: Stormcast, Orruks, Slaves to Darkness, Seraphon and Cities (upcoming)

Medium updates: Nighthaunt, Sylvaneth, Gloomspite, Sons (technically as even though they only got an upgrade sprue it still gives them two new units from it and that's a lot considering how the army is made up)

Single character: Maggotkin, Disciples of Tzeentch, Skaven, Lumineth, DoK, Fyreslayers, Idoneth, Ogors, Beasts of Chaos.

40k has clearly had more but I don't think we can argue that we've done badly as a game. Would it be nice for every faction to get bigger updates? Yes of course it would, but we've rumours of Flesh-Eaters on the way, space for new armies, and probably 5 more Warcry boxes before 4th arrives so I'm optimistic. 

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1 minute ago, Boingrot Bouncer said:

Yes, the underworld warband was a big "Meh". If it was the first it would be good, but there have already been two  DoK so it feels like they missed the chance to explore new design space. I hade the same feeling for the last DoK since Warcry already had done Khainte in a superb way.

I recently painted both the Warcry and Underworlds Khainite Shadowstalker warbands at the same time and I couldn't disagree more. Both kits are incredible looking minis, Warcry has a bit more exciting poses due to not needing to be push fit but the Underworld ones have some really great character. It makes me want more Underworld warbands adapted from Warcry ones to let the ideas shine a little more.

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Just now, Chikout said:

This may be a controversial statement but in my eyes Soulblight now have the best looking Warcry warband and the best looking Underworlds warband. I always thought of myself as an order fan but I've certainly ended up buying a lot of Death minis. 

Which one is the best Underworlds warband? Sons of Velmorn or the Crimson Court?

Is that the Sepulchral Guard with a steel chair?

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6 minutes ago, Chikout said:

This may be a controversial statement but in my eyes Soulblight now have the best looking Warcry warband and the best looking Underworlds warband. I always thought of myself as an order fan but I've certainly ended up buying a lot of Death minis. 

I struggle to pick an absolutely favourite anything, and there's some amazing Warbands in both games, but they're certainly in the running.

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The new Seraphon is a full indication for me that GW is fully committed to bringing in line the old fantasy factions up to date with the AoS range.

First Soulblight, then STD and now Seraphon gives me hope that my Beasts of Chaos and other's Skaven will eventually get their day in the sun, and will be equally as impressive as what we've been seeing.

Even if it's one refresh a year I still think that's a pretty good pace considering there are other smaller releases in between.

My heavy, heavy bias has got me hoping BoC will be 2024, purely as they've been featuring more in the art recently with what to me looks like updated aesthetics. 

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What. A. Preview.

This preview has been the best for AOS since Lumineth and Sons of Behemat in 2020.

Those Seraphon. Just. Wow. The Saurus are exactly as they are depicted in lore and as an old WHFB Lizardmen player I am 100% buying a box they are some of the best minis GW has produced. @DinoJon @GenericEdgyName I am so pleased for you guys, seriously enjoy this time.

Not to mention more kits!?

Im guessing New Salamanders and Kroixgors are for sure coming now and after the Saurus I cannot wait to see what they do with the big lads.

The Raptordons...chefs kiss they are just perfect I am in awe of this range.

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9 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

What a show, all games are celebrating their new releases, maybe not as much the underworlds players, except 40k fans. They're up in arms against the new SM missile unit. Truly this show was one of the best ones they've ever done 


As a Dark Angels player im in agreement that the missile guys are...something. I cant find words that correctly describe them. But the dread is cool

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16 minutes ago, Hawke said:

The new Seraphon is a full indication for me that GW is fully committed to bringing in line the old fantasy factions up to date with the AoS range.

Yeah that's the impression I get too. It might take a while, Skaven might still have to wait a couple of years, but eventually the bulk of every army will be in modern plastic.

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