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With respect to LVO we could maybe see some more gitz stuff, releasing snarlfang riders as the only gitmob unit would probably be the strangest unit release they've ever done, although hobgrots come close. We could also see some seraphon stuff.


23 minutes ago, Vastus said:

Two interesting mentions: the Bray-Shaman is a devout follower of Morghur who seems to be mentioned more and more.


They also mention a Quakefray which is likely a subfaction centered around Ghorghons and Cygors. Personally not a huge fan of the monster subfactions but we're getting one it seems.

BoC have the best concept for a monster faction too, but it seems like they're just going into the behemoth spam again.

A subfaction entirely of beasts led by a powerful alpha guided by the winds of chaos is a super strong concept, even regular BoC units can fit into it as hangers on. They have most of the units to make it work too, warhounds, chimaeras, cockatrices, jabberslythes and gorgons/cygors, you just make one of the subfaction abilities upgrade a monster into a leader/hero.

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1 hour ago, JerekKruger said:

Imagine seeing that as a new player, asking the GW staff member what that cool creature is, them telling you its a Bullgor, asking to buy some and being shown these



Or perhaps they'd just lie and say "that's an Ogroid Theridon".

If new bullgors look anything like the art I‘d proxx them as ogroids for my s2d army.

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Yeah it’s definitely undead to go with the pattern.

Nurgle vs Chaos(Hashites)

Tzeentch vs Order 

Khorne vs Death

Slaanesh vs Destruction(hoping the Quest part means a unit of armored grots & squig-a-pults)

So I’m guessing that’s Count Moltaire seen on the map.


I’m gonna guess he’ll be a surprise Flesh-Eater ghoulking(which still are a type of vampire & skull-and-batwing icons are FEC symbols now) instead of Soulblights that’s just retained a bit more sanity to dress royally like the recent ghoul king model and Cubicle7 AoS art that has Ghouls trying to be civil.

Could be how future Flesh-Eaters stand-out by actually combining the royal attire with the monster bodies. (Though vampire cultists could happen too with all the adventurers in those meat forests being scattered by Seraphon darts or beast spirits and looking for shelter)

Lastly love the new Vindictor art. Big Blasphemous game vibes:


That’s such a great callback to the 2016 Stormcast vs Beast art with even the same Stormhost colors. (AoS3 has done a fantastic job in bringing AoS1 lore and ideas back up and even adding to them with new strange creatures, unbelievable lands & surreal sub-realms)


Truly for immortals the battles never end even centuries on! ️ 

Edited by Baron Klatz
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4 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Yeah it’s definitely undead to go with the pattern.

Nurgle vs Chaos(Hashites)

Tzeentch vs Order 

Khorne vs Death

Slaanesh vs Destruction(hoping the Quest part means a unit of armored grots & squig-a-pults)

So I’m guessing that’s Count Moltaire seen on the map.


I’m gonna guess he’ll be a surprise Flesh-Eater ghoulking(which still are a type of vampire & skull-and-batwing icons are FEC symbols now) instead of Soulblights that’s just retained a bit more sanity to dress royally like the recent ghoul king model and Cubicle7 AoS art that has Ghouls trying to be civil.

Could be how future Flesh-Eaters stand-out by actually combining the royal attire with the monster bodies. (Though vampire cultists could happen too with all the adventurers in those meat forests being scattered by Seraphon darts or beast spirits and looking for shelter)

Lastly love the new Vindictor art:


That’s such a great callback to the 2016 Stormcast vs Beast art with even the same Stormhost colors. (AoS3 has done a fantastic job in bringing AoS1 lore and ideas back up and even adding to them with new strange creatures, unbelievable lands & surreal sub-realms)


Truly for immortals the battles never end even centuries on! ️ 

Ohhhh, that's really cool!
Also, now I want to paint some blue Stormcast for my Greywater army.

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21 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Yeah it’s definitely undead to go with the pattern.

Nurgle vs Chaos(Hashites)

Tzeentch vs Order 

Khorne vs Death

Slaanesh vs Destruction(hoping the Quest part means a unit of armored grots & squig-a-pults)

So I’m guessing that’s Count Moltaire seen on the map.


I’m gonna guess he’ll be a surprise Flesh-Eater ghoulking(which still are a type of vampire & skull-and-batwing icons are FEC symbols now) instead of Soulblights that’s just retained a bit more sanity to dress royally like the recent ghoul king model and Cubicle7 AoS art that has Ghouls trying to be civil...

While I agree on it being Count Moltaire (...or a follower...) I don't know about it being FEC.

Their swords, and the general composed vibe, had a lot of people thinking Slaanesh or elves. They are a bit too 'fine', I think.

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That’s fair, it could very well be something else as the Warbands aren’t exactly slotting into tried-and-true designs here.(thin doctors for Maggotkin, humans for Hashut & bulky Jade Warriors for Tzeentch)

I think it can go either way really. They could even side-blind us that it is a vampire with thralls but the rampaging beast energy everywhere has caused them to go so deranged that they’re apart of the FEC faction since they’re too insane for Soulblights(with Moltaire slipping in and out of sanity to keep some royal flair but those objects on his back end up being tusks & tribal bone fetishes he cobbled together)

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51 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Yeah it’s definitely undead to go with the pattern.

