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16 minutes ago, Chikout said:


Do you know something or are you just guessing? Spring starts in March. It is entirely plausible that the Seraphon book could go on pre-order before adepticon and so fall in the LVO preview window. 

 I'm expecting the next Underworlds warband, the next warcry box and the Seraphon to be revealed. I think we've already seen all the gitz and BoC minis. There could be a dual box for them but I think it will be a Monday reveal in January. 

As for Season of war Gallet, I would have expected to see it alongside the ghb in January and already previewed but maybe it has been delayed. 

I think we will see Khorne, Slaanesh, the death book and a tease of cities at Adepticon alongside the last warcry box. 

And out of the blue we have a new Cities preview. 


Because we usually have 4-5 announcements in each preview and I think all the things I pointed in my previous message are more imminent than Seraphon

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If these are not (mainly) bits of a new War Altar, then I don't know what they could be (where else would you put that big arch and gargoyles?).
Also, maybe it makes a Warrior Priest without having to make a separate mould for it (saving money for GW, and meaning more non-Priest new plastic character option perhaps?), and gets a center piece mini for Order of Azyr.

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29 minutes ago, Chikout said:


Do you know something or are you just guessing? Spring starts in March. It is entirely plausible that the Seraphon book could go on pre-order before adepticon and so fall in the LVO preview window. 

 I'm expecting the next Underworlds warband, the next warcry box and the Seraphon to be revealed. I think we've already seen all the gitz and BoC minis. There could be a dual box for them but I think it will be a Monday reveal in January. 

As for Season of war Gallet, I would have expected to see it alongside the ghb in January and already previewed but maybe it has been delayed. 

I think we will see Khorne, Slaanesh, the death book and a tease of cities at Adepticon alongside the last warcry box. 

And out of the blue we have a new Cities preview. 


I know this is supposed to be dedicated to Sigmar, but everything they just previewed screams NAGASH to me…. I think it’s the censors and the whole “memento mori” vibe…

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2 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

If these are not (mainly) bits of a new War Altar, then I don't know what they could be (where else would you put that big arch and gargoyles?).
Also, maybe it makes a Warrior Priest without having to make a separate mould for it (saving money for GW, and meaning more non-Priest new plastic character option perhaps?), and gets a center piece mini for Order of Azyr.

Or, a new War Altar


But instead of wheels,

It's Cultists of the Wheel carrying it (the cult mentioned in the article, and whose symbol is on some of the bits)

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13 minutes ago, Enoby said:

Perhaps old art (I'm not familiar with CoS), but if not, hopefully it means elves and dwarves are staying!



Came here to say that. Except that it looks like elves and dwarves are recruited to the ranks of new freeguild units, rather than being their own cults. They look like they're all in the same uniforms.

Also those look like new demigryph knights.

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Just now, Jagged Red Lines said:

Came here to say that. Except that it looks like elves and dwarves are recruited to the ranks of new freeguild units, rather than being their own cults. They look like they're all in the same uniforms.

Also those look like new demigryph knights.

Those are existing pieces of art from the 2.0 BT and the 3.0 Core Book respectively.

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15 minutes ago, Enoby said:

Perhaps old art (I'm not familiar with CoS), but if not, hopefully it means elves and dwarves are staying!



Duardins are main builders and engineers in CoS, Aelves are masters of magic and mystic arts and humans are meat and bones, so I think that it is a safe bet that all 3 races will stay.

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3 minutes ago, cofaxest said:

Duardins are main builders and engineers in CoS, Aelves are masters of magic and mystic arts and humans are meat and bones, so I think that it is a safe bet that all 3 races will stay.

Something that would be a cool addition is if the dark Elve range became the new malerion elves with some additional elves riding smaller black dragons

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3 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Came here to say that. Except that it looks like elves and dwarves are recruited to the ranks of new freeguild units, rather than being their own cults. They look like they're all in the same uniforms.

I think that this is the direction where CoS will go. Something like unit of freeguild with swords/spears and shields with 3 duardins with 2h special weapon and duardin musician/standard bearer. Freegild archers with aelven pathfinder who can provide deepstrike and etc.

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It's always great to read some juicy new stuff about COS (and happy new year TGA by the way !).

But when i read this :


We’ll have plenty more to show you from the Cities of Sigmar throughout the year 

I tell myself that a next summer release is the optimistic side of waiting... June or more likely October/November seems to me the most probable for COS release.

Edited by Draznak
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Just now, Draznak said:

It's always great to read some juici new stuff about COS.

But when i read this :

I tell myself that a next summer release is the optimistic side of waiting... June or more likely October/November seems to me the most probable for COS release.

But then what's left for Warhammer Fest?
A single Kharadron mini?
I think they want to push this out before 40k 10th edition gluts all the release windows until November-December.

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3 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

I think they want to push this out before 40k 10th edition gluts all the release windows until November-December.


I hope too. But it depends on how big and how long GW wants to give 40k 10th edition launch I guess.

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7 hours ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

These tidbits are cool but I want to see a PERSON! 

This, this soo much. 

I grow weary if the rumour engines showing a cable here, and a feather there. Hell, Even just some shoulders and heads. If sundered fate was previewed with a few of the Tzeentch Warband masks and a couple of those Terradon bird heads I would have been wildly intrigued. 

I’ve got some issue with their “Rumour” Marketing Model. It’s an expensive hobby, and with things being as desperate as they are these days. Some piggy Bank planning time would be really welcome. I’m reluctant to spend a bit here and there and Rather spend it on a Project that I want to see over the course of a few years. I quite like this new Battle Tome release schedule, but some more heads up would be welcome, and courteous. But I’m not a megalithic Miniature Enterprise, so what Do I know 😅


Back onto a less whiny topic, Those bits look cool. I’m getting some real Disenchanted vibes, not sure why, but I digit. 

Edited by Kronos
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19 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I just don't care about seeing what amounts to a collection of Rumour Engines. It does nothing for me.

I wouldn’t mind it if it wasn’t all we got. I like seeing little details like this, but a full model would be nice. Or even some new art. 

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1 hour ago, Enoby said:

Perhaps old art (I'm not familiar with CoS), but if not, hopefully it means elves and dwarves are staying!



I am still very intrigued whether we will get a developed and unified aesthetic for the Aelves and Duardin or if they will always fall into different fantasy tropes. I do think it will be in an edition or two before everything gets brought into line with AOS releases.

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Ah, I think these previews are great. I do want the excitement of seeing everything just before release but these hints serve a practical purpose too. I am currently actively painting my Cities army but will probably alter my paint queue in response to the previews. It seems my existing Freeguild models may work in a Dawnbringer army but rebasing may be required (due to the trend for larger bases).

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17 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Whitefang insinuated that the Hurricanum kit is out in the past. But I don't think there will be literally no wheels in the new book.

And the Cult of the Wheel is probably just one of several new Sigmarite Cults developed for the book.
Also, don't think it matters much, but Steam Tanks were mentioned in today's article in a footnote.

1 hour ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

I'm the only one that thinks this is part of an armor?It makes me think of the Imperial guard "heavy armored" Ogryns frontplate.


It has the new Cult of the Wheel symbol, so probably something for new Flagellants-style minis or a Warrior Priest.

Edited by Asbestress
Wheely Armor Edit-y
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