Nurgle vs Chaos(Hashites)

Tzeentch vs Order 

Khorne vs Death

Slaanesh vs Destruction(hoping the Quest part means a unit of armored grots & squig-a-pults)

You forgot to close the cycle with Skaven Vs Beasts of Chaos with updates to both ranges and the narrative introducing Chaos Dwarves to kick off warcry season 3 😁 

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Lately the warcry squads have been kinda serving double-duty in filling in holes in existing faction ranges, either in terms of model updates (for the chameleon skinks) or being able to play as unit roles that don't exist in their respective AoS books (light armoured, skirmish mortals for nurgle, and defensive(ish) cultists for Tzeentch).  Sooo, I guess what I'm saying is that I've got my fingers crossed that these are going to turn out to be something close to the elite, vampiric infantry melee bruisers that I'd hoped to see with the Soulblight model release.

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4 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Weren't a faction/bloodline of vampires based on Ghur (and they're the ones that have many of those 4 legged centaurs vampires) that focus on the beastial side of their curse?

Maybe they're part of that bloodline.

Yeah the Avengorii Dynasty.

Though that miiiight play into why they could be FEC instead. The Soulblight White Dwarf update noted the Era of the Beasts is playing havoc on vampires by the beast energy spontaneously turning them into those monsters. Causing Avengorii to swell and embrace their chimeric forms while the Vyrkos are especially hard hit in holding back their feral forms from overtaking them.


So if it’s FEC it’d make sense why they’re still humanoid and able to invade the Gnarlwoods as they’re not affected and warping into monsters like the other undead.

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3 hours ago, Asbestress said:

I think the one on the right is probably not Slaanesh (haven't had a main God vs main God Warcry box for a while), so I'm thinking either something for Soulblight, or Daughters of Khaine (DoK would fit with the "Bloodhunt" title).

Don't get me wrong, I want some new vampire and undead units, but just going off of the silhouette of the swords of the supposed "vampire," the other warband is slaanesh. The curve of the blade matches up with the blades found within the myrmidesh/symbaresh kit:59017183_ScreenShot2023-01-16at12_35_23PM.png.3d2e4e0acfda840c60547d90365869ed.png553150609_ScreenShot2023-01-16at12_38_51PM.png.760339949a8a2821121d9cde3cc3647c.png


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33 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Don't get me wrong, I want some new vampire and undead units, but just going off of the silhouette of the swords of the supposed "vampire," the other warband is slaanesh. The curve of the blade matches up with the blades found within the myrmidesh/symbaresh kit:59017183_ScreenShot2023-01-16at12_35_23PM.png.3d2e4e0acfda840c60547d90365869ed.png553150609_ScreenShot2023-01-16at12_38_51PM.png.760339949a8a2821121d9cde3cc3647c.png


I agree, either slanesh or blood elves. The soulblight aesthetic has been for rapiers and other long elegant tapered blades. THe new warband silloheutte is defiantly more of a middle eastern/south Asian style sword, which falls in line with the more with the themes for Slanesh mortals. THe curvy swords on some DOK models also tend to have serrated spines, which we dont see here. And lastly this figures shoulder/headdress/back icon (or whatever you call the things protruding from its shoulders, looks more like a chaos warband iconography, that bat wings or something vampiric. 

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5 minutes ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

The crest on top of the Vampire's head reminds me of Neferata's symbol, is it also the Legion of Blood? Reminds me of her crown anyway. 


100% it's a vampire, question is what will be the rest of the warband. They said when announcing heart of ghur we will see 3 more boxes with warbands from all GA. This box is Khorne vs Death and the last one is Slanesh vs Destrucion. My money is on gloomspite since they fit the name of the last box. 

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Yeah I’m wondering if the trick is it’s a Ghoul leader Hallucinating that they’re a Hedonites. Or at least from the exotic cultures the Hedonites are coming from before Chaos took them back in the Age of Chaos.

This could be a spin of what became of such places that turned to the madness of cannibalism instead of to the whispers of the dark gods to survive in that bloody age.(you basically were one or the other with Order locked up in Azyr)

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1 hour ago, DeLewko said:

100% it's a vampire, question is what will be the rest of the warband. They said when announcing heart of ghur we will see 3 more boxes with warbands from all GA. This box is Khorne vs Death and the last one is Slanesh vs Destrucion. My money is on gloomspite since they fit the name of the last box. 

Why couldn't it be Khorne vs Slanesh and Death vs Destruction? 

Secondly, just because its death, doesn't mean its a vampire. Could it be a bonereaper? 

As a soul blight player, I really hope its another vampire warband. The Underworlds soul blight warbands are some of my favorite parts of my army collection. The sculpts are usually spectacular. Can't wait to get the Sons of Velmorn in their own box. 

This thing above the figure's head it driving me nuts. is it a fan? a tree? a centurion style helmet crest? 


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its actually 2 lumineth sides to show two different castes, the angry berserker Fire elements  who wield axes and wear skulls and furs and style themselves like bears and lions vs the water caste, lithe and fast duelists. GW felt that people would be best served adding an additional two new codexes for lumineth for each of these each releasing 1 month after each other

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51 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

Why couldn't it be Khorne vs Slanesh and Death vs Destruction? 

Because that's the pattern GW has set up for Warcry this season. Each box : chaos god's warband vs. Grand Alliance's warband.

Box 1 : Nurgle (Rotmire Creed) vs. Chaos (Slaves to Darkness's Hashut Horn)

Box 2 : Tzeentch (Jade Obelisk) vs. Order (Seraphon's Hunters of Huanchi)

Box 3 : Khorne (without a doubt) vs. Death (probably)

Box 4 : Slaanesh (-) vs. Destruction (-)

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